Thanks for spellin my name right Gaz :P
Anyways, good players that i have had the pleasure of PTing with:
-Selfie: Was with her for a while, great person, and the only Whm Ive ever known to go downtime-less in Yhoator. Great Whm, great person, great everything...
-Nenye: ... If ever there was a better person to have as a friend, I'd be hard-pressed to find them. She has stuck with me for the longest time, and done many quests/missions/AF/genkais/etc. with me. Im always happy to see her on when i log, and she is one of the sweetest girls I know and will ever know...
-Deacon: Straight up the coolest guy I know, helped with some AF, helped with G1, PTed a few times, this guy is the ****.
-The entire Requiem LS (Akayel, Avitue, Zavick, Serai): Invited me after we ran into each other a couple times. Straight up the nicest people ive run into so far.
-Elsata: Powerful Sam I ran into in CN. PTed a few more times afterwards, and she was still keepin it alive.
-Boleraphon: Richest mother ****** alive. And I had the pleasure to inspire him to be a Rng ^^
-Anubislg: Awesome Whm, had the pleasure of meeting not too long ago.
-Timcba: High Drk, has helped me on a lot of stuff.
Thats it, im OUT! Latez!
Edited, Thu Oct 28 00:09:09 2004 by TerrestrialRage