I know I've added this player before...but he deserves a second post for the honor he did me. I don't know how I can ever repay you,
The time had come around at last; my RSE date was up.
I was level 40 at the time, and had been clamoring about RSE to my linkshell for seven levels. ^^
But people were busy elsewhere, there was a lot of leveling going on; it was only around this time that we all reached RSE level, and began to organize ourselves.
I'm an Elvaan RDM: my RSE is essential, and I knew it for some time.
I spent seven hours in the Maze of Shakrhami(sp?) helping an Elvaan male friend score a piece of his RSE. I was looking forward to taking the trip to Ordelle's when we finished.
But it was late, almost 2 AM; my friend logged, being tired. So, feeling a bit put out and disappointed, I went out to solo my key out of a gob.
Well, it was no go. I fought gob after exhausting gob for three hours, no key. It was very slow going, as each goblin got me to yellow HP and very little MP; every dead one was another four minutes resting, when the bats didn't aggro and break my heal ;)
Well, around this time my bf got up and saw I was still down there, whittling away at the Butchers on PCP that are Goblin Smithies. So he logged on to come and help, and it so happened that he ran into Borne (whom I know and like, but we really don't hang out that much).
When Borne heard what was going on, he tele-Holla'd and was in Ordelle's Caves within five minutes. He didn't ask, didn't pause; I didn't even know he was coming until I recieved the party invite. I can't say how much that meant to me; I was tired out, frustrated, and feeling abandoned at the time.
He came down, and when my boyfriend arrived, led him down to where I was, that spot where the Stropers spawn. And with his help, and Gailen's help, we did eventually get the key from a Pathfinder.
We killed a LOT of gobs for that key. I think back on it, it would have taken me much more than 7 hours to do alone.
Borne is just like that; he'll help anyone at a moment's notice, and he's a damned fine WHM at that. With my own eyes, I saw Borne, the WHM, tanking a Stroper ^^
Thank you again, Borne. If you ever need me for anything, you let me know, and I'm there faster than you can say boo. ;)