The other day i recieved quite a few /tell's letting me know about Rasen's post. I would first like to say thank you Rasen for putting me on here, but more importantly i would like you to remember that i do no more than others have done for me. People have helped me do things far out of my league (getting rank 5 at level 30) just because they were there and they could help and for that i am grateful. the list is far too long and over time i have sadly forgotten a few but believe me when i say this, help others and you will be rewarded.
you know, in the nearly year and a half that i have been playing this game, i have partied with a great many people; some still with us, others gone.
1)Elvaantheeast ( one of the greatest pld's i have ever known and probably one of the most encouraging people i know)
2)Baekjoolmoosa (although no longer with us in game because of an automobile accident, one of the most noteworthy rdm and rng i have ever come across)
3)Greyghost (a really nice guy to know, a great rng and always willing to advise you on just the subject you need)
4)Xyoflite (has to be the most wonderful person i have met so far for reasons i will not state here to keep privacy intact, a person that deserves a crown)
5)yeuhenui<sp!> (yue is a very good person, plays every job to its fullest and accepts people for who and what they are, no pretense, a truly good person to know)
others that deserve mention: Firemoth, Penguination, Moonpie, Valoras, Hustla, Revelr, Botant, Painezy, and Blazintiger.
These people i have the true honour of calling friends and to me it is an honor. thank you for, your patience and most of for being good people.
and to those honorable Japanese players, who in the early stages of the NA release welcomed me, taught me, educated me, and tolerated me, Arigatou.............^^ W
Edited, Wed Jan 19 03:00:39 2005 by Aryden