Hey guys. I've dabbled in MMORPGs before but I've never had the benefit of a solid group of MMORPG vets to show me the ins and outs of my role, high level play, and eventually end game group stuff like raids. My main experience came from FFXI. I played much of it solo and managed to get to level 90 or so, but I never got to experience much of the story and I never did any group play outside of forming the odd party to level.
With FFXIV I'd like to find a good group of people who meet up regularly and would be able to mold me into a highly experienced player. I'm looking for a FC that really does mean it when they say 'we will help you out when you need it', so please don't just leave a comment asking me to join you if you expect me to just find my own way. If you have a FC that would actually take me into a dungeon and show me the correct way to tank and how to work in a group then I would love to hear from you. In return I will try to be as dedicated to the game and my fellow FC mates as possible, and hopefully even become great friends. If that sounds cool with you then drop a reply, cheers.