We have four static groups running through Bahamut’s Coil on a weekly basis with three of our groups having Turn 5 on farm status; the fourth group is not very far behind, and we anticipate a win very soon.
RECRUITMENT (Status: open but selective)
We are currently recruiting to replace inactive members within two of our static groups. We are seeking these roles:
West Coast Group
- Off Tank (PLD)
East Coast Group (reached Twister phase in Turn 5)
- Healer (WHM)
Event Schedule
At the moment, all four groups have their own schedule. Groups that have open positions are running:
- WCG: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday from 7:00pm - 10:00pm PST
- ECG: Monday, Wednesday, and Sunday from 7:30pm - 11:00pm EST
Loot System
Each static group, for the most part, is led by an officer in order to ensure fairness. That being said, loot distribution primarily focuses on main and sub priorities with a couple other factors in mind when making decisions, such as best in slots and overall number of iLevel 90 gear.
To be considered, you must fulfill the following criteria:
- Be a dedicated and hardcore player. You must have knowledge and experience on all Turns and phases as well as showcase expertise on your main and sub jobs
- Must have a mix of iLevel 70 and 90 gear for the jobs you will be playing in Coils
- Must be available to raid during the group’s event times. Priority will be given to those with more dedicated play time (e.g., seven days a week for five hours a day). Looking forward to 2.2 when new Coil content is available, we will be making some adjustments to allow for more groups dedicated to achieving world- and server-firsts
If Dreadnought sounds like something you would like to be a part of, please visit our site to learn more and to submit an application. Feel free to send us an email (dreadnoughtls@gmail.com) if you would like to discuss or have any questions. And if you are on Hyperion, you can also send a tell to Morph Eus, Akali Hawke, or Jeannot Legrand.
Edited, Nov 29th 2013 8:37pm by morpheus305