idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
I like the idea of an evolving, but persistent, world with objectives. I don't think I like the idea of a MMO that hits reset on the world every so often.
I'd think of it more like a set of servers, each with its own progression/game going on. Each game starts in the ancient age, and players are assigned to one of four civilizations (or maybe they can pick, no way to know, but you'd have to have some sort of balance in terms of players or it wont work). Each player is part of a larger team (really large, it sounds like). Depending on the stage a given civilization is in, it'll have certain broad goals to reach. Each player does their small part in working towards that goal. That could be running around scouting in the early game. Building structures, farms, mines, etc, and of course fighting with barbarians or other civilizations.
What you choose to do when you log in would be up to you, but the civilization with more people doing useful things that need to be done will advance faster and gain more advantages over time. Think of it more like a massive minecraft game, but with goals to achieve, and everyone working together to achieve those goals. I imagine each "game" might last months or even years.
Not sure how they'll handle positions and whatnot. I suppose they'll have to do some testing to figure out how constrained or open this system needs to be to work. It does sound pretty ambitious though. If they pull it off, it'll be pretty amazing. If they don't, it'll suck badly and die.