Is anyone else getting really tired of this fact? I feel like every game I've played in the past few years has basically followed one simple formula when it comes to the main character:
1. Character has a moderately comfortable, moderately happy life.
2. Something horrible happens to destroy said life early in the game.
3. Increasingly horrible things will happen as the game progresses.
4. The game ends with the main mission accomplished, but the protagonist has nothing left to live for and you are forced to wonder why they didn't commit suicide.
Okay, to be fair, 4 isn't necessarily always true. But I'm having trouble coming up with RPGs in which 1-3 don't apply.
Honestly, the only game I have on my list so far is Dragon Age: Origins, and that's only conditionally the case (depending on your origin and plot choices). But DA2 is probably one of the worst in this department.
Hell, even Ratchet and f*cking Clank games use this formula now (you just don't realize it because of the whimsical setting). FFXIII is guilty of 1 and 2, at least.
I'm just tired of being depressed when I finish a game...