I don't expect you to grind, I'd be amazed if you found a group to grind even a fourth of the way. With out a high level toons help it could take quite a while, maybe you could find someone nice enough to get you some HnG items and port/run you out to turn them in.
With the boon just doing the lvl 1-15 starting quests will get you to level 17, at which point I would recommend running or finding a port to highpass. There you should pick up the pickclaw hunt and gather quest, go down the road and find one of the camps with low level goblins and farm several stacks of them to level into your 20s. At level 25 you can start the roots and herbs hunt and gather and get to ~35 very quickly but you will need high level help to collect those. I think at 30 is the start of the dawn maiden which is very popular xp quest that people run with higher level toons. The normal pickclaw quests can done at any level, waves of varying level goblins will "invade" highpass and you kill the ones corresponding to your level group and turn them in. Those are the major quests now though siloth rings starting at 30 were still somewhat popular, need to be good or get good faction with Forkwatch to turn them in however. I doubt you will find any grinding group until at least your 40s, once you get 45 you will be able to group with 60s and they will probably invite you to pull trees(an instant spawn camp) for their pets to kill. You may find a PL at the lower levels but they are going to be looking primarily for Alchemists and wizards for the AoE spells.
For a necromancer the most popular race would be erudite, for the racial master class of Scholar which gets an ability to give power to yourself or others. The normal necromancer MC Lich is very similar in that it gets a faster recharging power spell, but it doesn't give as much and also does non-resistible damage to yourself. Human necromancers or shadowknights are also fairly popular, they and erudites are able to sign certain "good" coach ledgers that the other two possible races cannot. Ogre necros however are often picked for their high hitpoint and defense potential. Dark elf necros have no outstanding advantage but many pick it just for the combo or an evil elf and evil class.
Keep in mind that my last experience in the game was about half a year ago now, it may have deteriorated even more.
Truthfully though if you like the game and are dedicated to it, with the extra money, I would recommend investing in another ps2 and copy of the game to dual box, it will make getting through the levels with the current stage of the game much easier.
Edited, Jan 25th 2011 6:47pm by SefanaPPO