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Coming back... Once again.Follow

#1 Sep 26 2009 at 6:06 PM Rating: Good
546 posts
Hello everyone,

So, I have been off and on with numerous mmo's the last year or two. The most exclusive being World of Warcraft. Most recently, I have been giving Aion a bit of attention. However, the most lasting impression I have always remembered, was that of my experience in EQ2. More specifically, with the necromancer class (my favorite of any game). Anyway, I was in a guild called "Foundation" on Najena last I can remember. I do not remember my account information and am considering starting over. There have been at least one or two new expansions since I last played and I noticed an all-in-one EQ2 package is set to go on sale in October (this is when I would come back)... Not sure if any of you from Foundation still actively play or not, but I would love to play with all you again or any other folks from Zam! Any information about what has changed in the game within the last year or so would be great! I know it will be a long haul to the top once again, however, I almost enjoy leveling more than anything else (the progression of a character's growth). I will just have to take it all in stride and I am sure allot may have changed to keep things moving forward for me.
#2 Sep 26 2009 at 8:14 PM Rating: Good
Welcome back!

Once upon a time, I too was in Foundation.

There have been several stops for me along the guild trail since those days (including positions as both officer and leader in other guilds) but I am, at present, guild-less.

Still have several characters on Najena though including an 80 and a couple high 40s...

Edited, Sep 26th 2009 9:16pm by OldBlueDragon
#3 Sep 27 2009 at 3:59 AM Rating: Good
Hi, I was part of Foundation too, but the majority of the players are now in the guild Forgotten Abyss. Although Foundation still exists, it's just for alts now, a shame but unavoidable unfortunately.

The game has changed extensively over the last year, plenty of things have been added or changed. About all the changes are for the better though, apart from a seemingly increasing lag problem again these days.

The climb to the top isn't as long as it used to be, if you started now, you might have a fair chance to get to lvl 80 before the next expansion raised the cap to 85 (I think anyway).

The houses are bigger, there are more AA points to gather, there are more zones to explore, they added achievements (you get a score, depending on all the things you've done ingame, number of mobs you killed, zones you explored, quests you've done, sometimes you even get an item as reward for it although not many times, other times a title), they added daily quests (not so fun, but they have to be done to get to the good stuff unfortunately, no worries till you reach endlevel though), things got a bit more expensive over the years but money comes pretty quick too at a certain point (spells are ridiculously expensive at a low lvl, due to them being used for transmuting, but you don't really need to update all spells anyway).

If you come back, send a tell, I'll try and help if I'm online!
#4 Sep 27 2009 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
546 posts
Last I had read on the upcoming expansion for Everquest 2, it stated the level cap increase to 90, unless that has changed. Anyway, I have always liked several aspects about EQ2, that I have been missing in the games I have been playing. The crafting specifically and the way there are upgrades (different tier versions) to various spells. While World of Warcraft can produce fun, it has grown old for me. The main reason I have bounced back and forth between games so much is due to knowing a handful of people (friends, relatives) that play that game.

My last experience with Everquest 2, was a good one. The main reason I left the game once again, was due largely in part to not really knowing anyone that played. I mainly soloed and was guild-less. This is the primary reason I had opened this thread, was in hopes to connect with some of the people on here. I do remember OldBlueDragon being in Foundation, as he was the one who first directed me to the Najena server when I was new to the game years ago. I also remember your monk Zieveraar!

I may or may not be able to get my old Necromancer back (he was 74 I think when I left). However, I would almost prefer to start a brand new account (as crazy as that may sound). Do you guys raid much? When the KoS expansion was new, I remember I did allot of dungeons, etc when I was at the top level then. I think I only had one chance to enter a raid situation, and vaguely remember the encounter...

Edited, Sep 27th 2009 12:01pm by Pjstock
#5 Sep 27 2009 at 8:34 AM Rating: Good
Raiding is fun... or maybe I should say it can be fun... I've been in a couple of guilds that focused on raiding and for the most part I enjoyed that aspect of the game. However, my problem with raiding is two fold.

First I'm a casual player so I'm really not into the hard core aspect that seems built in to most raid guilds.

I'm talking about the "We raid Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat nights and you MUST attend at least 3 out of the 4 weekly events to remain a member" sort of thing.

And second, most raid guilds set up a points system (commonly called DKP) where players bid for all the [good] gear that gets dropped during raids. These point systems are always weighted towards the players who attend more often so the casual players end up getting shut out of the auctions for everything except the stuff no one else wants!

As a casual player, I prefer an NBG system and most raiding guilds ignore NBG in favor of DKP.

But with or without 2 & 4 group raids, there is SO much to do in EQ2, I believe you could level from 0-80 with every available char slot and never participate in a raid! OK maybe not never but you get the idea...

BTW - regarding starting over - I recently started a pair of new characters on a new server and even though I chose to create classes I have played before I have been having a ball! The changes in the game have served to streamline the process such that there is little to no grind to get in the way of having fun! My new fury is about the same level as my old fury and my new warden is coming up fast... in either case I may never log in to my original characters again!

Edited, Sep 27th 2009 9:37am by OldBlueDragon
#6 Sep 27 2009 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
546 posts
Thanks for the info OldBlue!

As of late, I am a casual player. I still have days off (from work) where I will indulge hours into any given game, but I cannot do that on a regular basis like I used to (when I first played EQ2, I would grind like there was no tomorrow!). I too, am not a huge fan of the DKP system and ironically, that in particular turned me away from my World of Warcraft guild recently. I do enjoy raiding as it brings so many people together, all working together to down a powerful foe.

What server do you play on Blue? I found my discs (rise of kunark) and am thinking about just installing the game from that. Only problem is, I do not quite remember my old username and password... Is there any way to create an account without buying a new game?
#7 Sep 27 2009 at 12:05 PM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
Pjstock wrote:
Only problem is, I do not quite remember my old username and password... Is there any way to create an account without buying a new game?

Nope, if you start an account you'll need to buy a new key, at least. What you can do is call SOE Customer service and see if they can find your account for you.
#8 Sep 27 2009 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
546 posts
Well good news is, I never took Everquest 2 off this computer as I had thought (only the short-cut was removed from the desktop). I also took a few guesses at my username / password and it seems my memory is sharper than I thought! So, I am now patching the game... Just out of curiosity; How many patches have been implemented in the last six months?! I have an estimated time of about 10 hours to go! I briefly played for a few weeks back in march so everything was patched up until that point in time.
#9 Sep 27 2009 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
Pjstock wrote:
Well good news is, I never took Everquest 2 off this computer as I had thought (only the short-cut was removed from the desktop). I also took a few guesses at my username / password and it seems my memory is sharper than I thought! So, I am now patching the game... Just out of curiosity; How many patches have been implemented in the last six months?! I have an estimated time of about 10 hours to go! I briefly played for a few weeks back in march so everything was patched up until that point in time.

There's a couple of big game updates since March, it could take a bit I suppose.

If you're on Najena, just send a tell, I'll try and give you a brief update!

Although I may not be on much for the next two weeks unfortunately.
#10 Sep 27 2009 at 7:47 PM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
10 hours seems a bit extreme. Remember that the download estimator is notorious for having no clue at all. There's been, hm, I think three BIG game updates in the last 6 months.
#11 Sep 28 2009 at 2:35 AM Rating: Decent
546 posts
Yeah, it turned out to be only about 3-4 hours last night. I noticed allot of changes to the game right off the bat too. The in-game voice chat could have been there when I last played but I don't quite remember that. Regardless, it was refreshing playing again. It turns out I had a 60 Necro (my second Necro. I had one to 74 before) and a 20ish Monk. Despite this, I still think I am going to start a brand new Necromancer (it would be my third lol) or Conjurer. I rolled a new Necro just for kicks last night as I did not have much time to play and noticed they changed the pets appearance (or at least the starting one).

I also would like to get some suggestions and feedback from you guys on graphic settings. The computer I am using, is a capable gaming computer, but it is about a year and a half old now. It runs most other games maxxed at playable frames, but def. not the case with EQ2. For the most part, I can run the game at a high quality setting without too much trouble (25-70 FPS), but it fluctuates allot. I played around a bit with it, and set it at the balanced setting and noticed a higher FPS range (30-90 FPS). However, once again it seemed to fluctuate allot as I was running around... At one point on the balance setting, it dropped to single digit for a second, then bounced right back up to 90 something FPS... So, I do not know if that reflects my computer and / or the network connection, etc?

My computer's Hardware:

CPU: 2.9 Ghtz Quad (I see there is now an option for multi-core)
GPU: Nvidia GTX (800 something Video memory)
RAM: I have 4GB in the machine, but am running Windows XP, so only 3GB is recognized.

Any suggestions, would be greatly appreciated! Also, my characters were on the antonia bayle server.
#12 Sep 28 2009 at 3:21 AM Rating: Decent
355 posts
Regarding graphics, the framerates are a little slow at the moment. Due to the age of the graphics engine, most of the processing is currently done by the CPU rather than the GPU. Yes, multi-core CPUs are supported, but very little code has been shifted off the primary core so far. In other words, the framerate currently depends on one core of the CPU rather than any quantity of cores or the capabilities of the graphics card.

However, there is good news as the next game update in December should hopefully bring in a load of Shader 3.0 updates that will punt a lot of the rendering over to the GPU (where it should be).

I have a quad core AMD X4 CPU, GTX250 graphics, 4GB of RAM running on 64-bit OS and currently get worse framerates than I did on an old creaking Pentium 4 - all down to the core CPU speed (the quad core has a slower clock speed than the old single-core Pentium had)

For recent changes to game content, check the ZAM wiki

Edit: ... and welcome back to Norrath!

Edited, Sep 28th 2009 7:23am by HubertKerfuffle
#13 Sep 29 2009 at 2:32 AM Rating: Decent
546 posts
Thanks for the Info. I do remember hearing that about the graphic engine EQ2 runs on. I also noticed some spells cause lag for me (Can't think of the name of the one I encountered while playing last night, it was a fury's lightning thing). The thing that confuses me about that, is wouldn't that suggest something to do with my ram? I should have more than sufficient amount of ram for use with the game ( I have 4G installed, but only 3G shows (32bit OS). The game itself set the graphics to high or very high initially for me... So, not sure if the random drops in FPS are just a result of my own computer? Could other things be a factor? I would just like to optimize the settings so I can get the best results while playing!
#14 Sep 29 2009 at 3:48 AM Rating: Decent
355 posts
You can save multiple graphics performance profiles. This allows you switch in different profiles to keep the game playable for different circumstances e.g. solo in overland area vs. large group in dungeon.

This was introduced in GU34
The Options window now has buttons for "Save Custom" and "Load Custom." You can use these new features to create, save, and load options profiles and switch between them on the fly.

Edit: I wouldn't worry about your RAM as long as you have enough to avoid thrashing the hard disk every time you zone (i.e. virtual memory paging). The primary performance bottle neck is that the vast majority of graphics rendering happens on the CPU still. My old PC only had 2GB RAM and a relatively slow hard disk, meaning that I could take up to 5 minutes to zone (yes, literally! Several times I have taken the Kunark-Antonica boat and it has returned to Kunark before I finished zoning, bizarrely leaving me up a tree in the middle of Antonica!). I now zone a lot quicker, but the graphics performance is no better despite a PC that should be about 4x 'quicker'.

In summary, chill out and see if the next GU brings shader 3.0 goodness...

Edited, Sep 29th 2009 8:02am by HubertKerfuffle
#15 Sep 29 2009 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
546 posts
Thanks for the help Hubert. Only problem is, I was booted from the game a few minutes ago due to a "Fatal Error" and it mentioned something about memory... I have no idea what the deal is with that, as I should have sufficient memory to run this game. I give up...
#16 Sep 29 2009 at 7:34 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Doesn't that error have something to do with Vista? I'm not sure, since I'm still in the dark ages with XP.
#17 Sep 30 2009 at 5:41 AM Rating: Decent
546 posts
Vista and XP, from what Ive read online...

Most the advice to correct the problem, was to update drivers, etc.

I guess I am not the only one to have experienced such an error, and others with as good or better PCs, have received it also. I played around with the virtual memory settings, putting both at 4096... I played for about an hour or so and did not get it again, but I have my doubts that the problem is fixed. Its a shame really... The graphics are so nice in this game, but I get such dramatic FPS ever thirty seconds or so (sometimes a gradual decline or rise). Regardless, I really do love this game and intend to stick it out and try and figure things out. Thanks for all the great info you guys have given me!
#18 Oct 01 2009 at 3:24 AM Rating: Decent
355 posts
I have had fatal memory errors before, but not for several months. If many people experience the problem, it should get 'hot fixed' at some point.

Welcome back to EQ2. "You can check out any time you like, but..."
#19 Oct 01 2009 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
546 posts
Oh, I am here to stay! Much of the reasons I periodically left the game before, were hardware-related issues. I now basically understand a little more about the engine the game runs on, and how everything works. I am truly amazed at the constant changes this game has undergone. It show's their commitment to their player base.

Once again, I appreciate all the thoughts and comments.
#20 Oct 01 2009 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
355 posts
Pjstock wrote:
I am truly amazed at the constant changes this game has undergone. It show's their commitment to their player base.

SOE have their critics, but they have poured a lot of love into the game. Sometimes it's hard to keep up with all the extra content & events.
#21 Oct 01 2009 at 6:28 PM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
HubertKerfuffle wrote:
Sometimes it's hard to keep up with all the extra content & events.

Uf-dah, lemee tell ya!
#22 Oct 01 2009 at 6:39 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
HubertKerfuffle wrote:
Sometimes it's hard to keep up with all the extra content & events.

So true. Granted, my highest character isn't at the level cap yet (but close, 76!) and sometimes when I log on, I'm at a loss for just what I should do first, haha.
#23 Oct 02 2009 at 3:23 AM Rating: Good
121 posts
The fatal error crash has been very common for people since the GU53 patch, but all indicators are that the Oct. 1 hot-fix repaired whatever was at fault. Never let bugs you see right after a GU convince you to stop playing ... they always seem to work them out within a week or so.
#24 Oct 02 2009 at 3:23 AM Rating: Decent
355 posts
Nadenu wrote:
when I log on, I'm at a loss for just what I should do first, haha.

I know how you feel, although I have but one goal at the moment ... reaching cap for the first time ever ... now 78.26 & doing nothing but quest after quest in Kunzar! I did make a few things & kill a few things for the spires event, but not enough adventure xp from them so back to quests. I'm not doing repeatable faction quests either for the same reason.

Edit: +1 on Daeanor's post. There are sometimes a few issues following a GU that are usually resolved with hotfixes over the following couple of days.

Edited, Oct 2nd 2009 7:25am by HubertKerfuffle
#25 Oct 02 2009 at 6:19 AM Rating: Decent
HubertKerfuffle wrote:
Nadenu wrote:
when I log on, I'm at a loss for just what I should do first, haha.

I know how you feel, although I have but one goal at the moment ... reaching cap for the first time ever ... now 78.26 & doing nothing but quest after quest in Kunzar! I did make a few things & kill a few things for the spires event, but not enough adventure xp from them so back to quests. I'm not doing repeatable faction quests either for the same reason.

Edit: +1 on Daeanor's post. There are sometimes a few issues following a GU that are usually resolved with hotfixes over the following couple of days.

Edited, Oct 2nd 2009 7:25am by HubertKerfuffle

That's the best course of action imo, there are plenty of quests to do, especially in Jarsath Wastes where you most likely are questing now. I didn't finish a fair number of the quests there before I even hit 80, lots of good rewards too.
#26 Oct 05 2009 at 3:19 AM Rating: Decent
355 posts
Zieveraar wrote:
... especially in Jarsath Wastes where you most likely are questing now...

Took my first steps into the zone last night. Everybody hates me, but I'm working on that. I'll be glad to get rid of the initial faction quests though, as they are not very good adventure xp.
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