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Guild Halls??Follow

#1 Jul 16 2008 at 9:37 PM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
Lookee what I saw when I patched Test tonight...
#2 Jul 16 2008 at 11:19 PM Rating: Decent
393 posts
and as I commented on the news article, according to Living Legacy schedule of events, the Guild Halls are slated for September release, with GU 49. the event listing is "Guild Halls Event and Contests - Game Update #49.

So there you have it. Free Content thanks to Living Legacy, due out this September.
#3 Jul 17 2008 at 9:33 AM Rating: Good
8,187 posts
/Rubs eyes in disbelief

This may be nice, and I definately loved the GH in EQ1. My only question is would this almost make 'betrayal' or 'race' a need to know? I havent been with my current guild for very long, but they are casual players and I enjoy their company, and I would hate to think that it would be a problem for me (through the commonlands is np) to get to.

I've yet to do my betrayal to Neriak, but that's because I dont see any benefit in doing so. Am I being racist? Lol.
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#4 Jul 18 2008 at 9:28 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
I seriously doubt you will have to betray. Raids need both Qeynos and Freeport faction players for a good raid. Not to mention you can bring opposing factioned characters into the other city if you are careful. I do it all the time Smiley: grin

Cant wait for the guild halls. I need something new to decorate. My sauna is almost complete, which is the last room I had to work on.
#5 Aug 21 2008 at 6:10 AM Rating: Decent
So they are comming out in next few weeks now huh. Kool

Just not really happy with the prices, they are expensive as heck.
hope it'll go down abit
#6 Aug 21 2008 at 6:22 AM Rating: Excellent
First PoK, then Guild Halls are what made the cities ghost towns ni EQ1. Here's hoping there aren't too many amenities available..if you have a banker, mender, broker, fuel merchant and mariner's'd have little incentive to ever bother entering Freeport or Qeynos again.

Cool! Guild halls!
#7 Aug 21 2008 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
393 posts
have no fear Stu. the guild halls, along with the amenities, are gonna cater primarily to the VERY large and/or VERY wealthy, and/or raiding guilds. I do not think that there will be much in the way of making the cities ghost towns because of that. also, 2 of the guild hall tiers are also in the cities themselves which will help keep the cities somewhat populated.
#8 Aug 21 2008 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good
8,187 posts
People are still going to use the cities, mainly for writs and rush orders. I'd like to see someone grab a rush order and hoof it back to their guild hall to finish it.
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#9 Aug 21 2008 at 11:07 AM Rating: Excellent
Dyadem wrote:
People are still going to use the cities, mainly for writs and rush orders. I'd like to see someone grab a rush order and hoof it back to their guild hall to finish it.

Unless/until clipboards get added as an amenity.

I'm not knockin' them..all I'm saying is that they have to be wary about giving people too much leeway in being able to compartmentalize their activities.
#10 Aug 21 2008 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good
Stugein wrote:
Unless/until clipboards get added as an amenity.

There is already an NPC available - call him a "writ bot" if you like... and I can't imagine SOE selling us a amenity that is only good for regular writs.

Stugein wrote:
I'm not knockin' them..all I'm saying is that they have to be wary about giving people too much leeway in being able to compartmentalize their activities.

Don't we already have that leeway since for a long time now we've been able to purchase crafting tables for our homes? Personally, I can't remember the last time I was "down in the hole" to do any crafting. I have a crafting table, a clipboard and a healthy stock of fuel & mats right there at home!
#11 Aug 21 2008 at 11:49 AM Rating: Excellent
OldBlueDragon wrote:

Stugein wrote:
I'm not knockin' them..all I'm saying is that they have to be wary about giving people too much leeway in being able to compartmentalize their activities.

Don't we already have that leeway since for a long time now we've been able to purchase crafting tables for our homes? Personally, I can't remember the last time I was "down in the hole" to do any crafting. I have a crafting table, a clipboard and a healthy stock of fuel & mats right there at home!

That's pretty much what I'm talking about. Crafting is just a single part of it though. Now imagine if you could add a banker, broker, fuel merchant, and mariner bells to your home. o_0 It'd be ridiculous..most folk would never have cause to enter the cities proper ever again except to hail the odd quest NPC every now and again.

Edited, Aug 21st 2008 3:47pm by Stugein
#12 Aug 21 2008 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
Stugein wrote:
That's pretty much what I'm talking about. Crafting is just a single part of it though. Now imagine if you could add a banker, broker, fuel merchant, and mariner bells to your home. o_0 It'd be ridiculous..most folk would never have cause to enter the cities proper ever again except to hail the odd quest NPC every now and again.

OK lemme play devil's advocate here for just a moment...
so we have all these wonderful things close to home and now we don't have to go to the cities anymore except to hail an occasional NPC... and that would be a bad thing because???

Seriously... as it is now, rarely are any of my friends ever in Qeynos and outside of SQ being the location of my home there is little reason for me to ever be there but why is that a problem?

I get the whole "zones will turn into ghost towns" argument but I don't see the issue... The game evolves and different (newer) zones become more advantageous for us to spend our time in... I see it as only natural that as the game expands and there are more places to be that some of the older places become less well trafficed.

And isn't the logical extension of your argument a lament that we can't return to the island?
#13 Aug 21 2008 at 4:09 PM Rating: Excellent
OldBlueDragon wrote:
I get the whole "zones will turn into ghost towns" argument but I don't see the issue... The game evolves and different (newer) zones become more advantageous for us to spend our time in... I see it as only natural that as the game expands and there are more places to be that some of the older places become less well trafficed.

And isn't the logical extension of your argument a lament that we can't return to the island?

Yeah, of course. Naturally as the game evolves the focus of players, the hub zones and hangouts change. No, we're not all on the island anymore and no I wouldn't want us to return. The difference here is that in all previous instances we've moved forward together. We learned on the islands. Eventually the majority took to the streets of Freeport and Qeynos. As we got older we took to the seas with the TS and Nek docks being constant meeting points and havens for vendoring and mending. We built towers. Eventually we all invaded the docks at SS while exploring Maj`Dul and the surrounding areas. And so on it has gone, all of us moving with each other as a server community. As cheesy as it may sound; now instead of us all looking forward, facing what's to come together we run the risk of it being, "Ok everyone, go to your own little corners". There's something to be said for the world around you feeling alive that heightens the sense of community and in-game experience.

It's not guild halls I have a problem with per se...I'm more afraid of them creating a feeling of disconnection with the server community at-large. I'd feel the exact same way if, say for example everyone could have their own instance of EFP or QH.
#14 Aug 21 2008 at 7:11 PM Rating: Good
Stugein wrote:
I'd feel the exact same way if, say for example everyone could have their own instance of EFP or QH.

The visual attached to this has a downright creepy feel to it! Reminded me of the pilot episode for The Twilight Zone! :)

Stugein wrote:
...And so on it has gone, all of us moving with each other as a server community.

I'm not sure I agree with your premise here. In fact I'm pretty sure I don't! The problem I'm having with it is the asumption that "everyone" on the server is moving forward together. If this were the case wouldn't it be easier to find a pickup group for whatever quest line we were all working on at the moment?

Seriously though, one of the wonderful things about playing an MMO is that at any given moment there are people strung out all across Hell's half acre doing different things. I talk to a friend in guild chat and he's in the middle of a quest I did a year ago so I share some insight to help him over the hump... that sort of thing...

Stugein wrote:
As cheesy as it may sound; now instead of us all looking forward, facing what's to come together we run the risk of it being, "Ok everyone, go to your own little corners"... It's not guild halls I have a problem with per se...I'm more afraid of them creating a feeling of disconnection with the server community at-large.

I totally agree that nurturing the feeling of community is far preferable to the game becoming one endless solo endeavor, I just don't think that guild halls will bring that isolationism about. In fact, I see them as the solution for the isolation "imposed" by players having all the comforts of life at home (like a crafting station and a mail box). With guild halls, our game focus will shift from the individual to the family. The guild hall could well become the center of societal life... a meeting and gathering place for you and your in game family.

Stugein wrote:
There's something to be said for the world around you feeling alive that heightens the sense of community and in-game experience.

Again, I totally agree with you here. One of the most attractive aspects to an MMO is the fact that there are hundreds or even thousands of other REAL humans out there in the world with me. But again, I don't think this mode of existence is in any danger. Especially not from a game mechanic that is designed to bring large groups of us together in one place.
#15 Aug 22 2008 at 6:08 AM Rating: Excellent
OldBlueDragon wrote:
Stugein wrote:
...And so on it has gone, all of us moving with each other as a server community.

I'm not sure I agree with your premise here. In fact I'm pretty sure I don't! The problem I'm having with it is the asumption that "everyone" on the server is moving forward together. If this were the case wouldn't it be easier to find a pickup group for whatever quest line we were all working on at the moment?

Seriously though, one of the wonderful things about playing an MMO is that at any given moment there are people strung out all across Hell's half acre doing different things. I talk to a friend in guild chat and he's in the middle of a quest I did a year ago so I share some insight to help him over the hump... that sort of thing...

Well of course not everyone on the server is working on the exact same thing simultaneously, but largely they congregated in the same area. Yeah, I may have just been getting my faction up with Maj`Dul while you were finishing your carpet quest and a raid was gathering to try Godking but we were all part of the vibe of the times. That sounds too hippy for words..ugh..but yeah. And even people not engaged at that level yet would drop in for discovery exp or to meet a crafter for an item exchange/commission or something.

And if your pal is in-guild it's fine because you'll see him in your hall, but what about outside of that? Seeing that guy who answered your question in the chat channel walking past as you go through town. A connection as part of a larger community. Newbs getting the wow factor of seeing Levelor McShinypants on his flaming warg with his glowy epic. The crowds at the brokers, the bustling streets. The feeling that these are actual cities and not just 3d representations of menus.

OldBlueDragon wrote:
With guild halls, our game focus will shift from the individual to the family. The guild hall could well become the center of societal life... a meeting and gathering place for you and your in game family.

I don't see it as a move from the individual to the family, but rather a move from the neighborhood to the house. I think about my neighborhood and I think of cars going by, people waving, the Ice Cream man, the mail man, kids playing, neighbors having cookouts. With guild halls I fear us moving to a neighborhood where everyone stays in their homes, peering out through the curtains, only leaving when they need to do something and only having real interaction with (a) their guild and (b) their group at the moment. The guild hall becoming a center of societal life is exactly what irks me - rather than expand from "individual to family" you've self-segregated from server wide community down to guild.

I think of a brand new player coming off the island. Zoning into their racial neighborhood..nobody. Zoning into EFP or QH..nobody. A tumbleweed rolls by. We're contributing to the empty.
#16 Aug 23 2008 at 7:31 AM Rating: Good
Again, I agree with you in concept if not in execution. Maybe I don't see an issue with guild housing because I believe that the mechanics in place for "growing" players are "functioning as designed", and more important are working well.

Individuals enter the game, learn the fundamental mechanics of their class, begin to grow as characters, collect & group with others and eventually coalesce into or bond with larger groups of individuals in the form of guilds.

I guess the big difference between us is that I do not place a high value on playing with strangers while it seems you do. Personally, I avoid pick up groups like the plague! I think I'd rather have knitting needles driven through both my eyes than to spend time in the LFG panel!

On the other hand I place a great deal of value in the guild system. Once vetted and admitted to the guild, players are no longer strangers, they become family (or a neighborhood if it's a really big guild!). And as a part of the family, they are both trusted and trustworthy.

It's really a very simple choice for me. By far and away, in every game I have played, the best groups I have ever been in have been all guild groups. While the very worst groups have all been PUGs. Furthermore, there has not yet been a single area of overlap - that is to say a bad guild experience or a good PUG experience!

All of this doesn't mean I avoid strangers or don't help them. I have never shut off the "public" channels and often respond to questions in chat, helping total strangers to solve their problems. But when it comes to spending larger blocks of my (somewhat limited and sporadic) in-game time with people I prefer to spend it with those I know and trust.

For the longest time now, DSD's sig tag line has read "Doesn't play well with others". Maybe mine should read "Doesn't play well with strangers"!

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