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Fan Faire Report: EQ2 - Rising Into KunarkFollow

#1 Aug 09 2007 at 11:10 AM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
The Rising Into Kunark panel was heavily attended, and well documented despite an echoey room. Please enjoy my review of the panel, with pictures and video.

SOE Fan Faire 2007: Rising into Kunark Panel

I must thank my volunteer videographer, Sutures Woundmender, for the video. This is Sutures' first video that did not involve FRAPS and Microsoft Movie Maker, and he enjoyed it so much that he's given me a long list of toys, I mean, tools to get before next Fan Faire so he can do it again!
#2 Aug 09 2007 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
64 posts
Bad ***
#3 Aug 09 2007 at 11:44 AM Rating: Excellent
Great update.

Kunark itself...urkk..I don't know what it is but I get an awful feeling about it. Flagging, more multi-day raids, stages to's all rubbing me the wrong way. I know that they are highlighting the "big" features and changes but I just see it as announcement after announcement of crap that I will never be able to see and just have to stew in jealousy and longing over.
#4 Aug 09 2007 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
Excellent stuff! Great video.

Kunark itself...urkk..I don't know what it is but I get an awful feeling about it. Flagging, more multi-day raids, stages to's all rubbing me the wrong way. I know that they are highlighting the "big" features and changes but I just see it as announcement after announcement of crap that I will never be able to see and just have to stew in jealousy and longing over.

I actually agree, sadly enough.

It's always wait and see ofcourse, perhaps Sony'll throw me a beta now too for no particular reason, but there's more emphasis on raiding and the likes than with Faydwer.

Edited, Aug 9th 2007 9:46pm by Zieveraar
#5 Aug 09 2007 at 12:07 PM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
Zieveraar wrote:
Excellent stuff! Great video.

Kunark itself...urkk..I don't know what it is but I get an awful feeling about it. Flagging, more multi-day raids, stages to's all rubbing me the wrong way. I know that they are highlighting the "big" features and changes but I just see it as announcement after announcement of crap that I will never be able to see and just have to stew in jealousy and longing over.

I actually agree, sadly enough.

It's always wait and see ofcourse, perhaps Sony'll throw me a beta now too for no particular reason, but there's more emphasis on raiding and the likes than with Faydwer.

Edited, Aug 9th 2007 9:46pm by Zieveraar

it was bound to happen, I think. EoF was a level-spanning expansion that was great for lore, solo content, and newbs, but didn't have a lot for raiders. The original Kunark was a high-end zone with Epics and lots of Raiding, it seems natural that it would have a raiding emphasis.

Because they prefer to produce quality content (Scott emphasised this repeatedly at Fan Faire) they cannot posisbly do it all in one expansion, it'd be liek writing a brand new game. There's bound to always be a "lean" toward on play style.

Couple of things to remember: There were a lot of raid questions asked, that's why my piece is so raid-heavy, and they've also been doing a lot of free content in between expansions. There's hope.

I'm jazzed the mainland will be mostly solo.
#6 Aug 09 2007 at 12:24 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm not even knocking raiders or the raiding style. Some folk have more time than others. That's cool. And they should be rewarded for investing more of their time in the game. No sweat. But make the encounters *harder*, not longer. Make them more strategically difficult, not more time consuming. Increase the challenges presented to raiders tactically. I can raid very little. Once every couple months if I'm lucky for one night. So while it's difficult for me to obtain items and quest updates that require raiding (still working on Wurmslayer) it isn't impossible. But this move towards long, persistent instance multi-day raids makes ever...ever seeing this content an impossibility for me. And that's just damn depressing. If it can't be done in one night, I can't do it. Simple as that.

I'm just praying that the SK epic will only require a raid of something that can be raided in one evening/sitting. If it's part of one of these silly multi-day raids, then I'm sorry...and I've never said this before...I may have to throw in the towel on EQ2. I couldn't stand to have such a class-defining item such as that in the game and it be an impossibility to acquire. That would be it for me. And don't try to sell me on the "Oh but there's a legendary version..". That's a cop-out. Final product or nothing. In EQ1 I didn't stop at "Corrupted Ghoulbane" because the rest of the quest required a raid and I won't do that here. But if the raiding required is'd be a damn shame to throw away all those characters I worked so hard on...but...I don't know.

Edited, Aug 9th 2007 4:28pm by Stugein
#7 Aug 09 2007 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I sounds as if this expansion is going abit hardcore for my tastes. I remember how flagging ruined EQ1 for me. Sounds like it won't be as bad as POP (actually they used that as an example), but still sounds like a pain. Also as of right now I am lvl 35. I suppose by the time this expansion is released I might be closer to 65, but if memory servers 50+ is a ruthless grind.

At least the epic quests will not be pure raid quests. Hopefully the epic quests will all be close together as far as difficulty goes. I know Eq1 certain classes (I see SK has been mentioned) was completely unfair. Hopefully they also are based off updates and not a rare piece of loot.

All in all I doubt I will buy this expansion unless I end up 60+ when it comes out. Have no intentions of making a ugly sarnak and other then that it appears to be useless if your not 65+.

#8 Aug 09 2007 at 1:05 PM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
Actually, Stu, I really truncated Liz' raid presentation 'cause it's so fun to listen too. I think raiders will find it's more than grindage. Taking a long long time to run through doesn't mean it's not complex and challenging too.

Overall the whole presentation left me with a really positive feeling, even though I was hoping for level-spanning expansion and don't give a hoot about raiding, lol.
#9 Aug 09 2007 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
Actually, when you mention flagging you should keep something in mind. The EQ2 version of flagging is going to be different. The thought process is that EQ1 flagging was a huge pain in the ***** If one person in your group raid was not flagged, you had to get them flagged before they could raid with you. In EQ2, the flagging is going to be such that one group member needs the flag. It won't be much different from access qeasts from the way I heard it described.

Also, for the poster that mentioned it should be more difficult, not longer... I agree to an extent. I think that I'd enjoy having to try alternate strats to defeat certain mobs. However, the grind isn't so bad with the introduction of persistant raid zones. Now you can work your way through at your own pace


"The Ring of Scale is like forest rangers for volcanoes." - Liz "Feconix" Sigmund

Edited, Aug 9th 2007 9:39pm by SuturesWoundmender
#10 Aug 09 2007 at 5:37 PM Rating: Excellent
See, i'm still not sure how persistant instances work. I can only raid once or twice every month or two. So I can start EH or VP or one of the other multi-day raids, then leave at the end of the night and a month and a half later when I happen to find another pickup raid for that zone they'll start where I left off? Doesn't seem right...
#11 Aug 09 2007 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
Negative... has to be the same group of people I believe.

Sounds like you have even less play time than I do. You can still explore the surface and take your Sarnak to other places that do not require the large raids that the dungeons on Kunark will offer. I suppose it depends on if you want to exceed level 70 or not. There are other nice features as well, but yes it is a mostly raid expansion.
#12 Aug 10 2007 at 5:06 AM Rating: Excellent
SuturesWoundmender wrote:
Negative... has to be the same group of people I believe.

Sounds like you have even less play time than I do. You can still explore the surface and take your Sarnak to other places that do not require the large raids that the dungeons on Kunark will offer. I suppose it depends on if you want to exceed level 70 or not. There are other nice features as well, but yes it is a mostly raid expansion.

It's not even a matter of lack of playtime. It's a matter of lack of uninterrupted playtime. I play almost every other night for several hours. But it's broken up by wife asking for things, kids needing things...I can't sit for long periods in one stretch uninterrupted. Lots of unannounced AFKs, sometimes for 10 minutes or more depending on whats happening...and that's just not fair to a raid when there could be someone else in my slot giving the task at hand their undivided attention. So pretty much the only times I get to raid are (A) after the kids are in bed on a night that my wife happens to go out with her friends or (B) if the wife and kids go out of town to visit family and I can't go with because I have to work.

Raids are fine and I don't want to take anything away from the raiders. I'm just hoping beyond hope that the raids for the SK epic (the real one, not the fake legendary one) are doable in a single evening. Because then, even if it takes a year or two for the perfect storm of opportunity and raid availability to happen, at least it's possible. If it's a multi-day raid however, it would make the acquisition of the weapon an impossibility for me.
#13 Aug 10 2007 at 5:10 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
Stugein wrote:

Edited, Aug 9th 2007 4:28pm by Stugein


You are right on. I am in the same boat as you regarding playtime. I have raided once in my entire eq2 career when I was able to spend a night at a buddy's house.

IMHO, The Epics will require a MAX size raid force, multiple day raids, and many re-runs because of the ultra rare drop rate. There is absolutely no way a person who solos will be able to acquire these items. Unless SoE produces two versions of an Epic, one for the hard core raiders, and one for us soloers, then we are out of luck. Simple as that.

These Epics will be the "end game" for the next expansion. They have to be. You can't have every boy and girl running around with one. The only way I will get mine (assuming I am still playing) is when the level cap hits 100 and we can group with a few people to get the drops we need.

MMORPG's just aren't designed for the casual players. We probably make up 30% of the subscriptions with the hard core raiders making up the rest. Just a guess but you get the idea...

Am I bitter? A little. Jealous? Absolutely! I thought the game would open up when I hit level 70. Instead it closed down for me.
#14 Aug 10 2007 at 5:19 AM Rating: Excellent
Yeah. I'm not even saying that the final epics should be available to solo'ers or groupers. I have no problem with them requiring a raid. They are a status symbol. But don't further limit it to not only raiders, but to raiders in a certain class of uber guild. Make it a one nighter. Or even several one nighters than can be stretched over the course of several years if need be for the casual/pickup raiders. Make it something that someone who is willing to put in the effort can obtain. Even multiple raids like Wurmslayer. No sweat. But don't make us have to leave our guilds or turn over our lives to the game because of some silly multi-day persistent instance zone raiding requirement for an update that only 2% of the guilds on a server might be able to pull off. Johnny Badnik isn't a better SK than I am because he happens to be a member of <Ne Plus Bekwen's Fires of Ascension's Alliance of Norrath>. He doesn't deserve the SK epic any more or less than I do having dedicated myself to the class for the better part of the last decade.
#15 Aug 10 2007 at 10:23 AM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
I don't recall anyone anywhere saying anything about how difficult/long the epic raid will be. They *did* say that they will all have the same raid, if I recall.
#16 Aug 10 2007 at 10:35 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
I dont play a lot, as in I play 3 hrs a night a few times a week, but I've been able to find a kick *** guild that is casual raiding. And the group of people are so well in tune with one another that we are able to achieve the high end raids even when only raiding twice a week. I'm lucky that as a casual gamer, Ive been able to see as much of the end game as I have.

That said, from a raiders perspective, I personally am happy they are adding more content. When EOF came out there were a few raid instances. Unfortunately ( or fortunately for me now) our guild disbanded at that time for supposed greener pastures but just recently came back. So we are just now starting to work on the EOF raids. Even as a casual raiding guild, only going out twice a week, the older content does get to be too redundant. Personally, if I never see Vyem or Tarinxax again it willb e too soon. Ok, maybe once every 6 months as a reunion.

The thing I like about the new raid idea is that you do not have to stay up for hours on end to finish. From what I understand, you can zone back in later and continue where ever you stopped prior. Is this correct? This is what my guild is getting out of it, at least. If thats true, I would think it would be even better for the more casual raiders. Many of us have families or jobs, and cant stay up until 3am nightly for a raid. So instead of trying to hit up the quicker raids, or farm raids due to time constraints, you can now work as a team to clear a new raid, and take your time with it. Nothing is rushed, it would be more relaxing, and I would hope for the casual gamer, more enjoyable, not to mention more accessible
#17 Aug 10 2007 at 10:38 AM Rating: Excellent
Calthine wrote:
I don't recall anyone anywhere saying anything about how difficult/long the epic raid will be. They *did* say that they will all have the same raid, if I recall.

Oh of course. We're just speculating and keeping our fingers crossed that the raids required for the epics aren't these multi-day persistent instance raids that they seem to be so proud of themselves over.


DSD - I think it's a great thing for raiding guilds...even casual raiding guilds. But it doesn't do much for folk who raid with pickup raids or server raid channels as you need to have a consistent raid force to make use of the feature. You can have your guild show up the next day or two days later. I doubt you'd have as much luck trying to re-form the same pickup raid with the same players two days later...

Edited, Aug 10th 2007 2:42pm by Stugein
#18 Aug 10 2007 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
thats very true. And one of the reasons I count myself so lucky to have found a guild that actually caters to families AND can handle high end raiding without going to the extreme as most raiding guilds do. If I hadnt found this particular guild, I would never have been able to see half the stuff I have.

I always wonder why there arent more out there like mine.
#19 Aug 10 2007 at 12:59 PM Rating: Default
I'm in a guild like that. Crimson Tempest on Kithicor. Raiding is not required but encouraged. It's a fantastic guild that i'm very lucky to be a part of.

i feel i've seen WAY more end game raid content than perhaps i "should" given the amount of time i play which is ~12 hours a week. 8-10 of those hours being spent raiding late on friday and saturday night.
#20 Aug 12 2007 at 8:59 PM Rating: Decent
Since we're gently plugging Guilds who seem to offer a place for the mature player with obligations I'll toss up The Rallosian Guard on Befallen. We're just picking up after many walked away for a while after seeing EoF start up. But the theme is the same. Focused players who have real life in the way - yet when we can get together we do things efficiently and with a sense of skill that's pretty darn impressive. TRG is a web clan and has teams in many other games as well.

Edited, Aug 13th 2007 1:03am by MerleFR
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