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Zones: Favorite and Hated ListFollow

#1 Jul 23 2007 at 6:31 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
Slow Monday at work so here goes:

What are your favorite zones? What are the zones you wished you never stepped foot into? List and explain!

Favorite Zones:

1.) Stormhold - great zone for the 20-30 crowd. Lots of named and plenty of cool mobs, quests, and differnt ares to explore. The named are loose with Master spell drops and the Scions always add an unexpected fear element to the zone.

2.) Sanctum of the Scaleborn - Awesome zone with so many quest lines and mobs. I used to think this zone was tedious but I have come to respect the entire dungeon. Anyone level 58-70 will spends days in this zone just completing quest lines or going after named.

3.) Tenebrous Tangle - Wonderful island zone with plenty of soloable and group quests. I enjoyed everything from the basket quests to exploring all the islands and areas. Great for anyone level 54-70.

4.) Peat Bog - great zone for the newbies. Plenty of quests that take you through the whole area. Some named mobs that drop cool stuff (for level 8!). Great for anyone level 5-12 or so.

5.) All the dungeons under Qeynos - You can basically spend the first 30 levels of your life down in the dungeons beneath Qeynos. Possibly a nostalgia factor from the time I spent playing eq1 as a lad. Qeynos catacombs was a great zone to learn how to play!

Zones I never want to see again:

1.) The entire Desert of Flames expansion - Wide open, boring zones, and lack of creativity. This is one expansion that should have went the way of the Dodo.

2.) Feerot - Besides the Flowing black silk sash (way overated IMHO) heritage quest, was there any reason even to enter this zone? CT is a nice dungeon but it takes an hour to traverse through the zone to get there...

3.) Everfrost - Only reason to go to this zone was Permafrost. Even then when you died in Permafrost, you had to start all the way back at the begining of Everfrost (I think this was eventually changed).

4.) Rivervale - This was one of those zones that should have been grouped with The Feerot. Nice to explore but not much to do.

5.) Thundering Steppes - This zone caused me to quit EQ2 for awhile. My pally hit a leveling wall around 25 or so (before Vitality and stuff). Now, the only time I spend there is on the dock heading to other zones...

P.S. I haven't included any EoF content because Loping Plains is the only zone I have spent any time in. That was a good zone! Also Crushbone looked really sweet while I was running around trying to get Discovery EXP. LFay is kinda gay with all the flowers and big (vision obstructing) leaves and trees.

#2 Jul 23 2007 at 6:53 AM Rating: Decent
1,141 posts
Well, I'm only level 27, so I haven't seen a whole lot, but I'll give my impressions of what I've seen thus far.

Freeport is a pain in the *** city. It's huge, and alot of it is just empty space. Getting around is really mroe work than it's worth. I think I'll be moving to Neriak as soon as I figure out how.

The commonlands is a pretty cool place, though a bit daunting as a new player. I mean, I thought the place was enormous while I was just starting out, and then I wandered to the west end of the map....and BAM...a whole nother map worth of Common Lands. Yeesh. But so many quests, and between Fallen Gate, Wailing Caverns, and BloodSkull Valley, there was always something to be doing, grouped or solo.

Nek Forest has won me over already. I love the spooky vibe. My only gripe with it is the three griffon towers are all on the lower end of the map. I want something further north.

I've also ventured through the sewers underneath FP, and those were kinda fun.

I look forward to seeing everything else this game has to offer!
#3 Jul 23 2007 at 6:57 AM Rating: Excellent
Favorite zones
* Fallen Gate - Best T3 dungeon in the game. Craploads of nameds. Tons of quests. Semi-linear progression. An instance in the back and turbo experience. You can do 19-27 here in a single night with a good, dedicated group.

* Nektropos Castle - Well scripted and fun. Story driven with a rack of nameds, a creepy atmosphere, and more quest updates than any other instance in the game. I never get tired of running this zone for people.

* Enchanted Lands - Best outdoor hunting zone in the game, hands down. Has content for all players in the T4 level range. Everything from a ton of solo quests to heroic encounters and contested raid mobs. Throw in merchants, a mail box, a Mariner Bell to Nektulos, both T4 and T5 shared dungeons (RE and RV) and a self-contained 1 zone Heritage Quest and you have hands-down the most varied and versatile outdoor zone anywhere.

* Estate of Unrest - Can't say too much without spoiling it for folks who haven't had the pleasure of running it, but it's just simply the most fun you can have at 70. Well scripted. Creepy. Nostalgic. If you haven't gone here, go now. Stop reading this and go.

Least favorite zones
* Lavastorm - An outdoor zone with linear-style progression. Yuck. Save that for dungeons. The layout is bad and it's more of a chore to travel this zone than a pleasure. Rather than being useful and standing on it's own as an outdoor hunting zone, Lavastorm is nothing more than an obstacle to get to Solusek's Eye. Pretty heat effects, but otherwise a boring zone.

* Tower of Drafling - A zone with potential that doesn't quite live up to it's promises. Low mob density and mediocre loot for the tier makes the zone's inconvenient location even more of a killer. Lots of named that are never up because nobody bothers to hunt this zone consistently enough to keep the placeholders down. Bland. If ever there was a candidate for a zone revamp, this is it. The potential of a neat Bixie/Halfling conflict or back-story related to their nesting of the tower and entrenchment post-corruption could be really fun, but as it stands now there is little reason to come here.

* Sanctum of Scaleborn - Oh for Pete's sake, I just want to get to the stupid forge! Seriously, this zone is one of the rare cases where it suffers from overuse. After endless hours and days plodding through this zone over and over again for all those quests and have to fight your way through the entire thing to get to a specific place multiple times it just gets old. Slap the repetitive killing together with constant group leapfrogging/racing for nameds and this zone is just tiresome. Hell, I still need to Finish Riddle of the Vault and I'd be done with this zone for good, but I just can't bring myself to bother putting a group together for it anymore. This zone isn't bad...the first hundred or so trips through it.

striveldt wrote:
My only gripe with it is the three griffon towers are all on the lower end of the map. I want something further north.

There are 4 towers in Nektulos. One of them being at Bone Lake in the far North eastern quadrant of the zone, near Nektropos. It's only accessible from the N`Marr's Ascent tower though, so fly there first and you'll see it as an option.

Edited, Jul 23rd 2007 11:03am by Stugein
#4 Jul 23 2007 at 8:09 AM Rating: Decent
599 posts
Acadechism: Small zone with darn good no-drop loot - easy access from G'fay. D'vinn is fun and challenging for level appropriate teams. T7 transmuters wet dream - lots of legendary no-drops.

Klak'Anon: Fun zone with interesting quests - Armor set drop rates are good too.

Court of Innovation: Clockwork style theme with minor puzzle solving to get to the end boss. Fun and challenging break-in area.

Shimmering Citadel: Lots of quests and good AA - TONS of collection -?- items spawn on the lawns. Great zone for Monks/feign-flopping quest objectives. Downside - RMT Bot farmers 24/7 down near the undead troubadour's.

Living Tombs: Another great theme and challenging layout for level appropriate teams. One quest leads to a nifty mummy house pet. Lots of collection -?- items here too.

Mines of Meldrath: More Clockworks and a very fun end boss. Great AA and decent/good loot.

New Tunaria: Incredible looking zone, great layout but not much to do there. Farm zone for CoF and SoD quests.

===== ===== ======

Poets Palace: Tedious, boring and very annoying. The SOE dev who designed the random doors opening/closing should be tar and feathered then truncheoned and flogged with a circa 1756 British metal tipped <saltwater soaked then sun dried> cat-o-nine tails. Zone only used as a farm for L50-59 M1 spells.

Fyremist Gully : Who designed this PoS worthless zone?

Scorchfeather's Roost: Boring-lazy zone design. Farm zone for L50+ M1 spells and loot.

Cazels Mesa: Same as above. less loot

Ancients Table: Same as above. less loot

Hidden Cache: Same as above. less loot

Edited, Jul 23rd 2007 9:32am by Trappin
#5 Jul 23 2007 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
Neriak: It's convenient, nice looking, and one of my favorite towns from EQOA. But it's so lag filled I cant even get to the broker from recall point next to the telleports...

Peat Bog: Ugly, horrible layout, can get swarmed at low levels.

Kethelin: Bad Layout, can fall to death easily. Stupid Fairy town.

Enchanted Lands:Ok zone, just dont have good experiences from attempting to solo there.

Freeport:Was the center of the game in EQOA, was convenient, Neutral and easy layout. Not to bad looking of a city. Now its evil, ugly, hard to get around, generally congested. I miss my eqoa freeport :(.

Steamfont:Big zone with large level range. Good quest lines with plenty of AA opportunities. Got from level 33-48 and still go there every once in awhile on my main.

Thundering Steppes:Plenty of quests, diversity of mobs. Easy to get around.

Darklight Woods: Quick Leveling, Lags not as bad as in Neriak. Good story lines. Diversity of mobs and quest types.

Edited, Jul 23rd 2007 12:37pm by SefanaPPO
#6 Jul 23 2007 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I would have to say Stormhold was my fav zone. I just thought it was well laid out and was just neat. IT also had some interesting quests and interesting lore behind it. I also like Antonica it just has such a laid back casual feel to it. I would have to say in general I think the old world zones was all around better in design then any of the expansions actually. My guess is they put alot more effort to impress people when the game first game out. SOE has proven from EQ1 they like to Rush expansions.

I agree with your opinions of the entire DOF expansion. I played a paladin up to level 57. This was before the KOS expansion ever came out. During that time I did a ton of quests and a ton of instances in DOF. Not only did the zones bore me to death but I never found a single piece of loot that was a upgrade to my broker bought stuff (granted this was back when mastercrafted items was legendary). Well I take that back. When I finnally got enough people together to finish my carpet quest that was an upgrade to my level 20 pony. I didn't care much for any of the KOS zones either. Granted they was neat looking, however they was an absolute beast to traverse around in. I haven't explored much of EOF, but from what little I have seen it has actually been kinda neat. I still don't think its as fun as the original game. Since I have started a new character I have found myself too busy with quests/heritage stuff I haven't really had the chance to do much in EOF.

Oh I almost forgot I despise Nek woods with a passion. I wish somebody would brew up a few hundred gallons of moonshine and torch that place to the ground! Maybe even take down NEk Castle while they are at it!
#7 Jul 24 2007 at 2:20 AM Rating: Good
Enchanted Lands was always a favorite zone of mine. The place is beautiful with a nice selection of interesting mobs to hunt... turtles, swordfish, fairies and plenty of gobbos!

I also loved T-Steppes from the very first time I zoned in. That long uphill run from the griff tower to the T-Steppes zone in felt exactly like the run from Qeynos Hills into the Karanas (which is exactly what it's supposed to be!)

For a lvl 70, Loping Plains is fun but Estate of Unrest is about as good as it gets!

(I still kinda-sorta miss EQ2 but I'm having a ball in LOTRO)
#8 Jul 24 2007 at 5:15 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
Favorite zones:
Estate of Unrest~ Like Stug mentioned, I cant give anything away or it would spoil it for others. However for you old EQers, they did an amazing job of recreating the place. When you enter and see the house beyond the maze, it brings back memories. Mainly of running to the zone line yelling "TRAIN INC TO ZONE"

Tower of Draftling~ Not much is said about this place, but this is probably one of my favorite leveling grounds. It's found in the middle of Rivervale and you fight bixies in their hive. Just such a different look than any other zone, and with it being a dungeun, the xp bonus is added.

Nektropos~ just a cool storyline, cool little quests to be found within, and fun!

Hated Zones:
Antonica and Commonlands~ too big, to stretched out, meh.

Zek~ I dont know why but I never really enjoyed Zek that much. Nothing pulled me to it

GFay~ The only reason I can not stand this place is because it is such a PITA to get from point A to point B zone wise.
#9 Jul 24 2007 at 5:50 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
More to add...

Favorite Zones: Runnyeye - Awesome dungeon zone with plenty of named mobs, quests, and great layout. Spent many a day leveling my main. Exp is better in this zone too.

Get rid of it Zone: Blackburrow - Never seemed to catch my interest the way it did in EQ1. Perhaps it was the layout. Other then the gnolls, it had little in common with the eq1 zone. EXP with the heriocs is the only reason to venture into this zone. At level 15, I was getting 6% a kill while grouping with another guy. Triple Up's only with vitality bonus kicking in.
#10 Jul 25 2007 at 6:09 AM Rating: Decent
129 posts
Favorite Zones:

Fallen Gate: Great zone for goot XP. even better after the revamp.
StormHold: Not as good as FG, but still easy to navagate, and fun named mobs.
Ruins of Varsoon: Dont know why but I tend to spend a lot of time there.
Runnyeye: Another fun zone.
Pillar of Falmes
Loping Plans

Hated Zones:

Nek Forest
Nek Castle
Sol Eye
Sanctum of the Scaleborn
Tenebrous Tangle
New Tunaria
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