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Stratagy guide for tanks anyone?Follow

#1 Jun 25 2007 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
So one of my guildies says that women can't play good tanks because they are "less aggressive". We had a very amusing conversation about that, and I decided that I wanted to prove him wrong. I'm building a tank. I decided to go with a berserker, because I've played a guardian in the past and got bored quickly because they kill so darn slow (At the time, I was soloing, which is probably why I hated the guardian. Now I play almost 100% in groups). At any rate, does anyone know of a good "strategy guide" for tanks? I've done some sorting through forums, but I'd love to find something that offers concise tips on playing tank.

My main is a templar, and I've based my definition of a "good tank" from the healer's perspective (get and keep agro), but I don't know how to actually do that. Right now, I'm having a hard time tab-ing fast enough to keep bad things targeted, so the wizards, etc., are getting impatient because they are targeting through me.

Any suggestions?

Edited, Jun 26th 2007 12:05pm by UnRealScientist
#2 Jun 25 2007 at 11:00 AM Rating: Excellent
Hrm. If there isn't a guide there should be. I'll think on it. In the mean time, some tips:

- Spell Upgrades in Order of Priority
  • Taunts and other hate increasing spells/skills (Shadowknight caress line for example)
  • Buffs
  • Other (normal non-direct hate increasing damage spells or combat arts)

- Always always always play in third-person camera mode
You'd be amazed how many tank actually play in first-person view. You can't see incoming adds from all angles, you can't see where all your group mates are positioned, you can't protect your rear from a paladin. Just don't do it. 3rd person camera wins.

- Do not "lazy-target"
Lazy targeting is the bad habit of acquiring your target by allowing a mob to hit you when you don't have a target. Tanks who get into this habit are often slow in acquiring their next target during a group encounter or worse, stand there while a group member is being beat on because they didn't notice one mob in the encounter peel off. Always acquire your next target through direct mouse-click right as or possibly a second prior to the previous enemy dropping. This is more efficient than tabbing (which can cycle you through too many non-essential targets to be effective) and allows you to grab the next logical target or priority threat.

- Use direct taunt skills at every opportunity
Hate is added through both direct taunts and damage dealt (and friendly damage healed). Your priority each encounter is to build up your hate fast and early. You won't be able to sustain the damage that the casters and scouts can lay out so you need to get a far enough "hate lead" early before they can get their hooks in. Open with your direct taunts and your big damage spells/CAs. Build a large enough hate lead early and the mob should be dead before the DPS'ers catch up to you on the list.

- Don't be wishy-washy.
It may sound silly, but a groups viability can hinge on the confidence of the tank. This doesn't mean that you need to be reckless, but you need to be decisive. People can smell a weak group and will frequently abandon the group early or at the first sign of trouble if they sense that the people within the group are incompetent. The tank is the biggest showpiece of the group's mentality as a whole. Take charge. Put your foot down and tell the group how things are going to be. Get this in your head: You're the ****ing tank. Be a leader, be strong and confident and people are much more likely to follow your direction or stick around when things go south (wipe, lost target, etc.). There's a thread on the official boards about personality types as related to primary in-game class. Almost without exception, people who have plate tanks as their mains are extroverts. There is a reason for this. Attitude goes a long way towards being a successful group leader and as a tank, that's what you are.

- Don't be afraid to let that over-zealous nuker/scout/bruiser die.
Seriously. Some people just need to learn a lesson. Some people just need killin'. Look, hate-management is everyone's job. Not just the tank's. If the tank is losing aggro to a wizard every other fight, 8 times out of 10 it isn't the tank's fault. If someone is consistently pulling hate from you, stop saving them. Instruct your healer not to heal the over-nuker/dps'er. If they want to play tank - let them try it without help. Let them eat the deaths. Either they will learn to tone it down and play nice in the sandbox, or they will leave. In either case you win. You either have a reformed member who is now being productive and efficient, or you got rid of someone you probably didn't want to be grouping with anyway.

- Know your group members
More than any other archetype, a tank needs to have an understanding of the abilities and nuances of every class. Tell the warlock to lay off the Absolution line early. Ask the assassin why they haven't given you their Shadows hate transfer. Understand how to work positioning for the scouts. Understand how you'll need to react when the coercer's charm breaks or when you see the big nuke particle effects from your wizard.

Don't be afraid to tell other people what to do. You're the director of the group. You are the leader. Again: You're the ****ing tank.

If you have any specific questions, feel free to fire away.

Edited, Jun 25th 2007 3:25pm by Stugein
#3 Jun 25 2007 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
I veiw the "women cannot be tanks as RUBBISH"

Two reasons:
A: When my RL best friend made a pally, she did exceptional and it was fun to listen to her on the phone as she said "DIE TAKE THAT YOU SCUMMMMM!!!!!"
B: In Vanguard (Yeah I know a different game) I grouped with a female tank and did just fine.

And lastly this arguemnt on women cannot be tanks is just as silly as not liking a Fae/arasai/ratonga/froglok/gnome/other short race Shadow Knight.
#4 Jun 25 2007 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the pointers, Stugein! I'm sure I'll find them helpful.
#5 Jun 26 2007 at 12:00 AM Rating: Decent
Check out youtube and search Everquest 2 tanking. There's a three parter on there from Oapa, a guardian on befallen server. He covers some good points, and it's a bit of a laugh to.
#6 Jun 26 2007 at 3:26 AM Rating: Decent
355 posts
First of all, good choice on the zerker. With a decent group you will not lose aggro, and it has reasonable damage output for soloing.

One thing to consider when tanking is Area of Effect spells. Do you want the rest of the group hitting on all the NPCs in the encounter & surrounding area? This will be fine if you are cycling through the mob and taunting each one to keep the hate levels up. I personally prefer the rest of the group to leave off the AoE spells, as that is a way of holding the whole mob. If the tank is the only one AoE'ing, it is the only one doing damage to the non-targeted NPCs, so will always keep aggro. Of course you will always get the odd scout who wants to attack a non-targetted NPC, but if he wants to pull it off you and tank, it's his funeral. Once the encounter is all but won, the rest of the group can pile in with AoE.

In answer to Stugein's list of spell upgrades:
Taunts, taunts, taunts
Buffs - as most of your zerker ones are for group in-combat health regen
AoEs - Hold non-targetted mob aggro until you get around to them
Other spells

If you have any off-tanks, try to get them co-ordinated with the knock down spells. Any enemy on his back is not going to beat on you, so keep him on the floor as much as possible.

For tanking, you are not really wanting to do damage - that's the job of the finger wigglers & scouts. You want to hold aggro. Save your power for taunts.
#7 Jun 26 2007 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
So I used the 3rd person view last night. Funny how such a little thing can make such a big difference! Thanks! It was very helpful. I did a great job keeping agro. However, I foolishly tried to group without a healer, and, well... I kept agro until I died :) I was even grouped with a newbie warlock that couldn't quite figure out how to not steal agro from me. I probably should have let him die, but he was new to the game, so I took agro back each time he stole it from me. Having the 3rd person view on helped a ton, because I could see the mobs when they went around me to him.
#8 Jun 26 2007 at 2:00 PM Rating: Excellent
Glad to help, URS. Keep applying those tips and you'll start to develop your own tanking style. As always we're here to help with any Q's you may have. You can also poke us in IRC from time to time (see .sig).
#9 Jun 27 2007 at 5:32 AM Rating: Decent
599 posts
One more thing, depending on the instance, try to set up pull camps where the group waits as the tank pulls mobs to them - that gives the tank a few extra moments to get off single and aoe taunts before group members engage the target(s) and you have a 2/3 second lead on the second round of taunts.

Some folks develop really bad habits like creeping forward in pull camps or nuking mobs as the tank rounds a corner on the pull - tell them to wait.
#10 Jun 27 2007 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
While searching the forums, I've come across a few debates about whether a tank should use a shield. Is it important? And also, my understanding is that Berzerkers hold agro by taunts but also by damage, whereas the guardian holds agro mostly by taunts. Is this correct? If so, then should I NOT use a shield as a Berzerker?

Also, THANK YOU everyone for your thoughtful replies. They've helped a lot and I've really enjoyed trying to tank. I also took the liberty of copying some of the posts into a post on my guild website (I made sure I told them where the posts were coming from, so they can find the originals). Its been fun, because its generated a lot of discussion on my guild site too.

Edited, Jun 27th 2007 3:11pm by UnRealScientist
#11 Jun 27 2007 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
Oh yeah, one other question. Lots of people have been telling me to increase stamina and health, but what about strength? Does that matter?
#12 Jun 27 2007 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
My serker uses a buckler because I chose the Stamina line in AA's. Buckler Reverse is in that line so buckler is what I went with. I read a lot of posts about the AA line for the warrior before I chose it. So far I have very happy with my decision. I am currently using the oak buckler which isn't too bad for lvl 32. I know there must be better but I don't raid so the field is limited.

Sometimes we need a challenge to cause us to rise. I played with a troubador that had no sense of humor and couldn't role play for ****. I ended up telling him that I would make a better troub that he would. My troubador is my main and I have loved every minute of it. Well, almost. I hated the first change (2004?) on the mastery line of spells/buffs. I felt really useless for a few days until I got used to it.

Anyway, good luck at being an outstanding tank who will go down in server history.


#13 Jun 28 2007 at 3:45 AM Rating: Decent
355 posts
My L55 zerker uses an imbued cobalt tower shield. I spent most AAs building up the 2nd page (spell buffs), so have not gone down the buckler line yet on the 1st page (stat buffs). But, yes if tanking, I generally use a shield. I find I can do enough damage to end a fight reasonably quickly, without getting pounded too much. I used to dual-wield, but the damage output wasn't that much higher to justify it. Plus, you need a shield equipped to use the Slam spell (knock-back with shield).

Edit: As regards stats, STR will let you hit harder, but as a tank that is not your prime concern. You need to hold aggro while taking as little damage as possible. Therefore, health (bigger health pool), stamina (resist damage better) & agility (avoid being hit in the first place) are your primary stats.

There is quite a bit of discussion on EQ2Flames regarding AAs, especially with the next AA-nerfing GU imminent. Look in the Berserker section if you have a couple of hours to spare, as there is a big discussion regarding bucklers ;) Sorry can't link from here as the site is blocked by firewall at work.

Edited, Jun 28th 2007 7:56am by HubertKerfuffle
#14 Jun 28 2007 at 4:24 AM Rating: Excellent
Yeah, see stats are tricky for a tank. Tanks, more than any other class, really need a good balance of stats because they don't really have a "primary" focus. You need to strike a balance between them all to be effective. Your job is to gain aggro, maintain it, and survive it's consequences. STR is required for your melee damage but also is your primary statistic for determining your power pool (thus how frequently you can taunt and CA without breaks). STA affects your hitpoint pool. AGI affects how well you evade hits. WIS affects how well you resist spells cast on you by the enemies (also key to survivability and successful tanking (a stunned, rooted or worse charmed tank is no good to anyone). In the case of a casting tank like a Shadowknight INT is even important because it affects your spell damage output. So while your primary concern should probably be STA and STR you certainly can't afford to ignore the others like non-tank classes can with their primary stats.

Link your guild site. It'd be interesting to see what other people think.
#15 Jun 28 2007 at 5:58 AM Rating: Decent
129 posts
Stugein forgot one of the most group friendly tip.

Turn the mob, always turn the mob so its back is to the group. Youll want to stay in 3rd person view to be able to pick up adds quickly, but turn the mobs so that DPS can unleash the fury from behind.

Also, agro and damage work hand in hand. 1 point of damage = 1 point of hate. So if you need agro, youll have to taunt a ton, or parse very high. If you do a combination of both youll be set.

Picking and setting up groups with agro transfer always help. Try to get someone who can increase your DPS or Haste is always nice. Depending on your items.
#16 Jun 28 2007 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
99 posts
A woman can probably tank fine but, I love my healer being a female. I mean...a female healer transforms her group into her 'children' and tries to take the best possible care =D. And the female healer often shows genuine remorse when one of her children died in battle. =p

I know quite a few females with tank alts...but kinda ignore them and don't enjoy the tanking role as much.
#17 Jun 28 2007 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
I've grouped with plenty of girls that play tank chars, and they do just as good as guys do, if not better in some cases. The best advice I can give to anyone that is playing a tank class is to make sure you always upgrade all your taunts to the highest level you can afford. Same with gear and other abilities if you can. And always use a shield if you are in a dungeon or instance unless you aren't taking much damage and will speed things up by dual wielding or using a 2h weapon.

I primarily play a healer in most MMO's and my main in EQ2 was a 70 raid mystic and now a rerolled defiler. I'll tell you right now that a lot the healer classes tend to know one another since EQ2 has a smaller player base and they usually gossip about who is a good tank or dps class, and who sucks *** and to never group with. Nothing pisses off a priest more than a tank that doesn't use a shield when needed or hasn't upgraded their taunts. If I am constantly out of mana spamming heals unneccessarily or having to heal myself for always getting aggro, I will most likely want to log off early, and be sure to never grp with that tank ever again. Word gets around pretty fast if you are a bad tank, so you should make sure you are preparded before grouping.

Oh, and one more thing, never ever tell a priest how to heal unless they totally suck and just have no clue. That really never goes over well unless you happen to have a 70 priest of that same class and can offer some real helpful advice.
#18 Jun 28 2007 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
I'm a 65 SK and a female and I've once been told by the main tank of our biggest raid guild on the server that I do far better than most of the tanks he's seen at my level. I was 55 at the time and he was on his ranger so he got to sit back and watch me. So a female Can do very very well as a tank class.

If you have to follow along as an off tank and watch the mt do his business, especially if hes the same class as you so you recognize each spell he casts. It does help you learn which spells are best cast in each situation that might arise.
#19 Jun 28 2007 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
Oh, and one more thing, never ever tell a priest how to heal unless they totally suck and just have no clue. That really never goes over well unless you happen to have a 70 priest of that same class and can offer some real helpful advice.

No worries there. My main is a templar :P
#20 Jul 02 2007 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, tick of the healer and you will end up D-E-A-D

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