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Lotsa Questions :-)Follow

#1 Apr 28 2007 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
Hey there! :-)

Played EQ from 2001 to 2004, now I'm coming back - but chose to step into EQ2 instead, so after my trial, noticing some of the differences, some questions arose... some replies came from this very same forum, although some remain so any answer would be greatly appreciated :-)

Group Oriented

1) In EQ clerics were the group staple - only a pimped out shaman or druid could eventually replace them but even then nothing got close to a full heal/resurrecter. My question is, are Templars/Inquisitors as required as they were on EQ?

2) Bar the healer of course, which other classes would you want to have in your group? Which ones would you rather not? (honestly).

3) Are EQ2 Pallies still great aggro holders?

4) Which classes is the slow spell line coming from in EQ2? (Sorry didn't have time to check the spell section thouroughly yet)

Solo Oriented

1) Who're the best solo'ers? In EQ, the Necro, Druid and Wizard were great at it (maybe mage, bard and shaman to some point, too). I find it hard to tell what's it like here in EQ2.

2) Coming from the question above, Is there any solo class that's also wanted in groups? I mean, really wanted, not just "something we wouldn't mind having as an afk sixth member".

3) Are there any xp (or maybe even loot) boni associated with grouping, besides the obvious one coming from being able to take on tougher stuff? Is it really noticeable, or would somebody be better off soloing, if able to?

Item Related

1) Is there any benefit granted to two-handed weapon wielders, I mean, if a one-handed weapon and a 2-h one have the same base dmg, Would the 2-h thingy have any extra boni because of... well... being 2-h'ded?

2) I know the "sprint" ability is quite handy. Even then, is there any equivalent to j-boots? If there is, is it worth getting?


1) Even when not in a pvp or rp server, are there any consequences for evil/good chars teaming up? If there're none, I still suppose good chars are kos in evil cities and vice-versa, right? A-la-pally-entering-Neriak?

2) How stable is the EQ2 economy, and is there a bazaar-like trading hub?

3) What are "adventure packs"? Mini-expansions? Failed to find detailed info on the sony site, I apologize if it's clearly somewhere and still didn't see it.

4) I really liked the tutorial, the quest system, and how many of them were at the starting tutorial areas. Is it like this all the way to high levels, or just up to a certain point?

5) Are HP's and Sta still the main thing to go for, for... all classes? (specially if you ever plan on raiding?)

6) Which servers got the most powerful/advanced guilds?

Alright, these are the ones I had on top of my head... I know they're quite a few :p... still any help would be tremendously appreciated :-)
#2 Apr 28 2007 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
I cant answer all of those but can for a few.

3) Are EQ2 Pallies still great aggro holders?

Guardians are probaly the most popular tank. Pallys aren't too far off.

1) Who're the best solo'ers? In EQ, the Necro, Druid and Wizard were great at it (maybe mage, bard and shaman to some point, too). I find it hard to tell what's it like here in EQ2.

About every class can solo, I have found it hardest on bards tho due to there lower damage output.

2) I know the "sprint" ability is quite handy. Even then, is there any equivalent to j-boots? If there is, is it worth getting?

Mounts, horses wargs or flying carpets. Expensive as hell tho, for me at least :(.
I think there also is some form a foot gear that increase speed tho.

1) Even when not in a pvp or rp server, are there any consequences for evil/good chars teaming up? If there're none, I still suppose good chars are kos in evil cities and vice-versa, right? A-la-pally-entering-Neriak?

Neriak is no longer friendly to anyone. All players start in qeynos(good) and freeport(evil) and are KoS in the respective cities. Outside the cities guards are indifferent to any player(unless hostile faction)


4) I really liked the tutorial, the quest system, and how many of them were at the starting tutorial areas. Is it like this all the way to high levels, or just up to a certain point?

If you think there were a lot in tutorial your gonna be amazed.

3) What are "adventure packs"? Mini-expansions? Failed to find detailed info on the sony site, I apologize if it's clearly somewhere and still didn't see it.

They are little zone or dungeon additions I believe. They are not very popular form what I have heard tho.

#3 Apr 28 2007 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
3,605 posts
all healers can heal just fine solo or as back up each offers somethign different as to buffs but there all just as good and wanted.

every class is needed wanted really they all bring soemthing to the table. Even thou personally i think sk's are useless as tanks but i just havent found a good one yet.

any class can solo some worse then others. clerics your gonna be hitting the mob along time before it drops but overall the best would be fury's berserkers and most pet classes. I've known zerkers who solo catacombs with ease but it's also the player. Yes group mobs give better xp then solo mobs and better loot

1 handed to 2 handed depends on alot of things weapon/shield/secondary combo for stats, weapon/secondary/secondary for more stats 2handed which usually has alot more stats and some AA abilities require you to have a certain item or have off hand empty etc to get the use of hte spell.

There are J boots in the game sow mounts

group with anything really it's all good you can sneak into opposite cities and high levels can usually just enter watch out for a few mobs. (neriak is gone buried)

economy fluctuates depending on the pricks who's putting stuff on broker. there is a bazaar server wher eyou can buy sell for real money. but you just put stuff up on broker and buy from any broker.

expansion packs.
splitpaw- gives a spell and a port level 20 to 50 not bad when your bored for solo stuff.

Bloodlines- useless pack imo not really used and not worth it wasnt that fun really

fallen dynasty- great raid zones and fun stuff to do when your high level worth getting when you get about 50

eof/kos/dof all necessary expansions to have you get them all with the eof bought game not the digital download.

Tutorial ends when you do everything on it usually around level 5 or 6 or so

every class has it's own stats needed but hit points is always good but consider stam to be your lesser stat to get depending on the class that doesnt use stam as a primary but dont overlook it and dont put your other stats at risk

alot of guilds alot of servers do well second dawn on najena is one of hte top guilds with what they have accomplished but also look as to when your level 70 100 aa's fully fabled raid geared and ready to join a top notch guild there may be a new one. Plus with the free server transfers people will be moving guilds etc so who's to say what guild is staying where
#4 Apr 28 2007 at 5:27 PM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
Calogrenant wrote:
Hey there! :-)

Played EQ from 2001 to 2004, now I'm coming back - but chose to step into EQ2 instead, so after my trial, noticing some of the differences, some questions arose... some replies came from this very same forum, although some remain so any answer would be greatly appreciated :-)

Hiyas! I left EQ in 2004 when EQ2 launched, and I've never looked back. First thing to remember is while this is Norrath, this is definitely not EQ1, and you can throw out a lot of specifics you lived by in EQ1.

I'll pick out what I can answer, here...

Calogrenant wrote:
2) How stable is the EQ2 economy, and is there a bazaar-like trading hub?

The economy is fine, and the Dev's seem to have, so far, staved off the kind of insane MUDflation we saw in EQ1. There are always fluxes, especially when tradeskill content changes for some reason, but overall things are rarely badly out of whack. Trading is decentralized; we buy and sell via a Broker NPC. This means no Bazaar lag! Start by talking to any NPC tagged "Broker" and checking out the Market Board (looks like a bulletin board) you got with your inn room.

Calogrenant wrote:
3) What are "adventure packs"? Mini-expansions? Failed to find detailed info on the sony site, I apologize if it's clearly somewhere and still didn't see it.

Optional additional content. There have been three so far, all fun, but they are not necessary to the game. There's been no official announcement, but it looks like along with a longer Expansion development cycle (they dumped the 6 month schedule in favor of polish, and so far it seems like the right move) they're going to be adding free content regularly instead of AP's. If you have Station Access you'll get these free; otherwise they're available via digital download for under $10.

Calogrenant wrote:
4) I really liked the tutorial, the quest system, and how many of them were at the starting tutorial areas. Is it like this all the way to high levels, or just up to a certain point?

It's that way all the way up; an observant player will be tripping over quests, and have enough to work on that they can outlevel a lot of them (hence locking combat XP). We have over 3300 quests in the Allakhazam database and no way have we got every quest in the game cataloged. Our quest journals hold (I think) 100 active quests and people complain all the time they're wrapping up old grey quests 'cause their journal is full.

Calogrenant wrote:
5) Are HP's and Sta still the main thing to go for, for... all classes? (specially if you ever plan on raiding?)

Stats are completely class-dependant. As a Troubador I want AGI first and INT next, then probably STA and STR.. or maybe WIS, I debate that a lot. Mouseover the stats in your Persona window to see what each stat does for your class.

Calogrenant wrote:

6) Which servers got the most powerful/advanced guilds?

Completely depends on who's telling the story!!
#5 Apr 28 2007 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
Thank you very much for the time you guys took to reply, your answers have been really helpful :-)

See you in game!
#6 Apr 28 2007 at 11:44 PM Rating: Good
2) How stable is the EQ2 economy, and is there a bazaar-like trading hub?

Alot of people will tell you its fine. Others, including myself will tell you its way retarded.

I have 2k plat and theres NOTHING that i would buy, other than repair kits. As for the broker system, alot of the stuff thats for sale, is for sale by "bots" and are for sale for stupid amounts of money.

Add to this that the last expansion brought out transmuting, alot if not all of the lower lvl adept 1 spells and armor is sold for way more money than you will ever have at the lvl that you need it as a new player(atleast on my server).

You could however harvest "rares" and get a crafter to make you some armor/weapons, but by the time you harvest all you need aswell as make the money needed for the crafters, you could have already outleveled the items that you are trying to find in nodes.

For a brandnew player looking to advance via the economy, its very hard. WHat i would do if i were you is find some groups around your level in dungeons, Master chests will drop alot more now than they ever did when the game first opened up, in these chests you will find loot that you can either use, or no one in the group at the time can use that you have a chance of winning and selling on the broker to make money for stuff that you can use.

Also, never sell anything that looks useful to a vendor, always search the broker to see how much that item is selling and try to sell for a little cheaper to make money.

Find little glowing ?s on the ground, harvest them and check the broker for the price to sell, these sometimes go for good money, you can actully make alot of money harvesting these things.

But all in all i truly believe that the economy is very screwed.
#7 Apr 29 2007 at 12:03 AM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
Sutex wrote:
2) How stable is the EQ2 economy, and is there a bazaar-like trading hub?

For a brandnew player looking to advance via the economy, its very hard.

Lots of new players have reported that because the low level stuff has inflated value due to Transmuting, they're able to make a nice chunk of change selling drops they don't need :)
#8 Apr 29 2007 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
129 posts
Group Oriented

1) In EQ clerics were the group staple - only a pimped out shaman or druid could eventually replace them but even then nothing got close to a full heal/resurrecter. My question is, are Templars/Inquisitors as required as they were on EQ?
All healers have been created "Equal". They all heal differently and have strengths over the other healing classes, but they can all heal.

Templar/Inquisitors: have big heals and retro active heals.
Mystic/Defilers: Wards that prevent damage altogether. Medium heals.
Warden/Fury: Heals over time and quick small heals.

2) Bar the healer of course, which other classes would you want to have in your group? Which ones would you rather not? (honestly).
I like a Ballanced group, but tend to focus more on Melee Damage. IMO if they can produce DPS without power, its a bonus.

Scout (Dirge/Troubador/Swashy/Brigand)

3) Are EQ2 Pallies still great aggro holders?
Yes. They have the ability to pull agro from anyone with the use of an agro transfer spell.

4) Which classes is the slow spell line coming from in EQ2? (Sorry didn't have time to check the spell section thouroughly yet)
Slows arent needed as much in EQ2. You can build a group without a slower. However, I beleive that both enchanters and shamans can slow to an extent.

Solo Oriented

1) Who're the best solo'ers? In EQ, the Necro, Druid and Wizard were great at it (maybe mage, bard and shaman to some point, too). I find it hard to tell what's it like here in EQ2.
Depends. But I woudl say the conj/necro are still at the tome of solo abilities.

2) Coming from the question above, Is there any solo class that's also wanted in groups? I mean, really wanted, not just "something we wouldn't mind having as an afk sixth member".
Either. The conj/Necros have scout and mage pets that do some pretty mean DPS.

3) Are there any xp (or maybe even loot) boni associated with grouping, besides the obvious one coming from being able to take on tougher stuff? Is it really noticeable, or would somebody be better off soloing, if able to?
No direct bonus. However, harder, more difficult mobs faster will produce faster XP. In EQ2, you have 3 different types of mobs. Solo, Heroic, ad Epic mobs. Solo mobs are easy, for any class to kill. Heroics normally require a group of 3 or more. And Epic mobs will require 2 ore more groups.

Item Related

1) Is there any benefit granted to two-handed weapon wielders, I mean, if a one-handed weapon and a 2-h one have the same base dmg, Would the 2-h thingy have any extra boni because of... well... being 2-h'ded?
Not that im aware of. However, Good luck finding a one handed wepaon that has a Damage ratting over 100.

2) I know the "sprint" ability is quite handy. Even then, is there any equivalent to j-boots? If there is, is it worth getting?
J-Boots are in the game. Mounts are availible, SoW, and so fourth.


1) Even when not in a pvp or rp server, are there any consequences for evil/good chars teaming up? If there're none, I still suppose good chars are kos in evil cities and vice-versa, right? A-la-pally-entering-Neriak?
Nope. good gorup with evil all the time. Also, the city guards are killable now so an SK can go to Qeynos as long as he can kill the guards.

2) How stable is the EQ2 economy, and is there a bazaar-like trading hub?
Broker. a one stop shop for selling and such. IMO, a lot easier to use then the bazaar, and a lot less laggy.

3) What are "adventure packs"? Mini-expansions? Failed to find detailed info on the sony site, I apologize if it's clearly somewhere and still didn't see it.
Pretty much mini-expansions.

4) I really liked the tutorial, the quest system, and how many of them were at the starting tutorial areas. Is it like this all the way to high levels, or just up to a certain point?
pretty much. Youll find that you level too fast to complete all quests in your level range.

5) Are HP's and Sta still the main thing to go for, for... all classes? (specially if you ever plan on raiding?)
Depends on the Class. Youll want to focus on your main stats. priests focus on Wisdom, mages focus on INT, so on and so fourth. For raiding, you want to focus on your main stats, power regen, and resistance.

6) Which servers got the most powerful/advanced guilds?
Every server has high end guilds. The hard thing is to find a server, create a needed toon, and invest the time to leveling/gearing and such fast enough to 70 to be accepted into the guild. For example: Im in a high end raiding guild, maybe 3-4 mobs we havent killed yet. The guild raids 5 nights a week. WE curretly need some scouts and healers. But that may change by the time you get to level 70.
#9 Apr 30 2007 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
Sultex, Calthine and Cubadok, thank you so much for your added imput.

Convinced my buddy and we finally got our accounts registered last sat, and attached a 6-month plan to both of them. Man have a I missed everything Eq... I'm just so glad to be back, although can't help feeling a little guilty for the soul I'm dragging with me... haha...

We ended up in the Nektulous server btw, where we ran our trials before I checked the "which server is more popular" thread here on Alla... And we were just too happy with our newbie stuff to run the trials all over again on another probably more popular server :p

Oh one last question btw... I claimed one of my "Bags of Endless Adventure"... I didn't get something though, it said it was "one day only"... and I'm unsure about what this means, 'cause it certainly seems not to be refering to a timer on it, since it lasted for more than a day already.

Anyway, already enjoying the great community and awesome game... see you around!

Menon - 15 Templar <--- wiii!
#10 Apr 30 2007 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
129 posts
Grats. Welcome to the club. lol.

Should have plays on MM though!
#11 Apr 30 2007 at 3:46 PM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
It was just a 1-day reward. A backpack, if I recall. Type /claim to see the stuff.

I'm on Nektulos, tho I have very strange play hours. Look up Kiana if you need help!
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