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Feeport to Kelethin Betrayal (from

#1 Feb 25 2007 at 6:42 AM Rating: Decent
I saw this on the EQ2 site's forum so I posted it here, in case anyone wanted to do this quest.

There and never-coming-back-again: A Ratonga's guide for Freeport to Kelethin Betrayal

Note: This guide was written on February 22, 2007 and may not be accurate after this time as the game is continually changing.

Intro: Skip This if You Want

Warning: Betrayal is a lot of grinding, boring, pain in the ***, hopping through hoops, and mundane sludging with very little reward other than a change in aesthetic of your character. Greater Faydark and Kelethin are designed for faeries, have many places you can fall to your death without warning if you don't have wings to glide. The tier 2 crafting resources in this area suck (at the time when I wrote this) compared to antonica and commons. Also, the usual betrayal things happen, if you're an 'evil only' class you get switched to the 'good' equivalent (assassin becomes ranger, etc). You lose whatever is in your SHARED bank slots. Even if you are a neutral class, all your skills get reduced to "Apprentice I" skill level and you have to redo all your skill increases.

But, if you still want to proceed, here you go:

There and never-coming-back-again: A Ratonga's guide for Freeport to Kelethin Betrayal

* You must be level 10 to start the quest
* You must own the Echoes of Faydwer expansion
* That's it.

Before you Begin
I know you are in a hurry to begin, but you will be working at this for many hours. My advise to you is, before you start this quest is to take a few minutes to run out to the Commonlands to the druid circle and click on the Blessed Shrubbery to be able to be teleported there in the future.

And, maybe even go through the wizard spire, using the Tenebrous Tangle port to get to Antonica and pick up the shrubbery at the druid circle there.

A Note on Druidic Teleportation
You will need to collect the blessed shruberry in a druid circle before someone can teleport you back to that zone. These circles can be found in most tier 1 and tier 2 zones and it is good to grab these when you can, so you can be teleported back to these zones without to suffer through a long distance run, if you ever want to adventure outside of Faydwer.

Blessed Shrubbery Commonlands (685, -58, -97)
Blessed Shrubbery Antonica (-2,200, -23, -688) down the hill from spire

A Note on Spire Teleportation
Tal to 'a gate caller scion', they will give you a teleportation shard item. stay near spire or in the center of it and eventually you'll be teleported up to Tenebrous Tangle. This is a dangerous area and not very friendly to exploration. When you get there, click back on the glowing circle. You will be offered two choices, Antonica or Commonlands. Choose the one that you want and you will be sent back down to that spire.

Wizard Spire Commons: (-29, -48, -411)
Wizard Spire Antonica: (-2,065, 12, -611)

#2 Feb 25 2007 at 6:43 AM Rating: Decent
More stuff from EQ2 forum...


Note: For all npcs on this list you can ask a guard for directions when you are in the correct zone, by clicking on them and filling in the name. That is, if the guards are friendly. They will be for most of this quest.

The first thing you need to do is to talk to a 'squire'. There are several around the city, but you will have to return the quest to Izzay Meestere in West Freeport anyway, so start there.

He is located in the Blood Haze Inn in West Freeport:

Izzay Meestere (304, -2, 90)

The steps he gives you are very simple, but I'll step you through them.

Step 1 : Placing the listening devices

Talk to Izzay, and follow through the conversation.

He will give you 5 listenomitrons to be placed around the city. All the locations are at easy to find landmarks. When you are in the correct spot an orange message will appear on your screen that says 'Strategic Location'. Usually this is right next to a table, since it leaves the bug on the table.

To place the listening devices, examine the listenomitron item in your inventory while standing on the correct spot, then select Place Device from the menu that shows up.

As you go along, you'll receive mail from the NPCs telling you about the exciting possibilities that await you outside Freeport.

* The first one is to be placed on the second level of the guild registrar's building. You can ask guard to find "Registrar" or else the loc of the building is (-89, -36,-1). It's the "Freeport Observer" building. Stand on the table to upstairs to place bug.

* The second bug is on 3rd floor of Militia Building. Just at top of stairs (155, 0, 121) West Freeport.

* Third is 2nd Floor of Arcane Sciences building in North Freeport. Elevator is in SW corner. The elevator on the left when facing the wall goes up when you press control nearby. Location (0, 7, -120)

* Fourth is on the far lefthand dock in South Freeport (-281, -57, 141)

* Fifth is in Ruined Temple on Temple Street around (35, 4, 97). Use the Travel Within Freeport Bell on the docks in East Freeport

Return to Izzay Meestere in West Freeport when you're done placing the bugs.

Step 2: Spying on People

Follow through the conversation with Izzay, if you choose the wrong answers the conversation will end, just restart and keep going.

This time, he will give you a list of people to spy on using a listening device. You can ask the guards where to find NPC you're supposed to listen to. Again, when you're in the proper position to listen an orange message appears on the screen saying "Hidden Location". This has to be done at night, or the NPCs won't be there.

Examine the hearing device in your inventory and select the option to use it.

* The first location is at the SW corner of the Militia building.
* The second is up the street near (52, -20, 60)
* Third near the Commonlands Gate (260, -3, -62)
* Fourth near the sewer grating (287, -3, -23)
* Fifth in the basement of militia house (155, -26, 135)

Return to Izzay Meestere and follow through the dialogue, usually selecting the second option he gives you. If you ***** up, just start the conversation over again. He will send you to talk to Mehina in East Freeport.

Step 3 : Talk to Mehina in East Freeport

Mehina is in East Freeport in the Seafarer's Roost building on the docks. (-235, -55, -25)

She'll ask you to get the schedule from the militia building. It's on the wall and looks like a vendor board that you'd hang in your house. If you are a waypoint junkie (149, -7, 140).

Wait till it's night or a guard will attack you. I didn't wait and got attacked. If the guard attacks you, you can run away or maybe fight. I ran away. One time I died, the other time I lived. It was a very weak guard and I'm not very patient.

Return to Mehina at the docks. She will send you to talk to Juturna Postumus in Longshadow Alley. Use a bell on the docks to Travel Within Freeport to Longshadow Alley.

She is behind the first door on your left when coming from the harbor. (-42, -3, -39)

She'll give you a replacement board. You have to return to the same spot, on the second floor of the Militia building and make the switch. Again, if you don't wait till night, you'll get attacked.

Return to Mehina in East Freeport and talk to her again. She'll leave the conversation hanging, telling you to talk to 'Shay'. She means Izzay, so return to him in West Freeport. You're almost done.

Leaving Freeport

This is the final step in Freeport and you get to do some fighting and have some fun. A lot of warnings will pop up, letting you know that you're about to do something drastic, but you knew all that already. You have to enter your character name to confirm that you REALLY want to do it.

MAKE SURE YOU'RE READY. It's not joking, after this step it boots you out and you'll be at -50,000 faction with Freeport, Qeynos and Kelethin.

Prepare yourself for battle, then agree to it all. It will send you into an instanced version of the militia house once you tell Izzay that you are ready.

Freeport: The Final Battle

You have three goals: place and arm the explosive devices, kill the comandant to get the key, then free the hostages. There are a number of guards which you must fight, they were all white or blue to me at level 10, but assume that they scale with level.

There is no time limit.

The steps to folow are:

Pick up the explosive (looks like a tripod on the floor in front of the blonde girl).

Go up the stairs to level two, fighting when necessary. It's best to kill the pathing guards first as they will aggro when they get close, the stationary ones don't seem to have as much of an aggro range.

Pull the commandant from the middle of the room on the second floor and kill him. This will get you the key you need for the last part.

Fight your way upward to the third floor (stairs are near the schedule board). There is only one way to go, keep going till you kill the last guard. He is standing on a balcony with a bunch of crates and weapons.

To place the bomb, examine it in your inventory (the icon looks like a flame), and select the command to place it. The tripod thing will appear on the table, you must click on it again to arm it, causing it to explode and finishing the second task.

Run back down to the first floor.

Pick up the second bomb from in front of the blonde girl, then go downstairs to the basement. There will be two npcs near the desk at the base of the stairs, there's two guards at the end of passage to the jail cell area and there are two pathing npcs in the jail cell area itself. Lots of fighting.

Click on each of the cell doors to free all the prisoners, then enter the cell that is full of crates and supplies. Don't worry, you cannot get locked inside.

Place and arm the bomb as you did before.

Yay! You accomplished the task, the quest update will tell you to go upstairs and meet with your team. Unfortunately... you were discovered by the militia. I guess, setting off two major explosions in their headquarters isn't as stealthy of a plan as it first sounded like.

At this point you'll be killed by high level guards that figured out your plan.... there is no avoiding it. The screen goes black and you wake up in Haven.

Congratulations. Everyone hates you now.

You will be at -50,000 faction with Freeport, Qeynos and Kelethin and +50,000 with Exiles.
#3 Feb 25 2007 at 6:44 AM Rating: Decent
There and never-coming-back-again: A Ratonga's guide for Freeport to Kelethin Betrayal

Next Part: Haven

You wake up in Haven, the city of Exiles. I love Haven, it's simple, efficient and best of all, no lag. But you can't live there. There's no housing. You'll find all your shared bank slots are gone too.

Anyway, talking to the hospitality npc, Kivrin Feirling, will give you a book on getting to know Haven. Reading it gives you a quest to talk to some npcs regarding defecting to Freeport or Qeynos. You can do this quest if you'd like but it requires going to both the Commonlands and Antonica whichi s a major detour. (Gil McMartin is near (-923, -47, 14) inside a tower in the Commonlands, Gol M`Tun is in Antonica near the northernmost gate to Qeynos near (30, -14, -55)).

The only exits from Haven are into Nektulos Forest and Thundering Steppes, both of which are level 20+ areas, so it's a pain to get back to either of those places to complete the quest. It's not necessary for Kelethin citizenship, though.

Leaving Haven

Your next task is to get to Greater Faydark. If you are less than level 20, you will die here, probably more than once because you have to run through Nektulos Forest or Thundering Steppes and Butcherblock Mountains.

You have two options, running to the harbor in Thundering Steppes or running to the harbor in Nektulos.

I chose Nektulos because it seemed like a more Freeportian alternative. The exit from Haven to Nektulos is down the tunnel labelled 'Smuggled Goods'. Click on the sewer grating and you will zone into Nektulos.

You enter in Nektulos at (-337, -1, -786). The path is just west of you. Follow it to the SouthWest towards the harbor. Level 10 stealth is useless, just run. If something aggros, you'll probably die unless you're over level 20.

Hidden Path to Harbor (473, 0, -449). Just stay on the path and run. The things most likely to aggro are wolves, just avoid them.

The harbor dock itself is near (773, -0, -174).

If you choose to go through Thundering Steppes, the harbor there is near (-603, -23, -401)

Once you are one the dock, take the boat to Butcherblock Mountains. It's at the end of the dock. You might have to wait a minute or two for it to arrive.

Butcherblock Harbor

Despite the fact that you're supposed to be a hated exile, npcs here generally won't attack you. You can even deal with merchants here.

There is a ramp up to the exit of the harbor. Follow it to the top and get psyched up for another dangerous run. You'll probably die again. Butcherblock is another level 20 zone. It's difficult to describe the path to get to the gfay entrance, but it's near (-1000, 100, -425), in the North East corner of the zone. As you get closer, there's signs pointing the way.

#4 Feb 25 2007 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
Welcome to Greater Faydark and Kelethin

Some notes at first: Although you are at -50,000 faction with the city, hardly any of the npcs will attack you. This includes almost all the guards EXCEPT the Royal Guards outside the Fae Royal Hall and the Fae Royal Court. However this is an out of the way location. It can only be accessed by going up a ramp from Gearheart Forge. You will have to go there once while you still have bad faction, but otherwise, there's no reason to go up there.

Also, while you are in bad standing with the city, the merchants won't deal openly with you, you cannot use the bank, and you cannot use the main brokers. You cannot get a house in the city either. This applies to the npcs on the platforms in the city as well as most npcs in the surrounding area. Once you increase your faction a few npcs will interact with you, but you will remain locked out from some until you complete citizenship.

That being said, there is, either by design or by omission, a bank that you can use in the Nursery area, which is the faerie newbie area. Since newbie faeries are not yet citizens of Kelthin, you can use this bank too. There is a mender there and a general merchant that sells the most basic supplies and who you can sell things to if your inventory is full of junk. To get to the Nursery go to the entrance of Echo Echo Canyon which is located behind Sapling Spur Outpost (-128, 11, -133). Follow the path straight through, then go to (-130, -43, -795).

There is also a mender and provisioner at Spire Shadow Outpost (-440, 123, 482) which you will be running past quite frequently while doing faction quests.

There is a black market broker which you can access inside the Central Stump. Access it from a ramp on the ground at (344, 8, 392). This is West from the base of the Granite Hills acorn lift.

In addition, you can do most quests in the city and surrounding areas. They will not give you faction with the city, but will give you the standard exp and rewards.

Also, status relic merchants will buy from you, so you can raise status and also sell other items to them if your inventory gets desperately full.

Another important note: If and when you die in Kelthin or Greater Faydark, you will end up at the Sapling Spur Outpost. To get back to the city, take the path to the west. After a short distance you'll see a sign directing you South to Kelthin, this takes you to the Old Kelethin Acorn Lift (60.52, 8.62, -0.71), take it up into the city. To get back to the Assistant Registrar who gives all your quests, follow the platforms westward till you get to the bank, then west again and downward to the platform with the ramp to Green Knoll. From the base of the ramp you should see his hut (594,45,78).

Now on with the show.

Faction Building

Upon entering from Butcherblock, turn to your right. There is a hill that leads up to an area called Green Knoll. In a hut there is an npc, Gibrien Marsden (594,45,78), who will be your friend throughout your factioning.

The first quest he gives you will be to go see the city Registrar, Nimess Sessi, in the Fae Royal Hall. But, before you do that, you will need to learn Faerlie, the Faerie Language, if you don't happen to know it already.

Step 1: Learning the Faerli Language

The quest to learn the Fae language starts with Miella Maarsitotts in Kelthin.

I have found that waypoints do not function well inside Kelethin. The orange path line tends to go point over the edges a lot of times, and the red destination dot on the map is often in the wrong place. But you can try for yourself by asking guards for the location of NPCs. You can also use their title like 'Registrar' or 'Mender'.

The fastest way into the city from Gilbrien's hut is up the hill to a ramp that leads into the city (483,69,104).

* Go up the ramp from Green Knoll into the city.
* Turn left and go over that bridge. It will take you to the bank platform.
* Turn right and go up that bridge, this will take you to Gearheart Forge.
* Cut across the platform in a South East direction then go DOWN the bridge to the South East.

This will take you straight to Miella. She will tell you to go into the pub, which is the building to your left, and say some stupid things. Do that, and Jyoslin will give you another set of instructions to go pour an ale on the old memorial stone at the base of Tunare's Sapling. He gives you the ale to use, don't drink it. Go back out, talk to Miella again for good measure, then go back up the bridge to the Gearheart Forge Platform. You are headed for the Old Kelethin Acorn Lift which is in the far North East of the city. Keep following bridges in that direction.

Take the lift down and follow the trunk of the tree to your right till you end up in the water. The stone is at location (-29, -9, 40). Click on it to make your offering and select the "Offer the Ale to Tunare" option. Then retrace your steps back to Miella.

Talk to her and you will learn the Fae Language.

Next is the most perilous part of the entire Kelthin citizenship quest, talking to the Registrar.

Step 2: Talking to the Registrar

From where you are standing near Miella Maarsitotts, go back up to the Gearheart Forge platform. On the West side of the Gearheart platform is a bridge that leads upward. This goes to the Fae Royal Hall platform. Ascend this bridge carefully and stop near the top.

The problem here is that the royal guard on the royal platform WILL ATTACK YOU ON SIGHT. To compound this they are level 70 and level 75 heroics, so if you aggro them you will die very quickly. The only one that you need to be concerned with is Guard Aluvier who patrols between the Royal Hall and the Royal Court. She tends to come to a stop in front of one building or the other.

The building you want is the Royal Hall, which is on your left as you get to the top of the ramp. If she is blocking the way, you will not be able to get in. You can either wait for her to move, and I assume she will move eventually. Or find another way past her. Stealth is no help, since she can see through it. I had a friend aggro her from a distance then made a run for the registrar. The Registrar is in the room as you enter. Talk to him. He will tell you about how nice Kelethin is and how safe the platforms are. Follow through the conversation then return to Gilbrien's hut to talk to him. (down to gearheart forge platform, turn left, down again, turn left down again, then turn right and down the ramp). If you die here, you will end up at Sapling Spur Outpost, see my note above about how to get back.

Reward: +2000 faction with City of Kelethin
-1000 faction with City of Freeport

only 58,000 faction with Kelethin to go!

You've finished the hardest part of the trial, now for the most boring part.

Community Service

Talk to Gilbrien Marsden and tell him that you are ready to do some simple community tasks. In fact, you will end up doing A LOT of simple community tasks since you are now at -48,000 faction with Kelethin and your goal is to get to +10,000 faction with Kelethin. You can do any of the quests he offers as many times as you'd like, they all provide the same faction bonus, +1,000 faction with the City of Kelethin. Simple math will tell you that you will have to do this 58 times. There is one other quest you can do midway through that gives you another +1,500, it might break the monotony a bit, but it takes longer than these quests.

He gives you 5 options for quests you can complete:

1. Much Ado About Mushrooms
2. Hatchling Release
3. Up in the Sky
4. Basic Forestry
5. Basic Biodiversity

As I said, you can do just one quest over and over 58 times, or mix them up, it's your call. They all give the same bonus.

Many of these quests take you to Emerald Lake or the Ancient Spires.

Directions to Emerald Lake and Ancient Spires
To get there, start from Sapling Spur Outpost near the Old Kelethin Acorn Lift (-128, 11, -133). Follow the path South from Sapling Spur Outpost and taking the right-hand fork at the first intersection (there is a sign at the intersection pointing to Steamfont Mountain). You will cross over the river on a big root. This will take you through the Ancient Spires. Keep following the path as it turns east. Eventually there is a bend where the path turns to the South again and goes uphill to Spire Shadow Outpost. At this point (-554, 59, 294) turn North and follow the cliff wall to a stream. Jump down in the ravine to avoid aggoring the Rotting Guardians on the far bank and follow it East to the lake. The best way back from the lake, in my opinion, is to follow the stream down, past the aggroing mushrooms to the point where you can climb out.

Much Ado about Mushrooms
You must help release mushroom spores from those big flame colored mushrooms in THREE locations. To do so, target the mushroom. It will light up, then click on it to advance the quest. Return to Gilbrien to get credit:

* Flame Colored Mushroom near Tunare's Sapling (77,4,-103)
* Flame Colored Mushroom near the Upper Emerald River. This is right before you get to the ravine that leads to Emerald Lake (-551,47,180).
* Flame Colored Mushroom east of Crossing the River Road (-447,31,-73) This really isn't near the river. Follow the path South out of Sapling Spur Outpost, take the left fork at the first intersection, then a right at the second one. The mushroom will be on your left. Some people say there can be another mushroom instead of this one, but this is the one I always got sent to.

Hatchling Release Program
He will give you ONE of four types of fish hatchlings to be released at one of four locations:

* Freshwater Salmon Hatchlings, he says they are to be released in a stream below a waterfall. They are taken to the pond near where you poured the ale on the memorial stone for the fae language quest. You may have to dive underwater to get it to trigger near (-64, -10, -61).

* Fathead Fingerlings are taken to a boggy pond, he means Opal Pond which is South of Old Kelethin Lift, near the druid ring (167,2,82).

* Catfish Fingerlings are to be taken to a deep, calm pond. He means Emerald Lake (see the directions to the lake the start of the faction section). Location (-766,37,254).

* Crappie Fingerlings are to be taken to a stream below a lake. This is in the ravine leading to Emerald Lake (see directions above).

Reward is +1,000 faction with City of Kelethin.

Up in the Sky
I copied the information for this task from since I was unable to improve on their information. I'm not sure what trigger the advancement on the quest, since I visited three nests before it would update. The final one I was fighting a conniving egg snatcher, and I stood in the nest to kill it, this was the one behind Spire Shadow Outpost up the climbable tree there.

The locations that provides are:

Visit 2 fae drake nests around Greater Faydark. When you approach each, you will be attacked by an egg snatcher (a satyr - same level as you, 2 down arrow solo). Confirmed nest locations are:

* 15,-15,-501 (in the Fae newbie area, have to run up a tree root nearby)
* -954,120,5 (above the cave to Castle Crushbone area)
* -382,159,487 (up a climbable tree behind the Spire Shadow Outpost)
* -543,164,524 (up a log ramp near Spire Shadow Outpost)

Reward is +1,000 faction with the City of Kelethin

Basic Forestry
Giblrien gives you a Ringometer item and tells you to go measure a tree in a specific area. When you get near the tree it will automotically update the quest for you and you will have to return to Gilbrien to get credit.

You will be sent to ONE of these three areas at random:

* Near the Ancient Spires (-315, 21, 254). The tree you want is to the right of the road before you go under the spires.

* Near the Shore (-186,-58,-700). You will have to go to through Echo Echo Canyon to get to the Faerie newbie area. The entrance to the canyon is behind Sapling Spur Outpost near (-128, 11, -133). After you pass through the canyon you should be able to find the shore and the tree you need.

* Beside Emerald Lake (-840,55,266). See the directions above. The tree you want is the one on your left as you enter the lake, you might have to climb up on it's root to measure it. To get out of the lake follow the stream out past the aggroing mushrooms till you can climb out.

Reward: +1000 faction with The City of Kelethin

Basic Biodiversity
You will be given ONE of these three tasks at random, return to Gilbrien to receive credit:

* Clearing out some orcs will give the plants a better chance of survival - kill any 3 orcs, they shouldn't be hard to find.

* To help the nibbler population I must place salt licks. South of the Old Kelethin Acorn lift, near (26, -3, 183) you will see a rock that glows when you target it, click on the rock to advance the quest.

* Deliver a biodiversity kit to Gabriella Mosswood the field worker near Emerald Lake on a platform near (-810, 85, 229). See the Directions to Emerald Lake above. Once you are at the lake, climb the root of the tree on your left and hop onto the shore. Watch out for Rotting Guardians they will aggro. You should see the vertical thing you have to climb straight ahead. The climbing surface is accessed from the NorthWest side. Climb up a bit on the root to it and run at the vertical surface, it will start climbing. Shift the view slightly to move left and right so you don't hit the edge while climbing or you'll fall and die.

Optional Step
At some point along the way you will be able to complete another quest for faction for the treant, Whittier. He can be found on the first platform as you go up the ramp from Gilbrien's Hut. He's usually on the Southern side of the platform near the transmuting trainers.
He will give you some really annoying tasks to complete that include running around to various locations in forest, notably the exits to the other surrounding zones, then he will have you kill wasps which can be found on Green Knoll, then kill some beetles (the only one of the three I remember is the one in a log in Treant Grove near the butcherblock zoneline). Then he will send you to talk to a faerie in Spire Shadow Outpost which is at the end of the Spire path.
This quest is a pain in the *** everything in it will be gray to you when you complete it, but it nets you +1,500 faction with The City of Kelethin as a reward. You can look up more details about it online at or Allakhazam.

Final Steps
Once you attain +10,000 faction with The City of Kelethin, Gilbrien Marsden will offer you a third option instead of his usual Community Tasks and Nothing Right Now. This option will appear in the middle and will be, something like Haven't I done enough?

Select this option and he will admit that you are ready to become a citizen of Kelethin. He will send you to talk to Queen Amree. She is in the Royal Hall, where you went to talk to the City Registrar and were probably killed by the Royal Guard. This time, however, you have nothing to fear since you are a friend of Kelethin by now. In case all the endless running back and forth has dulled your brain, here are the directions again: Go up the ramp from Green Knoll, Turn Left, Go over that bridge to the bank platform, turn right, go up the bridge to the Gearheart Forge platform, turn right again and go West up the bridge to the Royal Platform. The Royal Hall is to your left.

Talk to Queen Amree and follow the dialogue. She will ask you if you're prepared to swear loyalty to Kelethin and help protect it, and whether you've cleared out all your possessions that you want to keep. As if you had a choice in the matter. Then, you'll say, 'what about my training?'. She'll pause and tell you to go see your class trainer.

When you betray to another city, you are switched from evil to good. If you were an evil class before (assassin, shadow knight, bruiser, etc) you will be switched to the good equivalent (ranger, paladin, monk, etc). Even if you were a neutral class such as warden or fury, all your skills will be set to Apprentice I. But, I warned you about this at the start.

You will have to visit your new class's trainer in Kelethin to get your new skills, or your regular class's trainer if you were a neutral class and didn't change.

The Berserker and Paladin trainers are near Gearheart Forge, the Monk and Guardian are on that same platform near the other building.

The trainers for Ilusionists, Warlocks, Wizards and Conjurors are on the Jysolin's Pub plaform near the building on the South side of the platform.

On the platform near the Granite Hills lift (southeast and down from Jysolin's Pub platform) in the South East corner are the Fury and Mystic trainers on the outside of the building and Templar and Warden trainers on the second floor inside (up the ramp to your right as you enter).

If you go one more platform down to the West, you will find the Swashbuckler, Ranger, Dirge and Troubador trainers near the building in the far west corner.

Talk to your class trainer and update your skills then return to Queen Amree.

This is the final step... simply follow the conversation through, tell her
that you are indeed ready to become a citizen and.... you will obtain +20,000 faction with City of Kelethin, +10,000 with Citizens of Kelthin and some faction with City of Qeynos. You'll be able to get a house in Kelethin, plus you receive the Call of Kelthin ability and the ability to Set Recall Point.

#5 Feb 25 2007 at 6:46 AM Rating: Decent
Someone posted that guide on everquest 2 forums so I moved it here in case anyone wanted to do it.
#6 Feb 25 2007 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
696 posts
Just a little input since almost all my characters are FP > Kele refuges(hate that massive zoning involved in FP and Q).

The only difference between the FP > Q betrayal and the FP > Kele betrayal are the forms of repeated quested quests.

Simpliest and most time effecient of all the options is the biodiveristy quest involving the orc slaying since orc hill is so close. Can just keep deleting the current quest until the slay 3 orcs is the one your recieve.

The rest are fun the first time through, but even with a mount, the ~200 orcs(think my last toon had 198 or something odd like that after he was done) you have to kill are the simpliest and quickest way to get through the grinding.

I've betrayed 2 Iskar from freeport to Kelethin since I started two months ago, and the second time went much faster since I didn't have to cross the whole zone. Problem with getting specifically the Orc quest is that sometimes the quest giver is slighter difficult and sometimes you can get it 8 times straight, other times you have to delete the other two for 8+ times. Theres no real pattern, but in the end it still works out faster then foot slogging it to Emerald lake(or any of the other locations) and back.
#7 Feb 25 2007 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, the lag in Qeynos is horrible for me, too.

That's why I might try this, if Kelethin is better?

Or maybe I should just restart as a faerie.
#8 Mar 04 2007 at 6:29 PM Rating: Decent
Just a note on the Egg snatcher quest: the nest you should go to is based on the wording of the quest in your journal. When it mentions the sea, the nest you should go to is in the newbie area directly south of Sentry Trillis, up on a rock, with the location of 14.78, -15.6, -501.95. If the quest mentions orcs, you should go to the nest in the back of the orc camp way in the Eastern part of Greater Faydark, location -931.14, 118.82, 16.45. If the spires are mentioned, the nest you should go to is, predictably, back behind the ancient spires in the Southeast part of Greater Faydark, location -545.92, 162.89, 522.08.

Hope this is helpful!
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