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Jealous of my neighbors house so I bought it and smashed itFollow

#1 Jan 02 2007 at 8:05 AM Rating: Default
While I would never do that, seems thats exactly what this site did with Ogaming. I made another post and it got locked so I thought I would address it here. The link is :;mid=1167715318117149293;page=1#1167715318117149293

I figured I was nicer than need be, even suggesting that this site learn from the other one they were jealous of. That constructive, I mean come on, every one knows this site sucks *** so denying it is useless.

Ogaming jumped to the top of every google search for quest and class help etc... so what were they doing that this site isn't?

Read the linked thread and you will see someone insult my spelling. I was curious so I checked and rechecked my post. Not a single error. I ran it through spell check, again, no errors. What a shock, an attempt at misdirection from someone on a site that buys competitors instead of trying to drive them out of business with creativity.

Edit: Oh, I made a typo in the title! A typo is not a spelling error genius, you are more desperate than I thought.

Edited, Jan 2nd 2007 11:04am by gmailcnjmorris

Edited, Jan 2nd 2007 11:05am by gmailcnjmorris
#2 Jan 02 2007 at 8:12 AM Rating: Excellent
- AllaK's did not buy OGaming.

- It's the same database here now with the same information, ported over with comments.

- It's all still free.

- Yes, the forum interface here blows goats. We know.

- Your previous subject line of "Welceom Ogaming" may have had something to do with the spelling comment. Spelling flames are pretty lame in any case, yeah.

- Please drive through.

Edited, Jan 2nd 2007 11:12am by Stugein
#3 Jan 02 2007 at 8:21 AM Rating: Default
258 posts
I dont know exactly what happened, not that i really care, but the last time i bought something personnally, the guy who sold it to me was happy to do it.

Its not like alla went to OG, cut the head of everyone and then stole their website. get over it. and a nice rate down for you, your post just disappear from most people as soon as you get rated down. Good luck to you my friend.
#4 Jan 02 2007 at 8:36 AM Rating: Default
- It's the same database here now with the same information, ported over with comments.
- It's all still free.
- Yes, the forum interface here blows goats. We know.

Okay lets be more constructive then. Have you looked into why their search results are more relevant? 9/10 times I could type in a quest name at google and poof, first link heads to their site and directly to the quest info. Now, I get a bunch of useless posts and then I see this site's link, click it, and end up on a page with a list of quests less relevant.

If you know it sucks, are you working to fix it?
#5 Jan 02 2007 at 8:57 AM Rating: Excellent
gmailcnjmorris wrote:

Okay lets be more constructive then. Have you looked into why their search results are more relevant? 9/10 times I could type in a quest name at google and poof, first link heads to their site and directly to the quest info. Now, I get a bunch of useless posts and then I see this site's link, click it, and end up on a page with a list of quests less relevant.

Keep in mind that the EQ2 database here at AllaK's was nothing to write home about before the site merger. Frankly it was awful. OGaming's databse and pages were indexed and spidered by Google probably hundreds if not thousands of times over the course of a couple years. The database has only been at this domain for a few weeks. I would imagine a site with more longevity in indexing is probably coming up first now. I'll try three common ones:

Google search: Everquest 2 "A Thorn of Old"
First link: Allakhazam, Quest: A Thorn of Old

No problem there.

Google search: "Everquest 2 "Mark of Awakening"
First link: AllaK's main page
Second link: Allakhazam, Quest: A Mark of Awakening

Yeah, the quest page is down one instead of the top.

Google search: Everquest 2 "Return of the Light"
First link: Tentonhammer page
Second link: Tentonhammer page
Third link: Allakhazam Heritage Quest listing
Fourth link: Allakhazam, Quest: The Return of the Light

Yeah. 4 down, behind an index page and another domain. Ya got that one. No good there.

So the listings are there, but not ranked where they need to be. Doesn't seem horrible to me. There are a few with common words like "Of Sea, Sails and Slumber" that get lost in search results. But now I have to wonder is your gripe really with AllaK's (because it is the same content here now with the merger) or is your gripe really with Google's spidering system which doesn't yet seem to have indexed the database here at the new domain completely and properly yet? Or are you just bitter that you may have to actually search the site instead of doing it with Google?

See, this is one of the reasons the toolbar was such a great feature. People could search the site without actually haveing to navigate it first.

If you know it sucks, are you working to fix it?

Just to be clear: I do not work for or speak for AllaK's in any way shape or form. I was a moderator on the OGaming boards, but over here I am just a user and nothing I say should be taken as official any more than any other user who posts here. Just wanted to get that out of the way.

As for what I believe sucks...the database and main site here are fine. I just don't like the message board interface one bit. But I'll deal with it. It's the community that matters, not the stage on which you speak to it.

Edit - Clarification

Edited, Jan 2nd 2007 11:58am by Stugein
#6 Jan 02 2007 at 9:38 AM Rating: Default
AllaK's did not buy OGaming.

- It's the same database here now with the same information, ported over with comments.

- It's all still free.

I have to agree with the originator of this thread. Allak obviously bought out Ogaming, who really DID have the best database online for EQ2. Allak used to the G O D of the databases long long ago for EQ1 and I used them all the time. However they are not of the same quality Ogaming was and now it's extremely hard to find the information I need playing EQ2. As for the comment -It's all still free......this is incorrect. Try doing some searches like I did and get the response You must be have a premier account to access this database. Well if you check ..the premier accounts cost it's NOT free. And unfortunately the really helpful info is all under the premier account.
#7 Jan 02 2007 at 9:47 AM Rating: Default
Thanks for the response.

Yeah. 4 down, behind an index page and another domain. Ya got that one. No good there.

So the listings are there, but not ranked where they need to be. Doesn't seem horrible to me. There are a few with common words like "Of Sea, Sails and Slumber" that get lost in search results. But now I have to wonder is your gripe really with AllaK's (because it is the same content here now with the merger) or is your gripe really with Google's spidering system which doesn't yet seem to have indexed the database here at the new domain completely and properly yet? Or are you just bitter that you may have to actually search the site instead of doing it with Google?

See, this is one of the reasons the toolbar was such a great feature. People could search the site without actually haveing to navigate it first.

I guess it will get better as time passes. I was not aware that alla's database sucked for EQ2. I was under the assumption that it was viewed as competitive with Ogaming and that search results were a result of page relevancy and design. As we all know there are ways to boost your search results in google, and while it tends to ballance out if all companies use them, It seemed as though Alla just wasn't bothering to try.

Just to clarify... when I search for a quest I am looking for plain answers. I don't look for answers until I am frustrated from looking in game (for instance running by the same spot 100 times then finding out the target has a 1 hour respawn time).
#8 Jan 02 2007 at 10:29 AM Rating: Excellent
Loverlie wrote:
Allak obviously bought out Ogaming, who really DID have the best database online for EQ2.

Not accurate. AFAICT what happened was that the same 3rd party organization ("parent company") acquired both AllaK's and OGaming and had them merged under one site, Alla's, probably because of the better brand recognition of this domain (I'm just speculating). Do your research. There is information all over the place for the initiated. Alla did not buy OGaming. It doesn't much matter now in any case.

Loverlie wrote:
As for the comment -It's all still free......this is incorrect. Try doing some searches like I did and get the response You must be have a premier account to access this database. Well if you check ..the premier accounts cost it's NOT free. And unfortunately the really helpful info is all under the premier account.

You are either doing something wrong or talking about a different game. I can't find a single EQ2 search that requires you to have a premium account. Please, link it to me. I want to see it.

gmailcnjmorris wrote:
I was not aware that alla's database sucked for EQ2. I was under the assumption that it was viewed as competitive with Ogaming and that search results were a result of page relevancy and design. As we all know there are ways to boost your search results in google, and while it tends to ballance out if all companies use them, It seemed as though Alla just wasn't bothering to try.

Yeah, unfortunately AllaK's kind of dropped the ball on EQ2. The database was woefully out-of-date and rarely updated and contained very little in the way of useful information. Many, many mobs and quests were outright missing. Now with the merger what you have is a situation where you have OGaming's database housed under the Allakhazam brand. There are still some kinks to be worked out (improved search engine indexing may be one of them, but that should fall into place with more spiders from the engines themselves), but it is the same database you knew from OGaming.

#9 Jan 02 2007 at 12:01 PM Rating: Good
Edit: Oh, I made a typo in the title! A typo is not a spelling error genius, you are more desperate than I thought.

You really are a horse's ***.

Since you hate it here, why don't you just go away. We won't miss you, I promise.

And as a bonus, we can go back to enjoying the company here while you can go back to being an nimrod. (Oh, wait... you never stopped.)

And btw - your puncuation sucks as bad as your spelling. The comment should have read "...spelling error, genius. You..."

Now, go away... there's a good lad...
#10 Jan 02 2007 at 1:07 PM Rating: Default
And as a bonus, we can go back to enjoying the company here while you can go back to being an nimrod. (Oh, wait... you never stopped.)

And btw - your puncuation sucks as bad as your spelling. The comment should have read "...spelling error, genius. You..."

I was typing quickly and giving my punctuation the attention you deserve, which is very little.

The problem you face when putting down others errors is that unless you are perfect you lose credibility. For example, 'an nimrod' is not correct. See what happened here is you wrote 'an ***' which would be grammatically correct. Then you decided you had already used '***' and in an effort to avoid repetitious drivel you chose to change '***' to 'nimrod.' You forgot to correct the 'an' to 'a' and now we are all stuck with your self defeating drivel. While I appreciate the sentiment (since a nimrod is a talented hunter) I think you should leave the response work to the people who were helpful. Oh, and to make sure we are clear... I am not attacking your spelling or grammar, I am pointing out your poor judgment in deciding to criticize others and then make errors.

To the helpful:
Yes, I was frustrated and it came out as hostile. I was on vacation for two weeks and came back to find Ogaming MIA. When I asked in game I got 3 separate responses from 3 different people all telling me Ogaming was bought out by Alla. While 3 sources is enough to believe something, it isn't enough to repeat it as fact, and that was my misjudgement. I do hope this site lives up to the faith some of you are putting in it and that in the future I can actually find the information I am looking for.
#11 Jan 02 2007 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
No actually, I called you much worse than an *** but a moment before clicking "post message" thought better of it. Not that you deserve better, you sanctimonious pinhead. I just chose not to use that first adjective.

Good call on the difference between "a" & "an" though... you may well have read "The Elements of Style" although it seems that much of it did not sink in.

Regarding being helpful to you in this (or any other) thread, I wouldn't cross the street to **** on you if you were on fire! I might stand and watch though. Depends on how busy I was at the time.

You come here and in your first and second posts tell us how badly the boards we have chosen to call home suck. (Which in effect says that we suck for liking it here.) So what did you expect, a big smile and a cozy chair? Go troll somewhere else.

And btw - I looked and I can't find nimrod defined specifically as "a talented hunter" anywhere. Were you making a biblical reference? If so, you might want to rethink your affection for the label. Common usage defines a nimrod as a "tool" or a "dipstick" so your obscure reference to a biblical king who declared himself a "mighty one in the earth" and whose main claim to fame was founding the city of Babylon and overseeing construction of it's famous tower could be considered somewhat weak.
#12 Jan 02 2007 at 3:08 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Stugein wrote:
Loverlie wrote:
Allak obviously bought out Ogaming, who really DID have the best database online for EQ2.

Not accurate. AFAICT what happened was that the same 3rd party organization ("parent company") acquired both AllaK's and OGaming and had them merged under one site, Alla's, probably because of the better brand recognition of this domain (I'm just speculating). Do your research. There is information all over the place for the initiated. Alla did not buy OGaming. It doesn't much matter now in any case.


A parent corporation came in and bought Thotbot, Ogaming L2Orpheus and number of other smaller gaming sites. They then came along and offered to buy out Allakhazam LLC off its co-owners, Allakhazam and Illia.

Allakhazam agreed as long as the new gaming supersite ( remained RMT free. The parent corporation retained Allakhazam to run the site, they decided to merge all the various gaming sites into one under the brand name since it has the most recognition.

So in the end it was actually the company that owned Ogaming that bought out Allakhazam.

Anywho, back on topic. Morris, you are obviously upset over the change. You want a reason to condemn the change over. Well your initial reason obviously was based off plain old wrong information. I am sure you will still keep looking for ways to knock the new site, however I would urge you to respond in a more constructive manner. The admins have shown that they are more than willing to address any ones legitimate concerns as best they can. However if you start complaining about things that havent even actually happened (such as saying Allakhazam bought Ogaming or that search features are premium only) well then there is nothing they can do about that and you just make yourself look like a cry baby.

Edited, Jan 2nd 2007 11:06pm by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#13 Jan 02 2007 at 6:48 PM Rating: Default
OldBlueDragon Sage, :hunter :hunter :hunter :hunter :hunter (skillful or enthusiastic).

I'd keep looking but its obvious you don't care. I looked up only a few references and I listed EVERY one I looked up. NONE of them list 'tool' or 'dipstick' as the first definition. They in fact in some instances list that as the 'casual' or 'slang' definition.

The very fact that you had to look it up should clue you in that you are out of your league but please by all means further embarrass yourself.

As far as the expected response, didn't have expectations. If you notice though some people were able to respond to me with equal hostility and yet still offer some information.

bodhisattva, as I stated I am appreciative of helpful responses. While my information was wrong, the affect is the same: lower quality. I do, however, hope that with time the affect will be positive and I would love to see alla become both more user friendly and visually appealing.

#14 Jan 02 2007 at 7:05 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
gmailcnjmorris wrote:
bodhisattva, as I stated I am appreciative of helpful responses. While my information was wrong, the affect is the same: lower quality. I do, however, hope that with time the affect will be positive and I would love to see alla become both more user friendly and visually appealing.

One has to be realistic about a change like this.

There will be a transition period in where there will be a few bumps. People will also need to adjust to the aesthetic differences of the two sites. That is to be expected in any change.

If you sit back and get some perspective on the situation though it is clear that the admins have been VERY accomodating in responding to any issues the community brings up. They ported over the comments, have added sorting features to the advanced quest/item search feature, they removed advertising until they could find a less intrusive way to have them as part of the site, they have repeatedly and patiently addressed any concerns people might have over a switch to "premium only" (by stating that it will never happen), they have asked the communities advice on ways to make the search features more ergonomic. You name it they have done it. I don't think I have ever seen such competent and speedy reponses in all my years.

The point is that the room for improvement is there, that they can do leaps and bounds more than they could with the Ogaming set up. Not only that but that the admins have shown that they are willing to listen to and work with the every day user to make this better than ogaming. All they ask is your patience and perhaps even your participation in helping to improve the site as they continue to build it up.

If you choose to get worked up over things that aren't their, over percieved deficiencies that are only a problem because of lack of understanding on your part, well that is up to you. Your call entirely. For my part I would have to say it would be a bad call but it is your to make.

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#15 Jan 03 2007 at 6:43 AM Rating: Good
251 posts
It's also extremely early in the process...some of the old guard haven't even made the transition as of yet. I know I just started posting this week (after having a few registration problems, since I neglected to turn off my spam filter).

I have some sugestions to throw out there as soon as I have a bit of extra time, and I'm sure others will as well. I have little doubt that reasonable, or good, suggestions will be adopted in some form or other. Seriously, I don't get the vibe that Allak is out there to squash and annoy the EQ2 fanbase as it's primary goal :)
#16 Jan 04 2007 at 2:46 PM Rating: Excellent
42 posts
While the original poster may have been silly to make this post, I gotta tell ya Old Blue Dragon, as a refugee myself from OGaming your attitude displayed in your posts is pitiful. Perhaps you should just ignore posts like this so you dont alienate the majority of us who are trying to use this new site.

I may get "rated down" by you for this and thats the exact reason I feel rating systems need to go away. It is nothing more than a hatchet for people who disagree with you, IMO.
#17 Jan 04 2007 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
258 posts
OBD didnt get his karma raise by friend Madigan i wouldnt worry about rate down from him.
If the original poster got rated down, well he deserves no better, he started as a troll like many others coming from Ogaming that came here accusing allakhazam of actions that were actually the owners of Ogaming fault since its them that actually bough Allakhazam, they just kept the allakhazam banner instead of the ogaming one or whichever other banner they owned.

You may think that morris is special, but there have been tens of trolls with no clue trolling a board that usually gets no trollage.

At least morris seems to have gotten the essential of the situation now, we all understand the frustration of getting forced to go out of our security bubble, but thats only an occasion to enlarge our bubble and get better, learn more. And if you have anything ocnstructive to contribute to this site, well go ahead now and work with us to get it to the level of userfriendliness that Ogaming had. I never really searched Ogaming myself but it looks like it worked just fine.
#18 Jan 04 2007 at 4:48 PM Rating: Good
I may get "rated down" by you for this and thats the exact reason I feel rating systems need to go away. It is nothing more than a hatchet for people who disagree with you, IMO.

Madigan, welcome to the boards.

In the four years plus that I have been coming to Allakhazam, I have rarely rated anyone down for any reason what so ever (less than 5 posts total in those 4+ years). In fact, I have not rated you or the OP of this thread down so far and have no intent to do so. I do rate people up when they are helpful or have something witty to say but have never bothered to nuke anyone's posts just to remove their opinion. Everyone has a right to their opinion and thanks to the internet, everyone's voice can be heard.

Regarding my attitude; the OP rubbed me the wrong way (and still does). If my calling things the way I see them alienates you or anyone else who posts or lurks here that's a shame, but my opinion is no less valid or less important than anyone else's.

I felt that he was being a crybaby and I stated that I thought he should go elsewhere. When I first read his original post and his early responses to others I thought he was acting like a jerk. This opinion has not changed.

I have not continued to participate in a flame war (I responded to him twice in one day but have ignored his additional comments towards me) because I said what I wanted to say and moved on.

Maybe you see this as excessive and feel that next time I should just take it to tells instead of sharing. Or maybe you were offended by the level of vitriol. In any case I think the guy is a pinhead but I won't apologise for thinking so.
#19 Jan 04 2007 at 7:53 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Only rate ups for Madigan, unless you wish to visit my eternal wrath.

Smiley: motz

That being said, the OP was getting worked up over misperceptions. Kind of silly, I would hope that the rest of the regulars and new posters alike would see the folly of such actions. Smiley: wink2
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#20 Jan 05 2007 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
991 posts
Bodhi wrote:
That being said, the OP was getting worked up over misperceptions. Kind of silly, I would hope that the rest of the regulars and new posters alike would see the folly of such actions.

LMAO!! If only I had RACK powers. Hell, that might even be sig worthy coming from you. In fact...

Edited, Jan 5th 2007 1:51pm by Mearyk
#21 Jan 05 2007 at 10:24 AM Rating: Default
I would have to say that I was worked up over misinformation, not misperceptions. Like stated previously, I got my information from several different sources and posted based on that information. So it wasn't based on what I thought, observed, or what I viewed to be the truth, it was based on information I was given that turned out to be wrong.

I do not, have not, and will not 'troll' on this or any other message board. I did not post to provoke, neither did I post with no substance to refute. I also did not post to start an argument and have no intention of allowing or considering response. I believe that covers most common usage of the word 'trolling.'

I will be honest, I have never liked Alla's site. From as far back as EQ I have disliked the layout of this site and the UI. When I was told that Alla bought out Ogaming I was upset because something useful became part of a system with poor navigation.

While my information was wrong the affect is the same. The site I used was bought out. The site I used is now under the Alla banner. The site I used is no longer useful. I do realize, however, that some of those facts may change. We may get to the point that I can once again find information. Only time will tell.

Lastly, the whole "we all understand the frustration of getting forced to go out of our security bubble" seems like a thinly veiled attack. Personally I view it as silly. We live where we live, work the job we work, marry the people we marry, play the games we play, and rely on the web sites we choose, all out of personal preference. To imply that not liking to be forced away from our preferences makes us fragile is a bit narrow sited and in my opinion often inaccurate. There is nothing wrong with having preferences, not liking change, and expressing indignation. References to leaving the nest are best kept for situations where life outside the nest is better or more rewarding. Maybe one day Alla will reach that goal.

#22 Jan 05 2007 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
991 posts
Morris wrote:
There is nothing wrong with having preferences, not liking change, and expressing indignation.

You could not be more right. However, the manner in which you expressed said indignation could use a little work. We all understand knee-jerk reactions and can forgive that fault. But when those reactions directly attack a community that has been together far longer than you have been posting on it, you must realize the obvious contempt in the ensuing responses. That being said, give Allas time and see what happens. It can't hurt.

Edited, Jan 5th 2007 1:51pm by Mearyk
#23 Jan 05 2007 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
801 posts
I do not, have not, and will not 'troll' on this or any other message board. I did not post to provoke, neither did I post with no substance to refute. I also did not post to start an argument and have no intention of allowing or considering response. I believe that covers most common usage of the word 'trolling.'

Trolling is posting inflammatory comments designed to rile up a message board community, whether you want to debate or not. Maybe your original post wasn't a troll, and had some sort of backing to the inflammatory comments. (So why was it locked?) The post at the top of this thread is definitely a troll.

Jealous of my neighbors house so I bought it and smashed it

I mean come on, every one knows this site sucks *** so denying it is useless.

Put yourself in the shoes of the people who've been regulars on this EQ2 board for years before OGaming and Alla were a gleam in the eye of IGE, doing their best to help out visitors and each other, and promote a great game. People like OBD. How would you feel if someone came along and said "every one(sic) knows this site sucks *** so denying it is useless"?

For the record, that is an inherently false statement which no amount of reasoning nor fact can back up. I do not think this site "sucks ***" so you, sir, are wrong. However, if people continue to drop by to whine, troll, spread misinformation, lie, slander, demean and ridicule this board would indeed "suck ***".

Edited, Jan 5th 2007 12:53pm by Lydiaele
#24 Jan 05 2007 at 11:47 AM Rating: Default
This isn't an insult or a negative comment, just thought this was funny:

But when those reactions directly attack a community that has been together far longer than you have been posting on it

No one has been posting here longer than this community has been together =)
#25 Jan 05 2007 at 12:20 PM Rating: Excellent
gmailcnjmorris wrote:
This isn't an insult or a negative comment, just thought this was funny:

But when those reactions directly attack a community that has been together far longer than you have been posting on it

No one has been posting here longer than this community has been together =)

... o_0

I think it would be in everyone's best interest if you would just slowly walk away and let this thread just fade off to the back pages at this point. We're well beyond useful discourse and this is just going to go further downhill from here.
#26 Jan 05 2007 at 12:25 PM Rating: Good
gmailcnjmorris wrote:
This isn't an insult or a negative comment, just thought this was funny:

But when those reactions directly attack a community that has been together far longer than you have been posting on it

No one has been posting here longer than this community has been together =)

That might be funny except for the fact that it isn't what he said (or what you quoted). Read it again, Mearyk said, "...(the) community has been together far longer than you have been posting on it". Which, unless you have been lurking here for the last two years and posting under a different name, is entirely true.
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