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TFTW - Thought For the Week - 01/01/2007Follow

#1 Jan 01 2007 at 5:02 PM Rating: Excellent
1,577 posts
What would make a good follow-up expansion to Echoes of Faydwer?
Fly High Daevas,
Tamat ~ Andrew Beegle
Community Manager
#2 Jan 01 2007 at 5:38 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
They will probably continue the trend towards adding new 'old' content. Luclin, Kunark or Velious. Odds on Kunark.

They just released a new race so you probably won't see a new one come next expansion. If anything a new class would be in the works (fingers crossed for Beastlord). If there is a level increase it will be to 75, if not they will just continue the alternate advancement system and perhaps focus on raid progression through KoS --> EoF ---> ???.

EoF as an expansion was a focus on bringing people back to the game or introducing it to them for the first time. Brand new 1-70 content, bringing back EQ1 environments, a new race, etc. The next expac will probably focus more on the end game and keeping the existing player base happy. If SOE follows its normal schtick that is.

Personally I am more interested to see what the next adventure pack caters to.

Edited, Jan 2nd 2007 1:35am by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#3 Jan 01 2007 at 5:43 PM Rating: Good
6,357 posts
I haven't been following the line long enough to make any predictions, but it sure would be nice to have a new neutral-evil city.
#4 Jan 01 2007 at 8:19 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
I agree on a new "Old" continent, kunark is obvious but the disadvantage that Kunark is HUGE, I do not know if they have the resources to pull off another big expansion like that in a year. My money is on Odus that is of moderate size and contains some classic places like the Hole and has space for development and also contains what was one of the best evil towns in Eq1 Paineel. Odus can actually be released as an adventure pack if needed.

Most fun to see would be Kunark or Velious though but the size of any of them puts them up to major expansion and I think we have to wait a bit for another EoF sized expansion again.

Personally I would be happiest if they just released things like Unrest and other download additions for ahwile and instead threw some money and manpower into marketing this excellent product that SOE has now.

Sigtyr 50 Mystic of Secret Keepers Antonia Bayle.
#5 Jan 02 2007 at 2:16 AM Rating: Decent
I'm just hoping they complete the current expansion soon and put Unrest in the game!

I'm really curious as to how they made that one.

Other than that, a good follow-up expansion would be a new continent, perhaps some new Gods returning. As others have stated, that might be a bit too much to expect in the next expansion.
#6 Jan 02 2007 at 5:10 AM Rating: Decent
i agree with kunark too, i would love to visit karnors castle again (watch out train coming through). and i hope they continue with the EoF trend in adding places you have to stay and wait for pops ( oh my god am i actualy asking for 'camps' to come back? )

there was some exellent content in eq1 kunark and it was really huge.

one thing i have not found yet and not sure whether i am just missing it if there is none is 'class quested armour' i know they have the dropped sets now, but i would like to see some quested class armour for us more casual gamers. i am not asking for the uber raid armour but just something that rewards you for long involved quests rather than get big group kill boss and get your piece if lucky. my 10 year old son has beter armour than me from group drops. tell me to take 4 weeks killing the same mob to get it i dont care, effort = reward.

velious would be nice too, love the snowy scenary :)
#7 Jan 02 2007 at 6:27 AM Rating: Decent
101 posts
There is a class armor quest that you can do about level 20. Your class decides who you talk to for the quest and where you go for it. Then I think there is another at about 40. Although you usally can get better armor then the quest from drops/tradeskills and the broker.
#8 Jan 02 2007 at 7:48 AM Rating: Excellent
Kunark would be the next logical "big" expansion. The evil counterpart to Echoes. I do like the idea that was mentioned of an Odus adventure pack. The Hole was my absolute hands-down favorite EQ1 zone. Despite that fact that if it ever makes a return it will probably be an x4 raid zone so I'll never actually get to play in it, I would like to see it come back.

Velious was mentioned and while I think it wouldn't be a good time for that particular return, I still think that they should add the blue'ish skin and facial markings of the Thurgadin dwarves as an option to the current dwarf character creation process. I mean, not every single Thurgadin dwarf necessarily had to be stuck on Velious when the cataclysms hit, right?
#9 Jan 02 2007 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
801 posts
If there is a level increase it will be to 75

I think with the 10 level tier system that governs everything now the level increase would pretty much have to be to 80.

I doubt there will ever be a new class because of the current structure of 6 classes within 3 subclasses for each archtype, 2 evil, 2 good and 2 neutral. They would have to invent a new archtype which would be what? and 6 new classes under it, or come up with a new class for each current archtype which would be hard to distinguish from the existing ones. Not to mention lots of balance issues. Ultimately I think 24 classes is plenty.

I would like to see Kunark as the next expansion, with a new evil race (demons like the Lamnia and Nightstalkers) and an evil city to counter Kelethin. It should be a truly evil place, not just a grimy, nasty place like Freeport.
#10 Jan 02 2007 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
I'd like to see something aquatic for all levels. A new mer-race would be a nice compliment to such an expansion. Just don't make the aquatic expansion based on Atlantis! Jason and the Argonauts seems like a better premis to work with.

How about a new class!!! Or being able to be duo-class? The tank class could be made a bit more interesting besides just hack and slash.

Seventh Sanctum
L65 Barbie Girl Guardian
#11 Jan 02 2007 at 3:44 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I just don't see them going to 80.

I think it should be more than apparent now that EQ2 is marketing itself to the WoW burnout crowd (and ex EQ players) who are looking for a game that is rich and full of content (compared to wow) but not a grind session like EQlive. Too high of a level cap might scare off potential players. Especially when there is worry among potential newbies that they won't be able to catch up to the end game.

Lvl 75 would allow for advancement without totally negating the lvl 70 content (dungeons and raid instances). Also wouldnt be a high enough number to scare off new players.

Also clear with EoF that they were looking to have a stable end game with a large chunk of progression to work through in order to keep new players busy come end game. Pushing the level back to 80 would trivialize 70 end game content, level 75 would not.

All in all looking at their strategy with EoF and the overall outlook presented by the dev team I just don't see a level increase of 10.

Edited, Jan 2nd 2007 11:41pm by bodhisattva

Edited, Jan 2nd 2007 11:52pm by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#12 Jan 02 2007 at 5:13 PM Rating: Excellent
1,577 posts
Knytta wrote:
I agree on a new "Old" continent, kunark is obvious but the disadvantage that Kunark is HUGE, I do not know if they have the resources to pull off another big expansion like that in a year. My money is on Odus that is of moderate size and contains some classic places like the Hole and has space for development and also contains what was one of the best evil towns in Eq1 Paineel. Odus can actually be released as an adventure pack if needed.

You make a really good point about Odus. SOE has said that evil will get it's turn soon. One has to assume that they mean a new city and new race. Odus would be the perfect opportunity to do that. I think that would be a fun ... HUGE adventure pack :)
Fly High Daevas,
Tamat ~ Andrew Beegle
Community Manager
#13 Jan 02 2007 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Was Odus the continent that the eradites lived on? If so, wouldn't it be realistic to let the eradites start off there, as if it was a whole other community of lost eradites that nobody knew about. Or would it be like the EoF expansion, where fairies can start off in Kelethin, and wood elves can't even though it was their city in EQ1.
#14 Jan 02 2007 at 6:31 PM Rating: Excellent
DancerMan wrote:
Or would it be like the EoF expansion, where fairies can start off in Kelethin, and wood elves can't even though it was their city in EQ1.

The resident Faydwer races (wood elves, dwarves, high elves and gnomes) can all start in Kelethin if they choose to.
#15 Jan 02 2007 at 6:32 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
FTYI - Woodelves can start in Kelethin in EoF.

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#16 Jan 02 2007 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Oh okay, sorry about that. People in game that I've spoken with said that even though they were wood elves, or whatever, they had to do this whole bind quest just so they could live there.
#17 Jan 02 2007 at 10:36 PM Rating: Good
221 posts
Honestly, Im hopeing that they add odus. I loved the hole. I loved jumping into it (***** the back door, i can jump!) It was also just an intensely evil town, I remember farming the gnolls in the back of the newb zone so my gnome necro could go into odus (ya know, when there was more than 3 erudites server wide.)

Whoops, that was dumb, the evil town and noob zone I was referring to was Paineel.

Edited, Jan 3rd 2007 1:32am by spoonofthebeast

Edited, Jan 3rd 2007 1:32am by spoonofthebeast
#18 Jan 03 2007 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
801 posts
I just don't see them going to 80.

They have to, the tier system has them painted into a corner.

Every gear item in this totally item centric game, dropped or crafted, is designed to last 10 levels before it's obsolete.

If you're only going to need new gear for 5 or fewer levels some people are going to see less return on time invested to get the new stuff, then they'll get bored and quit.

When you first aquire new gear for a tier you're a little on the overpowerd side, later on, just before you need to upgrade, you're a little weak. If they only do 5 levels then everyone is a little overpowered until the next level increase. If they tune the MoB's and/or the gear to work for 5 levels instead of 10, they'll have to re-tune (i.e. nerf) them when they raise the cap. That would cause uproar.

How would they add new crafted gear content? (spells and arts, bags, furniture etc. don't matter, they can do 5 levels of those without any repurcussions) Every tier currently has 10 levels of new items which pretty much mirror the previous 10. They each have handcrafted items at level 60 and mastercrafted at 62.

What are they going to do, add only half the items, or squeeze them all into 5 levels? If they squeeze them all in what are they going to do when the level cap is increased to 80? No new crafted items this expansion, sorry. Uproar.

I think you're only considering end game raiding, which is a mistake because only 10% or so of the population considers themselves raiders.

Either that or you don't care about crafting. In which case I hate you with a burning anger reserved only for **** terrorists who eat babies. ;) (Actually, I wouldn't blame you entirely, SOE has shown they don't really care about crafting themselves any more. :( )

Edited, Jan 3rd 2007 12:55pm by Lydiaele
#19 Jan 03 2007 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
37 posts
I don't know abount the next expansion but the next adventure pack will most likely involve the "Estate of Unrest" Zone that you can't get into yet.
#20 Jan 04 2007 at 4:28 AM Rating: Good
221 posts
I would Love estate of Unrest, now comes the question, is Ghoul-Bane already in the game?

On the note of Kunark being the next big expansion, what race would be included to the evil side with it? The Iksar are already in, so that would leave and indigenous habitant of Kunark. Is it going to be a mob gone PC? I remember the surprise when froglocks where added. That leaves us to think about what race would be added?

Edited, Jan 4th 2007 7:27am by spoonofthebeast
#21 Jan 04 2007 at 7:23 AM Rating: Decent
Something like the DoF but on Odus wouldn't be to bad. Paineel as the evil city and perhaps a smaller neutral kerran(?) port village. And the Hole could lead to some Underfoot content. And by Underfoot I don't mean just a cave. I mean they should have an entire world underneath the ground of Odus as an opposite to the KoS concept. Kinda like the Luclin subterrainean zones. Eventually, down the road, it could expand into a whole seperate world map. We've been hearing about this Underfoot, yet to my knowledge it has never really been seen as anything more than a cave here and there which don't count in my book because they aren't even connected together.

Oh and the erudite there should be brown skinned again. They can keep the magic symbols, but the new look is goofy. Was the idea of a people that didn't fit one of the whites phenotypes being the smartest too much to handle?
#22 Jan 04 2007 at 7:55 AM Rating: Default
2 things that would be great even though i doubt any of it will happen cause we all know soe does nothing to help their gammers out like to remove hackers, sorry but soe is a bunch of lazy people who can't even fix the petition button on the vox server, or even take care of hackers that hundreds of people have reported, SLACKERS..... anyways now that i got that off my chest, the 2 things i would love to see is that the change the system around so that u can be an evil class and still be a qeynosian, like a good guy necro, i pay 12 bucks a month to play half of the races ? that total bull sht, we can be a rat and turn over from evil to good, but we can't bring our classes with us???? and 2nd the beastlord class, what did they get wiped out when all the good people that brought eq1 to us left soe, now we get stuck with the non existant GM's who aren't there?

VoX server
Deathphoenix--ranger-- 20's
Iceheart-- conj-- 50's
Ladydeathstrike-- swashbuckler-- 30's

Edited, Jan 4th 2007 10:58am by ezyluv
#23 Jan 04 2007 at 8:14 AM Rating: Excellent
ezyluv wrote:
<snip>2 things i would love to see is that the change the system around so that u can be an evil class and still be a qeynosian, like a good guy necro, i pay 12 bucks a month to play half of the races ? that total bull sht, we can be a rat and turn over from evil to good, but we can't bring our classes with us???? and 2nd the beastlord class, what did they get wiped out when all the good people that brought eq1 to us left soe, now we get stuck with the non existant GM's who aren't there?

The problem with the first suggestion lies with the politics of the cities. Antonia and the "good guys" view necromancy as a wholly and irrevocably evil practice. You can't be a "good guy necro" for the simple reason that necromancy is inherently evil and a practitioner of that school of magic would not be welcome in the city of Qeynos where it is against the law. They would have to remove any sense of competing cities with differing ideals (moreso than they already have, what with the ease of travel and now the merging of the brokers).

As for beastlords, I just like to think that they all happened to be on Luclin along with the Shissar, the last copy of a KEI spell scroll, Thurgadin dwarves, and everyone who had a map of Neriak past foreign quarter.

Edited, Jan 4th 2007 11:12am by Stugein
#24 Jan 04 2007 at 8:34 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Expansions tend to follow a certain formula in what they offer.

You never see new races offerred in back to back expansions. One will be a new race the next will be a new class. Odus sounds like a good plan since it offers an evil tinge which the devs promised.

As to the whole 75 vs 80. Well I just dont see them bumping the level up again anytime soon. I think they are working on a static end game with more of a focus on alternate advancement than just straight increasing the level cap. I only mentioned 75 because that is the way they went with EQ1. Like I mentioned they have been marketing the game to ex-wow types who are looking for a more robust game, especially end game. So I would expect to stay at lvl 70 and have lots of alternate advancement and end game progression (PoP style perhaps).
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#25 Jan 04 2007 at 2:34 PM Rating: Excellent
1,577 posts
They way EQ2's tier system is setup, you won't likely see any level increases other then 10 at a time. So pretty much, it's safe to assume they wont ever add 5 levels. I'm guessing they will bump the level cap up either this expansion or the next.
Fly High Daevas,
Tamat ~ Andrew Beegle
Community Manager
#26 Jan 04 2007 at 3:00 PM Rating: Good
1,885 posts
I'd rather see content move sideways instead of upwards. Most new spells/skills are just more powerful versions of older spells, so getting the new and more powerful spell will just mean you are fighting new and more powerful monsters. "Oh look, is that a new monster? Lets damage it until it's health is less than zero." /yawn

EQ1 seemed to do well by not continuously upping the level cap, but by adding content (although some may or may not like particular expansions).

I'd enjoy seeing and exploring new lands with new challenges, but with the current levels. Since we now have clockworks, I hope to someday see a clockwork dungeon where almost all of it moves, rotates, or shifts. Fighting the boss mob might be on a floor that spins, lifts, drops, and changes, either randomly or in an intricate pattern to be studied and learned.

Quests can involve puzzles to be challenging. Like the Frostfell quest, one must carefully read the NPC text to gather clues for success. To prevent a quest from getting "spoilered", random words can be used in the NPC quest to always keep it fresh and challenging.

I'd also like to see new spells brought on, something more utility instead of damage/buff/heal. As a Conjurer I'd like to actually conjure something other than shards and pets. :)
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