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Shall we try the AA way? (intros here)Follow

#1 Dec 08 2006 at 6:35 AM Rating: Excellent
14,454 posts
Hey guys and femmes. Seeing as we are now merging completely with Ogamings community, instead of having a zillion threads going, (although it makes this place look actually used for the first time in months HA) I thought it would be easier for both the transitioners and the vets to have one thread to introduce themselves to one another. I don't know how active the Ogaming forums were prior to this merge, so it would be nice to get an idea of who is who from where. Post whatever you want to tell us about yourself, be it just gaming info or a little about yourself *gasp* sans gaming.

For myself, Im known here at allakhazam as DSD, formerly Lady Deadsidedemon. I've been a part of this community for a couple of years now, starting over at the EQ1 site when I was a GL of a family/casual raiding guild on Tarew Marr. I wandered one day into the sick place that is the Asylum, got hooked and have stayed ever since, even when not playing MMOs. You can generally find me here in the EQ2 area, sometimes over at the WoW boards, and the Asylum. I will give forewarning, do not enter the Asylum unless you have a very thick skin and dont take things personal there. Its quite, errm, volatile and you'll get your hazing period if you're new. =)

I've been playing MMOs for about 6/7 years now off and on. I started as a Druid on Eq1, getting to lvl 66 before EQ2 came out and jumped to check it out. Ive been playing EQ2 off and on since release and now have a 70 Fury (Meiune) and a 70 Monk (Faiille) over on the Blackburrow server. I have been in a "casual", but effective raiding guild there and have been lucky to see a lot of zones I normally would not be able to. Unfortunately they just got rid of the raiding and I will be possibly searching for a new guild shortly, or taking a break from the game for a bit.

I have also played WoW off and on since release. Ive had a 60 hunter, and various alts (mage, priest, druid, etc) on various servers.

As for myself personally, Im one of those rare femmes that actually exist and play the MMOs. Husband and I play together as a team on any game we check out. I tend to be feisty at times, which you will either love or hate. I tend to keep it on the down low here at the EQ2 boards though and keep it as close to gaming as possible.

I am also expecting my second child, due any day now, so I will be sporatic in the upcoming weeks when it comes to posting. I also have a 4 yr old who has already been introduced to and loves, MMOs. While he may not be able to do too much, he does enjoy taking his froglock to the Eldar grove and jumping off the giant tree there for hours on end.

If you guys have any questions on how this site runs or anything gamewise, please feel free to ask and the community here will be happy to help.
#2 Dec 08 2006 at 6:59 AM Rating: Decent
991 posts
+1 DSD!! Nice post. On to the intro.

I have been visiting Allas for a long time now (since the beginning of EQ1, though I didn't post much back then). Even though we are small at the moment, this is by far and away the best community I have ever been involved with. There are many posters here that will answer your questions as soon as you hit submit. We are all very friendly, playful and, most importantly, knowledgeable.

I played EQ1 for a while, but never did get into the end game. The highest level I attained was 32 Beastmaster (/mourns Beastmasters). After joining EQ2 a little after launch, I played until I reached level 20 and stopped for a while. When I got back into it, I played until level 41 and then I had to park EQ2 again. I can't wait to get back in the game. I still have a level 41 Dwarven Warrior on LD waiting for some lovin'.

Now, the personal stuff. I'm 25 and have recently returned to college. My first semester (3rd overall) back was quite hectic, but I'm glad I went back. I am striving toward a career instead of a job and I am well on my way. I love joking around, so don't take all of what I say too seriously. That's about it.
#3 Dec 08 2006 at 7:21 AM Rating: Good
Hi again, folks. Not a whole lot more to tell that I didn't already mention in my introduction post. Hrm. Let's see..located in southern New Jersey. Camden county, just across the river from Philly. Originally from D.C. (Go skins!). Played EQ1 from about Kunark through until EQ2 was released at which point I jumped ship. Founding member of the uberestest guild on AB, <Mediocrity>.

Activity-wise, the OGaming boards were pretty smooth. Much daily activity in maybe 10 or so of the EQ2 boards. Our boards are much more divided {news, community, general, RP, tradeksill, classes, guilds, dev, server, tech, ot, etc.} by topic and most of them were moderately active (server boards, not so much) as opposed to really only the one quasi-active EQ2 general forum here. Hopefully most of our users will be able to get past the...uh..different board software and make their way here.

Checked out the Asylum. Saw someone post "e-hug" and threw up a little in my mouth. The majority of the activity there seems like it could just as easily be translated down to "postcount +1!!!" and none of the threads would lose any meaning. I'll keep an eye on it. I may be wrong and it isn't just the vestibule/postcount padding board.

So far you Alla folk have been A+ all around. Here's hoping the kinks get worked out and the majority of our users make the transition as well!

Woo hah.
#4 Dec 08 2006 at 7:27 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
Checked out the Asylum. Saw someone post "e-hug" and threw up a little in my mouth. The majority of the activity there seems like it could just as easily be translated down to "postcount +1!!!" and none of the threads would lose any meaning. I'll keep an eye on it. I may be wrong and it isn't just the vestibule/postcount padding board.

actually its pretty dead lately compared to its usual activity. Most are busy with moving, new kids, new jobs, etc, and we dont have as much time to tear each other apart as we normally do. Check it out during any high political activity and it can get downright nasty heh.

As for the forum differences, if we can get enough people over I think it would be a great idea to start getting more specific sub forums active in here. We've kind of been left in the dark like the red headed step child. Im hoping with the new merge things will be changing drastically and for the better. We should get a thread going once more people arrive and take stock on what the Ogaming community wants to see added in, and get this place rockin
#5 Dec 08 2006 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
801 posts
Hello, My name is Lydiaele, and I'm a EQ-holic

"Hello Lydiaele!"

Yeah, Whatever.

I have my main there in my sig, and enough alts to fill up a Station Pass. I try to be helpful here, I try to be optimistic or at least objective. (Fanboism and sky is falling rants irk me to no end.) Sometimes I post without thinking things through. My sense of humor is usually lost on everyone but me, but I crack myself up sometimes.

I've been actively posting here since about the time EQ2 launched. I've seen fire and I've seen rain. I've lived through the giant, infamous EQ2 vs. WoW thread. I endured the short lived reign of shadowrelm (sic), troll extraordinaire. I survived the attack of the plat-seller-spammers. The sunny day was always the mature, helpful and witty regulars. Both the old guard and the second wave of WoW refugees. Now the newest bright spot is the merger, new content and new people. Yay!

Woefully, this ray of sunshine comes at a time when I'm considering getting on the wagon.

My favorite part of EQ2 is tradeskills. I've spent much time levelling an alt to at least 30 in every craft but tailoring, which I had planned to take up with my new baby fae. My adventure levels on my main came mostly from soloing as I harvested my raw materials, although I do love the adventuring game. I had high hopes that EoF would add some much needed variety and power to crafted items through the adornment system, and thereby give players a reason to seek out tradeskillers because they are, in fact, tradeskillers. My optimism was hit with the unfair decision to let anyone who takes up transmuting make weapon adornments and the havoc caused by introducing the transmuting system on an established economy. The worst part was the dev's decision to open up the "Secondary Tradeskills" to the higher of adventurer or tradeskill level. I've lost hope that crafting will be anything more than a sideline timesink for adventurers. EQ2 has constantly whittled away at the original tradeskill vision from launch, as they constantly improved the adventuring game. What's happening now is probably the last straw for me.

If there was another game out now that offered a deeper, more important and/or more rewarding tradeskill experience I would be there, even though I feel EQ2 had the deepest and most rewarding adventuring experience out there.
#6 Dec 08 2006 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
991 posts
Not to get off track, but I'm with you Lyd. I lost a lot of faith in the tradeskilling when my rare crafts were utterly useless.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled program, brought to you by the new individuals.
#7 Dec 09 2006 at 12:14 AM Rating: Decent
Howdy, I'm Dak.

I've been posting here since EQ1, but as you can probably tell from my post count I usualy don't post much. Went through one stint a little while ago when these boards were actually active where I posted a lot for about a month or so, then went back into post hibernation. I fool around in the OoT a bit to, but recently its way more immature then usual, so I've been staying out of there as well.

I played EQ1 for a couple years, moved to FFXI to play with a buddy and then quit a few months later when I couldn't handle the grind or immaturity anymore. Started EQ2 at launch and have been playing off and on since, I have a bad habit of taking hiatus's every once and awhile, and I'm a really slow leveler, so my main is sonly a 49 guard lol. I run the <Rebels of the Sacred Heart> on Lucan D'Lere along with a few RL friends and Mearyk when he was still playing. I also have Altitis so I've had probably 20 diff charcters over level 20.

In RL I'm a freshman getting my Creative Writing degree. I live in Houston Texas and have almost my entire life. Hoping someday to get into the UH gradute creative writing program, since its the second best in the nation. I've had 2 stories published in local literary journals and hopefully will have one in the upcoming issue of the southern reveiw.
#8 Dec 09 2006 at 8:22 AM Rating: Good
Houston, poor you Dak.

For me I am Dirges, just another forum nobody. I started coming here for EQOA, and have since moved up to other games. Though I am more of a causal MMO player, I spend time on a couple of games including CoX, EQ2, and just started playing Phantasy Star universe for a while. Though I am interested in Vanguard and will try that when it comes out.
#9 Dec 09 2006 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
Well, hi to everyone!

I'm Zieveraar on the forums and Abuj ingame. I've played EQ I (Vorian), WoW (Voran and Slik) and have now been enjoying myself for about 10 straight months in EQ II after switching back and forth between WoW and EQII.

I have almost reached lvl 70, in about 10 long months, but it can easily take another month to get that final lvl and a half of xp.

A rather long time ago, when I just began playing EQ I (2003 or so), I asked someone about something and they just replied Allakhazam. And I've been here ever since. Never posted at the forums before I started playing WoW though.

Irl, I'm 31 years old and live in Belgium (Europe).

#10 Dec 28 2006 at 9:30 PM Rating: Decent
393 posts
well, I'm not much of one for these, but oh, well.

got started playing MMOs about a year and a half ago with EQ2, and got hooked right away. however, been playing RPGs (mainly Shadowrun and D&D, but a little Spycraft and Stargate, thrown in for variety) for about 7, almost 8 years. pretty much just try to have a good time when I can in life. hell, if yall have any questions about me and my exploits on EQ2, just ask. otherwise, I'll be posting on here when I get around to logging in :-P.
#11 Dec 29 2006 at 12:32 AM Rating: Good
6,357 posts
I'm Lamneth, a 19 year old college student.

I've been playing computer games for as long as I can remember and discovered I had a liking for the utter enormity of MMO's back when I first picked up FFXI. I played FFXI for almost 2 years but then switched to WoW the day it came out. I've played WoW off an on ever since and have been looking for something better. While on my search I tried everything from CoH to SWG and finally was convinced by one of Bhodi's posts to give EQ2 a try.

I loved it from the moment I logged in and played for just over to months on Blackburrow and then with a small group of friends on the PvP server Nagafen. However, I was drawn back into WoW when they released the paid character transfers and I could play with a rather large group of friends from RL and the Alla wow boards in a small raiding guild. Then I burned out on WoW again and will probably not go back until the expansion fever has worn down.

Now I'm back on EQ2 working my way back up on my defiler and just tonight made a Fae as a crafting alt.

The two main characters you should be able to find me on are...

Blackburrow.Lamneth <-- Defiler
Blackburrow.Nethlam <-- Carpenter Alt
#12 Dec 29 2006 at 6:39 AM Rating: Decent
251 posts
Hi all,

Hmmm...where to start. Outside of EQ2 I'm a project manager for a business data network, and I'm studying for my MBA part time. Besides that, I am a video game junkie...always have been...always will be (post pen and paper RPG roots of course, since computers weren't readily available to the public and all the "good" games had to be coded yourself anyway...error in line 210...bleh). I usually play about 30 or 40 hours a week (for as far back as I can remember), and spend another 10 or 20 hours a week on various forums and/or checking out the game mags. You'll normally catch me all over the place as CHIMPNOODLE, and I'm a veteran Ogaming poster/refugee as well. Yes, I need to get out more :)

In EQ2 I'm the founder and Guild/Raid leader of The Shard Collectors (, and a core member of the Unrest Raid Alliance (,com_simpleboard/Itemid,31/ OLD forums,,,, NEW forums). Currently a level 53 Guild, we are the largest Guild on the Unrest Server and one of the largest World-wide (8th by unique account WW). It keeps me very busy, and I enjoy it immensely. We are a family style/T7 raid hybrid guild, and I have a ton of fun organizing and running things. Basically, I'm a builder at heart and I play MMOs for the people aspect as much or more than the game iteself (though I love the game as well).

That's it for the moment, though I'm sure plenty more will come out over time...or just ask me anything you want to know.

Filmore Graves 70 SK/48 Armorer
Kanos The'Inquisitive 70 Inquis
Bloodbath Spleenfeeder 49 Dirge/10 scholar
Chimpnoodle 28 Necro
Baane Of'Angels 22 Defiler
Lockdown 12 Illusi

The Shard Collectors
Unrest Server

Edited, Dec 29th 2006 9:42am by CHIMPNOODLE
#13 Dec 29 2006 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
258 posts
Here comes my turn, I am from Montréal, Québec
Ive been playing an EQ title for more than a quarter of my life.
I started on EQ1 at the release, i migrated there from muds. I was caught by the magic of it all and played EQ1 until 2005. During that time i tried pretty much every other mmorpg that went out but it never came to EQ1 ankle imo.
I was a student living at my parents back at the start, now i have a career and 2 kids. I recently passed some time into wow, i played a priest there to level 60. Theres too many people playing and it seems its always new people i play with. I am coming back to EQ2 right now, i already have a couple of characters in their 30s but ill start anew again.

I used to play 40+ hour a week, but now i am down to about 5 at max, still its one of the more relaxing time i pass during the week so stopping to play mmorpg is out of the question.

And i learned my english playing EQ, still working on getting it better but its not easy i am surrounded by french people !:)

Ok thats it for me.
#14 Dec 29 2006 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
251 posts
I'm a Montrealer as well Prom. :)
#15 Dec 29 2006 at 2:19 PM Rating: Excellent
1,577 posts
Better late then never right? :P

Hola everyone! As some of you may know my name is Andrew. I'm a 24 year old crazy person living in the ice riddled wastelands of Alaska. I've been apart of the EverQuest II Community since 2003. I was the head of EQ2 OGaming and now I'm one of the Community Managers at Allakhazam.

I've been playing MMO's since EverQuest (Kunark). I remember sitting in some of my computer classes in high school, all I did was surf Allakhazam to plan out where I would adventure after school. My EverQuest career took me all the way to Gates of Discord, where I quit promptly after that expansion release. From there I tried a plethora of MMO's but to my dismay, nothing captivated the feeling I had when in Norrath.

EverQuest II was announced and I quickly decided I wanted to be apart of that game more so then I was able to be in EverQuest. Everything else is history. I still actively play EverQuest II but I'm also participating in a few exclusive beta programs right now.

My two main characters include a 70 Templar on Unrest and a 30 Fae Dirge on Nagafen. Make sure to say "hello" if you see me in game ;)
Fly High Daevas,
Tamat ~ Andrew Beegle
Community Manager
#16 Jan 04 2007 at 7:09 AM Rating: Excellent
Tamat missed a huge history lesson on his little intro! Shame on him! He's been a proud Community Manager for far longer than his time with EQ2 OGaming. Show some history, man!

I won't spill the beans for him any more, but maybe some of you can prod him into giving a more thorough introduction.

So back to the topic at hand, I wanted to hop in and say hello to all of the familiar faces that I used to see on EQ2 OGaming and to the allakhazam visitors that have lost touch with the functionality of their jaw once the activity started up on these boards with the merger.

As an introduction, I'm Ariel "Leonai_art" Leroux. Once upon a time I was the community manager of EQ2 OGaming Pre-Launch and for a short stint Post-Launch of EQ2. I've been gaming since I was in elementary school back in the days of B-drive floppy disks (flip the education ones over and there were always games!). My obsession started with consoles such as the atari and intellivision, my treasured favorite being the traditional NES (the first one), and my current "drug" of choice is the Nintendo DS.

I got my feet wet in the waters of EverQuest about 2 months before Luclin launched and have been into MMOs ever since. I've dabbled in several MMOs: EQ, EQ2, WoW, GuildWars, Second Life, DDO, and Dark Ages of Camelot. In early 2004, I started up the baby radio station Online Gaming Radio, and have been at it ever since. We've had our ups and downs... and downs and ups, but we're still trying as ever to improve the quality and quantity of our shows.

Even with my MMO history, I'm still a console gamer at heart and currently my obsession has been FF3 on the Nintendo DS. My new and main job here at Allakhazam is what I've kind of always done on the side for OGaming, and I'm really happy to be doing it on a more primary and full time basis, as the graphics artist for the sites being newly launched and upgraded. I hope to not disrupt the flow of the native akz community, but I also want to bring a bit more ease to the eyes and browsing and perhaps tiny reorganization here and there to clean up the interface.

I'm not sure what else to say except to reiterate how nice it is to see a lot of the people who have been on the EQ2 OGaming boards for years.
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