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the state of these boardsFollow

#1 Nov 10 2006 at 10:51 AM Rating: Good
It's depressing to me... I have been a regular visitor and poster to these boards since a few weeks after the game was released, and never have things seemed as grim as they do here today.

I work in a job that lets me take frequent "mini-breaks" a couple minutes here or there while I wait for a process to run... and this affords me the opportunity to check the boards frequently throughout each day.

But lately, there is almost nothing to read or respond to. The traffic here at Alla's has dwindled down to a post or two a day. Not even a thread or two... I'm saying one or two posts a day!!!

I posted once yesterday and once the day before and as of log-off last night at around midnight, both of my responses were still at the top of the thread list. This morning there was a question from a new poster and I ansewered that one too so now I hold most recent post in the top three slots. That's just sad!

I never thought I would see these boards become my own personal monologue!

We have never seen the fabulous upgrades that were to rennovate the database and the quest guides, beastiary, zone info etc are in such abisymal disrepair that there is no point in even clicking there!

This leaves us with the forums as the only "active" spot on the site and now these fallen into dis-use.

Will things improve with the release of EoF next week? Yeah, there will probably be an upswing in the number of posts... "Isn't this zone or that one pretty"... "Where is this NPC or that quest starter"... that sort of thing...

But overall, these boards are dying and that growth spurt will be temporary at best so...

How can we fix this? How can we save these boards? Or do we even care?
#2 Nov 10 2006 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
There's only so much we can do ourselves, as long as there is no apparent interest from any admin to actually do what was promised to be finished three months ago, what can we do?

I've asked about the whole merger with the O-Gaming database and if there is anything we could add ourselves with information and the likes, once at the site and forum feedback site and after only DSD replied emphasizing the desire to know something I tried it on this board too. Nothing.

So I cancelled my premium and post less and less.

There might be a growth of posters next week, trying to find info and then they'll see that apart from a group of very helpful posters (which pretty much everyone of us are) there is no info to be had whatsoever. Not even from the last expansion that was released 8 months ago, then they'll leave and we'll remain as we are now.

The ball is not in our court, unfortunately.
#3 Nov 10 2006 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
sadly with nothing new for us EQ2ers for us to look up at this site, something we were promised now months ago, new players are not going to come here for information or to discuss the game. I dont blame them. Why should they post here when they can go to other more informative sites that have both the info and the community they need?

So what happens is that its just those of us who have been here for ages, looking up info on other sites and if a discussion on such topics are ideal, brought back. But most of us are vets to the game. Lately there hasnt been much new TO talk about.

What we're lacking is new people. But we wont get those unless Allas shapes up into being a useful site for this game. With the lack of response in forum feedback on the circumstances Im not holding my breath that long term change will happen to get these forums more active. Which is a shame really.
#4 Nov 10 2006 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
128 posts
Hey you regulars, as you stated, it's not your fault at all. I started playing EQ2 about the same time I started posting here, and honestly, the only reason I bother to come back here is the dedication that some of the regulars show with the quick response time, and their depth of knowledge of the game. Thank you all!

When I first signed up here, I was impressed with how much free information was available, only to be disappointed in how outdated most of the info is. Then I found other sites that were much quicker, advanced search for free (it wasn't back a while ago), up to date, and very active. The only reason I continued to return was for the expertise that was/is on the boards. OBD you hooked me by posting the info on crafting 101!

Then all that crap happened with the spam postings and the ADMIN took weeks to clear it up...which is part of the reason that there isn't anyone new around here. The other reasons you have covered already. And then there are the nitwits that continue to show their stupidity but I guess those are everywhere.

It's frustrating for everyone, and the lack of new people on the boards is proof that there is something lacking in the support from those responsible for running this site. I don't think there is anything else that can be done by the posters. Most of you have gone out of your way to be helpful, it's up to the admin to improve the content so that this site can be as useful again.

This portion of the site has pretty regular traffic from people crossing over from other games, but they quickly see that the EQ2 (maybe the others as well) portion is all but useless. It's very unfortunate.
#5 Nov 10 2006 at 3:40 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I think Alla has made it clear that his priorities are WoW then EQ1 and FFXI.

EQ2 was promised some love when the whole deal was announced. We will probably see it eventually but I hold no illusions that it will be soon.

Most of my EQ2 posting will continue to be on the EQ2 official boards. Most of my EQ2 info will continue to come from Ogaming (which is now owned by Alla). I will continue to post here mainly because I have been posting on allas for years and years now and old habits die hard.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#6 Nov 10 2006 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
2,801 posts
The FFXI boards are still crazy busy. I posted on the EQ2 borads a few times, but it seems that most people either don't know or don't care about the boards here.

Sony has their own boards up which appear to be very active. AND they actually take care of the posters there. (Hint, hint 'zam.)

If only I could carry my 1000+ posts over to Sony's borads so I could pretend I know what's going on. :)
#7 Nov 11 2006 at 12:13 AM Rating: Decent
101 posts
i used to post on the eq1 boards. I also used to get all my info from there to. So once i bought eq2 i thought alla's would be the place to go but the info i was looking for is to hard to find or out dated. I use eq2 official boards. I now that i read this post i will check out ogamming's site. I will continue to check back as I thought this was the best site for eq1 info and hope things will get straighted out here.
#8 Nov 11 2006 at 6:25 AM Rating: Good
8,832 posts
Was hoping to use these boards and all the lovely information that can usually be found on Alla's to assist in my return to EQ2.

Sadly I've been forced to use another site, something that I've never had to do in 4-5 years.

Not even an offical forum Guild for a born again noob to partake in =(
#9 Nov 11 2006 at 6:44 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Foundation, on Najena. Talk to Tutanbriar.

Myself, DSD and the occassional asylumite are over on Blackburrow. No guild though.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#10 Nov 13 2006 at 4:38 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
Yesterday I decided to park my main and start an alt. Low and behold my server was "red" indicating heavy traffic. All others were yellow with medium amounts of traffic. My server is Nek.

I am guessing that the game still has a good population. I just think that EQ2 hasn't had much "new" news in a long time. The Village of Shin thingy was neat but kinda a joke. You could solo about half of it. Then you needed a huge group to complete the rest...

Also, EQ2's crafting has been reduced to harvesting nodes and countering issues with buffs while crafting. That's it. There's no subcombines. There is no thinking involved. If there is no thinking involved then there are no questions to be asked... If you get a rare then you can craft a rare item. Crafting has become so boring that I hardly ever do it. My level 70 carpenter makes Ebony cases for pc vendors when they ask, but I never seek out business... Not really complaining but it just doesn't float my boat anymore.

Ogaming has had the same problems. THe posts their have been reduced to inane dribble.

Hopefully, with the release of the upcoming expansion, that the boards will once again start jumping if but for a short period of time.

#11 Nov 13 2006 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
Halfway this thread is a short post by Senor, admin, stating that the EQ II board is on the top 3 list of things to do.

All we can do is wait.
#12 Nov 13 2006 at 5:17 PM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
hehe actually thats Exodus, not Senor.(senor for Mr in spanish si?) And he's mainly focused on the FFXI area. He may know a little more than the rest of us do, but I feel safe to say he's not involved at all in the EQ2 dept so it might onlybe what hes been told. Hell I tried getting him to play Eq2 on my pc and while he thought it was cool, I couldnt convert him to the dark side. Again more than us, but Im still not satisfied with that until I see a higher up come let us know or at least acknowledge the questions being put out in the forum feedback area.
#13 Nov 13 2006 at 7:37 PM Rating: Good
315 posts
I don't have a whole lot to say here since I've only now gotten to the point in this game where I feel like I COULD answer posts halfway intelligently, BUT (there's always a butt right tee hee hee)...

I too came to Alla's as an EQ1 player and when moving to EQ2 thought that I had it made. Now, I'm not going to be too complainy on that point since I myself had never actually contributed anything to the databases etc. I had a whole lotta hope when the merger happened...but low and behold, nada. I do love lurking and posting here and there. Everyone that I have seen/heard from/asked for help from has been great...and that's the main reason that I continue to check in here on a fairly regular basis.

It's just a little sad...wish there was more that we could do.
#14 Nov 13 2006 at 8:14 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
We have lost all of our EQ2 staff twice now. On the developer schedule, the server integration comes first, then the Eve Site rollout, then WOW, then all the EQ2 site revamp and integration. I don't have a timeframe for any of that except that the server integration is in progress, with the exception of missing servers that have been ordered but are not yet here. Wish i had more info or better news for you, but I do not at this time. Please be aware that we recognize this forum especially is not satisifed.

Things are in the works, they are just taking much longer than any of us anticipated.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#15 Nov 14 2006 at 6:13 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
We have lost all of our EQ2 staff twice now. On the developer schedule, the server integration comes first, then the Eve Site rollout, then WOW, then all the EQ2 site revamp and integration. I don't have a timeframe for any of that except that the server integration is in progress, with the exception of missing servers that have been ordered but are not yet here. Wish i had more info or better news for you, but I do not at this time. Please be aware that we recognize this forum especially is not satisifed.

Things are in the works, they are just taking much longer than any of us anticipated.

That is about what I expected from what I had been hearing. Knew the servers were being done, Dana's Eveonline site is coming along nicely and the forums are now open.

I sent a e-mail to Allakhazam stating that if he needed a data entry monkey that I would happily volunteer my time, never got a response though. Not suprising considering how much of a **** I have been as of late.

I have a question though. Ogaming EQ2 seems to still be getting regular content updates in terms of quests, monster and items being added to their DB. Will Ogaming EQ2 remain a seperate entity or will it be integrated into the new structure into what will finally be the EQ2 site that Exodus mentioned is now in Beta? If so will their staff be coming along to work on the site?
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#16 Nov 14 2006 at 12:42 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
******* in the asylum has results!

The new EQ2 layout
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#17 Nov 14 2006 at 1:15 PM Rating: Good
Kaolian confided:
Please be aware that we recognize this forum especially is not satisifed.

But still, you leave us twisting in the wind!

With all due respect, things have been handled badly. A little information goes a long way and although you really have nothing more than a laundry list of excuses, keeping us apprised of what was going wrong as it went wrong would have gone a long way towards making things right.

Now... you are in a position of catch up and left with the option to save the boards if you can...

Hopefully, you will get something done before the regulars lose interest and wander off... because frankly, at this time, we're all you've got!
#18 Nov 14 2006 at 3:12 PM Rating: Excellent
12,735 posts
DSD wrote:
hehe actually thats Exodus, not Senor.(senor for Mr in spanish si?) And he's mainly focused on the FFXI area. He may know a little more than the rest of us do, but I feel safe to say he's not involved at all in the EQ2 dept so it might onlybe what hes been told. Hell I tried getting him to play Eq2 on my pc and while he thought it was cool, I couldnt convert him to the dark side. Again more than us, but Im still not satisfied with that until I see a higher up come let us know or at least acknowledge the questions being put out in the forum feedback area.

Actually, I have my foot in the door for the darkside. Smiley: tongue I still have my account active, problem is that FFXI came out with the new expansion shortly after I made my toon on Black Burrow. (lv14 pally ftw!)

Señor is spanish for Mr. and also works for "Sir", I was trying to be cute. Smiley: laugh

When I posted that, it was based on the prototype that I saw I forget when ago. This completed version looks alot smoother than the one I saw and hopefully, it'll go live soon. Even though I'm an FFXI monkey, I still see the other admins talk about the other sites on IRC, so it gives me a heads up on things.

What caused the majority of the delays is the new servers and migrating to them, really. Lots of work. Other than that, /echo what Dana and Kao have already mentioned.

I do, though, apologize that your questions weren't anwsered sooner. Smiley: frown
#19 Nov 15 2006 at 1:12 PM Rating: Excellent
The man who started it all!
1,635 posts
All the data entry has been switched to the ogaming site to save duplication of effort. That's why you see updates there and not here. All of that information will be copied over to here when the merger happens, and after that all updates will take place here. Most of the server stuff is now done. Hopefully, that means we can get on with integrating the two sites. I don't want to promise you a time frame, mainly because with this whole merger everything has seemed to take 10 times longer than I originally anticipated. However, I can promise that the EQ2 site has moved up to the top of our priorities list.

When the sites do merge, the forums should get a boost as well, since we will be merging the ogaming forum community into this one as well. Hopefully, you all will get along. Smiley: dubious
#20 Nov 15 2006 at 2:19 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Thanks for the update Alla, I'm sure everyone will get along just fine and dandy.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#21 Nov 16 2006 at 6:55 AM Rating: Decent
69 posts
Thanks, Alla, for the update. Posting a small acknowledgement of the new EQ2 expansion on the main EQ2 page would go a long way in easing the ill will and discouragement that the past few months have built up.

Once information starts funneling back on to this site I'll consider re-upping my charter premium service. The admins complete indifference to the community convinced me to drop it.

Many thanks to Old Blue Dragon, Bodhi and DSD for keeping the flame of Alla alive. They are the only reasons I come back here.

Here's to hoping we all can once again start recommending Allakhazam in game.


#22 Nov 16 2006 at 11:37 AM Rating: Good
315 posts
Here here !! I can't wait to start saying that Alla's is the place to get the info from again :D
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