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EQ2 or EQ1? *Please read all*Follow

#1 Aug 09 2006 at 1:09 AM Rating: Decent

This is for people who have experience in both Everquest I and II.

I know this is an EQ2 board so asking between EQ1 or EQ2 on a EQ2 board may sound silly, but I had a dilemma that was either post in EQ1 board or here :\ anyways please carry on reading....

I'm on the look out for a new MMO, as I've played FFXI and I've played World of Warcraft and in all honestly the WoW community stinks (please no WoW vs EQ etc debate, I'm not here for that). So I've been searching around for a new MMO for me to play. Everquest I and Everquest II have tickled my fancy so I went out and tried both trials that are available. After playing both for awhile, I found they were both interesting. Though I have to say I was 'fighting' with the camera in EQ1 as I couldn't get it to chase like in EQ2 or WoW, so that was disappointing (though that's probably down to me not knowing how to set it up hehe). Plus the graphics weren't even close to EQ2's, but that didn't put me off as EQ1 could blow EQ2 out of the water and this is exactly why I'm here. EQ2 had some alot of lag unlike WoW, FFXI or EQ1.

Could you please give me your reason on which verion of Everquest I should play. EQ1 seems to have more content with all the expansion packs, but long term gameplay wise it may not be as good as EQ2. EQ1 may have a better community than EQ2, again this I do not know. I'm not a hardcore MMO player, so one might suit me better than the other. So here I am asking you EQ vets on which version I should play. As said, please give your reasons, but at the same time, please remember I'm not an Everquest player so using Everquest jargon will go straight over my head!

I hope to hear a helpful and constructive answer from someone to my query.

Thank you very much :D

Edited, Aug 9th 2006 at 2:27am EDT by shreks

Edited, Aug 20th 2006 at 5:41pm EDT by Kaolian

Edited, Aug 21st 2006 at 6:58pm EDT by Kaolian

Edited, Aug 21st 2006 at 6:59pm EDT by Kaolian
#2 Aug 09 2006 at 3:05 AM Rating: Decent
Personally I would say for you to go with EQ 1 to start off since it sounds like your machine will run it better and give you a better experience.

If and when you upgrade your computer, go with the all access pass and play them both.

EQ 1 has a broad venue of maturity levels that play.
EQ 2 (at least as far as I have seen) has a more mature audience.
WoW has a younger audience. Including college students and those %&^& Allakhazam jokes
I haven't tried Final fantasy so I can't say either way.

As for my own personal reasons. I started EQ1 back before the first expansion and played ever since. I bought the all access pass and play EQ 1 and 2 now.

I didn't like WoW because the only challenge I found was trying to get on the servers. I don't like the whole waiting in line bit. After playing the free 30 days I had a lvl 40 hunter. No week long marathons, just off casual play.

This is my 2 copper worth I hope it help you at least a little.
#3 Aug 09 2006 at 6:11 AM Rating: Decent
Thank you for your contribution Handragath, though I will say I didn't mention I had any computer technical issues e.g. graphics with running Everquest II :\. In fact I can run it on quite high settings with no problems at all. The only problem I had was lag and I'm sure someone like you whos played plently of MMO's can tell the difference between lag and a graphics card causing low FPS, which some would assume as lag.
#4 Aug 09 2006 at 8:39 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
It already sounds like you have made up your mind. Which isn't a bad thing since they are both great games.

With EQ1 you just have to realize that its been around for 6+ years and that in terms of end game content, well you are so far behind that it would take heck of a lot of work to get up to snuff. So overall you are looking at a grind of FFXI proportions.

EQ2 on the other hand is system intensive. You need a decent gaming rig. Other than that its its a nice blend between EQ1 challenge and WoW casualness.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#5 Aug 09 2006 at 9:15 AM Rating: Good
1,885 posts
Another important thing to remember about EQ1 is that there are few new players, and the bulk of the player base is in the high end content. EQ1 is geared to mostly group content, meaning most critters are hard and require more than 1 person to take it down.

This, coupled with the thin low-level population, will make it hard for you to get a group when you get into the 20's and 30's, possibly bringing your gaming to a frustrating screaching halt.

EQ2 is a different game with different goals. The mechanics and gameplay are also different. Here, you'll find more single-player content, and much more of it. Sometimes I can't take 3 steps without tripping over some critter. If you can't find a group, there is always solo content somewhere, around your level, that you can whomp.
#6 Aug 09 2006 at 9:17 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
I played EQ1 for years and loved it at the time. I still get nostalgic for it every once in awhile. However, most likely I could never go back. Firstly, things have changed drastically over the years. What was once amazingly lifelike in EQ1 is now very old. While some people scoff at that being an issue, on a personal note, I like to be able to actually immerse myself into the atmosphere of the game and its hard to do that when the graphics are as old as they are. Unfortunately it doesnt look like they will be upgrading enough anytime soon. With EQ2 the graphics are amazingly lifelike, depending on how well you set your performance to.

Game style is different. If you are looking for a more hardcore game, EQ1 would be for you. It not only encourages, but most of the time forces you to group.While there is definitely a lot of grouping in EQ2 its not as forced. There is plenty of solo activity to be done.

,while challenging all the way up to end game and past that, is still a more casual game than EQ1. You can log on and play for a couple of hours and feel like you have accomplished something. In EQ1, especially thehigher you get in levels, you can log on and play for hours and be happy that you recieved 10% towards your next level.

The community in both are about the same IMO. You will get asshats in any game but they are drastically smaller in population than in other MMOs say like WoW. Most people who came to EQ2 were from EQ1 and those who have joined after are all most likely to be more mature. Lowbie zones tend to have more idiots but they seem to get weeded out quickly. The best way t ofind some great people though, is to guild shop. Keep an eye out for guilds, see which ones may suit you and join them. Instant people to talk to group with, raid with if youre interested, etc.

One thing about EQ1 you miss if you jump directly to EQ2 though is understanding the lore of the game and the world. Both games are set in the same world, but 500 years apart and after dramatic geographic changes. The appreciation of whas behind the lore is diminished if you dont understand how drastic the changes were by comparing the geography to the past (EQ1).

Tradeskilling is very different in each game. Its much more in depth in EQ2 than 1 was.

My suggestion if you have the money, would be to pick up both games and get the station access. Play both and see which style and atmossphere fits you best. Most of us who played EQ1 loved it and still love the concept of it, but we also have grown out of it. You may find that you enjoy EQ1 much more or EQ2, but its not something you can really decide until you try both.
#7 Aug 09 2006 at 11:43 AM Rating: Good
2,196 posts
/agree 100% with DSD

Well said- er, written. You know what I mean. Smiley: grin
'Lo, there do I see, the line of my people, back to the beginning, 'lo do they call to me, they bid me take my place among them, in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave...may live...forever.

X-Box 360 Gamer Tag - Smogster
#11 Aug 20 2006 at 2:58 PM Rating: Default
#12 Aug 24 2006 at 1:32 AM Rating: Good
I would say EQ2 hands down-played EQ1 for 5 years and watched it go from an outstanding game to an expansioned-out-of-control raidfest. You said you werent a hardcore gamer, so you have probably missed the boat as far as EQ1 goes in my opinion. A few years ago, you probably could have made out on EQ1 ok, but now there are little to no new players, hardly never anyone in the below 30 level zones. EQ1 is much more group-centric than EQ2, especially after level 10 or so-there is very little you can accomplish on your own. The crafting system in EQ2 beats EQ1 hands down. Constant, large-scale expansion release (every 6 months or so) in EQ1 makes gear obsolete in a hurry if you arent in a high-end raiding guild. EQ2 does have casual and raid game players both, as Tuten stated-there is generally something for everyone. Plus, much content is soloable and not dependant on getting a group if you have limited playtime.

This is my opinion (mainly) and hope it helps some-I have station pass so I have access to both, but after a brief flirtation with return to EQ1 when the progression servers came out, I bailed again after transplanted raiding guilds that moved to the progression servers at launch took down the three main boss mobs in the entire old world (original EQ)within two weeks by zerging them. I re-discovered EQ2 at the advice of a rl friend who told me about how the game was fixed, and I will probably never go back-

Good luck to you in whatever you decide-
#13 Aug 24 2006 at 2:16 PM Rating: Default
EQ1 is very unbalanced for gear when it comes to casual vs. hardcore players. You can have wizards who have higher hp than warriors. I'm not familier with the high end of EQ2 yet atm only a level 33 but i'd say out of what i've heard and seen for high end gear it appears to be balanced.
#14 Aug 24 2006 at 4:31 PM Rating: Good
I still play both and rarely ever do I look for a group in EQ1 and still get lots accomplished! Of course, my mains are a 65 chanter, a 66 necro and a 60 druid, pretty much the best solo classes... =P
#17 Aug 27 2006 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
I have played EQ1 for 5 years and never had and will never have a playing experience as intense. What I can tell you is that if you love MMO at all and never played it. YOU SHOULD. EQ2 will be around still you can get into it if you ever fell youve had your time on EQ1. There is 3 choices you have.
Pickup Titanium version of the game which have most expansions, and get onto any regular server and get in a guild that will help you or
get on the new progressive server and enjoy expansions contents as it unfold (they are at the 3rd expansions right now)or,
which I recommand get onto the test server (testeverquest.exe), get out of the tutorial and type the command /testbuff and you will be level 25 all dressed up with all geared enjoy every expansions out without buying them and enjoy all 7 years veteran rewards which will help you greatly soloing your way fast to high level content that is rich and impossible to go thru all check allahkazam for quest and I promess you unparralled gameplay and fun.
Eq1 has had so much improvments over the years it is now so mature you can pass over the fact that the graphics are not as good as games like WOW.
#18 Aug 31 2006 at 5:22 AM Rating: Decent
Hello. I been playing eq1 since 2003 and I bought eq2 collectors edition recently and while I have all expansions in eq1 (including the one not released yet, yes I already paid for it), and I'm still holding off buying expansions for eq2 cause I'm not sure if I'm ready to leave eq1 yet.
So, I'm forced to play both until I can decide.

EQ1 has alot more areas to explore and but has alot of jerk noobs and ebayers. People do not know how to play and solo is a joke, unless ur uber twinked and max aa's like me. In EQ2 it's easy to get gear and start out a character and solo quests and stuff, alot of fun, but as far as people are concerned, they don't socialize as much. I like to chat and hang out with people and people in eq2 seem very anti-social, as compared to eq1. I'm not sure why, but I'm sure that eventually it will come around.

Now don't get me wrong, I am cultured, I have played and currently own every morpg in existance, but everquest 1 & 2 were the only ones I played long term. SWG was good till they (sony) totally screwed up the game. Other than that, eq1 and eq2 seem to have the most options to offer players. I love aa's and stuff like that.

Edited, Aug 31st 2006 at 6:23am EDT by daemonrebel
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