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The Age of EQFollow

#1 Jul 20 2006 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
[Disclaimer]: In no way is this post intended to offend any person, mage or halfling. Its intent is to have a sad discussion and of the reminisced.

Hi everyone,

I'm from a long heritage of RPG's, that I don't care to list because if you are a gamer. It's as simple as that. It's not a contest as it seems to be in other posts. I'm not here to argue classes being better than others or people not knowing how to use their classes. So i'll make this as short as possible and get to the point:

When EQ2 came out I subscribed to an account (leaving EQ to try EQ2) and was totally impressed. The graphics, the abilities, the possibilities were endless! My stay was short lived when I left to serve in Iraq. Now, upon my return from combat, I play EQ2 to keep my mind off what I've seen. It's a way to escape, even if its only for a few short hours while the wife goes shopping with her friends. So I post my dilemna:
I've been playing again for almost a month, reacquainting myself with my characters, the new game-play and some veteran awards I was rewarded while overseas. But now I've found there is an eerie silence in Norrath. I will OOC just to chat and there is either no response, or a smart-*** remark thats rather un-intellectual to say the least. I will shout to attempt to spark some RolePlay on the Lucan D'Lere(RP) server and there is either no response, or someone threatening to open a "CAN OF WHOOP-***" on me with excessive caps. I've heard there was some drama that happened on the (RP) server that killed the (RP) but frankly, I could care less. Did this drama make the hardcore RolePlayers stop playing EQ2 ? I highly doubt it.
Is this game NOT to have fun anymore? I just want a good straight answer why it is so anti-social. Why RP means caps lock words circa 1995+. I watched my friend play Guild Wars, which is his addiction and to each his own. As I watched, the local channel was just filled with constant spam, caps lock spam, I need a girlfriend spam, watch me dance spam, excessive WTS WTS WTB spam. The games players just seems adolescent and immature, and I only compare this to when I started RPGs. We were (sanely) serious about our games, and had an absolute blast playing in a world where we didnt have to hear quotes from Napolean Dynamite every ten seconds.

-End Rant

As I said. I dont mean to offend anyone. I'm just curious what happened to the fun. I want people to talk to, to play with. I miss being able to go:
t millen Hey mike, lets go kick some gnoll tail together!

#2 Jul 20 2006 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
Don't know what's happening over on LD but the game is alive, healthy and still loads of fun on plenty of other servers.

I play on Najena and I couldn't imagine a nicer or more polite crowd overall. (And I'm speaking here of the general population, not just the members of the guild I'm in!)

There are exceptions... I have run into rude players and immature players but that is the exception and not the rule. Most of the time, the people you meet and interact with are as nice as can be.

Maybe you need to consider changing servers or just rolling up a new character for a fresh start.

And BTW - welcome back and thank you for your service to our country. It is because of the selfless dedication of men and women like you that we are all able to enjoy the lifestyle and freedoms that we have here. Thank you.
#3 Jul 20 2006 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks sir. That means a lot.

Maybe the RP server is whats killing me, I guess I just expected... some RP heh. Does anyone know what the PvP server is like? I assume if someone made you upset there, you could just knock them down a peg ;)
#4 Jul 20 2006 at 11:15 AM Rating: Good
Actually, from what I've heard, the PvP servers are more of a senseless gank-fest!

I don't play there so I can't be sure but it would seem to me that the bulk of the population there is likely comprised of 14 year old boys who are desperate to prove to anyone and everyone that they have a pair.
#5 Jul 20 2006 at 11:42 AM Rating: Default
If you're talking about EQ1, you will never find such an amazing playerbase again.

I went from EQ1 to SWG where the people were still relatively friendly, but a big aspect of grouping was gone because it was insanely easy (and more profitable exp/credit wise) to travel solo. I still met some very nice interesting people on this game.

I then moved to WOW. I was so horrified at the level of maturity in that game. The funny thing is starting out in the innocent levels of 1-15ish, I had a blast and met some very nice people... but as I moved out from those levels into the real big World of Warcraft, people just got lamer and lamer. It made me long for EQ1 again.

I then picked up CoH. Surprisingly friendly again. The game was also alot of fun... to ***** around in. It left me with no drive to level any characters past 25, which was kinda sad but I did have a blast on there.

From there I came to rest here, on EQ2. I too, find this game to have amazing potential! While it's PVP balancing isn't as good as CoH or WOW's, its far better than alot of other games out there. But the game doesn't even focus on PVP, it's PVE content is not only HUGE, it's GOOD! The crafting system was flawed, I believe, but now that it's been changed it looks to have stepped in the right direction. Essentially after playing those other games I'd tell you this is the one to be try to stick with!

The playerbase on my server (Guk) isn't too bad either. =)
I mean, its not as amazing as EQ1's, but everyone remains pretty friendly. Honestly my only quarrel with the game is that it's so user-friendly that just about anyone can get to level 70. While that's good, it kinda floods the high-end with players that would usually be stuck in the 30s until they learned how to play. The funny thing, however, is that WOW allows this as well, and the only way they get weeded out is through PVP ganking. >=)

The channels do act rather strangley, though. People seem to consider it an annoyance when you use them. The funny thing is it IS an MMO game, the whole point is to interact. With all the people TSing, Gathering, Exploring, and the likes, I don't see how those chats arn't cluttered with interesting coversations... My advice is to join a friendly guild, however! Guild's havn't lost their pizaz (not pizzas) at all!

You can make some good friends in groups, too, and once you get into the game's playerbase you can really have a blast.

Don't give up on it yet...
#6 Jul 20 2006 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
Hey L'DL isn't bad! There's lost of times when theres shout conversations going on, though it might help to know of you play in Freeport or Qeynos, since freeport pretty much is empty on L'DL lol.

/shameless guild plug on
Maybe you need to get in a good guild, ours always has fun conversation going on and we are mostly RP. KLook up any of the Rebels of the Sacred Heart in game to get hooked up woth an invite. Tell them Panz sent ya.
/shameless guild plug off
#7 Jul 20 2006 at 9:37 PM Rating: Good
2,196 posts
I spend my time playing on two servers: one to hang out with friends on Blackburrow and the other one to team up with my wife on the other roleplayling server, Antonia Bayle, which is quite a heavy population from what I understand. As there aren't enough of us on Blackburrow to start up a guild, I've been exploring the possibility of joining a guild on Antonia Bayle as I prefer RP servers in the long run.

I recommend rolling an alt on Antonia Bayle and check out the Antonia Bayle community forum on the EQ2 website to see what the folks on there are about. They have roleplay in abundance!

Also, I'm an Navy vet during the early 90's (first Iraq war) - I, too, appreciate your service and empathize for what you have had to deal with. Cheers, mate. Smiley: boozing


I've dug a little deeper and I'm discovering what look to be some awesome guilds on Blackburrow after all. Smiley: yippee

Edited, Jul 23rd 2006 at 9:34am EDT by Smoggy
'Lo, there do I see, the line of my people, back to the beginning, 'lo do they call to me, they bid me take my place among them, in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave...may live...forever.

X-Box 360 Gamer Tag - Smogster
#8 Jul 24 2006 at 10:25 AM Rating: Good
Actually, from what I've heard, the PvP servers are more of a senseless gank-fest!

I don't play there so I can't be sure but it would seem to me that the bulk of the population there is likely comprised of 14 year old boys who are desperate to prove to anyone and everyone that they have a pair.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
- Arthur C. Clarke

Hum... you sure about that ? I'm 41, playing on Gorenaire (French PvP server) and I can assure you this is NOT a bunch of 14 years old kids here... Maybe you're talking about WoW... or talking about something you don't know at all... Maybe you should play a little PvP EQ2 style and, after experiencing it yourself, give your opinion about this subject. My friendly advice ;-)

Sorry if my reaction seems aggresive, but your simplistic opinion about pvP server is VERY aggressive and very "14 year old' style"...


btw, I'm 41, ex tank squadron leader.
#9 Jul 24 2006 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
636 posts
Dont diss the 14 year olds! Me and my RL friend play really well and are mature :P use "immature children" next time :P
#10 Jul 24 2006 at 7:19 PM Rating: Decent
Maybe its cool and fun on the french PvP server, but I tried out nagafen for awhile and OBD is completely right, its as 14 year old gank-fest.
#11 Jul 24 2006 at 10:48 PM Rating: Good
Dont diss the 14 year olds!

Whyever not? Respect is earned. It does not come from some federal entitlement. When I meet a fourteen year old, (or someone of any age for that matter), who earns my respect, then he shall have it. But even then, that respect does not extend to everyone else on the planet of that age group.
#12 Jul 24 2006 at 11:33 PM Rating: Default
ODB wrote:
14_Year_Old wrote:
Dont diss the 14 year olds!

Whyever not? Respect is earned. It does not come from some federal entitlement. When I meet a fourteen year old, (or someone of any age for that matter), who earns my respect, then he shall have it. But even then, that respect does not extend to everyone else on the planet of that age group.

See here's the thing. I'd rather have a 14 year old who knows what the f-ck they're doing than a 45 year old guy still figuring out the WASD system. Straight up... kid's learn faster. They don't always make great decisions in the game but they become much better at what they can figure out.

The trick, though, is to never teach them to type fast. Hell, discourage it!! Next time they trying using "home row" spray them with a waterbottle or something!

14 Year Olds are only annoying when they can type 80+ WpM... I know... I was one!

Not much has changed either...

Edited, Jul 25th 2006 at 12:37am EDT by tzsjynx
#13 Jul 25 2006 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
801 posts
See here's the thing. I'd rather have a 14 year old who knows what the f-ck they're doing than a 45 year old guy still figuring out the WASD system. Straight up... kid's learn faster. They don't always make great decisions in the game but they become much better at what they can figure out.

I think you're confusing 45 with 80. The slowdown you describe could be a guy thing (since you specified), I wouldn't know, but I doubt it. I know my reflexes and hand/eye coordination are as sharp as ever.

The thing to remember is 40-somethings are the first generation that grew up with video and computer games. (Remember Pong?) Those of us who have been at this for 20 years or more can run rings around any newb teenager.

So there.
#14 Jul 25 2006 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
Frenzul, I also want to say welcome home and thanks for your sacrafice.

I don't much about LD but as for my server, Oasis, the chatter is endless. There are multiple channels that you can join beside the old standards of OOC, say, and tell. You might want to join an active guild that has lots of players.

I just left my active guild to revive my old guild and miss all the guild chatter. At the present our members are made up of about partially of members who vanished of the face of Norrath and partially my family and alts. But we are working hard at dinging 21 before Christmas. LOL

#15 Aug 02 2006 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts
Being 47 I can still run rings around my 13 year old all day long in EQ2 and EQ or any PC game but give us a ps2 controler and he owns me hehehehe! Has all to do with what you have grown up wit :)
#16 Aug 02 2006 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent

I dunno how one would "run circles" around someone else in EQ2... This game takes so little skill that if Hellen Keller were alive today she'd be 50 before she firgured out "wa-wa."

The reason, though, that you are better at said games is probobly because your reasoning skills are more developed and you've encountered problems that you can relate back into the game many more times than a young child has.

That being said, kid's learn quicker and have faster reflexes. How many people above the age of say 24 do you see at any fast-paced game tourney's? Hell even sports games! There is definatly a legitimate arguement that younger kids have enough time to blow on learning the fine poitns of these games, but once you're getting into 16-20ish you're still looking at full time school, part time work, and
a social life. I got alot of friends that play games like this, WOW, Halo, Counterstrike, ect that are doing 15 Credit Hours, are in Fraternities, have full time jobs and yes, even girlfriends. Most of them are still better at any skill-oriented game than any 40 year old. Even more skilled still, are 8 year olds who have had that very same game for 2 weeks.

EQ2, as well as most MMOs, take a certain level of maturity and responsibility to play (especially considering the game is continueous and your status/power builds on itself, there are no rounds and no room for much ******** around.) Even so, once you hit 14ish you find some pretty damn good players with enough maturity to hold down their sugar highs enough to play the game correctly. This is when if you look closely you can see how/when a person used to faster paced games plays these slower MMOs more attentively and skillfully.

Quicker pulling - quicker/better timed heals - quicker mezzes - correct/quick use of roots - more PC control means less adds, better mob positioning and correctly timed chain pulling - more alertness means OTing can save Mages/Priests - correct use of bebuff techniques - correct use of pets - ect.

And trust me, after grouping with a buncha 16-25 year olds the exp yield is noticably better, the death rate is increadibly low, and an overall efficiently level is reached that you just don't see with kids too young or players a bit too old.

Younger players also have their downsides which mostly include some form of ego problem... Over nuking - over pulling - refusal to use defensive - ect.

EQ2 really doens't need skilled players though. It's kinda like what the Nintendo Wii is shooting for... playable by anyone. It just takes some time to learn who does what and how to do it right. Unfortunatly, without a death penalty people don't even do that. /ooc 30 Templar LFG... 20 seconds later "are you DPS?" I think I need to go pray~
#17 Aug 03 2006 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
801 posts
OK, I'm not going to argue with you. I trust you see what you think you're seeing based on your preconceived notions of age and cognitive skills. If you go beyond your purely anecdotal experience you'll find that research backs me up. This is just one study:

maximum test scores more often were observed not in the youngest group (young adults: 16-30 years), but in the second age range (middle age adults: 31-50 years).

The major determining factor in cognitive skill level is the level of use. I have a job that requires a lot of thinking, I play a lot of computer/video games and I study martial arts. Naturally I'm going to have a higher skill level than someone who doesn't use their capabilities as much. People tend to use their cognitive capabilities less as they get older, but that only means they're wasting ability thet have in a higher degree than younger people. Don't confuse cause and effect.

Physical/athletic ability is a seperate subject. That peaks at age 25 or so. Much as the IMHO silly "professional gamers" want to be considered athletes gaming is just not an athletic pursuit.

One thing we find in my Tae Kwon Do school and that the Director says constantly is that adults do better than children.
#18 Aug 03 2006 at 7:50 PM Rating: Default
general, scores increase with education and decrease with age.

Never have I tried to say that 31-50 year olds are slow morons, but that very same test shows that reaction times and motor skill controls were dominated by the younger age group. 14 of the 25 tests showed that Uneducated people of the second group were better certain things, but that's a pretty selective set of parameters, and even so most of which involve conception and language skills (through having more life experiences to develop those skills.)

While much of my growing up with video games was with peers, many of my online gaming was with adults. I have quite a bit of respect for the 40 year olds that know how to play. My EQ1 guild was run by a 40 year old couple, and then our MT was a 45+ year old. Then, of course, much of the guild were friends with them and we ended up with a huge mix of people. My favorite Bard was a 35 year old, my favorite Wizzy was a 50 year old! Trust me, I'm not tryin to say "elderfolk" can't play~

Also, about Tae Kwon Do... I actually took that when I was 7 to 11. I was one belt from black... Most definatly I will agree that at 10ish nearing a black belt I knew jack crap compaired to my father and mother who took it with me. That, though, was mostly from just a lack of attentativeness and concentration (which at that age is kinda expected.)

I can tell you, though, that 10 years later although I cannot remember a single poomse alot of the "flow" and agility I gained all the way back then is with me still today, as well as balance and excellent foot-eye coordination (I still impress people in hackey sack and soccer.)

I think certain things are learned and retained better at certain ages, and in some cases the longer you've lived and more experiences you've had the better off you are. All I'm going to say is that a top-notch gamer at age 15 would excell over a top-notch gamer at age 45 in most game categories (especially those involving reaction times, hand eye-coordination and tracking, and pattern identification/absorbtion.)
#19 Aug 03 2006 at 7:58 PM Rating: Default
Just for kicks

Karate Kid is Crazy!!!
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