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EQ2, a few questions.Follow

#1 Jul 19 2006 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
Hello everyone, I'm a former WoW player and to be honest, I'm sick of the game, nothing to do, leveling is boring and there is too many immature people for me. I might start playing EQ2 with a few friends but I need a few questions anwsered to make things more clear so I hope you can help me. I read lots of posts here but I couldnt find the anwser to everything.

As I understand it there are 24 different classes, Fighter, Scout, Mage and Priest and all the subclasses to those. How different are the subclasses from eachother? I mean, Warden and Fury for example, are they pretty much the same or are they completely different? Same with lets say Warden and Cleric (Those are not in the Druid category if the site is correct). I hope you understand what I mean.

The reason I ask this is because I'm used to having only nine classes, and every person from a specific class is almost identical to another in the same class. Which leads me to my second question:

How much can you specialize your character? Besides from the 16 races and 24 classes, how can Monk A be different from Monk B?

I read somewhere about personal and racial traits, tactics and training, what is it? Is there anywhere I can get more detailed information about this?

Same with achievements. What exactly is this? I find it similar to the talent trees in World of warcraft? Do you get points to fill in these, how?
Are there achievement calculators? Can you reset achievements? How much of the achievement tree can you fill up?

Is there a max level? I read somewhere about level 70? How fast do you actually level, how long before you hit 70? In wow you can easily do it in 8 days in game which is in my opinion too fast, you skip all the fun parts with the lower levels and only focus on grinding night and day to hit 60.

Raids and instances
I have raided 3-4 different instances, every time its 3-6 hours straight, every week for one year now, I'm sick of them all. How does this work in EQ2? Is there a lot to choose from? From which level can you do them? Are there "smaller" things to do for lets say a five man party thats still rewarding?

And finally my last question so far:

PvP, from what I've read its a new addition to the game. I really enjoy fighting other players but I also enjoy raiding and grouping (previous question). Is there any way for me to get both? I read about server types in the sticky but it didnt really make things 100% clear.

Well, thats it. I would be really glad if someone took alittle time and helped me and I hope you dont think my questions are wierd.


#2 Jul 19 2006 at 9:35 PM Rating: Decent
159 posts
1-Classes. 24 classes is coerrect, and every each of them is unique. However, brought to the simplest idea, a tank is a tank, a healer is a healer etc. Which means every class can do what it is supposed to do, but they do it differently. Let's take the Warden vs. Templar example you posted. I play both. A templar is prolly the best healer as far as direct healing goes. My warden, however, will have her direct heals that are lower than my tempy ; however, the warden has Heals over time, which are also really great. It's really all about knowing your class and what you can do in every situation. While every tank can tank, monks and bruisers will relay much more on avoidance and higher dps than a guardian. Each class is unique, yet they can all accomplish their specific role.

2-Specialization. This is one of the aspect that might lack a bit in EQ2. Of course the addition of new class ability is nice, but there is not that much that differs templar A from templar B, aside from gear and spell upgrades. Of course one can have gone wisdom path in AA and the other one in intelligence, but aside from that, not much. Race is good, since aside from the very first few levels, an ogre guardian won't be better than a halfling one (even though to me it makes no sense lol). Stats are mostly decided by your gear and not your race, and at the higher levels there is no difference in strenghts from a race to another for the same class (aside from some racial abilities).

3-Achievements. Basically each class has a tree with 5 different branches (1 for each trait). You start gaining xp for these starting level 20 if you have the kingdom of sky expansion. You gain xp by discovering areas, figthing boss mobs, completing quests and looting rare items. Then you chose your path. Be aware though that most of these path have an equipment restriction, which makes specialization akward. All templars going wisdom path are all wearing symbols, bards going wisdom all have a long bow equipped. It kinda suck in a way because it forces you to equip a certain equipment piece you might not want because you really want that AA path. But some of these abilities are really good and totally worth the trade off. You get 50 points total to put in your tree, most bubbles can go up to level 8, while you have to be level 4 in one to advance to the other one (not really complicated, im sure you would understand better with the tree in front of you hehe). You can respec the tree as often as you want, you have to seek an npc for it (think there is a cost too but im not sure since i never respeced it).

4-Leveling. Max level with expansions is level 70. For both adventuring and tradeskilling. Leveling is slower than Wow, but quicker than EQ1 or FFXI. Like a middle ground. It's hard to say how long it would take you to get to 70 without knowing how often and for how long you play. With a lot of dedication, it is possible to reach 70 in a month, maybe quicker. But that means you are a hardcore player and that you are only interested in grinding all the time. There's plenty of ppl that aren't 70 yet, that play casually. If you are the kind of guy to play 16 hours a day, 1 month is a possibility.

5-Raiding. There are some lower level raid targets even though they are rarer. Raids come in 2 forms mostly : instanced and contested. Instanced raids are either a single mob in an instance or an instanced dungeon with many boss mobs and a big ugly at the end. These usually take whole night, depending on strat, players etc. Contested mobs are 'free' in the outside, for everyone to take. Most high raiding guilds have those mobs on timers though which make it hard to get a shot at. All the instanced raiding zones have reuse timers. Like today I raided Lyceum of Abhorrence. I cannot return before 6 days. It's ok because tomorrow is another zone, and such is friday, sat etc. If you are not in a raiding guild, there are always one group instances. Gear is not as good as in raids, still it is good gear. Those are one group and reuse timer is usually 18 hours, so it is possible to do them everyday (which rapidly become redundant).

6-Servers. Yes there are raiding guilds on PvP servers. It's the same servers only other ppl slaugthering is possible. However, as far as raiding go, you don't have quite the same dynamics, as there are some classes you can't group with due to the PvP effect. It's all good vs evil, so you can't have let's say 1 templar and 1 inquisitor in the raid. While raiding is still possible, in my opionion it might make things harder since diversity of classes is one of the key to success (among others of course). It's all great to have 11 pallies, but you won't take down much content with 11 pallies in your raid force (raids are 24 ppl usually in EQ2 btw).

Hope that helps.
#3 Jul 19 2006 at 10:07 PM Rating: Good
Welcome to the deep end of the pool! Now, let me see if I can tackle a few of your questions.
How different are the subclasses from each other? I mean, Warden and Fury for example, are they pretty much the same or are they completely different?

For the most part, they tend to be very different. That is part of what gives the game so much diversity and individuality. Lets take healers as an example because you mention several of them. Wardens and furys are indeed both druids so they share a common style of healing (commonly referred to as "HoT" or Heal Over Time). However, a fury is an offensive druid and so gets more DoTs and nukes than any other healer while a warden is a defensive druid and so gets far more heals than furys do. Doesn't mean that a fury can't be a main healer or that a warden can't solo, (in fact I have soloed my warden to lvl 53 and often MH in groups with my fury). It just means that each of them leans in one direction or the other giving them an edge in that area.

The other two classes of healer are shaman and cleric and while clerics specialize in reactive heals, shamen are masters of ward style healing. All can do the job of healing the party, they just do it differently.
How much can you specialize your character? Besides from the 16 races and 24 classes, how can Monk A be different from Monk B?

The differences are small at first but they add up and eventually you will have a distinctly unique character.
I read somewhere about personal and racial traits, tactics and training, what is it? Is there anywhere I can get more detailed information about this?

These are one of the ways you can personalize your character. Periodically, you will have an option to choose a unique aspect from a list, so while monk A might choose a 5% boost to his strength, monk B could decide that a 5% bump to his agility was more important. There are no wrong answers and none of the choices are either game making or game breaking but thay do let you focus your attention where you prefer.
Same with achievements. What exactly is this? I find it similar to the talent trees in World of warcraft? Do you get points to fill in these, how?
Are there achievement calculators? Can you reset achievements? How much of the achievement tree can you fill up?

The achievement or AA system kicks in when you hit lvl 20 (if you own the KoS expansion). You will earn AA XP that can be used to further hone your character in a unique and individual way. Yes you can reset your points and spend them differently although there is a cash fee for doing so. You can potentially earn a total of 50 points and each branch (there are 5 available) takes about 21 points to reach the end. If you were to max a single branch it would cost 33 points so although you can open and complete 2 branches if you're careful, you can't max more than 1.
Is there a max level? I read somewhere about level 70? How fast do you actually level, how long before you hit 70?

Yes, the current lvl cap is 70. How long it takes you all depends on how hard you want to grind. I've been playing for over a year and a half and I'm still no where near lvl cap, but leveling just isn't that important to me. I maintain 2 mains, severaal alts and a handful of crafters and enjoy them all. If you wanted to, you could hit the cap in a few weeks but you would miss a lot of beautiful content! Your call...

The rest of your questions don't really apply to me so I will leave them to folks here abouts who have deeper knowledge in the area of raids and PvP.

In the meantime, welcome and I hope you come to enjoy our little world as much as we do.
#5 Jul 20 2006 at 4:11 AM Rating: Decent
Thank you all for your quick anwsers, now I really want to go buy EQ2 :)
#6 Jul 20 2006 at 4:27 AM Rating: Decent
6-Servers. Yes there are raiding guilds on PvP servers. It's the same servers only other ppl slaugthering is possible. However, as far as raiding go, you don't have quite the same dynamics, as there are some classes you can't group with due to the PvP effect. It's all good vs evil, so you can't have let's say 1 templar and 1 inquisitor in the raid. While raiding is still possible, in my opionion it might make things harder since diversity of classes is one of the key to success (among others of course). It's all great to have 11 pallies, but you won't take down much content with 11 pallies in your raid force (raids are 24 ppl usually in EQ2 btw).

So in a normal PvE server, can good and evil people raid together? If I understood it correctly some classes can be only good or evil and I dont have a problem with that but it would be wierd if they could still play together and be in the same guild.

Another question about servers: Are all servers american? Since I'm swedish it will be very hard to play with you over there because of the time difference.

I read this in the sticky on the forum: "Currently the KoS expansion pack comes with the original game." Do you get the expansion by buying the original game or is it some special game box that has this? (Once again, I'm swedish so we might not have this)

Edited, Jul 20th 2006 at 5:47am EDT by AscOR
#7 Jul 20 2006 at 4:53 AM Rating: Decent
AscOR wrote:
So in a normal PvE server, can good and evil people raid together? If I understood it correctly some classes can be only good or evil and I dont have a problem with that but it would be wierd if they could still play together and be in the same guild.

Yes, there are no restrictions like this on a normal PvE server. You can speak with each other, group with each other and join each other's guilds. It can seem weird for a paladin for instance to join a group with a shadowknight. Roleplayers won't, but it's a personal choice just how far you want to go in this game with that. (ofcourse, if you go on a roleplaying server, this changes logically)

AscOR wrote:
Another question about servers: Are all servers american? Since I'm swedish it will be very hard to play with you over there because of the time difference.

When you log in, the first screen you get allows you the choice of English(UK), French, German or English(US) servers. They added this later in the game (as all servers were global at first), so I'm playing on a US server even though I'm Belgian. At times you can be playing on your own a lot, due to the fact that I tend to play when the US is working, but it works.
#8 Jul 20 2006 at 4:57 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks, questions just keep popping up as I read the forums more and more.

Does casters have any stat that increases their damage? I take it that strenght and/or agility increases damage for melee classes? Is it the same for casters? This was imo a big problem in WoW and Blizzard started to add effects to items that increased spell damage instead.
#9 Jul 20 2006 at 5:04 AM Rating: Decent
Does casters have any stat that increases their damage? I take it that strenght and/or agility increases damage for melee classes? Is it the same for casters? This was imo a big problem in WoW and Blizzard started to add effects to items that increased spell damage instead

Wisdom and Intelligence alter this, one increases defence against spells and the other increases the damage.

Not sure which does what though, and I am basing this on what it says for my monk, might be different for casters.
#10 Jul 20 2006 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
159 posts
Wisdom affects all your resists. It also affects your power pool if you are a priest. Intelligence increases your spell damage regardless of class. It is the stat that affects the mages power pool.
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