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General questions + EQ1 Conjurer vs EQ2Follow

#1 Jun 29 2006 at 6:50 PM Rating: Decent
184 posts
Hello all!

I'm a big fan of EQ1 and FFXI, I had to quit EQ1 because of money issues, continued playing FFXI because it was more recent.. but I have no reached a dead end. Seems I've done everything in FFXI and I'm considering going back to EQ... but I have a few questions. I did read the FAQ, it answered most of the questions but there still is some unanswered.

Here it goes:

1) I read there's only 2 main cities in EQ2, but is there still smaller ones? for example, highkeep in EQ1. (this question isn't really important)

2) Is there teleports like EQ1, or do we have to run/ride all the way to far places? EQ1 had both druids and wizards teleports. I don't mind either way, just curious

3) Is EQ1 still popular? or there more players in EQ2? I've tried searching stats on the web but I couldn't find any.

Next questions are about the Conjurer classes

A) Can Conjurers summon equipment and such? Back then, we could summon full set of armor to give to our pets or to low level players to help them out. There was also pretty good mage-gear we could summon, like those rings and wristbands that would add damage etc etc

B) Is there other fun spells that aren't really useful? Like in EQ1(again) Mages could summon party packs, with a spin-the-bottle game, and fireworks, cake and drinks. There was also Monster Summoning which was interesting to play with, I didn't see those spells in the list, is the list up to date? I'd really miss this.

C) How are the pets compared to EQ1? We had 4 main pets, air - water - fire - earth. But we also had special pets, like that huge earth pet that could hit like a tank but had only like 10 hit points (I'm sorry I forget the name) And that swarm of tiny pets.

Anyway, that's pretty much it.

I'm downloading and trying the EQ2 trial today, but I know that I wont be able to get high level enough to answer my own questions.

For those that reply to this, I thank you for your time.

[edited the post for typos]

Edited, Jun 30th 2006 at 7:09am EDT by iamtotem
#2 Jun 29 2006 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
I don't know much about conjurors, I'll have to leave those questions to other players.

But otherwise:

1. There is one big city added: Maj'Dul. But you won't be entering it before you hit 47 or even a bit higher. It's part of the Desert of Flames expansion.

There is also the latest expansion pack that adds a small village, but again not really like Highkeep for instance.

Other than that, at times you can find very small settlements in a zone, usually either a stockade or a couple of tents gathered together, mostly just to have a spot for quest givers. But not even close to the amount of actual cities and settlements as in EQ I.

With the next expansion in November, this will change as a whole new continent (Faydwer, or at least the new version of it) with a new race and most likely at least one big city, is added.

2. At the start, there were the city bells (which allowed to port between the suburbs of the two major cities themselves and also to the immediately linked outdoors zone) and griffin towers in Antonica and the Commonlands. (these are basically free flying mounts between a couple of set points in the zone, very handy indeed)

Later, and quite gladly, griffin towers were added in Thundering Steppes and Nektulos Forest, which are accessible after a minor quest.

And with the arrival of the Kingdom of Sky expansion set, the spires have returned. They no longer lead to the Nexus, but to three possible zones, depending on what zone you port up in. They convienently link two zones this way, meaning that for instance Antonica and the Commonlands both port up to the same point and you can port up in Antonica and port down to the Commonlands about 5 times faster than you'ld be able to run the distance. Same with Thundering Steppes and Nektulos Forest or Enchanted Lands and the Feerrott.

3. EQ I still has a loyal and rather large group of subscriptions, but some are like me who pay station access and thus for both EQ I and II. (also Matrix Online and Star Wars, but that's completely besides the point) I do believe that EQ I still has more players than EQ II, but anything can happen. Seemingly, EQ II attracts more players recently.

#3 Jun 29 2006 at 7:27 PM Rating: Good
7,466 posts
Well, having not played EQ1, I'm not the best to answer these, but I can answer some, though not as in-depth as some people will be able to.

1. In the next expansion (slated for Nov release iirc) there will be a 3rd city, but yes as it is now there are only 2. I don't know if I would call them small cities/towns, but there are quite a few quest hub type areas which are fairly safe from monsters, have guards, and have various quest NPCs.

2. In the latest expansion (Kinddom of Sky) they added 6 teleportation spires in the world. These lead up into the over-realm, and you can use these as kind of a ghetto warp type thing between:

Antocia<->Commonlands (10-20 areas)
Thundering Stepes<->Nektulos Forest (20-30)
Enchanted Lands (30-40)<->The Feerrot (from what I can tell 35-50ish? in terms of levels, not been there personally)

Other then that, I know that Scouts (and a couple other classes I believe) get an "Evac" spell which teleports your party members in range to the zone's "safe" area. I'm only a 37 Brigand (scout) and mostly solo, so I don't know much about other classes, but I do believe that these are the only "teleports" in the game.

3. EQ2 is fairly popular, and is gaining new players and more popularity each day. A good deal of people do still play EQ1 from what I can tell though. In fact, i've been thinking of trying it out a little on one of those new "progression" server thingies which seem to be slowly enabling the expansion in a time frame close to what they came out. Sounds kind of cool. I probably wont try it out though, EQ2 is pretty fun and I know some of the history behind the EQ/EQ2 connection. It still could be kind of fun though if I ever get some extra money (for station access/buying the game and the expansion)

Now, for the Conjurer questions, like I said i'm mainly a scout and haven't played around much with different classes really... but again i'll try.

A) As far as I know you can't summon equipment. I've heard of (maybe an idea) for pet armor, but I don't know.

B) There are actually various "Fluff" spells that quite a few classes get. Brigand actually gets a couple shape-shift spells. I don't know about the "party packs" although you can get a firework through a /claim reward. There are various non-combat pets you can summon as any class, like a little spore man thingy from completing an event in the Splitpaw Adventure pack.

C) I don't know if each pet has an element with it, but I do know that pet classes in general get several pets to choose from, I think they are based off the class-archtypes since I remember hearing people complaining about a "Scout Pet" nerf. Then there is also a tanking pet (fighter type?) I know of. I'm not sure of special pets like that huge earth pet thingy you were talking about, but I do know that various classes get a "swarm" style "pet" summon. Like Brigand gets "Band of Thugs" which summons several (I guess, I don't have it yet) thugs to come help you out. These "swarms" are limited though, and not that powerful. I've heard of BoT being compared to one of our "Fluff" spells like the shape-change.

Anyways, I hope that helps you some. Like I said though i'm not the most qualified to answer these questions, so don't base everything off of my responses. I'd hope i'm mostly right about these, but since I don't have any first-hand experiance with the Conjurer class or EQ1...

Edit: totally forgot about the bells and DoF expansion... I guess I just don't think anything of them because it is like second nature to use the bells (unlike the spires since they are a lot easier to notice then bells lol) and because i'm not high enough to get into DoF Smiley: lol

Edited, Jun 29th 2006 at 8:29pm EDT by Tomec
#4 Jun 29 2006 at 7:29 PM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
2. At the start, there were the city bells (which allowed to port between the suburbs of the two major cities themselves and also to the immediately linked outdoors zone) and griffin towers in Antonica and the Commonlands. (these are basically free flying mounts between a couple of set points in the zone, very handy indeed)

Just want to expand on this real quick. The bells are found at docks and you can zone to different places with the knowledge you are "taking a boat or ship" somewhere. However you dont have to wait for the ship like old school EQ. Also, there are ports to Nektulos and Thundering steppes which are actually hubs to other zones. So while there is some running here and there, the main places you will go to have quick access
#5 Jun 29 2006 at 7:32 PM Rating: Good
7,466 posts
DSD wrote:
2. At the start, there were the city bells (which allowed to port between the suburbs of the two major cities themselves and also to the immediately linked outdoors zone) and griffin towers in Antonica and the Commonlands. (these are basically free flying mounts between a couple of set points in the zone, very handy indeed)

Just want to expand on this real quick. The bells are found at docks and you can zone to different places with the knowledge you are "taking a boat or ship" somewhere. However you dont have to wait for the ship like old school EQ. Also, there are ports to Nektulos and Thundering steppes which are actually hubs to other zones. So while there is some running here and there, the main places you will go to have quick access

To expand even more...

For a small fee (60s) you can take a boat directly to either TS or Nek from your home city by finding the Harbormaster. I'm not sure where it is for Qeynos (probably Harbor lol) but for Freeport it is East at the docks there.

There are also a couple of places where you can take a boat ride fighting various mobs and such (from what I can tell) if you wanted. Normally you have to complete some quests for these rides though.
#6 Jun 29 2006 at 7:36 PM Rating: Good
Basically, here is how the starting cities work:

Currently, there are only two places to start the game. One for good (Qeynos) and one for evil (Freeport). Surrounding each city are several ethnic suburbs, each with it's own newbie garden style hunting areas.

So in Qeynos, all the wood elves and half elves live in the same village while the Dwarves and Humans have a different place to call home. Gnomes and Halflings share a village. High Elves & Euridites along with Frogloks have a home town all to themselves. There is a similar set up for the races who inhabit Freeport.

Now, with the release of the 3rd expansion in November, a third starting city will be added. This will be a neutral city but other than the new player race (fae) that is also being added at that time, it is unknown who else can start there.
#7 Jun 29 2006 at 11:01 PM Rating: Good
1,885 posts

Did someone say Conjurers?

There are no extra gear items to summon and equip your pet or other players. When you summon a pet, that's all you get. The pet has no equipable slots. You DO get verious proc and buff spells to pump it up, though.

Not too many utility spells like EQ1. ALmost every spell you will ever get are all combat-oriented. That is really unfortunate as I had always missed being able to Summon Bandages. As a Conjurer, I'd like to be able to actually conjure something!

You do get some utility spells like Invisibility and Call of Hero (teleport group member to you), and various shards (that you can share) like underwater breathing and power-regen.

There are two flavors of pets; your main pet and "dumb-fire" pets.

You main pet comes in 3 types:
Earth = tank pet. High HP and defense, slow attacks, low DPS, good taunts. Best when soloing tough mobs.
Air = Scout pet. Medium HP and defense, fast attacks, good DPS, extra procs. Best when fighting normal mobs or in a group with an average tank.
Fire = Mage pet. Low HP and defense, high DPS, and AE attacks. Best when soloing easy mobs or in a group with a good tank.

These pets will stay with you, follow you, and obey your commands as long as 1) it is alive, 2) you are alive, and 3) you dismiss it.

The dumbfire pets are temporary pets that will attack the selected target until the spell expires, the pets die, or the mob is dead (depending on the spell). It's basically a DoT with a pet animation.

Even though Conjurers are not like the EQ1 conterparts, I've had a blast playing one, as it is challenging to manage th epet, it's agro, your agro, and the party agro.
#9 Jun 30 2006 at 12:57 AM Rating: Good
7,466 posts
Funny, I kite mobs fairly well with my snares and my ranged attack on my brig. It is a bit tricky to do with the mobs running back to their aggro point every now and then though. I don't know what the kiting and such was like in EQ1 though, so I can't really argue that well so maybe SR is right here.

As for the grouping, please get it through your head that you are doing it ALL wrong. Yes, the LFG interface could use a LOT of work, but it isn't the only way to find a group. There are a ton of people asking on the level channels and /ooc at any given time for various groups. Keep in mind setting LFG doesn't mean your anon flag drops automatically (like it should imo) and that if you are under the roleplaying flag that it is basically the same as being anon.

Get in with a guild and that would probably help your grouping too. I play quite a bit in groups personally. I still spend a good amount of time solo but I do group a lot too. Both for just exp grinds and quests that are too hard to solo.

Unfortunately for you, you've probably made such an *** out of yourself on the ingame channels that you'll just be ignored all the time if you ask. And you're not going to be getting into a guild any time if you keep bashing the game wherever you go and quit every couple of weeks because you can't stand it anymore. Why don't you just quit permanently already? The game isn't going to change just because you don't like it and all.
#11 Jun 30 2006 at 9:31 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Couple quick questions that only need quick replies Shadowrelm.

1. What server are you on?
2. What class do you play?
3. What times do you play?
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#12 Jun 30 2006 at 9:52 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
I also want to ask, SR, are you in a guild? Have you made any friends on the game? What is your approach to finding groups? Do you use the lvl channels to look for people your lvl range who are lfg too? Somehow I get the feeling youre not implenting all the tools they have out there, and I wonder why you havent joined a guild yet? One of the great things about guilds is instant people always looking to group together.
#13 Jun 30 2006 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
Holy Crap Shadow, such negativity. Why do you even bother to log on? I mean seriously.

I have played both EQ1 and EQ2. There are good and bad points to both. I played EQ1 for 4 years. I left the game, because there was no solo ability after a certain level. Unless you were in the uber guild with the uber equipment, wasn't alot to do but grind out AA's. It was not fun anymore, when I had to sit for an hour or longer with my LFG on or spamming, lvl 60 chanter LFG. In my opinion they nerfed my chosen class so bad, that all I became was a buff bot, was not fun anymore.

I played WOW...a brain dead comotose patient could play that game. It had no substance. But it was a nice change from EQ1. I got my character to level 60 and lost interest. Didn't seem to be much left end game wise. However, I did enjoy the PVP instances.

I have been playing EQ2 for a little over a year now. Guess what? It's EQ2 so it is different than EQ1, hence the difference in name there. My main charac. is level 70 conj.and I still enjoy playing. Who knows maybe I will lose interest at some point and move on to another game. But that's the beauty of computer games, you don't HAVE to play it if you don't enjoy it. For now, I'm still enjoying myself. I like the versitility of being able to solo if I want or LFG. I'm not sure what server you are on, but on Kithicor there are always people in my level channel LFG or starting a group. Why don't you start a group if you can't find a group? There are always people LFG, why not just start inviting them into a group?

Stop your whining. If you not happy with the game, then cancel your subscription and go back to playing EQ1 or whatever.
#14 Jul 02 2006 at 1:31 AM Rating: Decent
636 posts
Well...SR said he dosnt play EQ2 anymore so he has no room to talk about ANYTHING lol.
#16 Jul 03 2006 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
in WoW, if you get a quest, you can compete it. in D&D online, you dont go into a dungon without a rogue, healer, tank, and web caster. only two slots for dps.

In EQ II, if you get a quest, you can complete it. Yes, it is true.

in EQ2, you stand in front of mob X with your tank, swapping hitpoints. if itsd a group encounter, you stand in front of mob X with your tank, swapping hitpoints and healing the tank. and yet, you have ranged damage you dont need, snares you wont use, roots that are useless, mez for the underpowered linked mobs that dont do alot of damage, a lock picking ability that i saw used once at the liburary in SH, and underwater breathing spell for....?

Underwater breathing, oh I don't know, perhaps for quests that involve being underwater a lot? Yes, there are some. You won't get it at a lower lvl, but get high enough and there are some heritage quests that require some deep sea diving.

And there are ofcourse plenty of mobs in the sea to fight, much more than in WoW. (although none are as terrifying or as annoying as the Murlocs, I must admit)

And you can replace EQII in your sentence with EVERY SINGLE MMORPG IN THIS WORLD. If only you could be so honest to admit that.

#17 Jul 03 2006 at 10:23 PM Rating: Decent
636 posts
SR is an idiot you do not tell someone not to get a game just because you dont like it...and ask your guild if they would like to come mentor you so you can group with them ever think of that...and maybe you play on a low population server so you cant get groups easily...and im sure your guild would gladly mentor you if you asked.

Dont try and keep people away from a great game just because your to stupid to even try. (ahh this is great lol)
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