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EQ2/WoW/FFXI ::cry:: ::confused::Follow

#1 Jun 28 2006 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
Ripped from the thread over on the WoW boards...

(I tried to get the WoW enthusiasts to lay off squawking about the thread being there... it somewhat worked... a little... maybe? )

PentUpAnger wrote:
Now I realize that my opinion doesnt matter to anyone here but here is my two cents on EQ2.

Last year I stopped playing WoW in April, and I went back to FFXI for a couple of months... In June I decided to ditch FFXI again and went to EQ2...

I REALLY enjoyed EQ2, and then at around L.35 Shaman I hit a wall. Questing didnt seem fun anymore, and I sure wasnt going to go out grinding... there was nothing left for me to see or do that I WANTED to see or do.
Sure there was the new Desert of Flames expansion pack (that I did buy and install.. and couldnt really do much in at L.35), but I just couldnt bring myself to play EQ2 anymore... it lost its newness to me.

I hated how you crafted, and I hated how a lot of the content [see: L.30+] that required you to do quests and such was centered around killing a group of heroic enemies which was very difficult without a group... and I hate being made to group when I dont want to 90% of the time. So I quit EQ2 in July or August. (this was all before the revamp of classes)

Came back to WoW in September or so.

Then last month I decided to try out EQ2 again, so me and a buddy jumped on and started new characters. It was like last June all over.. I enjoyed everything about the game except two things... no more class quests :'( and the crafting still sucked (IMO, of course). This time I picked to be a Conjurer and was having a hell of a good time playing.
Then after about a week playing Sony did the new Live Update and revamped the crafting system (AMEN!), so I was REALLY having fun.

Then it happened...
I started to accept quests that had me going into Heroic monster encounters which wasnt too bad, so I started my L.20 Armor Quests and was able to slowly but surely get through the first two quests... til I accepted the third and it was sending me into Stormhold. The third armor quest was listed as a L.21 Heroic and everything I needed to kill was L.18^^^ Heroic (or somewhere around there)... Now if you ever played EQ2 you would know that ^^^Heroic monsters are damn hard even with a group. Even at L.22-23 I couldnt kill these easily solo.
Anyway... I figured I didnt have to get that quest done right then, so I went to Thundering Steppes to get to L.24 and to get my Tellurian Soldier, which from what I remember from playing before was a real badass and could tank like mad.... so here I am awaiting the day that I get the Soldier and are able to withstand some tough monsters. The day finally arrives and I ding L.24 and I get the new most awesome pet EVAH... right? ...not really...
The soldier is a better tank than my centipede pet, but no where near what I expected... so I go and try to kill a L.18^^^ Heroic in Stormhold and I cant heal my pet fast enough to keep him alive and of course it dies and I die about 2 seconds later. This is with an Adept I healing spell, but the soldier was just an Apprentice I spell.

So I am sitting here (like 3 days ago) wondering if I can tough it out til my next tank pet, and I decide that I dont think I can so I go ahead and cancel my EQ2 account yet again. Mainly because I didnt want to group. I just had no wanting need to keep doing the same "Go kill 10 [insert mob here]" quests in order to get me my levels....

I might have picked the wrong class... I even thought about keeping the account open and playing a Monk... but if I cant devote at least 10 hours a week to it I dont think I need to keep it open... :/

I have a baby on the way and as of right now I have FFXI and WoW payments, and I just dont think I could get away with EQ2 payments on top of that.
I have thought about cancelling FFXI and keeping EQ2 and WoW, and I am still not 100% that I wont do that... we'll see.

(side note: Yes... I know I griped about not wanting to party... and yes... I realize you cant do anything in FFXI without a party... I just cant bring myself to cancel FFXI mainly because I bought the XBox 360 FFXI and installed it on the XBox already and have yet to play the 360 version. I always just play the PC version. Yeah... I wasnt too smart with that purchase. :/ )


So... I cancelled FFXI (yet again) and I really want to keep playing EQ2 (cancelled 3-4 days ago)... all of this talk has made me want more... but..

I dont know if I can contribute enough of my "I dont feel like playing WoW tonight" time to get a new character up and running... especially starting on a new server. When I went back to EQ2 last month I started a Conjurer on the server The Bazaar just because my friend knew someone on that server... well the person he knew only played with us three times and apart from those times we were running around solo doing stuff.
Dont get me wrong... I really REALLY dont like being forced to group and getting help to do quests isnt that bad... but I despise having to group for EXP.... but I like to have people to talk to and ones that will help when needed, and I would even be willing to help when I got to a point where I could. The PvP aspect sounds really cool, but the PvP in WoW turned me off of PvP realms and now I am afraid to even roll a character on one. (I hated getting ganked by a L.?? Rogue/Warrior/Hunter/ETC when I was only trying to complete a quest at L.15)

I just started a Human Paladin (L.11) and a Troll Warrior (L.6) in WoW, and I am already wanting to play EQ2 again when I just stopped playing 4 days ago... but I also want to play the new characters on WoW... I am a very confused MMOer at this time... ::cry:: :'( ;_;

HELP ME!!! ( ¬_¬) (._. )

Edited, Jun 28th 2006 at 9:25pm EDT by PentUpAnger
#2 Jun 28 2006 at 9:48 PM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
ok. Take one week off from all MMOs. NO SERIOUSLY!!! One week.Besides, this week is aholiday so it should go by faster for you. Do not play any of the games. See which one you feel more drawn to at the end. Which one is it that you justhave to get your fix?

Go from there
#3 Jun 28 2006 at 9:56 PM Rating: Good
7,466 posts
In truth, maybe the best thing for you would be to keep playing WoW if you don't really like to group for EXP.

EQ2 is really a middle ground between WoW and FFXI, and that is why most people enjoy it I would immagine. You can solo things for exp, but there are ways they encourage grouping like the heroic mobs/quests. In general, if you find a heroic quest you aren't going to be able to solo it for quite some time after the quest. Unfortunately, there are also many quests (and this seems to get more profound as you get higher in level) which SHOULD be marked as heroic but aren't. However, even just a duo will get you very far and can take on mobs that you wouldn't normally be able to complete solo.

If you do try out eq2 again and stick to it, I would highly suggest rolling a new character on Blackburrow. There is a fairly large allakhazam community there who are more then willing the help out when we can, well we being them since I mainly play on another server atm but I do have a char there who i've gotten help with some things on before. There is even a chat channel set-up there. I believe there is a guild made by alla users on Najena (or something like that) but I don't really know much about that.

PvP in eq2 is divided into level brackets, and on the server Nagafen there is a freeport pvp guild made by some alla posters that is growing. Even though PvP is divided into level brackets doesn't mean there isn't ganking though... but since they can normally only be about 10ish levels above the lower levels in the zone (if i'm remembering the rules right) there is a good chance you can get people to gang up and drive them out, or that someone more towards the upper end of the level bracket can come kill them.
#4 Jun 29 2006 at 12:47 AM Rating: Default
ok WoW ok game but it gets boring after a while once done it all it gets repeative . FFXI econemy is right screwed up so you spend more time trying to get money to buy new gear that you have no time to do anything eles. thats mt point a view
#5 Jun 29 2006 at 4:13 AM Rating: Decent
I'm lvl 50 and perhaps grouped two or three times, either to help out guild members or to take down a particularly tough mob and others were near it.

All the other quests I finished on my own, about 730 now. A lot of those quests are almost unavoidably to go and kill a certain amounts of mobs, then others and then the first ones again and so on. Several were extremely boring, camping a spot for hours on end, but those were not that large in number. Loads of solo content was added, luckily, yet if you prefer to group this too is perfectly possible with mobs that are fit to fight with a group instead.

There will always be moments that the game is either frustrating or becomes a bit of a grind, but with the new things added, this feeling never lasts long anymore.

I khow little of conjurors, but the pet spells are the spells that just have to be adept I at least, preferably adept III if you can't find the master spell.

It is ultimately impossible to try and play three games, you'll end up playing none. The choice is yours though, even if not easy. Like DSD says, perhaps a small break from all to determine what you long for the most.
#6 Jun 29 2006 at 11:44 AM Rating: Good
1,885 posts
...but the pet spells are the spells that just have to be adept I at least, preferably adept III if you can't find the master spell.
I'll vouch for that. You pet is your primary way of life and should be the best you can afford. You also get pet buffs - use a defensive buff Level 14 - Minion's Stance: Volatile Brace (Pet Defense Stance: Ward against damage, + Hate Gain, + Mitigation, - Attack Speed.) to ensure your pet lives longer. Offensive buffs bring down the pet's defense while increasing their attacks - best used when in a group or fighting a weak mob.

Also, try to equip yourself with INT boosting gear - it increases your spell damage output.

.... but I like to have people to talk to and ones that will help when needed, and I would even be willing to help when I got to a point where I could.
A guild would best suit you for that. They can provide help, advice, chat, or a quick group to take down something that is a bit too hard to solo. Make sure you pick one that matches your play style and time.
#7 Jun 29 2006 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
801 posts
Rule number one in EQ2 design philosophy is no one should be able to solo group encounters anywhere near your level, and they've constantly changed and tweaked things to make sure that's the case. Yes, it still happens that some classes can kill some heroic encounters but they're exceptions. If they can do it consistently they can expect to be nerfed. Yes, 18 is too close to 21.

I don't know why people fixate on those armor quests anyway. Common crafted armor is just as good, it has class specific stats, it can be worn at lower levels and you can buy it dirt cheap right now with all the newb crafters flooding the market. You can ask a guildie or pay someone a little bit to make it for you.

If you can harvest or buy the rares, rare crafted armor blows the AQ stuff away completely.

I haven't seen the quested armor lately, but this was he case not long ago. I have not heard anything about a major upgrade to the AQ armor.

Also, there are plenty of solo quests available to keep you busy if you want to skip or can't find people to join in on the group quests.
#9 Jun 29 2006 at 1:56 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I personally had no problem getting into XP pugs (pick up groups) lvl 20-50. For some reason I always view Shadowrelm trying to find a group like this:

Shadowrelm 10-19 (1) 14 RAHNGERW LGF XP!!!
Shadowrelm 10-19 (1) 14 RAHNGERW LGF XP!!!
Shadowrelm 10-19 (1) 14 RAHNGERW LGF XP!!!

Random Guy One 10-19 (1) Dude quit spamming

Shadowrelm 10-19 (1) 14 rangher lgf xp
Shadowrelm 10-19 (1) 14 rangher lgf xp

Random Guy One 10-19 (1) Seriously guy, stop it
Random Guy Two 10-19 (1) yeah, just flag yourself and announced it once ever couple minutes, sheesh!

Shadowrelm 10-19 (1) HOWS EM I goNNA getz groups if I noes advertize. This game iz noe fare!!

Random Guy One 10-19 (1) Just go solo out in Antonica, flag yourself for /lfg and keep eye on channel. Believe me spamming and being a nuisance on open channels will only hurt your chances of getting into a group.

Random Guy Two 10-19 (1) Aye, solid advice

Shadowrelm 10-19 (1) Lolz nubs your probably 12 and y you pay to thes ghame??

Shadowrelm 10-19 (1) 14 RAHNGERW LGF XP!!!
Shadowrelm 10-19 (1) 14 RAHNGERW LGF XP!!!
Shadowrelm 10-19 (1) 14 RAHNGERW LGF XP!!!

Random Guy One Ignores Shadowrelm
Random Guy Two Ignores Shadowrelm

Shadowrelm goes to EQ2 forum and complains about not being able to find a group.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#10 Jun 29 2006 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
The AQ armour is by far inferior to crafted material. Especially when you create the armour from 'rare' items. As those 'rares' aren't that rare anymore and are quite affordable, there shouldn't be that many people doing the AQ quests. The Stormhold and Crypt of Betrayal parts are extremely hard to do at the proper level, hardly anyone is in those zones and it is totally impossible to solo the heroics that are equal or only a couple of levels lower.

shadowrelm wrote:
at 26, my level 17 pants i got out of FG have 128 mitigation and a but load of stats, while crafted level 20 pants have 101 mitigation and no stats unless you pay extra for someone to imbue them.

If memory serves me correctly, imbuing doesn't even add stats to begin with, only an effect. Crafting a pristine item will improve the stats on an item.

shadowrelm wrote:
as far as the expansions in EQ2, i wouldnt buy any of them. all of them are for the level 40 and up crowd, except splitpaw, which was sold as level 20 and up, solo and group. well, there are 3 quests you can do SOLO, after that, its all level 30 and up group only. MABE somewhere there is a wandering non heroic mob they added so they can say "solo" on the adds. mabe.

Splitpaw does not have a fixed level, it scales up or down to the level of the group or person entering. Have you been in it?

The expansions aren't that needed when you start the game, as soon as you hit 20 you start to benefit (and as for the ghetto warps from Antonica to Commonlands, that begins earlier even) but around 47 you will find the DoF expansion a sheer necessity. Both expansions add to the game, neither were meant to completely reorganise the game and add extreme amounts of new content for all levels.

The content in EQ II is accessible TO EVERYONE. Why do you think it is there? If you only want to play alone, then prepare not being able to do some things, just like in every single MMORPG out there, that includes WoW. (you try beating raid zones on your own) That choice is perfectly possible in EQ II, I made it and have gotten to lvl 50 mostly on my own. I did all my AQ's, and never wore the items as I found crafted materials by far superior to them. (thanks to my guild ofcourse! Joining a fun guild makes a lot of difference)

shadowrelm wrote:
do what i do. dump them both. wait a week. then load the ONE you miss most. play it till you remember why you quit, cancell it, play the other untill you reach the same point. remamber, its a GAME. if your not having FUN, your WASTING your money. when it stops being FUN, drop it and move to the next. if you miss it, come back untill you remember why you droped it in the first place.

Now that I agree to, I did the same after I got bored with EQ II the first time (and second time) and with WoW both times too.

#12 Jun 29 2006 at 2:58 PM Rating: Good
7,466 posts
Zieveraar wrote:
The AQ armour is by far inferior to crafted material. Especially when you create the armour from 'rare' items. As those 'rares' aren't that rare anymore and are quite affordable, there shouldn't be that many people doing the AQ quests. The Stormhold and Crypt of Betrayal parts are extremely hard to do at the proper level, hardly anyone is in those zones and it is totally impossible to solo the heroics that are equal or only a couple of levels lower.

shadowrelm wrote:
at 26, my level 17 pants i got out of FG have 128 mitigation and a but load of stats, while crafted level 20 pants have 101 mitigation and no stats unless you pay extra for someone to imbue them.

If memory serves me correctly, imbuing doesn't even add stats to begin with, only an effect. Crafting a pristine item will improve the stats on an item.

Your right, imbuing doesn't add stats to an item, just a proc effect pretty much.

I wouldn't call the AQ armor "far inferior" though, the stats are decent enough that if you didn't want to get the crafted armor it wouldn't hurt you. Chances are SR bought a piece (or found one) that WASN'T actually crafted. I've YET to see a piece of crafted gear w/o SOME kind of stats on it. I have, HOWEVER, seen many DROPPED pieces with VERY similar names to the crafted gear. They have 0 stats on them. They also miss the key thing that mark them as crafted... some form of crafting stage before them.
#13 Jun 29 2006 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
Tomec wrote:
I wouldn't call the AQ armor "far inferior" though, the stats are decent enough that if you didn't want to get the crafted armor it wouldn't hurt you. Chances are SR bought a piece (or found one) that WASN'T actually crafted. I've YET to see a piece of crafted gear w/o SOME kind of stats on it. I have, HOWEVER, seen many DROPPED pieces with VERY similar names to the crafted gear. They have 0 stats on them. They also miss the key thing that mark them as crafted... some form of crafting stage before them.

Well, this game does allow for a rather leisurely approach to a lot of armour, you don't have to upgrade every two levels or so without seriously damaging the gameplay.

Heck, I'm using lvl 40 weaponry mostly because the lvl 50 equivalent weapons are just not an improvement. (trying to stick to the same type, one handed dual wield fist weapons, if I'ld start using 2H type weapons I would do more damage) There are some updates possible, but I just cannot find them at the brokers.

Nevertheless, I can still fight and defeat mobs equal and a couple of levels above mine.

And you are most likely correct, I don't think that there is crafted armour without any stats. Those type drop fairly regularly, I always instantly vendor it, they tend to yield a good amount of money.
#14 Jun 29 2006 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
801 posts
shadowrealm wrote:
...various innacuracies...

THATS why the level 20 armor quests are so popular.

I already had crafted armor, I did those quests for the experience, the gear was equal except the stats were mixed around. You have no idea what you're talking about.

To whit:

"the best crafted shield i could find was a level 15 with 150 protection"

All crafted gear is equipable at level x0 or x2, that wasn't crafted.

"the levl 21 rings i see for sale on the broker have 3wis, 3int, and either 3 agi-str-sta and thats it"

See above, they're not crafted. T2 rare rings equipable at level 10 have 12 points in 2 class specific stats, and add HP, Power and resists.

"at 26, my level 17 pants i got out of FG have 128 mitigation and a but load of stats"

Nice. Were they Legendary or Fabled? You might find one or two of those things your whole time in a low level tier.

"one of the things that was most broken with crafting was the dismal stats they had vs common drops"

For some items, notably weapons, mostly in T6 and 7. Don't lecture me on crafting, I know what's going on there.
#16 Jun 30 2006 at 12:39 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
shadowrelm wrote:
they need to make the game.....intersting. gona go watch some sci-fi now.

I'll PM you when they release EQ2 for Idiots~!

I promise Smiley: grin
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#17 Jun 30 2006 at 3:24 AM Rating: Good
Bodhi quipped:
<SR> I'll PM you when they release EQ2 for Idiots~!

I promise

You slay me, bodhisattva Smiley: lol

Edited, Jun 30th 2006 at 4:25am EDT by OldBlueDragon
#18 Jun 30 2006 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
801 posts
dude, i JUST logged off, and spent the last 20 minutes going through the broker. the ONLY crafted rings i saw had 3 stats on them. only 3. and they were all plus 3 to those stats.

I'm not a dude. I'll let that slide if you're one of those 30 or younger people who call everyone dude.

How did you determine they were crafted?

Off the top of my head (I haven't made much jewelery lately, sorry) T2 Silver Band (ring) equipable at level 12 that has 6 Str, 6 Sta, health and power, and can be imbued to give it procs that further enhance stats or abilities. Excellent fighter gear for that level. Coral rings are geared to mages and priests; they have Wis and Int and can be similarly imbued.

T3 palladium and Jasper rings are commensurately better and can be equipped at level 22.
#19 Jul 02 2006 at 1:15 AM Rating: Decent
636 posts
Idiots bug me say choose what you want...ive played a 10 day trial of wow and it wasnt that good lol but EQ2 is a really fun game SR has no idea what he is talking about so ignore him lol he just likes to bug people.
#21 Jul 20 2006 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
I think EQ2 better. I played ffxi for afew years... and now the whole economy in it is screwed up, and i kinda realized that every job in the game sucks because it they are so one sided, they cant really take on multiple roles.
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