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It's... your...job!Follow

#1 Jun 16 2006 at 7:54 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
After finally hitting 67 on my new monk ,after rerolling from my fury, I was able to join my guildies in a raid. They're all 70 now, so I got the good humored sacrifice jokes, and a few warnings that yes, Mei, you're gonna die... a lot. I was expecting more deaths than the others, but hey! I was raiding again!! And I wasnt healing this time! This time I got to actually get in there and whoop some butt ( which might I add I did better than I had expected. We had a parser going per kill and I actually showed up 1/3 of the time coming in DPS wise from #9-7)

Last night we also had a recruit for the guild, another fury. She was put in my group as the healer. 4 full groups, 2 healers in each MT/ST group, 1 healer in the other 2 groups. Now, I know when you are applying for a guild you want to do your best. And many of the times in raids as a healer your job is to keep that MT alive. You throw heals to your group when needed, but your primary focus is the MT. I get that, since that was my main job of raiding for most of my EQ life. However, when you are the only healer in your group, it is also important to keep your group alive. And if you cant, throw them resses when you have a second.

Unfortunately, this was not to be. Even on trash mobs clearing the zone my group never got healed until after the fight, including if there were AEs ( which there were quite a few). There were manytimes my guidies and I were down to 10% health and yet we would get nothing. I finally learned to quickly throw tsunami on in case of another AE, throw my self heal on, and use a heal potion in order not to die every other fight with AEs. My other group members were not so lucky. I finally started to remind her to heal after AE. SOmetimes we got it, most of the time no. Anytime I died, I was never rezzed by our healer. It was always from another healer in the raid. Many others of my group continued to die as well from lack of healing. I didnt say anything though until we got to a certain named with an Arcane AE that could potentially oneshot you even at 70.

GL explains prior it is every healers responsibility to cast cure arcane when he calls it. It hammered it in, It is very important to get that arcane off as quick as possible. We get ready, MT pulls the mob, we go in to kick butt, and AE goes off. GL yells out "CURE ARCANE NOW!".............nothing. 3 of the 6 in my group dies, the other 3 just barely survive when the AE hits. Other healers hurry and rez us. We rebuff, jump back in, AE hits again. GL: "CURE ARCANE NOW!"....... nothing. Someone in my group tells the fury, hey that means you.

Her excuses for not doing it? She doesnt have group remove arcane. No kidding. Each archtype gets one group removal. For druids, or at least furys, its cure elemental. But every healer has a single cure for any ailment. SO I say that in group, and tell her that while the recast timer is alittle slow, to cure the groupies more apt to go down fast after she cures herself, and then get everyone else as the timer cooldown is done. I also told her to get me last since I was the youngest and expendable. She flat out refused, explaining her duty was to keep the MT healed. No, I countered, you were told to cure arcane. You are our only healer. The MT has 5 other healers, 2 of which are in his group. You can relax enough to cast cure arcane. I also pointed out that while it was commendable to ensure the health and safety of the MT, if she was doing it at the cost of her entire group, that was detrimental to the raid. Losing an entire group is losing 1/4 of the raids DPS. She ignored me, and she ignored the rest of the group when they agreed with me. And so instead, we died often, and were rezzed by other guildies.

Maybe she argued because she assumed I had no idea what I was talking about since I was on my monk and not my fury. Maybe she was too caught up in showing how good she could do her job in keeping the mT alive that she thought her entire group was expendable. All I know is, she was trying to make a good impression, and instead, did the exact opposite to her entire group. It's a shame when you're so caught up in focusing on one aspect of a raid that you forget the big picture. But for future reference, if you're a healer and youre in Lord Vyemms lair, for Bobs sake, please cure arcane. That AE really hurt. =)
#2 Jun 16 2006 at 8:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
That is one recruit that has a lot to learn Smiley: eek
#3 Jun 16 2006 at 8:14 AM Rating: Good
7,466 posts
Bluie wrote:
That is one recruit that has a lot to learn Smiley: eek

If she is even going to be allowed to continue on raiding with them... Smiley: yikes that is like the story from hell. Obviously a total newb when it comes to raiding... if not even grouping. While everyone is like that at one time, she didn't even listen to what (it sounds like) not only you but the WHOLE RAID said. Smiley: rolleyes If she is going to continue you best get the GL to hammer into her some facts about raiding and to listen to others rather then shrug them off.
#4 Jun 16 2006 at 8:18 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
I dont know if she will be allowed to join or not, as its not my place to decide. But Im sure some of those in my group will give the GL a heads up as to what went on last night if he didnt already have an idea. Its kind of a red light if only one group is continually dying.
In her app she said she raided often in another guild, but either she didnt go often enough to learn how to play her char correctly when raiding or the guild itself did not do well. Funnily enough, she had been on our GL's ignore list due to the fact that once when she had been raiding with her old guild she was spamming her heal message in the 60-69 chat channel.

Edited, Jun 16th 2006 at 9:19am EDT by DSD
#5 Jun 16 2006 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
159 posts
When you're a fresh recruit in a raiding guild the first and foremost rule is to not be stubborn and be open to everything ppl tell you. Most of the people you raid with for the first times have been raiding for a year and know much more what happens than you do. Raiding is a much different game than normal grouping, every single detail is important. That is something you have to learn quick, or else, well, bubye !

By acting like that, she will prolly not pass the 'recruitment' phase hehe. As you mentioned, cure arcane (as well as the other cures) are given to every healer. Casting time is 1 sec and there is no recast timer, which means that it shouldnt take more than 6 secs to group cure the group individually. If she feels she is not quick enough, there is a UI (forgot the name) that you can download, all you have to do is to click the DoT icon and it will land the right cure instantly.

There is not excuse for not curing or keeping your group alive, even if you are the only healer in the group. Of course, when a mage gets aggro he usually gets one shotted anyway and there is not much you can do about it. But assuming the MT doesn't lose aggro and that everything is going according to plan, everyone should stay up.
#6 Jun 16 2006 at 8:48 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I had a similar experience in WoW, though not in a raid situation. I was MT in an SM group and the Warlock we had was just rough. I tried to offer some advice seeing as how my main was a 60 Warlock. He started telling me as a tank that I had no clue what a warlock was about. Needless to say he caused trouble for the group the entire way through the instance.

Frankly I would bring it up to Keld directly DSD. Relying on others to is not really fair to Keld, you can't expect the man to be aware of everything. Also if you bring it up now he has a chance to either resolve the issue with the Fury and get her on the team and useful or at worst cut her before any animosity builds up.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#7 Jun 16 2006 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
991 posts
I know this is like beating a dead horse, but it bears repeating especially with the influx of new players. While every class has their predetermined responsibilities, there may be times, such as the aformentioned one by DSD, that you as a player have to think outside the box. Yes, you are a healer, and your usual job is to keep the MT alive. However, we need you to do Y this time instead. It is necessary for one to adapt in situations like these. When you are in a group/raid you are now part of a team. Your main focus should be helping the team perform at the highlest level possible, whatever your class may be. For instance, any one who tells you that holding aggro is only the responsibility of the MT is sorely mistaken. Aggro management is a group effort, pure and simple. A trigger happy Scout or Mage can pull aggro from even the best of tanks.

I guess my whole point is to learn your class and, more importantly, listen to your group/raid leader. You are not in charge. They are. They may entertain your suggestions, but do not take offense or worse, do it anyway, when your ideas are rejected. They are doing what they think is best for the group/raid. If it doesn't work, then a new plan of attack is in order. Until then, perform the job assigned to you. You may think you are doing the best thing when in reality, there are 5 dead group members waiting for a rez.
#8 Jun 16 2006 at 8:54 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
Queen bodhisattva wrote:

Frankly I would bring it up to Keld directly DSD. Relying on others to is not really fair to Keld, you can't expect the man to be aware of everything. Also if you bring it up now he has a chance to either resolve the issue with the Fury and get her on the team and useful or at worst cut her before any animosity builds up.

Yeah I should, and if I have time tonight and he does as well Ill bring it up. Maybe Ill send him a P< on the forums.

If she can learn to listen and be flexible I think it would be great having another fury in the guild. Im hoping last night was not an introduction on what to expect if she joins. However, if that did continue I have full faith knowing she wouldnt last long. A big part of our guild when raiding is to listen and follow directions.

By the way on an off note and a little gloating on my end, I was told time and time again once we got to Lord Vyemm I would most assuredly die. I dont know what made Keld do it, but he switched me from that group to the ST group with former guildies from EQ, and I can say, thanks to Raqs amazing warden ability toheal I did not die once. Everyone was shocked and I went to sleep last night very happy. Funny how sometimes its the small things that give you the most pleasure
#9 Jun 16 2006 at 9:00 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Just emphasize that it wasnt the fact that she didnt heal that was the problem, but the fact that she didn't listen too or work with her team that was the actual problem.

That way when he talks to the Fury he will address the actual problem and not the symptom.

Edit - I only hope the girlfriend lets me keep playing> I'll show you dps, you damn dirty monk!

Edited, Jun 16th 2006 at 10:01am EDT by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#10 Jun 16 2006 at 9:08 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
Queen bodhisattva wrote:
Just emphasize that it wasnt the fact that she didnt heal that was the problem, but the fact that she didn't listen too or work with her team that was the actual problem.

That way when he talks to the Fury he will address the actual problem and not the symptom.

Edit - I only hope the girlfriend lets me keep playing> I'll show you dps, you damn dirty monk!

Edited, Jun 16th 2006 at 10:01am EDT by bodhisattva

Hehe I told you, the one who had the most biggest shots almost everytime was our Sr ranger, Madi. He was in the zone last night =)

Hurry up and get to 67 you nitwit!
#11 Jun 16 2006 at 9:10 AM Rating: Good
7,466 posts
Queen bodhisattva wrote:
I only hope the girlfriend lets me keep playing> I'll show you dps, you damn dirty monk!

I'll show you the ability to cripple a mob, you damn dirty ranger!

DSD wrote:
Funnily enough, she had been on our GL's ignore list due to the fact that once when she had been raiding with her old guild she was spamming her heal message in the 60-69 chat channel.

OMG I remember reading that thread when I was snooping around the forums.

DSD wrote:
By the way on an off note and a little gloating on my end, I was told time and time again once we got to Lord Vyemm I would most assuredly die. I dont know what made Keld do it, but he switched me from that group to the ST group with former guildies from EQ, and I can say, thanks to Raqs amazing warden ability toheal I did not die once. Everyone was shocked and I went to sleep last night very happy. Funny how sometimes its the small things that give you the most pleasure

Good for you, always fun to live through things you shouldn't. I did it ALL the time when I was playing FFXI... got in with the right people/friends and got to go to all sorts of endgame things under-leveled (as a healer so it didn't matter as much, but AEs were even more deadly) so it was really fun to live through things and I can so relate to ya there.
#12 Jun 16 2006 at 9:16 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
DSD wrote:
Hurry up and get to 67 you nitwit!

The mid 40's are kicking my ***. It's like I've entered the "WoW Zone" in that every single xp group I encounter has been a non stop onslaught of immaturity and non-intelligence. Now I know I made this complaint in the early 30's but in retrospect it pales in comparison to what I am having to deal with now.

Not to mention I've been running around dealing with the whole gf issue and looking for a new job.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#13 Jun 16 2006 at 9:18 PM Rating: Decent
59 posts
Wow. I would say she proved she was un-trainable and didn't want to learn how to raid. I would have dropped her from guild after that.
#15 Jun 17 2006 at 9:10 PM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
SR, really, you got to think before you hit that post button. I mean cmon. I know you like to argue the other side of logic in everything but there has to be some time you need to give it a rest. Now just to put you back into your place:

Shes an adult. Not a child

Shes been in a raiding guild prior.*

When you are raiding lvl 70+ epicx4 stuff, you have every right to expect people there to know what theyre doing. The people and guilds who get that far do so because they *gasp* know what they are doing. They're not going to be 9 yr old little girls who wont heal her brother cause he stole the last cookie.

Whats lame is always trying to pad your post count with lame arguments, writing ***** when you have nothing worthy to contribute. If you want to sling mud, sweetie, try and sling it somehwere where it will stick. I know my role in the game, I know a few others, but Im smart enough to know I dont know everything and theres more for me to learn. In this case, I DO know what the hell Im talking about since I've played the class in raids this person was.

Now on to real comments, thought Id update. I got a little more info on the person from my GL after he asked me my opinion on the person. It seems as if they came from another raiding guild and the GL there was very harsh on all healers. If the raid wiped it was always their fault. So what happened that night was a clash of raiding techniques. The recruit had been taught from her other guild to only only only heal the MT no matter what. Upon discussion, it was decided if she was willing to take it as a non personal issue, we could happily retrain her to the way we raid and what we expect. So she has been admitted in as a recruit and hopefully we can train this druid to be full potential. If it comes down to a personality issue, she wont stay. But I was very happy that the GL trusted my judgement enough on the situation. I adressed my concerns, but after going over it with him we figured it out it wasnt attitude so much as bad raiding habits that need to be stamped out. So we now have ourselves a student and if all goes well, a new guildie.

Gotta love the happy endings
#17 Jun 18 2006 at 8:29 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
Reading comp FTW.

I know she is an adult. Its not a thought, its not me guessing, Its a fact. So it's lame that you continue to bring up age when I have already established it is a moot point.

As for raiding with talentless players, you may be used to surrounding yousrself with like minds, but I try to ensure I learn what I am supposed to do in groups and raids, and I try to surround myself with other knowedgable, and mature players.

And again reading comp for the win. I mentioned lvl 70 epicx4 raids. You responded with whacking green things at 70. Which makes me assume you dont even know what epicx4 means. When you figure that out or see one, let me know and we'll continue this discussion.

just trying to point out to you, there are young uns playing the game. and crying about their lack of skill, in a game DESIGNED for pre teens, is.....lame.

and again reading comp. Go back ti the beginning of this post. Read it slowly. SLOWLY I SAID!!!! Slower....... ok now read it again. Uh huh. See it?? right there at the verrrrrry top. Yeah. Thats right. The person I was talking about is an adult. Yup, thats right. See how much you can learn by taking the time to read whats before you and you have less of a chance of making an *** out of yurself?

Nice talking with ya SR.
#18 Jun 18 2006 at 1:14 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Glad to see that she is going to work out. Also cool to see the way Katsuki handled the situation.

Very solid.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#19 Jun 21 2006 at 8:30 PM Rating: Good
172 posts
just trying to point out to you, there are young uns playing the game. and crying about their lack of skill, in a game DESIGNED for pre teens, is.....lame.

Look on the box the game came in. See that little "T"? That means 13+. Now, unless something has changed, 13 and above is a teenager. Not a pre teen, I can't see how you fail to realize this. Thir - TEEN. Yes, people younger play this game, all games will have people under the age it says. I know when Diablo 1 came out when I wasn't even a teenager yet I played it. It goes without saying that there CAN be younger people. It is not "designed" for pre-teens. How can you think that? Are there floating pink unicorns, fluffy teddy bears, and all that? No. I really don't see how a game where you go through, and slaughter animals, other humans, and fantasy creatures such as orcs and goblins can be considered "designed for pre teens" as you put it.
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