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So I gotta ask,...Follow

#1 Jun 14 2006 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
Being a total nub in EQ2 (gonna pick it up and start playing today) and coming from WoW... are their any class/race combinations that are superior to others/help you tremendously in the long run? I.E. Dwarf Priest for Fearward or Undead Warrior for Will of the Forsaken which both helped immensley within WoW's PVE, and made the best choice overall.

Is there any class that will help me get into endgame/earlygame more than another class? I.E. "too full on DPS, looking for Healer!" // "Well... we would like you in our guild but we really have TOO many mages"... spammed all over the place?

What would you say would be the best overall profession? Any professions that are almost completely useless and will almost always never yield any profit?

What class is insanely good in PvP situations, and which class is gimp vs. most everyone else?

Basically... what's bad and something to avoid, and what's good? Thinking about going Darkelf Necromancer (if that's possible) or something like that.

BTW, plan on playing on a PVP server, and I come from WoW as a rogue... I'd actually like to be something 'useful' in EQ2.. if that exists.
#2 Jun 14 2006 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
Races are pretty much what you want to play. They dont have real noticable differences for power and any difference in stats at level 1 will be gone by level 15 from gear.

As for classes the ones that are normally hard to find to group with in end game are healers and tanks. Other then that everyone has an equal shot at a group as the balancing is pretty good and all classes can fill there role if played well.

As far as professions almost all can be profitable. The one that makes the most seems to be spellcrafters dueing master orders and provisioners making food and drink. Mainly drink. Granted being a provisioner takes a lot of time invested so it may not be as profitable in a gold per hour perspective but you can always sell what you make so you never really run into a point where you have to spend money to level.

If you are looking for PvP information I would suggest going to sonys official forums as most people here do not PvP. Only suggestion on this is that in PvP pet classes tend to be more vulnerable as any real person will ignor the pet and kill you. Also take into mind that a spell does not always do the same thing in a PvP situation as it would in a PvE situation. This was sony's way around having to nerf classes PvE ability to balance PvP.
#3 Jun 14 2006 at 9:54 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
Race is about looks. Thats about it. As for class, you know, Ive been playing this game off and on since release, and I have yet to see any class pushed to the side because there are too many of them being played. Unlike the Hunter in WoW, you can choose ot be anything you want to, and still fiund groups more often than not. You can also solo fairly well with any class, all it takes is learning different strategies.

As with any game, tanks and healers are always sought after first. But each archtype has different kinds. In the tank group, you can choose to create a guardian, pallidan, Monk, Bruiser, Shadow Knight, and Beserker. Each one has its own pros and cons.

For healers you can choose to be a templar, inquisitor (both your basic priest idea except they wear plate), fury, warden ( your druids), mystic, or defiler(your shamans).

Some classes you choose will be good or evil only. You can also betray to the other side if you wish and get the flip side of your class.

Scouts and mages play a very important role in the game as well. While you can have a tank and healer fighting, some of the fights would just draaaaaaaaaaag if you didnt have them. YOu have bards for amazing buffs and debuffs, rangers and assasins for insane melee damage, wizzards, enchanters.....

So basically what Im getting at, is unlike WoW, do not settle yourself for a particular class because you think they are more needed. Play around and see which class fits you and go from there. Not one class out there is unwanted.
#5 Jun 14 2006 at 11:24 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
shadowrelm wrote:
its dumbed down to the point that race has no bering on abilities. its just a mater of good or evil.

classes? exactly like EQ1, or WoW for that matter. play a core healer and your dance card will always be full. play a core tank, and you will be second in line for a group. play secondary healers, and you will be third along with secondary tank classes like plai or sk. play anyhting else and you will be begging for a group more than fighting in one. absolutly no use what so ever for a rogue. they get an invite if everything else has been filled and they cant find a caster or ranger.

cough cough, bullshi[Aquamarine][/Aquamarine]t, cough cough.

Go back to D&D SR. It sounds as if they can do no wrong while EQ2 seems to be "inadequate" for your tastes. And um, how long have you been playing the game to get this "accurate" feeling already? One week, if I remember right?
#6 Jun 14 2006 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
801 posts
I'm going to have to agree with DSD here. You seem VERY hard to please. I'm already taking your posts with a grain of salt and wondering if you know what you're talking about.

Case in point - there is no "core healer". I posted on this in another thread, but to reiterare - any healer can heal a standard group as well as any other and each has strengths that will let them take on harder opponents in certain situations. Templars were overpowerd at launch but it was due to a bug that let you stack different level reactive heals and we were (rightly) nerfed/fixed in LU13. If you think a druid or shaman is still considered second best you are out of the loop.

Please note I do not get into lengthy back-and-forth debates on message boards because no one ever changes their mind - I say what I think and move on.
#7 Jun 14 2006 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
7,466 posts
I also have to agree with DSD here... all i've seen you post is pretty much one bash to the game after another. Half-truths, false info... Just go back to WoW or D&D or whatever and stop playing a game you constantly bash and obviously don't like. You're not going to find any sympathy about a game's "faults" on the forums for that game.
#8 Jun 14 2006 at 1:03 PM Rating: Default
Sorry but Shammy/Defiler (Especially Defiler) cannot compaire with Druid/Cleric... They do, however, have some mighty nice Debuffs/Slows which make for a great secondary healer.

As for the secondary tank thing, Pal/SK can tank just as well as Gaurdians, just not as easily -- Takes alot more effort in the agro department. 2 Tanks in a group though is usually a bit much. A good rogue/monk can usually handle the OT position well, especially with 2 healers.

I wouldn't worry about not finding groups as a DPS class (including the rogues)... honestly many groups seem to want to roll with 1 tank, 1 healer, and 4 DPS... which means you got a 100% better chance to get a group as a Mage or Scout.
#10 Jun 14 2006 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent

EQ2 seems stuck on the idea that the busier they can make you while fighting, the more "fun" you will have, or atleast the more "challenging" you will think the fighting actually is. SWG was the absolute worst system along this line of thinking.

one of the things i hated most when EQ came out, and i came over from FPS games was the fighting. compared to instant first person action, it was lame as hell. stand in front of mob x, press a, wait till one of you runs out of hitpoints first. its still the same way with EQ2 only they give you more buttons to puch, and WoW for that matter. D&D did an outstanding job with making fighting more intersting. adn funny enough, they did it by making it more basic, not more complicated. stand in front of mob x, press right mouse button to swing axe. press right mouse button every time you wanted to swing your axe. every tiem you swing your axe, you hit whatever is in range and closest to you reguardless of target.

While the system certainly isn't perfect, at least it's somewhat of a step in the right direction... and I have to say that I enjoy it far more than I enjoyed D&D's system. Perhaps it's because I didn't get my guy high enough, but the combat system in that game was hideously, hideously unbalanced. The best tactic was ALWAYS to play it like a twitch-FPS, dodging in and out of the mob's melee attacks (or, more accurately, circle-strafing while swinging your weapon and the mob couldn't catch you).
#11 Jun 14 2006 at 2:15 PM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
tzsjynzis not making youyr point. He is saying that healers and tanks can do the job, even if it might be a tad more difficult (Im going to change that word to different for my *own* opinion). That is NOT saying that the majority of EQ2 players refuse to have anyone but the stereotypical tank/healer in their group. YOu do the game an injustice when you apout crap like that.

the deiiferance between me and DSD is im not a fanboy of any of them. i gave EQ2 a year already, and only left in janurary for WoW, then D&D online. there have been some obvious changes for the better, but group make up is not one of them.

The difference between you and I is that you are never happy with anything you try. Instead of looking at changes games make in the positive way that have helped rebuild the community of EQ2, you can not find one good thing to say without overshadowing it with a negative. Same thing you do in the Asylum. You are never content.
Group makeup has never been a major problem in the game. They made subcategories of each archtype to give more variety to the group makeup. Unless you as a person are stuck believing you must have guardian/templar/ranger/wizzard in the group, then you are free to try as many different varities as possible. You stick yourself into a pigeon hole and lose the chance to try new things if you continue to believe you can not acheive XYZ without having subclass ABC. And for that I pity you. You have no idea how much of the game depth you lose.

they all want a core healer, and most want a secondary healer to boot. leaving one spot for a mt, mabe a second melee for adds, and only two spots for the other 10 or so classes to beg for. groups will go with 2 secondary healers in lack of a core healer, but havent seen anything to sugesst a group willing to go with one secondary healer by himself.

Stereotype, or you have unoriginal groups everytime. I very rarely have a "well balanced" group when playing. Most of the time it consists of 2 brawlers, one fury, and random others who wish to join, its different everytime. It's very rare I am ever in the perfect group. And yet I have very rarely had a hard time completing whatever it is I am set out to do. And as for our "tanks", the monk and bruiser do amazingly well for holding aggro. I should know since I play a monk and my husband plays a bruiser. The only time I see us having a hard time is during epic mobs x3+ and we're short on healers. That is the only time I will honestly say that guardians have a better chance at tanking. And why is that? Because a bruiser and monks tanking comes from mitigation. We are able to dodge and deflect more hits than most classes. But if we do get hit we get most of the damage. A guardians specialty is more hp and AC esp when wearing plate to our leather, and they can take more damage over time, allowing the healers time to get the heals out.


but, play what you like. if you want to play bad enough, but cant stand begging for a group more than fighting in one, play a core healer or a core tank and judge for yourself who is right or wrong. personally, i dont care.

I have played EQ1, EQ2, and WoW, and with the exception of EQ1, since release. I continue to play WoW and EQ2. And when comparing all three games, the 1 game I see less of this is EQ2. EQ1 you had to have the war/cler combo. in WoW if you were a hunter, you would droop everytime you saw
"LFM UBRS no hunters!"
which was a very common sight. Yet in EQ2, I tend to see looking for the archtype, as opposed to the subclass. Sure, every once in awhile I see someone looking for a specific subclass, but not nearly with the commoness I saw in the POK in EQ1, or in IF in WOW.

EQ2 seems stuck on the idea that the busier they can make you while fighting, the more "fun" you will have, or atleast the more "challenging" you will think the fighting actually is. one of the things i hated most when EQ came out, and i came over from FPS games was the fighting. compared to instant first person action, it was lame as hell. stand in front of mob x, press a, wait till one of you runs out of hitpoints first. its still the same way with EQ2 only they give you more buttons to puch, and WoW for that matter.

You sound as if you're a button masher. Are you? I have never felt this way when paying both my fury and my monk. Yeah, I have lots of choices for hitting my special attacks, but I dont have to in order to get the job done. Many times I just auto attack while I conserve or regain mana and have no issues. I know of several scout and fighters who will turn on their auto attack, go grab a coke and come back to their keyboard. Sadly, the only people I know who can not do this are the healers. Im sure its a lot hard for the mages to do so as their magic is what their strong point is.

Im not a fanboi of any game. Each game has its definite pros and cons, and I have called them out when I see them. However, when you are bringing down the negativity on stuff that just isnt true, and posting it in a thread of someone who doesnt know the truth yet, you damn well better believe Im going to call you on your bullsh*t. If you're going to complain do so when you have real stuff to complain about. With my 69 fury and 67 monk I can say I have played this game long enough to get a good idea of both my classes and those I work with. Im not an expert, but Im also not spouting fanboi crap because I see nothing wrong with it.

Edited, Jun 14th 2006 at 3:19pm EDT by DSD
#12 Jun 14 2006 at 8:30 PM Rating: Decent
K, so my next question would be is there any class to stay away from due to boredom with the class? (I'm coming from WoW's rogue hitting the same 2 buttons over and over in end game content, or for like WoW's paladin just auto attacking and self healing all the way to 60)
#13 Jun 14 2006 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
Also, are there any classes that gain special bonuses? I.E. WoW's warlocks/paladins getting free mounts at level 40. Warriors/Paladins getting Quel'Serrar, Priests getting Benediction, Hunters getting Rhok'Dolar?

Edited, Jun 14th 2006 at 9:46pm EDT by holykiwidmc
#14 Jun 14 2006 at 9:12 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Paladins and Shadowknights get cheap mounts at lvl 20 right?

Other than that there are 24 classes in the game. It's really hard to narrow it down. I started back on the 23rd of April and felt the same overwhelming feeling. First I played a Paladin, then rolled a couple more alts and leveled them up to 10-15. Finally I rolled a Ranger, a class I had no intention of playing, and fell completely in love with the class.

So really it's hit and miss and you will have no idea until you give it a try.

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#15 Jun 14 2006 at 10:50 PM Rating: Good
1,885 posts
You can try several classes right from the start to get a feel for them. One that might be boring is Guardian. Yea, they have some of the best mitigation, but they are pretty straight forward and good at keeping agro.

If you want something technically challenging, you could go for a summoner class like Conjurer/Necromancer and control a pet. Or go for a Troubador/Dirge that have so many buff songs it's hard to pick which one to use in the ever changing situation.

Every race gets a periodic Racial Trait to pick froma list. These are special abilities but are no means game-breakers. They are minor abilities that have a long re-use timer. For example, a Froglock gets the equivilent of Super Jump. Erudite gets a power-boost. Of those choices are also some that can increase one of your stats or abilities.

As an Erudite Conjurer, I always took the INT and power pool boosting bonuses.

Yes, the un/holy knights get a steed, but it gives only a 10% speed buff. Better than nothing, but I save my copper and buy a SoW totem.
#16 Jun 14 2006 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
59 posts
My 57 Wizard never had a problem finding groups. But I also found that tanks are the really needed class above lvl 50. I have had several groups where there was 3-4 healers and me and we were tankless.

Tanks are hard to find in my experience at the higher levels.
#17 Jun 15 2006 at 2:10 AM Rating: Default
Tanks are hard to find because the Fighter Class (minus Brawlers which are a HUGE exception) are the worst soloers second ONLY to Inquisitor/Templar. Here's why, and it has been my problem with the game since about day 2, after having much experience in most of the popular MMO games out today.

    Out of Combat Regeneration is ridiculous.

Gee, why does that matter? Well sit down Sammy and I'll tell you why.

One of the core things to remember in the soloing experience of most MMOs is that while the DPS classes can and do kill much faster, the following downtime in turn makes up for it almost entirely. This means that when a wizard kills something with a root and 6-10 nukes in about 50 seconds, he/she is then faced with a 4-8 minute med break. This also means when a tank kills something with tanking and takes a 2-4 minutes to kill it with melee, he/she is looking at about half (if not even less) the recoupe time as - at least as the plan goes - the tank has lost about equivilent % on HP and Mana, but is much less than the Mana% lost by the aforementioned Wizard using nukes.

But what happens if the Med time for that Wizard suddenly is cut drastically. Well, then you got a Wizzy killing litterally 4-5 times faster than a Tank and then having a relatively short downtime before the next kill. The tank, on the other hand, still has that long KO time, and although his/her recoupe time is also drastically cut, the % of the total time is now much, much higher than that of the wizzy.

This could not be more true for the Inquisitor/Templar class, as well. While they are great healers and, compaired to the rest of the Priest archtype, good tanks, their fights for any sort of exp can last litterally 6-8 minutes.

What this means, then, is that your solo EXP gain is directly related to a character's DPS and not related to their survivability.

Why does this even matter? Well honestly it doesnt! Anyone who's gotten past level 10 knows a full group of 6 (regaurdless of the group's class makeup) reaps in much much more experience per hour than a solo exp grind. But the problem is that there ARE times - especially at T2-T5 levels - where you're NOT going to find that group you want... It essentially becomes a weeding out process.

This is why theres a lack of Guardians (the most Defensive of the Tanks) and Clerics (The most powerful and diverse healers) in higher level gameplay. Sacraficing that edge of specialization grants a class more diversity and DPS, allowing for a much more endurable solo experience.
#18 Jun 15 2006 at 2:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
Out of Combat Regeneration is ridiculous.

Are we even playing the same game Smiley: yikes

The regen in EQ2 is so fast that downtime is really minimal. If anyone is having a problem with this I can only say, sorry but you must be using the wrong food and drink Smiley: smile

You want to see slow regen, go play EQ1.
#19 Jun 15 2006 at 3:30 AM Rating: Default
Hehe You obviously didn't read my post past line 2 =\

I meant its ridiculously fast... ROFL

*Edit* Oh ya and I played EQ1 for 4 Years Thx =P *Edit*

Edited, Jun 15th 2006 at 4:34am EDT by tzsjynx
#20 Jun 15 2006 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
Well I am a Templar by trade but I still think alot of people put to much emphasis on the cleric class. You need to tailor what you are going to do to what you have in your group. I have been in a group with a secondary healer and a bruiser for a tank. After the first fight I was demoted to secondary healer because I dont mesh as well with avoidance tanks when fighting single mobs that hit hard. Now if you are adament about have a mit tank then granted you cleric classes are more apropriate tanks.

When I get a group I do not ask do you have a tank I will only come with a tank. I just roll with the punches. When there is no tank available I have used a scout for a tank or a necro pet. Anything is possible with your groups if you tailor what you are doing to your group makeup. Not necessarily what you are fighting but how you are doing it.

As for only having 2 positions open for people other then tanks and healers you are sourly mistaken there. In 90% of the groups I am in they only want 1 healer and 1 tank. That leaves 2 positions for the 12 healer tank classes and 4 positions for the other 12 classes. The only reason this balances out is because you have less people who play healers and tanks because they like to do damage or solo alot.
#21 Jun 15 2006 at 8:58 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
Bluie wrote:
Out of Combat Regeneration is ridiculous.

Are we even playing the same game Smiley: yikes

The regen in EQ2 is so fast that downtime is really minimal. If anyone is having a problem with this I can only say, sorry but you must be using the wrong food and drink Smiley: smile

You want to see slow regen, go play EQ1.

I have to agree here, especially if youre taking the time to buy crafted food. Soloing can take a lot out of you mana and power wise, and you may have a bit of downtime, but you can cut it drastically back if you make sure you buy the proper level crafted food. YOu can find this on the broker. Also, if you can get your hands on a totem of the monkey, it increases your health regen out of combat very quickly.
#22 Jun 15 2006 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
801 posts
Clerics (The most powerful and diverse healers)

A couple of the new people here keep saying this, but it simply isn't true. It's not supposed to be true the way the game is designed. Any healing edge a cleric (or druid or shaman) gets is purely situational.

If you have proof that clerics are the most powerful healers, please post it. Otherwise stop making unfounded claims.

I've also soloed a LOT, and it's not as bad as you're indicating. Especially after you get a few Achievements and against undead. One major plus is compared to any other class I've played solo I die a lot less as a Templar.
#23 Jun 15 2006 at 11:43 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
The main difference between the types of healers is how their heals work. Each one is based on a completely different way of healing.

Clerics (templars or Inquisitors) have whats called reactive healing. Their main heals do not go off until the MT is hit.

Druids (wardens, furys) have regeneration healing. Their main heals will start as soon as cast, but heal a bit every few seconds.

Now correct me if Im wrong because I have never played one, but if I remember right, Shamans (Mystics, Defilers) have ward healing. Their heal is more of a buff that will absorb X amount of damage before the MT actually starts to feel the damage.

As far as Ive seen in groups and raids, each one plays an important role in healing. I've never seen a raid postponed because we had a bunch of mystics but not enough templars, or we had 4 druids and no inquisitors. All healers are welcome and appreciated, and in my own personal experiences I havent yet seen one favored over the other.

Edited, Jun 15th 2006 at 12:45pm EDT by DSD
#24 Jun 15 2006 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
801 posts
Now correct me if Im wrong because I have never played one, but if I remember right, Shamans (Mystics, Defilers) have ward healing. Their heal is more of a buff that will absorb X amount of damage before the MT actually starts to feel the damage.

Correct. And a really cool thing they have in EQ2 is any ward points left over when it expires are given to the target as a heal.

All healers also have instant heals in addition to thier specialty heals you listed. (your basic heal for X hp). High level furies actually have more instants on different timers than anyone else. We all have group and single target versions of each type of heal.
#25 Jun 15 2006 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
Correct. Druids have the quickest instant heals, while Clerics heals for more. Its a trade off. One is neither better than the other, they just do it differently.
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