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Anyone played this game as well as WoW?Follow

#1 Mar 06 2006 at 7:42 AM Rating: Decent
546 posts
This is to anyone who has played both games a fair amount... I only will pay money monthly for one of the two games. I dont know too much about WoW, however, Ive heard its fun from some people that played it. Ive seen some WoW screenshots, and it looked some what cartoony, but decent graphics. Everquest II I was interested in when it came out, but I lacked the hardware to get a chance to play it. I will be purchasing one of the two, and am favoring EQ2 atm, because it looks more in depth, and Ive played EQOA for the PS2 and enjoyed it. Please anyone who has played both, give some thoughts and opinions on the enjoyment you got from each, and the depth of gameplay.

#2 Mar 06 2006 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
It hasn't been updated in a while, but here is a HUGE thread on this very topic.

It was last updated around the time that I took a break from EQ2 (I'm back now, from WOW no less) so I can't really contribute anything to get it more up to date.

I only stuck with WOW through about 5 level 12 characters because I could never find one I liked.

Edited to add: At first, I thought my specific experiences with WOW vs EQ2 would not be valuable to this thread because 1) I can't be very objective about it and 2) my highest level character in WOW is only level 13-14ish. Now I realize that my experience and how I reached the conclusion that WOW is not for me even before I got 25% of the way through the levels should be interesting. I'm leaving for an appointment now, but I'll elaborate later today.

Edited, Mon Mar 6 12:14:33 2006 by CrescentFresh
#3 Mar 06 2006 at 10:59 AM Rating: Good
1,885 posts
It hasn't been updated in a while, but here is a HUGE thread on this very topic.
Unfortunately, that thread is filled with flames and rants, plus is outdated. There have been many updates, fixes, and patches to the game since.

There are many threads in this forum about that very topic. Just scroll down a bit or go to a few previous pages.

It sounds like you have upgraded your rig to be able to play EQ2. Check out this free playable demo for some first hand knowledge. Remember though, it is only the tip of the iceburg. The real adventure awaits.

In WoW, you will generally find a less mature crowd with many folks trying to be uBer-7331-hAckZorz!11!!ONE. While in EQ2 there is a friendly and more mature crowd.

#4 Mar 06 2006 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
tutanbriarpaw wrote:
It hasn't been updated in a while, but here is a HUGE thread on this very topic.
Unfortunately, that thread is filled with flames and rants, plus is outdated. There have been many updates, fixes, and patches to the game since.

Agreed, but I do think it is still worthwhile to take a look in there. If nothing else it helps to read it and see how it evolved into flames and rants. Behind each flame or rant there was, at some point, an actual argument to be made. Depending on what type of game you prefer, you will probably find yourself agreeing with a certain side of the ranting. I know I did, but I tried WOW anyway. Smiley: jester

Also, just the fact that we already had a 10 page thread that didn't definitively answer the question should tell us something. Smiley: banghead
#5 Mar 06 2006 at 2:08 PM Rating: Default
:) Check this out!here Waiting replies!Cheers!
#6 Mar 06 2006 at 3:00 PM Rating: Good
1,885 posts
:) Check this out!here Waiting replies!Cheers!
That might have been interesting if it had been more than 5 posts long, and ended with you posting the same flame-encouraging post in that thread as well.

Sorry, won't happen here.
#7 Mar 06 2006 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
This is to anyone who has played both games a fair amount... I only will pay money monthly for one of the two games. I dont know too much about WoW, however, Ive heard its fun from some people that played it. Ive seen some WoW screenshots, and it looked some what cartoony, but decent graphics. Everquest II I was interested in when it came out, but I lacked the hardware to get a chance to play it. I will be purchasing one of the two, and am favoring EQ2 atm, because it looks more in depth, and Ive played EQOA for the PS2 and enjoyed it. Please anyone who has played both, give some thoughts and opinions on the enjoyment you got from each, and the depth of gameplay.


I played both games, started with EQ II, went to WoW, then back to EQ II, then back to WoW for a longer period. And now I'm back here, enjoying myself too.

Difference between WoW and EQ II are graphics, but hard to say which are more pleasing (depends on the person playing ofcourse). Gameplay is totally different, but ultimately it is button mashing. To be honest, that's what you get for playing games on the PC, you push buttons, no matter what game you play.

Both games require some tactics depending on your class, you have to know your enemy and realise what you can take down or what will get you killed.

Both games have an abundance of quests, lots of those are quite possible to do solo or with a small group.

Both games have an extensive story behind them, and keep it going too. Although for both of them, knowing the previous games does help a bit for enjoying some details more. I mean, seeing Fippy's hill the first time was most likely more fun for the EQ players than those who never played that one. It perhaps is more exciting to get the Dwarven Workboots or the legendary Jboots if you had those in the first EQ.

Loads of references to the previous Warcraft games in WoW too, which I never played as I dislike RTS games.

EQ II has added more content, even if you have to pay for it. And this specifically for solo play or small groups, the two adventure packs were good for this. WoW added a lot of free updates, but those were pretty much more dungeons for raids.

I got to lvl 60 in WoW easily, even if it took me some time as I truly do level slowly. At that level, I just started a new character, I just do not like raiding or running the same instance over and over. Sure, there were some other things I could do, getting my fishing and cooking up to max level, but that does get boring.

I have only got a paladin at lvl 31 in EQ II so far, so I don't know if that same problem exists in EQ II. Most likely it does, it is hard to try and break that cycle I suppose.

Class diversity is bigger in EQ II than in WoW. More races, more different options in the character creation, more graphic diversity in spell effects too.

And you can try out both I suppose, maybe I will change back but at the moment it doesn't look that way.

#8 Mar 06 2006 at 11:55 PM Rating: Excellent
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#9 Mar 07 2006 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
The quest system was LIGHT YEARS ahead of what I was used to. Instead of the regular gridning of mobs, of which eys there is going to be some grinding, but in a game that gives you experience for killing monsters, killing monsters is how you advance. You are allowed 20 quests max in your log at a time. There are MANY differnet types and styles of quests, but certainly there are plenty of "kill x of these" ones and "gather x of these" ones. But in WoW you could have lets say 3 quests in your log that happen to coincide in that they are in the same area. One quest is kill 5 of x mob, 7 of x mob, and "named mob mini boss" of that particular area.
Another quest that is "collect x item" which are items that drop form the same mobs you have to kill for the other quests.
Then you may have another quest in your log that is collect x "grizzly paw" or whatever from some bears that roma that area.

The same in EQ II, with the exception that you can have 75 quests in the journal. Much easier as you get a lot more collection quests.

I LIKE the softer death penalty for WoW, I'm a little older now (at 30) and I am playing the game to have fun, while death has just enough sting to it to make you not want to die, and you do have to make a corpse run, it is not the soul-killing, demoralizing, keyboard smashing, "I QUIT" deaths that would happen in EQ. We all remember "You have LOST a level! You are now XX!!" I just dont want to do that anymore.

I have read something about EQ where if you are in a group and someone in it dies.. the whole group gets an XP debt? You gotta be kidding me, I'd rather pour maple syrup down my pants.

The death penalty in WoW just enables suicide runs and lazy playing. But that's too harsh perhaps, the death system in EQ II got a lot easier recently as you don't even have to run to your body anymore. Just a little xp loss and a minute wait.

I believe that the group xp debt was cancelled too, that indeed was very irritating to invite someone to find that he then starts a fight and dies halfway across the zone.

I have read about the lack of freedom there is in EQ2, how SoE pretty much shoves you through your progression in the way they want you to do it (which I tend to believe because its in their nature in a way) and there is very little freedom to me your own player and progress in the way you choose to. This saddens me deeply, that freedom of exploration and advancement was one of the things that attracted me to EQ in the first place. I'm sad to hear they've taken that wonderful aspect of EQ and put a serious kabosh on it. I also don't like the idea of "locked" encounters. You cant run up on a scen where you see a fellow player is in over his head, and help him out by healing or debuff the mob or help kill? (yeah I hear there is some kind of yell for help command) That really SUCKS. It's those type of spontaneous moments.. buffing newbs running by (gotta be grouped not, cant do that.. (I wouldnt be surprised if you LOST the buffs if you left the group)...those elements are what help make that magic of a persistent MMO world. Locked encounters and buffs only for in group people? MAJOR huge turnoffs for me. I don't need to play to know that that sucks.

Altered too, fights in EQ II are no longer locked. Much better, I must admit.

And I must say that the way you can progress isn't that much different than in WoW. There might even be more freedom in EQ II now than in WoW. Especially with the recent expansion that enables an easy port between Antonica and the Commonlands at a low level. I find it much easier to explore in EQ II than in WoW, but none can beat EQ itself. Now that game truly was immense in scale and it was fun to run around in all the zones. (especially below lvl 10)

WoW is most DEFINITELY easier than EQ and apparently easier than EQ2. But to me, grinding ALL night to see the XP bar barely move, and have almost nothing to show for it gets old fast. In WoW you could gain a level a night up into the 30's if you do quests and be smart about it.

I got to lvl 20 in EQ II within one week of fairly casual play. After doing over 200 quests that is.

As for SOE, can't disagree that much actually. I lost a character of lvl 52 too in EQ, gave up after a months worth of communicating with them.

But WoW shouldn't rest too comfortably imo, best get that expansion ready and released. And adding something more than just another dungeon.

There's plenty of competition coming soon, apart from D&D Online of which I've only heard bad things actually. Vanguard alone might get a lot of the gaming community if they market it properly.

#10 Mar 07 2006 at 11:02 AM Rating: Good
1,885 posts
I haven't tried EQ2 yet,
Then why answer a post asking about EQ2?
#11 Mar 07 2006 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
4,148 posts
I've played both but EQ2 not as long. They are both great games and it seems like the key differentiating factor is target audience.

I've been grinding/questing solo in Eq2 and Wow and they seem very similar in regards to ease.

I've farmed and gather loot and they seem to be similar.

Graphics and Community are the big differentiating factors so far. I had trouble relating with the cartoony graphics in Wow (eq2 isn't quite perfect but they are quite nice) and the community (in terms of random people you run across) seem more mature and inclined to help (be it answer questions or just lend a hand).

btw I really like my Guild -.O (ty Tut/Kindle)

Not sure if they hate my newbness just yet.
#12 Mar 07 2006 at 12:14 PM Rating: Good
Levish the Fussy noted:
btw I really like my Guild -.O (ty Tut/Kindle)

Not sure if they hate my newbness just yet.

Yeah... we must all hate you big time... that's why we keep grouping with you... :-)
#13 Mar 07 2006 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
4,148 posts
OldBlueDragon wrote:
Yeah... we must all hate you big time... that's why we keep grouping with you... :-)

give it time!

soon it'll be things like

Murraj says to the guild 'Hi Guys!'
Tutanbriarpaw says to the guild 'Yawn! time to go to sleep'
OldBlueDragon says to the guild '/camp'
Murraj says to the guild 'But it's only 7pm EST and you are on PST T_T'
Tutanbriarpaw says to the guild '/camp'
OldBlueDragon says to the guild '/camp'
Tutanbriarpaw says to the guild 'MT!'
OldBlueDragon says to the guild 'MT!'

Edited, Tue Mar 7 15:58:11 2006 by Levish
#14 Mar 08 2006 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
Well, maybe my opinion of the various games will help you...or maybe this will just be a ramble. lol (who me????)

I played EQ(1) for a little over 5 years...I loved it. The strength of the game was the social side. By social, I do not just mean people talking. I mean people geuinely working together to accomplish things. We have maintained two accounts for a while now, allowing me and my kids to group together.

When WoW and EQ2 were launching, I looked at both carefully. I got into the beta for WoW and that tipped my decision...especially after hearing how buggy EQ2 was...though I had not tried EQ2 myself. We went with WOW and were playing on lauch day. in fact, i took off work and allowed my son to stay hoe from school. (bad dad, I

Now...the reason I was impressed by WoW was that they had gotten some things right that EQ(1) did not. The game play had some very nice, unique features...all in all it was a fun game to play...but, after a while I got frustrated. The run and gun mentality of the players in the game was a little bit much for me. I got a couple of characters to high levels but once I hit the mid 40s with them, it stopped being fun,,mainly because there were two groups...serious raiding people and those who just goofed around. i could not find any nice normal family style guilds that I had enjoyed so much in old EQ1. I just quit playing...did not jump to another game.

Finally, we decided to try the free demo of EQ2 and we all really liked it (just about a month ago). We loved the EQ story...we had spent so much time in Norrath, (prepare for a corny line coming up....wait for it....wait for it...ok, here it is:)it was like coming home. (see).

Anyway...I think that the EQ2 gameplay is wonderful. So far I have found that I can group or solo as I need to. (I play from work sometimes so I need to solo frequently). The tradeskill portion of the game is better than any I have has been made fun to be a crafter. This is good. The zones are huge and able to support many adventurers...gone are the days of waiting on the orc camps in the commonlands. Plenty of places to hunt, kill, gather and quest. And can you ever Loaded quest journals and a good questing system is also a plus for EQ2...thogh te WoW questing system was better than any before it. And, as I said...I love norrath. I love the races and the stories from EQ better than those of WoW...or maybe i am just more familiar after spending 5+ years adventuring there.

Right now, from my experience, I would give the edge in gameplay, graphics and social community to EQ2. I would also say that player skill is higher overall in EQ2. I would give WoW the advantage of number of subscribers and the ability to jump in and play. I think EQ2 is definitely more complex a game...but to me, that is a plus. Some may find that a negative.

(By player skill, I am not saying that there are not good WW players...there are. Plenty. But overall I believe the edge goes to EQ2 from what I have seen)

We have two EQ2 accounts and one active WoW acocunt. My 13 year old daghter loves WoW...has a 60th char and is not ready to part with her yet. And, I may activate my second WOW account when the new expansion comes out just to go and see the blood evles and whatever their other new race is going to be. But, my family (5 of us who play) have all chosen EQ2 as our new game platform...even my daughter who plays WOW is enjoying the shift and will most likely move to EQ2 full time very son.

The bottom line is...if you have never been serious about an MMO and want to just have fun...either game will do it for you, I am sure. To someone outside of the MMO world, it may be difficult to tell the differences (outside of the cartoonish feel of wow)...So, you will not regret either decision...unless you are an old MMO player back for more. If you are, I think you might find EQ2 more challenging and more engrossing...and the community is better.

Just my 2 cents. I have not posted much on Alla I need to duck from the flamers still or is that in the distant "FF rulz" past. (lol)

Luman Icebane

#15 Mar 08 2006 at 11:12 AM Rating: Good
Oh, and one more thing about freedom in the game...

You know, the only freedom you really do not have is to go to zones and places way to difficult for you at your level...this is in EQ2, but WoW effectively does the same thing.

The game is still wide open and free going backwards. your level you have the freedom to do just about watever you want...EXCEPT go places where you should not be because it is too hard for you and you will get your little too-low-level butt squished.

EQ had this as well...but it was handled in gameplay. Before expansions in old orignal just flat could not go to a zone that was too high for you without serious risk of death...and back then you ran to your body and risked losing everything on you if you could not recover it.

I think the guidance that leads new players along is designed to keep players from having high level characters and not knowing how to play them...a common problem in old EQ1 for anyone who wanted to be in good groups.

And WoW guides you along at the beginning too...just as much as EQ2. I think that the MMO community has determined that it is better to script for new players...kind of a pain at first for us older players...but I do believe there are enough options in EQ2 that if you feel like you do not have freedom, then it is more a reflexion of individual gameplay than the game itself. And as one of those players who wants to group with people who have a clue as to what to do...i have an appreciation for the training that the scripted beginnings provide.

Luman Icebane
#16 Mar 08 2006 at 11:15 AM Rating: Good more thing:

If you view MMOs as just button pushing...then you are missing the best aspects of the games. Teamwork and problem solving. Far more than mashing buttons.

#17 Mar 08 2006 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
ihuffman wrote:
If you view MMOs as just button pushing...then you are missing the best aspects of the games. Teamwork and problem solving. Far more than mashing buttons.

Most definitely so, but I merely meant to say that in both games, fighting mobs basically means pushing the proper button at the proper time. Sure, for some mobs there is the need for tactics and groupwork, but the main bulk of mobs that players fight are basically defeated with little effort.

It's a crude way of putting it, and it definitely doesn't show how much I enjoy these games, that's for certain.
#18 Mar 08 2006 at 1:15 PM Rating: Good
1,885 posts
the main bulk of mobs that players fight are basically defeated with little effort.
True, if you only fight green or blue solo non-heroic mobs. But when taking on a yellow^+ or heroic, and especially a caster, you must be more careful (Mage specific items here):
- Mob path (fighting from above usually makes it take a zig-zag path to you)
- Timing the Stuns, knowing how long you have
- Timing of Stifle's knowing how long you have
- Root/Slow and backup
- Effect of DoT's on breaking roots/stuns/mez's
- Mobs AE sttacks, range, and damage
- (For Summoners) Pet death agro
- Social agro
- Dealing with adds, or playing smart enough to avoid them

New zones and mobs are great for this. In KoS I always see players skirting the edge of agro, watching the mob path, possible adds, line of sight, toughness, etc.

Usually the first fight goes bad as I learn how the mob fights and I learn my limits. Subsequent fights go better as I learn how best to defeat it.

One particularly brave member of my guild makes that his mantra. He strives to take out the biggest and most challenging mobs possible, mainly for the challenge and excitement.

To tie this to the OP, you CAN take the easy (and boring) route by killing low level and simple mobs. Or, you can continue to push your abilities to the limit, having fun all the way. It applies to WoW and EQ2. Both games have a large range of critters in all difficulties.
#19 Mar 09 2006 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
True, if you only fight green or blue solo non-heroic mobs. But when taking on a yellow^+ or heroic, and especially a caster, you must be more careful

Ofcourse, but most quests don't involve killing these mobs regularly. The greatest satisfaction is always being able to finish the tough quest, defeating a hard opponent and realising that you did well. I was happy as a little kid at Christmas the first time I got my Dwarven Workboots.

#20 Mar 09 2006 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
134 posts
I have played FFXI and WoW pretty extensively (months at a time :)) and am now onto EQ2.

For me, EQ2 takes the parts I like best from both games.

I have a 3 y/o at home and I work full time. There are a lot of times where if I want to play, I play solo. WoW is definitely more solo-friendly than FFXI (at least up until 60).

However, I also enjoy the dynamics of a well-played group. I never got past around 40-45 in WoW, so I didn't experience raid groups. But, the pick-up groups I got in WoW were seriously lacking comapared to the FFXI pick-up groups. It seemed like people didn't really learn how to group effectively in WoW early on the way they had to in FFXI. Furthermore, the chat in WoW was childish (u suxx!) and sometimes offensive to me.

For me, EQ2 is the best of both worlds. It is a lot more solo-friendly than FFXI -- you can actually have effective 2 or 3 person groups as well as 6 person groups and you can have a wider spread of levels and still get XP. Also, I like the crafting system better in EQ2. It also seems more group-friendly than WoW -- the pick-up groups I've played in so far have been quite fun.

One thing I would recommend to increase your enjoyment of EQ2 is to go to the server forums (here or on the SOE or ogaming sites) and find a simpatico guild and create your character on that guild's server. I did that for EQ2 and while I don't group with guildies all that often, it is nice to have the community there.

Hope this helps you with your decision!
#21 Mar 11 2006 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
I played EQ2 for about a month, and didn't even bother past the first month. I was so disappointed with the game, I didn't even want to pay the monthly fee for it. I started off by downloading Trial of the Isle to see if it would run on my pc ok (since it was up to the recommended stats at the time). I had no problems at all playing on the Isle, and was having a good time. So I went out and bought the full version of the game.

And then I got off the Isle and faced horrible lag in the cities, outside the cities, well basically, EVERYWHERE. I tried everything...tweaking my graphics settings, playing during low pop hours...nothing worked. I was so pissed off at that game, and I was not going to buy and uber computer just so it might look good. And I'd never faced that kind of bad lag in a game before, not even during the early days of WoW on a high pop server during peak hours.

Also, the game itself wasn't that awe inspiring, art wise. I honestly thought it was kind of bland, no matter what setting I put my graphics at. And low rez graphics made everything, well like s**t.

This is the exact reason, down to the last word, that I am quitting in LESS than a month of play. This is such a frequent and reacurring issue with this game and it baffels me that so many eqII players think this is no big deal and actually have the gall to back SOE up with the overstated, "Regardless of your machine and settings, this graphics engine was designed this way and it is to compensate for years of tech advancement to keep the game up to date as time goes on." I understand their attempts and yes, if you do have the best of the best 3,000 dollar alien ware rig, you can get CLOSE to the inteneded performance, but even the most moderate rigs will run exactally like the quoted poster said.

I just can't stand the lag, turning my specs down, waaaay down. When you have to turn your rig down that much, the graphics just dont compare to wow, swg, and even ffxi. The only, and I mean ONLY aspect that eqII has going for it, are the animation. the battle animation is the most realistic you can get, bar none, but that little fact alone can't keep me around beyond all the other ******** you have to deal with to play.

I'm getting WOW tomarrow.
#22 Mar 11 2006 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
This is the exact reason, down to the last word, that I am quitting in LESS than a month of play. This is such a frequent and reacurring issue with this game and it baffels me that so many eqII players think this is no big deal and actually have the gall to back SOE up with the overstated, "Regardless of your machine and settings, this graphics engine was designed this way and it is to compensate for years of tech advancement to keep the game up to date as time goes on." I understand their attempts and yes, if you do have the best of the best 3,000 dollar alien ware rig, you can get CLOSE to the inteneded performance, but even the most moderate rigs will run exactally like the quoted poster said.

I just can't stand the lag, turning my specs down, waaaay down. When you have to turn your rig down that much, the graphics just dont compare to wow, swg, and even ffxi. The only, and I mean ONLY aspect that eqII has going for it, are the animation. the battle animation is the most realistic you can get, bar none, but that little fact alone can't keep me around beyond all the other bullsh*t you have to deal with to play.

I'm getting WOW tomarrow.

Strangely enough, I have little to no lag.

Only if I keep playing for a long time in a row, then my memory gets overloaded and I get lag.

The problem most likely is your computer, not the game.
#23 Mar 13 2006 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
4,148 posts
fishermanbmr wrote:
I just can't stand the lag, turning my specs down, waaaay down. When you have to turn your rig down that much, the graphics just dont compare to wow, swg, and even ffxi. The only, and I mean ONLY aspect that eqII has going for it, are the animation. the battle animation is the most realistic you can get, bar none, but that little fact alone can't keep me around beyond all the other bullsh*t you have to deal with to play.

I'm getting WOW tomarrow.

I've got a pretty nice system and I still get lag so I somewhat agree with you but if you do this:

1. Set your quality to either Balanced or High Performance
2. Set Textures to the appropriate amount for your video card

you can get 90% of the pretty graphics and be mostly lag free with the exception of heavily populated areas.
#24 Mar 14 2006 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
Okay, I have played both. Started in EQ2, went to WoW cuz my friends are there, and then came back here because I didnt like gameplay. In my oppionion here are the differences.

1-60 - Solo game -Really hard to group unless its an instance - No pickup groups for XP only to finish a quest.
60 - Raid -This is all you do unless PvPing or collecting stuff for epic mount or crafting. Be ready to play alot of alts :P

I didnt really like this because you could not really group and when you did hit 60 you need to be able to set aside hours at a time for raids.

EQ2 - You can solo but it will take you forever to level that way. I do this while waiting for a group or Im only on for an hour or so. Other then that it is pretty much a group based game which with an MMO i consider appropriate.

-- On a side note. If you dont like lag in EQ2 you better never enter Ironforge in WoW then because it is alot worse there.

Edited, Tue Mar 14 08:21:47 2006 by Rrikor
#25 Mar 14 2006 at 3:59 PM Rating: Good
900 posts
I started EQ2 when it first came out..and only lasted a little over a month. I got my Swashie to 27 and my SK to 20 then could not take it anymore.

I then started WoW about a month or so after it came out. I loved it..for a while. There are a lot of nice, mature people on WoW...but they are drowned out by the l33t crowd of 15 year olds trying to be funny in general chat. The graphics of WoW were great in their own sort of way. If you wanted to solo in WoW, that was no just could not get the best gear unless you were lucky and one happened to drop while you were grinding out XP (by grinding I mean killing mobs for quests or just killing mobs to kill mobs).

About 2 months ago I got extremely burned out so I let my War and Shammy retire and left the game. Recently I happened to come across my old EQ2 disks and thought that I would load it back up and see what they changed and I must say I am very pleased.

EQ2 is now fun. The people that I have met are mature and very helpful. Quests are fun to run and my quest log is full. Better yet, my toons were still there..even after a year!!! The interface has improved, quests were improved and even ones that I remembered were changed and improved. I don't know what SOE did to the developers (maybe they sent them to "lets make a fun game" 101) but I like the results.

Anyways, that is my Smiley: twocents
#26 Mar 26 2006 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
Both games are good and worth the money to play them. Graphics and gameplay wise they are equal imo.

Two things about each that may sway your opinion:

WoW - absolutely wonderful until you reach level 60. At level 60, do 40 man raids or you may as well quit. To be in a 40 man raid guild takes dedication and time, and is not for everyone. Even worse for Blizzard, as soon as they put 40 man raids in the game they split their level 60 players into Ubers and Gimps. Ubers are happy, but Gimps, needless to say, are unhappy and looking for another game. Half the complaints on the WoW boards about class/pvp imbalance and lack of things to do at level 60 are indirectly caused by the 40 man raids, and the godlike, superman gear that drops in those raid zones. Blizzard says they will close the gap between Ubers and Gimps, but I think that is just damage control and spin.

Wow has 5 million subscibers, but that could change to 250000 hard core raiders and 2 million gold farmers if they lose too many casual, non raiding players. May happen, may not, only Blizzard knows for sure.

EQ2 - I'm still on the fence about it. I'm having fun at low levels but am concerned that it is a SOE game. When I see the name SOE, I think brutal death systems, 2 hour plus quest mob spawn times, kill stealing , contested quest mobs, and just in general unfun stuff. SOE has a habit of putting fun things in their games, but then balanceing it out by putting something unfun, or dumb in. Eventually there is so much dumb stuff I don't care about the fun parts anymore.

All in all, I'll stay with EQ2 unless I see that the old SOE is still alive and well and ruining my fun again.
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