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anyone out there?Follow

#1 Mar 05 2006 at 4:07 PM Rating: Good
88 posts
Yes you have opened this thread. This is another one of those stupid noob threads that you all love or hate to read so just forwarning you now.

Ok was a long time ffxi player on playstation 2. I am now convinced EQ II is the next game i want to play. However, I have never played a MMO on a pc. As a matter of fact the only thing i can think of that I have played on pc is spider solitaire and the occasional bespelled.

With that said, I have been doing a lot of reading and trying to figure some things out about this game.

Im not too woried about the requirements to play this game as I think I am buying all the right hardware. What I am worried about is my ability to put a pc together as this is my very first PC that I am going to build myself. So once all the pieces get here finally i get to bust that cherry so to speak.

ok on to the questions and what not.

~~~first off a friend of mine use to play the orignal EQ and was telling me about it dont know if its the same. But about armor and weapons and currency does items have weight? such has if you had on massive armor would it slow you down if you are not strong enough to carry such heavy items?

~~~Just curious about population wise. It seems like there are a lot of people that play this game which is awsome. However, is there a low lvl population? Cause I know in the last days of my ff exp there was hardly any low lvl people and if there was low lvl people it was actual people just leveling a subjob to help his or her main. Wich would bring power levelers not to say I didnt mind that I just wouldnt want that being a new player trying to learn how things work.

~~~How about scamming? I know there was a lot of ruthless people in ff and trying to trick people especially new people. Didnt know if this was a problem with EQ.

~~~jobs from my understanding you can be any job with any race and lvl up multiple jobs not effecting the lvl of your other jobs all on the same character just curious if I have this right?

~~~ crafting is it possible? ok I know im comparing this to ff but hey only mmo ive played. I know in ff it would cost millions to raise lvls in crafting and was very unprofitable in a lot of cases. Unless you got to 100 + the guild items and even then is was very expensive. Just curious if profit can be made and if the economy is ok. cause in FF /sigh is all I can say.

~~~ fishing I heard from someone that there is fishing in EQ II is this true? I heard you can actually jump in the water and attack lol sound like barbaric fishing to me lol.

~~~ I was watching some of the videos over on the main EQ site and was very impressed. The thing that got me was the griffins I think...were a mount that looked amazing. oh and the baby dragon.

At the moment I am overly excited that I am going to play my frist pc game however I am scared about the fact that I am probly one of the ultimate noobs. Not sure how this mouse and keyboard thing is gonna work but I will find out soon I suppose. any additional comments to EQ and other great tips of info is all greatly appreciated.

before I wrote this I had a million and one questions but now my mind if blank and I cant think of anything
#2 Mar 05 2006 at 4:48 PM Rating: Good
I'll answer the ones I know about and leave the rest alone :)


~~~first off a friend of mine use to play the orignal EQ and was telling me about it dont know if its the same. But about armor and weapons and currency does items have weight? such has if you had on massive armor would it slow you down if you are not strong enough to carry such heavy items?

Yes, your items and armor have weight and if you carry too much it can slow you down. However, I play a weakling high elf mage type and even with her low carrying capacity I rarely run into this problem. I suppose if you were wearing heavier plate armor it would weight more, but then again your character would be stronger too. Your carrying capacity depends on the strength of your character. You can also get bags that reduce the weight of your items.


~~~jobs from my understanding you can be any job with any race and lvl up multiple jobs not effecting the lvl of your other jobs all on the same character just curious if I have this right?

This is not correct. Each character is exactly 1 class. For example, my character is a necromancer and that is all she ever will be.


~~~ fishing I heard from someone that there is fishing in EQ II is this true? I heard you can actually jump in the water and attack lol sound like barbaric fishing to me lol.

Yes you can fish and I haven't tried it much, but it isn't really like attacking fish. It is more like jumping in to the water with them and gathering them up by hand. There are several gathering skills (mining, etc) and fishing is just one of them.


~~~ I was watching some of the videos over on the main EQ site and was very impressed. The thing that got me was the griffins I think...were a mount that looked amazing. oh and the baby dragon.

The griffens aren't really a mount that you can own. They are public transportation to get you around the zones faster. As soon as you get to Qeynos or Freeport you could go outside the city and ride the griffens for free. There are stations where you get on and off of them.
#3 Mar 05 2006 at 5:01 PM Rating: Good
88 posts
Ahhh ok thats not fair I thought it would be fantastic to own a Griffen.

The more I sit here and read and look into EQ the more excited I get I am going to tire myself. I better go lay down or something
#4 Mar 05 2006 at 5:59 PM Rating: Good
first things first... You really can't assume anything about this game based on FF whatever... or based on WoW or even based on EQ for that matter. EQ2 is a different game designed from the ground up and so, is unique.
Just curious about population... is there a low lvl population?

In a word, yes. We have just gone through a major round of server merges so every server now has high population. In addition, most every server has a good range of characters from low level to high. There are many new players just starting the game and moving up through the tiers and there are also lots of veterans playing alts in their low levels.
How about scamming? I know there was a lot of ruthless people in ff and trying to trick people especially new people.

This is rare if not unknown in EQ2. I'm sure there are players who would like to take advantage of newbies but unless you do something really dumb like "loaning" money or items to strangers and assuming that you stay off the PvP servers, you are unlikely to ever run into a situation where someone is able to take advantage of you.

There are game mechanics in place to stop things other players from stealing your targets and looting their corpses so you're pretty safe from that sort of thing.
crafting is it possible?

Not just possible, but highly recommended. The crafting system is complex and engaging and given time and practice it is likely that you will derive a healthy portion of your character's income from crafting goods and selling them to other players.
fishing I heard from someone that there is fishing in EQ II is this true? I heard you can actually jump in the water and attack

Yes you can jump in the water and attack fish, but those fish are mobs - they are situational targets used for experience so that's just like fighting stuff on land. There are also fish that are harvested as a resource for use in cooking. These are aquired using more traditional methods - like a rod and reel.
Not sure how this mouse and keyboard thing is gonna work but I will find out soon I suppose.

It's really simple. You can do most everything with left and right mouse clicks. The keyboard short cuts are there to make things faster and also to help you chat with other players. Also, any key command can be mapped to a different key that you find more convenient. So if a function, like the map function is controlled by the "M" key but you would rather have it work with the "=" key than you can easily remap it and tapping the = will open your map window.

One last point...
Im not too worried about the requirements to play this game as I think I am buying all the right hardware.

Unless you have an unlimited budget, you probably should be somewhat concerned with this aspect of the project. EQ2 is a VERY demanding game and the minimum spec as listed by Sony will just barely run the game... just barely and with all settings turned WAY down. What you will need to effectively live in our world is the following:

a fast CPU - say 2GHZ +
plenty of ram - 1GB to 2GB
a good video card - 128MB of vid ram minimum and 256MB of vid ram preferred.

In addition, you can run the game on a 56k dialup connection but if you have DSL or cable modem you will be much better off.
#5 Mar 05 2006 at 7:48 PM Rating: Good
88 posts
Thanx agin for the replies.

btw its not that im not worried about the requirements to play. Its just that I know im putting together one hell of a machine.

But about the commands I was reading about that and looking at different types of macros and what not. Its all new to me so hopefully it will be a fun experience.

I bet you guys get tired of answering all these questions?

Also anyone actually reading down this far just curious would anyone be interested in adopting a newbie?
#6 Mar 05 2006 at 9:30 PM Rating: Good
991 posts
I bet you guys get tired of answering all these questions?

Not at all. That's why they have the boards. We actually love to answer questions and to read the threads. I usually learn something new at least once a week.

Also anyone actually reading down this far just curious would anyone be interested in adopting a newbie?

Cue Tut in 5...4...3...
#7 Mar 05 2006 at 10:23 PM Rating: Good
Mearyk chortled:
Cue Tut in 5...4...3...

Our friend Mearyk is referring to the infamous Tutanbriarpaw (the green). Tut is a member of this congregation who has sort of become the defacto adopter of lost puppies and stray kittens!

He will be along any time now to tell you about a wonderful guild on the Najena server named Foundation, and to offer you a spot in the guild and a helping hand to get you moving in the right direction once you start logging in. But I'll leave all that to him...
#8 Mar 06 2006 at 12:15 AM Rating: Good
88 posts
heh you guys seem like a close group on this forum seems to be the same people active for the most part other than pople just poppin there head in every now and then.

But this friend you speak of I was actually looking over at there site and browsing other guilds and what not. Now all I have to do is play the waiting game on all my parts and two key pieaces wont be here till the end of the month cause I applied for another credit card ...........just what I need..........but hey you cant beat 0 intrest.
#9 Mar 06 2006 at 12:19 AM Rating: Good
1,885 posts
Sorry, I was brushing my teeth, did someone call? :)

OBD said everything I was going to say, but I have to make my pitch anyway. :)

Welcome to your next game, zantabar. I don't have to let you know any more than these other folks have, they are all wise and lend good advice.

When you build your character, you will have a choice of servers. Consider Najena, as it has a bustling population, many guilds high and low, stable economy, and players in all zones.

And when you get there, look me up. I can help you get started with gear, spell upgrades, directions, and some coin.

Hope to see you there!
#10 Mar 06 2006 at 6:58 AM Rating: Good
Hey Tut why dont you put you guild advertisement in my Journal, that way I could link it and copy paste it for when you are absent.

but hey you cant beat 0 intrest.
Actually you can, get a reward type card and pay it off every month. So you get a reward and 0% interest

But anyway welcome to EQ2
#11 Mar 06 2006 at 9:05 AM Rating: Good
991 posts
tutanbriarpaw...again wrote:
Consider Najena, as it has a bustling population, many guilds high and low, stable economy, and players in all zones.

And when you get there, look me up. I can help you get started with gear, spell upgrades, directions, and some coin.

Hope to see you there!

I *know* he has this on a clipboard in MSWord. I KNOW it. It is the same exact wording every time. If I had enough time (or even cared) I would post the links to all his threads. Same words. To the T.

God he's good
#12 Mar 06 2006 at 9:24 AM Rating: Good
88 posts
Actually you can, get a reward type card and pay it off every month. So you get a reward and 0% interest

yeah this is very true but most of the time I dont find these rewards worth using. I dont fly so dont need those air miles and im not a point man but its all good. Its just ive never seen a rewards card that actually gives me rewards I want.

I *know* he has this on a clipboard in MSWord. I KNOW it. It is the same exact wording every time. If I had enough time (or even cared) I would post the links to all his threads. Same words. To the T.

its a good way to recruit people though dont ya think?

Edited, Mon Mar 6 09:26:18 2006 by zantabar
#13 Mar 06 2006 at 1:02 PM Rating: Good
1,885 posts
As soon as you fabricate your game-spirit, you will boast an abundance of virtual worlds to choose. Reflect on Najena, as it possesses lively inhabitants, numerous collective organizations spanning a large range, unwavering financial system, and dramatis personae in each and every geographical district.

I COULD have said it that way, but I like simplicity. :)
#14 Mar 06 2006 at 1:42 PM Rating: Good
1,885 posts
Hey Tut why dont you put you guild advertisement in my Journal, that way I could link it and copy paste it for when you are absent.
I appreciate the offer, I actually let the guild link in my sig do that for me. I also have a selection and screening process that consists of holy water, chicken blood, a bent spoon, and if all fails, a D20.

Actually, we've had a large influx lately, and the new folks are a good bunch. We've even had a few referals from them. We've restructured our guild bank to better serve them, and I've been doing nothing but mentoring for the past week. Also thanks to OBD for his mentoring. :)

Speaking of mentoring, I've notice my 60 Conjurer, with mostly Ad3/Ad1 spells and only a few fabled items (no raid gear), is extremely leathal in a group when I mentor down. I don't remember doing this much damage when I was that young.

I figure it has something to do with my gear, which is about the best I can get. So when I mentor, I assume a lower level with the best gear for that level...something I definately didn't have back then.

A 16'ish Ranger guildmate and I (mentored to 16) were taking on Heroic ^ and ^^ gnoll groups (levels 15-17) outside BB with no problems. Even when the group of 4 18^ Elders spawned, we took them with not much difficulty.
#15 Mar 07 2006 at 12:13 AM Rating: Decent
34 posts
hello all!
Not trying to hijack this thread, i am Zantabar's friend. we played FFXI together and im the person he is mentioning that used to play EQ back in the day. We both plan on signing up and starting around the same time with maybe 3-4 other friends of ours. i just had a few questions as well and was going to see if you all would be willing to answer them for me.this might get a little lengthy... sorry in advance.

I dont consider myself a noob (could be wrong) due to my exp in EQ and FFXI. In EQ i lvled numerous jobs to low 50s on the povar server before i quit, far from impressive i know but i still learned quite alot about the game before quitting. I also establishing a guild of very commited and loyal charecters, who I left the guild to when my time in the game was up. In FFXI i took one of the jobs that was looked down upon the most (dragoon) due to the amount of people who considered the job weak and meaningless and lvled it up to 71 only 4 lvls away from the final cap of 75 because that was the job that i enjoyed playing despite numerous people (non-RP) telling me that it was a waste of time. In FFXI i also started a Linkshell (guild) of roughly 50-75 players and managed raids meetings events and various other tasks that a leader might perform. I also helped new players (noobs) and experienced players hone their skills in that same job class as me. When it came time for me to leave (account got hacked and someone stole all of my equipment) i was considered by many one of the top 3 people to play my class. So i do not consider myself new to the MMO world but i have heard that (as stated above) EQ2 is completely diffrent

I was wondering if there were an jobs in which players looked down upon or did not wish to group with for one reason or another. As i find it difficult to play a job where people do not want you in their group not due to the fact that u are not any good but simply because u are not the, how do u say "uB3R l33t" job.

Also i was wondering, i noticed NUMEROUS times in FFXI and a couple times in EQ people camping certain NMs for the best gear despite already having it/not needing it, and then jacking the price up to make people pay their prices due to the fact they had a monopoly on the market. i was curious if this was a problem on EQ2. over camped NMs and inflation in prices due to the market being controlled by certain people.

Also ive read some on the guild reward system and was wondering if someone could shed a little light on that. It has me really interested.

I was also wondering if there were any crafts in which have no real purpose as i felt brewing did in EQ. (besides walking around drunk and falling off buildings which was always great)

On the subject of crafting is there a craft that a certain job has a significant advantage over other jobs in. such as an enchanter/enchantress did in EQ due to the ability to enchant diffrent kinds on metal and being the only job to do so.

Can u lvl more than one craft or can u lvl as many crafts as u can afford to lvl.

THANK YOU in advance for all your comments and information as im just trying to learn as much as i can before i get into the game.

#16 Mar 07 2006 at 1:10 AM Rating: Good
88 posts
Not trying to hijack this thread, i am Zantabar's friend

dang some friend you are just taking over my space gahhhhh
#17 Mar 07 2006 at 9:49 AM Rating: Good
1,885 posts
if there were an jobs in which players looked down upon or did not wish to group
There is no class that is never NOT wanted, but there are some that are obviously desired more. i.e. healers...even though I've seen many healers all LFG and no-one needed one. It just depends on what the player dynamics are at the time.
camping certain NMs
Mobs will turn grey when you get too high in level, and you will no longer get exp or loot from them. Yes, they do get camped, but eventually the camper gets too high level and moves on. The biggest camping I've seen is in a goblin killing field making sweeps for junk drops and selling it to merchants for plat.
guild reward system
You can do quests to get quild exp and raise your guild level. At certain levels it will unlock items at city merchants. Horses, better housing, furniture, clothing, titles, etc. Not game breakers, just something else that adds to the immersion.
crafts in which have no real purpose
All are viable and serve a purpose, but Carpenter is probably the last one on the list. They make furniture for housing that lowers the rent you have to pay. The better furniture you have the lower your rent. Not all players like to adorne their homes, so it doesn't sell as good as adventure items.
enchant diffrent kinds on metal
Adventure classes have no connection to crafting classes. Any high level Armorer can imbue (enchant) armor.
Can u lvl more than one craft or can u lvl as many crafts as u can afford to lvl.
Unfortunately, no. Like adventure classes, you can only pick one profession and you are stuck with it forever.

Edited for spelling and my terrible grammar.

Edited, Tue Mar 7 09:54:17 2006 by tutanbriarpaw
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