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Ok i tried the IoR, and I have a few ?. PLease responed. :)Follow

#1 Jan 24 2006 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
OK, I played the 1st EQ for about 21/2 years, and got a warrior to 54. I only play for about an hour a day, so keep that in mind. Now I have been playing WoW since it launched and have 2 chars. up to 60, plus other toons. I really like WoW, but it just does not have that EQ feel. I feel like there is no acomplishment, or social significance. So I am thinking of coming back to eq.

Now I did the free trial, and got to level 6 and all, with a ranger. I liked it, BUT it was super easy, and super fast. Eevn faster than leveling to 6 in WoW which is saying something. Now if it like that only for the first 10 levels fine, but the game can not all be like that. I do not need a huge challenge, but it has to get more complicated and......slow i guess. The ranger class looks very cool to me, and EQ is so much better with it's 30 some classes comparied to WoW's 9.

Ok to wrap up this is longer than expected. Just 5 main questions.

1. Does the game slow down, and get more stratagy oriantated.
2. I LOVE WoW for the solo game, as it fits my schedule perfect. Can you solo to 60 in EQ, and when wanting better items or dungen raids then group? (as in WoW)
3. How is the down-time. Thats is why I left EQ in the first place, and my MAIN concern. In WoW food and water actualy make your hp/mp come back quicker is that also the case in EQ2.
4. What is with all the dungens, it seems cool if there is allot, which means allot to do.
5. How is the end-game. People bash WoW's which I like, but I could use more for sure.

I have a bunch more questions, but if these get answered I will ask the others. Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to answer this.

Old EQ'r ready for round 2
#2 Jan 24 2006 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
sorry for spelling above, it happens to the best of us.
#3 Jan 24 2006 at 11:31 PM Rating: Good
1. Does the game slow down, and get more stratagy oriantated.

In a word, yes. The first 10 levels or so of any game are going to be fast since the higher the level, the greater the amount of XP needed to level up. So, for example, if lvl 1 has a value of 1000 points and lvl 2 has a value of 2000 points lvl 3 has a value of 4000 points, lvl 4 is 8000 points long and so on. By the time you reach lvl 50, it will take you substantally longer to reach 51 than it did to go from 10 to 11.
2. I LOVE WoW for the solo game, as it fits my schedule perfect. Can you solo to 60 in EQ, and when wanting better items or dungen raids then group? (as in WoW)

EQ2 is well balanced such that any class can solo and many can solo very well. Rangers and druids (wardens and furys) are all good soloers and though I haven't played one, I am told that necros and conjurers are both very good at the solo game.
3. How is the down-time. Thats is why I left EQ in the first place, and my MAIN concern. In WoW food and water actualy make your hp/mp come back quicker is that also the case in EQ2.

Down time is almost non-existant in EQ2. With good quality food & drink you can move from mob to mob for as long as you like almost without pause.
4. What is with all the dungens, it seems cool if there is allot, which means allot to do.

There are plenty of dungeons and instanced zones and there are also plenty of great places to hunt overland, (the main outside hunting areas). In addition, one of the available adventure packs is a series of zones called Splitpaw. The zone is soloable, (I take my ranger and my warden there regularly), but the real beauty of Splitpaw is that it scales to whatever level you are, (between 20 & 50). So if you enter at lvl 25, the mobs in the instance will all be lvl 24 & lvl 25 giving you plenty of XP and loot in each visit. BTW - Splitpaw will only cost you about 8 bucks!
5. How is the end-game. People bash WoW's which I like, but I could use more for sure.

Currently, the lvl cap is 60 and the end gamne is alive and well. Plenty of high end raid mobs and named in the newest zones. And, to sweeten the pot, all this will change for the better in a month or so with the release of the 2nd expansion - Kingdom of Sky. KoS will add several new end-game zones and raise the lvl cap to 70. It looks like new expansions will keep coming out about twice a year.
#4 Jan 25 2006 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Don't think I ould have said it better myself.

I played a demo of Wow and it was instantly dull to me.
#5 Jan 25 2006 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
801 posts
They're just about to release a major overhaul of the beginning game which has you starting in the class you want to end up as, such as Ranger, rather than going from Scout to Predator at level 10 to Ranger at 20. Instead of being a generic "Scout" for 10 levels you get Ranger specific arts and skills from the beginning.

I've played WOW, but not to the end. I can offer some comparisons between the games.

The best way to solo in EQ2 for fun and experience rate is doing as many quests as possible. EQ2 had much better variety in it's quests, and it offers at least as many as WOW does. You will never lack for soloable quests, and there are many group-required quests as well. WOW uses the "Kill X of MoB Y" or "Gather X of item Y from MoB Z" format WAY too much. EQ2 has a much more flexible and interactive world that lets it do more interesting things with it's quests. EQ2 also has more long quest series than WOW.

Before the end game raiding and outside instances and Battlegrounds, people in WOW seem to group only when they needed help with a particular MoB. In EQ2 you'll find people who group all the time, people who only solo and everything in between. You can find whatever suits your playstyle. Grouping in EQ2 gives a little more experience, generally, than soloing, which is also different than in WOW. Grouping for regular content in WOW actually seemed to penalize you.

Dungeons in EQ2, instanced or no, are more group oriented simply because they tend to have harder MoB's. You'll find EQ2 has levels of difficulty in enemies that are your level, and they're pretty clearly marked. WOW has 2 levels, regular and epic(?). EQ2 has regular and "Heroic", with roughly 3 levels of each The highest level heroic MoB's will not be soloable until you're 3 to 5 levels above them. Some MoBs also come in groups you can't split up, some soloable some not.
#6 Jan 25 2006 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
Ok now I have more questions. :)

Everything sounds perfect so far, and I am getting excited again. Splitpaw solo zone sounds perfect, perfect.

Now 6 more questions, that would be great for a respond, please.

1. As far as classes go whom is seen as the best DPS. I know that can be a open argument, but maybe just an idea.

2. Is questing worth it? It seems to be from a former post, but i love to quest and EQ1 had NONE basically for the solo player.

3. It seems that groups are easy to find, and i really like that. My best EQ experiances were with the few people I grouped with, and it was nice to sign on and always group with them right away. Now since my schedule is only 1-2 hours a night now, is there any good family guilds anyone knows of. I will be on the high pop. RP server.

4. I got the title of gobln slayer or killer on IoR. What the heck is that, and are there any other titles or things i should know about?

5. Also I see alot of abilites that you get atomaticaly, can you upgrade or are they it. It seems a ranger only gets ranged attacks later in life, so do the meele attacks become useless in your 40's?

6. Are the endgame things more towards 5 man groups or 40 man groups, or a nice mix?

Ok that is all for now. I will have more later i am sure, as i am waiting till feb. to get the whole package. So I might as well use this as a sorce of info.

Thaks again to anyone who takes the time to answer this, and sorry for spelling, but this is basically stream of consious.

The idea of a REAL ranger is sounding MIGHTY fine!
#7 Jan 25 2006 at 3:06 PM Rating: Excellent
1,885 posts
1. As far as classes go whom is seen as the best DPS. I know that can be a open argument, but maybe just an idea.

The best will be Wizard/Warlock, the Conjurer/Necromancer, Ranger/Assassin, Other Scouts, Fighters.
2. Is questing worth it? It seems to be from a former post, but i love to quest and EQ1 had NONE basically for the solo player.

Absolutely. You will find THOUSANDS of quests to do...some quick and minor, others large, hard and in charge. When you begin, focus on quests. You can get to level 12'ish just that way.
3. It seems that groups are easy to find, and i really like that. My best EQ experiances were with the few people I grouped with, and it was nice to sign on and always group with them right away. Now since my schedule is only 1-2 hours a night now, is there any good family guilds anyone knows of. I will be on the high pop. RP server.

That would be the AB server, I can't really speak for that. But generally there are always folks in all the zones, and many people to group with. The LFG window also shows people in "All Zones" so you have many more to pick from.
4. I got the title of gobln slayer or killer on IoR. What the heck is that, and are there any other titles or things i should know about?

You get those title suffixes after killing XX amount of that critter. You can also get orc, harpy, giant, and others. Killer, Slayer, and Destroyer are the different suffixes for creature killing. I think Destroyer is 10,000 kills. You get a prefix (Sir, Madam, Squire) by doing writs for the various factions in your city. So you could be Sir dukeduke, Slayer of Gnolls.
5. Also I see alot of abilites that you get atomaticaly, can you upgrade or are they it. It seems a ranger only gets ranged attacks later in life, so do the meele attacks become useless in your 40's?

As you level you get skills and spells automatically at Apprentice 1. You can upgrade those by either finding upgrades, crafting upgrades, or buying upgrades from the Broker. You also get periodic abilities that you select and they become Master level. Many of those mirror your own spells/skills, so it's wise to select a Master that you will frequently use. You also get periodic racial abilities (water breathing, hide, etc) to pick from.
6. Are the endgame things more towards 5 man groups or 40 man groups, or a nice mix?

Raids will mostly be the 24 member (4 groups of 6) raid limit, although some may be taken with 2 or 3 groups in the raid. Good uber-guilds can have the raid boss wired, and take it down on a regular basis.
#8 Jan 25 2006 at 3:22 PM Rating: Excellent
1,885 posts
One more comment about periodic abilities:

At times you may be given the option for a stat boost (STR, AGI, INT, etc). It is wise to choose one that permanently increases your primary stat.

For Ranger, that would be AGI. STR and STA are also important.

Additionally, purchase gear that provides stat boosts. Some folks prefer to balance the boosts, while others focus on the primary stat.

As an Erudite Conjurer, I've been presented with many INT boosts through the periodic picks. I always picked them. I also purchased gear that boosts my INT, which is currently 350-buffed.
#9 Jan 25 2006 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
the more input the better :)
#10 Jan 25 2006 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
159 posts
Ok so here goes

1-DPS : Yes, you can argue a long time on this one, because first you have to understand that you have the mage type dps and the scout type dps, and then each class among them has their strenght and weaknesses. While wizards do insane damage to single mobs, warlocks group spells are much more powerful ; while a ranger, in scout archetype is unrivaled with a bow. I think it really depends on what you want to be on this one, even though i recently discovered that brigands do insane dps (and there are so very little of them - at least on my server)

2-Questing : Definately. If you love to quest i encourage you to do so. There is plenty to do out there and it will help you keep going in terms of equipment or cash. However, except for some quests out there, none are a must. You can totally grind yourself up to 60 with 30 quests completed if so you desire, some people chose that path. The upcoming LU will try to fix a little bit of that, where you feel a bit more like a part of the world questing around, Right now you have that thousand+ quests to do, but there is no emphasis on them, in the way that you totally can ignore all of them (except for a few required ones) if you want to.

3-Since you can have groups of barely any combination of classes, its really easy to find a group. You usually don't have to wait long to get a group going. I cannot tell for a RP server's guilds, but there are family guilds everywhere - it's up to you to make sure you find one that matches your desires.

4-titles : you get some of the titles by simply killing a lot of the same type of creature. Some other titles require you to complete specific quests, and some title are given when completing specific quests such as world events (sadly too often for high end raiding guilds). As far as prefixes go, you can complete a lot of city writs for the same faction to gain some, and you also can get the Sir or Ritsar title when your guild get to level 30.

5-Abilities : Rangers strenght is aimed toward the bow. That doesnt mean they are useless on melee, only that ranged attack is their strenght. After level 50 though, you wont get your abilities automatically ; you will have to purchase them. You can either purchase them by becoming part of one of the 3 courts of maj dul or buying them off a sage or via the broker. If you don't buy them, you don't have them !

6-High End content : Raids so far are limited to 24 ppl max. You will from time to time meet up with a mob that will say, for example 'Epic X2' which means you can have 2 groups of 6 ppl to kill the mob. Over than that you wont get any loot. There is plenty of content to raid starting level 45+. There are some mobs under that range (like anguish a level 23 X3 dragon in antonica) but the focus of raids is mainly for ppl 45+. Not many zones or mobs to raid under that level. Also even if the mob says Epic X4 doesnt mean you HAVE to have 24 is possible to get the mob down with only 3 groups...

Hope that helps.
#11 Jan 25 2006 at 4:10 PM Rating: Excellent
1,885 posts
You can also puruse this earlier thread with lot's of good info and links.
#12 Jan 25 2006 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
There are various prefix titles from gaining writ (city task) factions but Sir and Madam are the guild level 30 titles, Lord and Lady for guild level 40 Smiley: smile
#13 Jan 26 2006 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
Wow great thanks for replies.

now for more questions, YEAH!

1. What are heroic strikes and how do they work?

2. how are the trades skills? They are great in WoW, but very easy to do.

3. How is the player base, it is hit or miss in WoW. I have been to 60 on both sides, and barrens chat is the same as any other 10-20 chat zone. Which is to say , BAD! You have to turn it off, and Allakhazam is EVERYWHERE! trust me. I dont mind bad or annoying players as much as others, but i hope EQ2 is more.........older maybe. I am only 26, but there do be a differance. Less names like Pwnge would be nice. :)

4. What are all the technical things I should know. I know that is a broad term and may be a bit to long to explain, so np.

That is it so far, i am surley going to get EQ2 when the "whole" games ships in Feb.

Well of to go help my server get into the crazy, desert, bug city, thanks for all the posts.
#14 Jan 26 2006 at 7:43 AM Rating: Good
My turn to help out.

1. Heroic Opportunities can be started by anyone. At lvl 4 or 5 (cant remember been a while) you will get the ability to start them. When soloing always use them as they will speed up your killing imensly. In groups you can get the best ones because you can get multiple classes involved in them. Each combination has 3 outcomes nomally. One that normally pops up, a rare one, and an uber rare one. They either damage the mob or encounter, debuff them, buff your group, or heal your group. Those are the only ones I know of. Most groups tend to not do them very often for some reason.

2. Tradeskills are alot different then wow. Its not just click a button and everything is done. You will have abilities to counter stuff that has happened in the build so that you dont get hurt and your item doesnt fail to build. Every combine also has 4 possibly outcomes depending on how good you do building it. You can try the tradeskill on the IoR in the tower in the center as well. Tradeskills work alot like the leveling now in that you have to gradually choose your profession as you go up.

3. The player base here is alot more mature then WoW in my oppinion. You will have zone chat which is normally just people looking for groups and asking for locations, each lvl tier also has there own world chat (10-19, 20-29, etc.), normally this is pretty much the same as the zone chat. You will also have your crafter channel. Thats pretty quite until someone asks for something to be made. Overall its not all that loud other then guild chat. I haven't seen many of the "Arguments" I saw in WoW or any of the wierd pwnge names. WHats Allakhazam have to do with a video game?

4. Not sure what your after so Ill let someone else handle this one.
#15 Jan 26 2006 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
In Barrens chat , which is the main quest hub for horde from about 11-24, the chat can be so bad you have to turn off the general chat channel. Also at least on my server (Guru'bashi) people just use Allakhazam lines all the time, and use his name in every sentance. Once you get over about 26-27 the people get better, but it seems that since you can solo to 60 fairly easily, people never really need to learn their class. So I am just hoping that EQ2 will be a bit differant. I know it will never go away, and I am not a snob at all, but I hope that it is better.

People NEVER group in WoW unless they are doing a instance or a elite mob. Then the group breaks up right away. Which can be fine I like to solo, but it really hurts the people who, when needed in a group do not have the skills to pull it off. CLOTH IN FRONT! as a certain undead mage liked to say is one fun example. If I would not have played EQ1 back in the day, i would never have learned to group either. i guess I am just hoping for a new experiance.

I am getting excited about EQ again, and sony seems to be really trying on this game. I may be bringing a few WoW junkies with me. They are going to give the trial a spin, but does anyone know if we can keep our players when we buy the real game. That is a big issue.

thanks for the input, and look forward to questing in EQ sooooooooooon
#16 Jan 26 2006 at 10:37 AM Rating: Excellent
1,885 posts
You will find that groups are more solid than not. They may go from killing a quest mob for one member, then run to another zone to get some mobs for another member, then settle on crawling through a dungeon for some good drops.

Others might be focused on completing one hard task, and they just need a quick group to knock it out. Or just grind through some hard mobs for hours of exp saturation.

Each group will be different, but a friendly attitude and smart game-play will ensure folks look you up in the future for more groupage.
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