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The B for Tut's A - Test Update 19Follow

#1 Jan 19 2006 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
991 posts
*** Headlines ***

- New Character Progression has arrived! Choose your final class at level 1, experience new unique progression paths for each race and alignment, and much more!
- Solusek's Eye: New adventures, stories, and rewards!

*** New Character Progression ***

Note: We want your feedback! We encourage you to create a new character on the Test server and run through our all-new tutorial islands. Please use the /feedback and /bug commands to offer suggestions or report problems on any aspect of the new character progression, as the EQ2 Team reads these reports daily. With your help, we can make the first experience for new players even more fun!

Character Creation
- New characters now choose a profession at character creation.
- Your alignment (good or evil) determines which class choices are shown.
- As you progress through character creation, your current choices (gender, race, class) are shown.
- Characters begin with several key pieces of class-specific armor that are visible in character creation.

New Tutorial Islands
- The original boat tutorial is no longer used. Instead, new characters immediately arrive on one of two new islands. Evil characters explore the Outpost of the Overlord while good characters visit the Queen's Colony.
- Each island has unique inhabitants and feel very different from one another.
- All new quests await to train new adventurers for the challenges that lie ahead.
- Visit trainers on the island to learn about combat, harvesting, banking, and other gameplay elements.
- You can remain on the island for as long as you wish without a restriction placed on your ability to level up (though of course the population will eventually grey out).

- Players now select their profession at character creation instead of moving from archetype to class to subclass. For example, you can choose to play a Wizard at character creation. When you arrive on the tutorial island, you will be a Wizard--not a Mage.
- Distinct spells and arts designed for each profession are now given immediately in place of the more generic archetype and class versions. You feel like your profession right away instead of waiting 19 levels to do so.
- Previous class and subclass quests have either been removed or modified to provide flavor. They are not required to progress in your chosen profession and will no longer restrict your level growth.
- Existing characters that were at the archetype or class level will be prompted to choose a profession before logging into the game. Existing spells and arts will be replaced (at the same quality level) by the new profession-specific abilities.

Racial Quest Paths
- Upon leaving the island and arriving in your home village or district, you will begin a new series of quests designed specifically for your race.
- These quests will provide a greater understanding of your race's history and how it fits into the fabric of your home city.

Adventure Yard Quests
- Completing your racial quest path will guide you to your city's adventure yards. The adventure yards have new population and quest lines that feel more a part of each city.
- New rewards await those who complete these quests!

- The citizenship quest is gone. You earn citizenship on the tutorial island and become a citizen when you leave it.
- There is no longer a cap on your ability to level up due to a citizenship restriction.

City Betrayal
- The city betrayal quests currently remain as they were. These quests will be changing significantly in a future update. For example, you will be able to betray your city at any level.

*** Dungeon Exploration ***

Solusek's Eye
- A new group of residents have been spotted setting up camp in Solusek's Eye, at the site of the Solusek Mining Co. of old.
- Check out this highly dangerous, highly rewarding dungeon for new quests as well as high-risk adventure!
- As a follow-up to last week's update notes: Quests in the zone now have their rewards. One dynamic event is not yet connected. If you want to help test what is there, come on in! We'd appreciate your feedback. However, if you are coming to play through the full series, we recommend holding off until next week's Test Update.

*** Writs ***

- More writs should now be visible to choose from when speaking to writ givers.

*** Gameplay ***

- You now receive bonus experience when you kill a single creature with no arrows displayed as well as any number of up arrows. As before, killing a multi-member encounter of any configuration should continue to reward bonus experience.
- Some NPCs will now greet you when hailed if they have no VO associated with their dialog.

*** Guilds ***

- A message is now broadcast to the entire server when a guild reaches level 10, 20, 30, or 40.

*** Spells and Combat Arts ***

- Newly charmed pets should once again follow their master.
- Charmed pets should follow attack commands more reliably. Pesky critters.
- Spells, combat arts, and weapons should never inflict less than 1 point of damage unless they miss. Previously, if they inflicted less than 1 point of damage, it would automatically miss (only affects very low level characters).
- After creating a specific quality level of an item for the first time, the tooltips for completed product icons will update without requiring you to re-examine the recipe.
- Recipes for some subcomponents that were not marked as recipes are now found properly on the tradeskill prepare window.

*** Tradeskills ***

- You can now view the components and subcomponents required to make a recipe.
- There are now recipes for all the new level 1-19 spells and combat arts. These new recipes require no subcombines, and instead have additional component requirements for the final recipe.
- Recipes will now default to the "N" key rather than "B."
- After creating a specific quality level of an item for the first time, the tooltips for completed product icons will update without requiring you to re-examine the recipe.
- Recipes for some subcomponents that were not marked as recipes are now found properly on the tradeskill prepare window

*** Housing ***

- You can now access your house vault from any house via a new right click menu option on the interior door and market board. Yes, this means you can open up your vault from a friend's house that you're allowed to sell from!

*** Commands, Controls, and User Interface ***

- The default key for opening the Recipe Book is now "N" rather than "B."
- "B" now defaults to open all inventory bags.
- "Shift + B" is now the default to open all bags in your bank vault.
- Your friends list will now show the game and server names of friends who don't play on your server. Friends from other games and servers can now be properly removed from your list.
- A message notification will now be displayed when friends on other servers or in other SOE games log in and out.
- Health, power, and resists have been added to the dropdown in the Broker search window.
- Some merchants will now show you items that you can't currently buy and will describe why you can't purchase that item.[

I don't know how I feel about this. How about everyone else?
#2 Jan 19 2006 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
*** New Character Progression ***

Note: We want your feedback! We encourage you to create a new character on the Test server and run through our all-new tutorial islands.

I thought I'd pitch in and help out so late last night I kicked the TestEQ2.exe icon, thinking I would roll up a new character on test and see what the island was like... silly me!

As of 8:30 this morning the d/l is still downloading! 11 hours +... Pffft!!!

I'll let you know how it all works out!
#3 Jan 19 2006 at 1:08 PM Rating: Good
1,885 posts
Great changes overall. There are some much needed common-sense tweaks that will make the game feel better, although not necesarily easier.

Character Progression
Much needed. Although it was a neat idea at the beginning for people to slowly "realize" what they want to be, it just took too long to realize a class's potential. For some people, 1-20 is a significant time investment. Now, we will know right from the start what it's like.

New Tutorial Islands
Makes sense to have a richer, more focused starting place. I liked the initial boat ride when starting, just because it was unique. I'll miss her lofty sails and smoldering focsle. I may just roll up a new toon to experience the new content. My 13 Shaman has not seen much action.

Racial Quests
I like it! Can't wait to learn the history of why my Erudite head is so shiny. Hopefully there will be more of these in the future that may even reward a race-specific item.

Was interesting but a bit annoying. Seems to be replaced by the Racial Quests. Although I do feel the original quest was yet another facet of the game to add flavor.

City Betrayal
Now we can betray at any level? Don't tempt me so! ...must...resist...temptation...

Always hated standing at the writ-giver doing accept-delete, accept-delete until I got the one I needed. I would notice many others also standing there for long periods, obviously doing the same thing.

I always wondered why adventurers don't get a exp bonus for the "first-kill" of a mob, the way crafters get an exp bonus for "first-pristine" craft. Otherwise, not a big deal. Just more extra exp to get, along with the Vitality bonus exp, plus a veteran exp-bonus potion.

Spells and Combat Arts
I didn't see the previously advertised mentoring adjustment to hotbars.

I didn't see the previously advertised stack o' 100. No sub-combines for new 1-19 spells? Has that always been the case, or do the un-revised spells still require subcombines?

Love it, now I can settle in at our guild house for good. I just need to find room for my I Love Me wall. Now all we need is placeable containers that have storage slots. (not to exceed max room storage, of course)

Broker Window
It just keeps getting better and better.
#4 Jan 19 2006 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
801 posts
I didn't see the previously advertised stack o' 100. No sub-combines for new 1-19 spells? Has that always been the case, or do the un-revised spells still require subcombines?

That has never been the case for any crafted item. I've been following the official boards on this subject. Apparently this is part of the tradeskill overhaul that has been hinted at for some time now.

As of yesterday on test they had all T1 and T2 spells and combat arts using only raws, with one combine needed to get the finished item. According to Beghn, the tradeskill dev, all the new 1 - 19 spells will be that way. Eventually all crafted recipes will be changed to use only raws. Beghn says that they won't be done for LU19 but that they should all be done by the time the expansion is released. All the new T7 spells in KoS will use raws only.
#5 Jan 19 2006 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
801 posts
I thought I'd pitch in and help out so late last night I kicked the TestEQ2.exe icon, thinking I would roll up a new character on test and see what the island was like... silly me!

As of 8:30 this morning the d/l is still downloading! 11 hours +... Pffft!!!

You need to copy all the files in your EQ2 structure into the test folder so you're not downloading everything you already have. There's a text file in the test folder that will explain everything you should do.

Edited, Thu Jan 19 13:40:09 2006 by Lydiaele
#6 Jan 19 2006 at 1:41 PM Rating: Good
1,885 posts
Eventually all crafted recipes will be changed to use only raws.

Any insight to why they are making it so? What direction do you see crafting heading?
#7 Jan 19 2006 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
991 posts

Hehe. Totally missed your first post Lyd. Sorry. Anyway, the link provided below is actually a more detailed account of what Lyd was talking about.

In regards to crafting, I found this on EQTraders. If you scroll down the page, you will seen an example of how the new recipes will work. Instead of 2 or 3 subcombines, you will be using 3 of this raw, 4 of this raw and 5 of that raw.

I don't really know what to think of this. For one, it will take a lot less time to make anything. However, unless they increase the TS xp gained, it is gonna take A LOT longer to level. If most crafters are like me, they breeze through the first 4 or 5 levels due in large part to WORTs and sub-combines.

Either way, we will have to see how it works out. We just roll with the punches.

Edited, Thu Jan 19 14:22:05 2006 by Mearyk
#8 Jan 19 2006 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
I really hate the idea of all crafting being straight from raws.

Imagine how much extra time crafters will have to spend harvesting now. Every man and his dog will be harvesting everything in sight, and the prices for basic items will skyrocket Smiley: frown

Part of the fun in Provisioning is spending the first few levels of each Tier building up stocks of subs so when you get to the good recipes you're all ready to churn out decent amounts and almost no extra harvesting required.
#9 Jan 19 2006 at 9:22 PM Rating: Decent
I think I read something a little differently on the housing than you did Tut. To me it sounds as though we will still need to keep our seperate rooms with their vaults but will be able to access our stores in someone elses room. I think the advantage is that as long as you keep up your rent on your own place you can refresh your store without having to ever enter your place.

What do you think?


#10 Jan 19 2006 at 9:32 PM Rating: Good
1,885 posts
Yes, Zoo, I believe that is the case. You keep your bags and boxes in your original room, but can manage them from anywhere else. I wonder if I can add/remove items remotely also?
#11 Jan 20 2006 at 12:14 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I personally like the idea of not having to process raws. I mean sure when your in the the first couple of levels into your new tier its nice, but it sucks when your at the end of the levels of your tier and you gotta do a ton of green combines in order to get blue combines which make your even combines. I don't care of SOE doubles the cost of fuel to make up for it, maybe it will actually make tradeskilling abit less tedious.

I don't see how it will jack the cost of stuff up. WE need more people harvesting really. I mean lower tier harvests cost ALOT more then the higher level stuff because people don't harvest (I mean 10 silver each for tuber strands on tox right now).

I don't see anything in this patch that I don't like. I look forward to making a new toon to try out the new tutorial and racial quests. I don't know what to think about the any level can betray. I wonder if it will involve the same quest no matter what level you are, or if the mobs will be harder and harder the higher level you are? I don't see my Paladin ever betraying qeynos, but it is something i might try some day.

Doing away with the level and citizen ship task is a welcome change. It was a neat thing (and still is I suppose) for people new to the game. However it is annoying to have to run all over town looking for npc's etc just so you can level. The actual citizenship quest isn't a big deal, but the level 19 to 20 quests can be ruff for some classes. For example I remember having a time with the summoner to conjuror quest. At time part of it you have to keep killing Sabortooth oracles which are heroic mobs and heavily camped since they are also guild writ mobs. If I am not mistaken you had to keep killing them till you got X amount of updates and they was somewhat uncommon. Anyways it was annoying and I had a time with it.

No comment on the changes to Solesk eye, I never did care much for that zone anyways, I usually got the groups in Permafrost.

#12 Jan 20 2006 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
801 posts
Any insight to why they are making it so? What direction do you see crafting heading?

I haven't seen anything about why they're doing this, I can only try to deduce. The grand plan they had for crafting when the game was released was for artisans to be a full-fledged player class working with other artisans to supply high quality gear to adventure classes. That plan obviously didn't work out for whatever reason, and tradeskills have become more and more a sideline activity for adventurers to supply themselves and maybe some friends and guildies. Most of the high level, pure crafter player characters are "guild slaves" who are supplied with raw materials by their large guild. They supply the guild with all the equipment it needs and sometimes sell to the rest of their server to make money for the guild.

Obviously it's going to be a lot easier for SOE to let this trend take it's course and make crafting easier and easier to get into than it would be to try to resurrect it to meet their original stated vision. They're just listening to the player community, after all, right?

I really didn't see anything wrong with the system as is - and I spent a lot of admittedly tedious time making WORT's and subs to get to 60 as a weaponsmith. Please don't take that as the old "When I was a newbie I had to walk uphill 10 miles in a blizzard against a 50 MPH headwind with bears and mountain lions waiting in ambush to make one tin dagger" argument. If they want to make things easier because they think it will draw more people to the game and/or crafting - I say go for it. I'm hoping, however, that along with this they add some depth, flavor and differentiation options to the mix.
#13 Jan 20 2006 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
801 posts
I really hate the idea of all crafting being straight from raws.

Imagine how much extra time crafters will have to spend harvesting now. Every man and his dog will be harvesting everything in sight, and the prices for basic items will skyrocket

It's hard to say how it will work.

On one hand each finished product is going to take roughly the same number of each raw it takes now including all the worts and subs.

On the other hand, people will need to make many more of each finished product to level if (and it's a big "if") the finished product gives the same amount of experience it does now. I think they would have to roughly double the amount of experience each finished product and discovery bonus gives if they want leveling to require something like the current number of finished products.
#14 Jan 23 2006 at 4:43 AM Rating: Good
I've been playing on test all weekend and I am really enjoying the changes.

IoR has been completely revamped and is MUCH more fun now. For starters, you can stay there longer... and there is a lot more fun stuff to do while you're there.

The newbie gardens (like Forest Ruins and Oakmyst Forest), have also gotten a complete makeover and are a lot of fun.

I haven't spent much time crafting but I will soon... so far I've juet been trying to get 2 toons on their feet... difficult to do when you start from scratch!

As always, containers and cash flow are the 2 big problems... oh, well... back to basics I guess!
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