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#1 Nov 30 2005 at 1:53 PM Rating: Good
I have been tanking my entire eq1 and eq2 career and consider myself pretty damn good at it. My healers are rarely, if ever, attacked, but anyone who has played a tank knows inevitably there will be one of those rare situations when he comes under fire. Unfortunately 1 out of 10 of those healers decides it is a brilliant idea to run in a circle. STOP IT!!!!! You are not doing anybody any good and are making a bad situation worse because running in circles makes it difficult for the tank to target the mob that is on you. As wierd as it may sound a far better solution is to sit there and yell to the tank for help. He can then quickly come over and take the mob off of you. You could even score some tank brownie points and take the mob right to him. These people represent a small minority of casters, but they represent a huge amount of group wipes.

P.S. To all you finger wigglers and Stabbie Mcgee's show some patience. In eq2 your tanks are dealing with 4 mobs and up at a time. Give them a second to get good aggro so clerics don't have to waste mana on healing stupidity.
#2 Nov 30 2005 at 2:29 PM Rating: Good
1,885 posts
For a tank to gain effective agro, do you have to be facing the mob? Or can you gain agro from behind the mob?

If you need to face the mob, it would make your point even more important.
#3 Nov 30 2005 at 2:55 PM Rating: Good
Facing the mob is not necessicary, but when you target the mob you will automatically face it. Furthermore, some or all tanks have an AE taunt, but this has limited range which means the mob must be near you in order for it to take effect. AE taunt also has a slow repop so your tank will most likely need to target the mob in order to get it off the healer. Generally if the situation has deteriorated to the point that the healer is getting hit it will require more than one taunt to re-establish aggro.
#4 Nov 30 2005 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
OOPS--- After re-reading your question I realized I answered it wrong. Yes you can gain aggro from behind a mob.
#5 Dec 06 2005 at 7:53 AM Rating: Decent
yup, though guardians get an all important rescue taunt, it instantly gets aggro from the mob you have targeted, but the recast time is like 10 min so you have to use it wisely. and yeah..i've pulled aggro from the MT several times from behind the mob when i'm using DW weapons. heh..the more damage ya do, the madder they get.
#6 Dec 07 2005 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
118 posts
I couldnt agree with this more. Ive played all aspects of a group except crowd control, with my main being a DPS class, my second highest character being a Tank, and my current main alt is a healer. My healer is only lvl 13 at the moment, but yesterday I was grouped with a lvl 10 mage who would nuke before the tank (our tank was a rogue, lol) would pull aggro, then when the mage got the aggro, instead of letting the rogue backstab the mob and get aggro back, and letting me heal him, he would run in a huge circle and pull alll the aggro he possibly could. Now the funny thing about this story is that his main was a 42 Troubador, which brings me to my next point.


It annoys me so much when there is a mid to high 40s player who has only been playing a month, but plays like 12 hours a day and does nothing but grind xp. They dont know how to play their class, and are still complete noobs. Anyways, /rant off

Edit: Spelling > Me

Edited, Wed Dec 7 12:04:15 2005 by Nezzrek
#7 Dec 08 2005 at 5:03 PM Rating: Decent
As a Druid from EQ1 to a Templar in EQ 2 I understand exactly what Baron von jvalle is saying. If nothing else the tank and the healer have to have a understanding of each other in an encounter. The Tank will ultimatly bring that group to its final destination. I think the number one messege I would send to the tanks is that is that it is hard to find a cleric that will stand his/her ground.

I took it as second nature to drag the mob in front of the tank when I was being hit. If I go down he/she will more then likely go down which in effect brings the rest down unless they run/fd etc.....

All instructions should come from the tank first and the templar second. Why do I say that......AOE's in case you have not noticed AOE's from the mob's and group encounters are abundent.

The healer can deal with others taking damage however it takes them off the main source which is that tank.

If you don't understand aggro and gain aggro superiority(spelling) you will fail.

The running thing as a cleric will get you a bad name quick.....The only time I run is when that tank tells me to.....and that is rare. Running is the end all for that encounter. As a cleric we need to let these tanks know we will be there until the last amount of power has been used.

Also in adversity we need to insure that everybody see's that we as clerics do not panic. It is the number 1 killer. Not only that you will as a healer lose all respect.

"Xardas" Level 32 Hailing from Befallen

#8 Dec 09 2005 at 11:08 AM Rating: Good
He He He It doesn't seem to matter how much respect healers lose because there is always someone desperate for a healer. As a tank if you lose face you will most likely never get a job with those grp members again. This is of course because there are tons of us. But you make a good point, tanks have to step up and be willing to lead their grps. Also, when I am tanking I never run. I consider myself the thumb in the hole that allows others to escape before the dam breaks. I also consider my tankage a complete failure if anyone dies before I do.

"Tankin ain't easy, but it shure is fun"
#9 Jan 30 2006 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
IN response to Baron.. VERY true (the reputation thing). It was true in EQ1 (i was a cleric) and EQ2 (I am a templar). There are certian tanks (hammerfist on grobb) that I would never turn down a group with, but i do have a list of tanks that just suck. It's either due to power leveling or age.
I know as a healer, if you as the tank think I can do something better or even want me to try a new strat, send me a tell. Never critisize in group/guild/raid chat.
If you run across a good tank, always tell them so.
#10 Apr 29 2006 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
546 posts

It annoys me so much when there is a mid to high 40s player who has only been playing a month, but plays like 12 hours a day and does nothing but grind xp. They dont know how to play their class, and are still complete noobs. Anyways, /rant off

You dont have to play 12 hours a day, for a month to get into the higher 40's. Further more, just because a person only logs on to the game, to just join exp groups, does not mean they are noobs at there class. My main character, Undisputed, is a 59 Necromancer, and its taken me a little over a month to reach that level. All I prefer to do is to join xp groups, and kill things. I play necromancer very well, though I realize its not a difficult class to play. I also have a tank, which im also pretty decent at. The people who just grind xp, are usually the ones that are good at there class, as there in a group all the time playing it. This game is not hard at all to level, alot easier than most MMORPG's, and thats the beauty of this game. I can log on and solo if I only have a bit of time, or do a quest for decent exp, or go exploring for more xp. In short, dont player hate on those who chose to spend there in game time killing things, and pushing for the max level. This game has several classes id like to try and play. I mainly like to level, than fight huge battles when im level 70 against powerful foes, when im at my peak strength!
#11 Apr 30 2006 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Yea I love it when you get a wizard who casts a big nuke before the mobs are even close to you. And every time the tank gets blaimed for not doing their job.

Nothing wrong with trying to step back, sometimes just steping back can help get the mob off you, but yea running circles or simply running out of range doesn't help. That is the problem I get is healer is in the red on health and i try to lay of hand them and they run out of range and die. Then before I can go give them a 100% health rez they revive and we wait 10 minutes for them to run back.
#12 May 01 2006 at 10:23 AM Rating: Good
1,885 posts
When I play my Warden, I don't try to mouse-click to target the players. I keep my left hand over F1-F6 keys and watch health bars. Running around has no effect, unless they get out of range.

And one thing to remember when grouping with Conjurer/Necromancers, when a pet dies, all agro on the pet is shifted to the caster. That usually means the mob goes after the caster who usually dies fast. Yes, the caster should manage his pet like anyone else managing agro, but those group AE heals can heal everyone, including the pet!
#13 May 08 2006 at 2:15 AM Rating: Decent
84 posts
It's a habbit, I play a healer in all games, That i can play one in and I have learn after FFXi not to run, If im going to die.. i die? It's the ******* tanks fault.. ^_^
#15 Jul 23 2006 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
I was / am (still playing both) a druid in 1 and now a templar in 2. May I just make a suggestion for everyone not a tank? Please stop running out of range. There is nothing worse than a nuker that over nukes, gets agro, runs away and then starts yelling "HEAL ME". And getting very angry when they die. Duh, don't run, and I'll heal you. But my first duty is to my tank. The tank dies we're all dead, so I'm not running after you.

I can't tell you how many times I've died (because healers die, that's just how it is) and asked the question, "everyone else live?". If the answer is yes, I did my job, and all is well. New healers would do well to find experienced healers and emulate them. It's what I did about 5 years ago when I started playing a druid in 1. Best thing I ever did.

Milena Mistweaver, EQ1
Mylkat, EQ2
#17 Dec 10 2006 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
Having played EQ1 for 6 years and EQ2 for half a year (clerics) I can't say I have ever run circles around a tank. Usually I just say "on me" and I expect the tank to use the "F" key corresponding to my name and then the assist key to target the mob. I guess I just take it for granted that everyone realizes how much faster it is to use keyboard commands than the mouse. Also, I do encourage whomever needs a heal badly (is dying) to remain close enough to me to get the heal, so I encourage over nuking wizards to run around me until I can get to their heal. Tank heals are primary, then everybody else. The worst thing is when a tank does not pull back to camp, but starts fighting off somewhere and I see his health bar going down. Or a secondary tank gets bored waiting for the main and goes off and pulls something and doesn't bring it to camp. Organization is the key to any successful group. When fighting with a group STAY TOGETHER! When someone panics and runs, inevitably they die and then we gotta find the corpse. If you are gonna die, die in the camp. I realize they may think they are being heroic ("I got 'em save yourselves!!!"), but really it should be more of a "You go, I go" situation. I have told others to run around me, since I can use the keyboard, but I don't run. I come from the times when we had to sit and look at the book to med to have healing juice. Tanks knew back then that they HAD to come to you. If you were up off your **** then your mana was not regening enough. I guess that is why i hate to chase after people who don't stay with the group. i would rather they run a circle around me than run off though.
#18 Jan 05 2007 at 1:04 PM Rating: Good
221 posts
we wiped twice because the healer was jumping around and I couldn't target the target and cheap shot it =(.
#19 Jan 06 2007 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, just for the record, I learned to stop running in circles about 5 years ago when my party kept getting wiped out while doing low level Woolies in EQ Classic Everfrost. We'd be grouping one wooly, I'd smack the thing a little to hard, it'd aggro on me and the chase was on...with the end result being the beastie would waste me from behind and the other two or three in my group would be at the bottom of large footprints when I wasn't there to heal. Inexcusable.

In a well organized group, where everyone knows their job, all anyone has to say to the tank is "ON ME!" and continue to do their job...heal(self until tank can recover aggro), buff, debuff...and if the tank is any good, everyone lives. The most important thing is to trust your group. If you don't trust the abilities of someone in your group because you keep getting your butt handed to you, it's time to have a 2 minute heart to heart or quit the group and find another. Most often, all you have to do is take a few minutes and clearly define roles.

During my adventures, I'd say it was a toss up as to who directed the action in any particular encounter. Sometimes it was the Tank. Sometimes it was me, the Shaman. Just remember, the Tank is in the middle of things and can't always see what's going on around the fringes. The Shaman, on the other hand, is usually on or near the fringe of the action and can see just about everything that's going on. That leads me to my five rules for groups...

1. The key to a successful group is communication.
2. In order to communicate well, we must listen as well as speak.
3. People were given two ears and one mouth for a reason; we should listen twice as much as we speak (unfortunately, this doesn't apply online as much because we were given two eyes and ten fingers and people tend to typing much more than they can read...DOH!)
4. Without communication, you might as well spill coke on your keyboard.
5. Did I mention that communication is key?

I was going to rant about twitchy nukers, but...that's a different thread.

#20 Jan 13 2007 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
I play a 45 Templar and a 20 Fury, and the best advice I can give anyone on healing is to use the keyboard instead of the mouse.

I know it is ten times easier for me to use the keyboard, and, as far as pets go, a little double-tap on the corresponding "F" key (ie. F1, F2, F3, etc.) takes you right to the caster's pet.

My 2cp.
#21 Jun 18 2007 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
YEAH Baron! For Tunare's sake Don't run!! What do you think the gods let us wear plate for anyway? Just those few hits it takes for Mr. Tank to turn around and smack the mob to get it's attention, then all is well.

And for you over nukers, that goes for you too, yes you wear a dress but you run out of range and you're going to trip on the hem and fall because like one of the other posters says, I'm not running after you.

I'm a cleric from EQ1 and was constantly asked for by my guild and others. With a good reputation I'm a cleric/healer in EQ2 as well, with the same reputation.

Baron sounds like a great tank. Though there are sucky tanks out there that caused me to "byot".. yes I brought my own Tank and he "byoh" brough his own healer. People would join us because they knew we did our jobs well.

I only ran when my tank said to, he knew whtat was going down and knew when we were bitting off more than we could chew. And he always stood tall with his thumb in the wall so everyone else could get out. He never gates or logs before I do so if in that precious 20 seconds I get wacked he's there.

So stand tall, don't trip on your dress and take a few dents in that shinny plate armor for the team.

Mikasi's Wife.
#22 Jun 19 2007 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
I think I can safely say I'm pretty familiar with my character and how to play him. To be true, when I was but a n00b, my nickname was the 'WizTank' and thankfully, I belonged to a guild that was patient and understanding and who finally helped me to realize... just because I CAN cast a high-end nuke spell doesn't mean that I have to START with it. :) Truth be told, I can't imagine how they put up with me for so long before I learned that lesson... I'm sure there were plenty of trips to the nearest tavern after adventuring... LOL ... I'm MUCH better now, though I still love to solo every once in awhile for kicks. :)

Now, when I'm in a group or a raid and the tank tells me to please wait until the 'all in' is given, that's exactly what I'll do. Why? Because I'm assuming that (just like myself) HE (or she) knows how to play THEIR character. I'm not a tank. I like to set things on fire or freeze them. Since I can't react (or take hits) like a tank, it's up to me to make sure I don't BECOME the tank by throwing too much damage at our opponents. So, it's DOTs and IceShield/Cure Arcane on the tank until he tells me 'all in' and then the fun starts. Or, I'll give it a good 5 seconds after he engages... If there's no 'all in' I'll start with the DOTs/Debuffs... by the time those are out, it's a safe bet he's got plenty of aggro, so I can start doing my business.
#23 Jul 09 2007 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
I have playing a 70 templar for 3 years. If I become underattack, I run towards the tank and bring the mob to him. Never had a compliant from any tank doing it, and he pulls it off fast.

Running in circles is absolutely stupid.
#24 Nov 30 2007 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
When I first started EQ1 I was brand new to MMO's in general. That was a LONG learning curve. I made a druid and met a warrior pretty early in my EQ life. We grouped together all the time. In the beginning, I was a runner. If I got hit my instinct was to immediately take off, get away from the mob, lose the aggro, run, run, run! And, inevitably I'd die.

He finally "sat me down" one day and explained to me that running was always a bad idea, unless he specifically told me to do so. Then he explained why it was a bad idea. It has been explained here better than I could do it, so I wont bother explaining the why's.

That was 6 years ago, and I have found myself sending tells to wizzy's and healers that run, telling them the same thing that was told me all those years ago. Wow, I've come a long way.

I played opening day on EQ2 but quit about a month later, going back to EQ1. I just quit EQ1 about 3 weeks ago, and started EQ2 again. I've gotta tell you, either the game has changed since opening day, or I have, because this game rocks now! lol
#25 Dec 09 2007 at 3:00 AM Rating: Decent
Now im only 18 but ive been a casual EQ player since the origanal and played 2 since it came out. Dad got me hooked when i was a little rat but dont play much do to school and baseball. ANyways, as a tank i stand my ground and litteraly stand my ground.

If a DPSer pulls agro and runs, chances are he isnt the only one in the group so im not gunna follow. And If you die in camp guess what, there is a rez commin soon as fight ends but if you run off and then revive chances are you'll die on the way back to camp. And thats what i hate the most is fightin my way all the way back through a zone because someone ran off like a 4 year old.

The bottom line is dont run anywhere but right to the tank. Ive played all Pieces of a group and if i can figure it out only being 18, and deffinitaly not the smartest kid in class then everyone should be able to figure it out... its common sense and if you dont have any. Well, you should've learned after your group got wiped the VERY FIRST TIME

#26 Dec 24 2007 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
Just a quick question, if you target the healer in your group menu, and then launch your taunt, will it not automaticly target the mob beating on them, whether chasing the healer or not. I could be wrong, mabye taunt doesn't work like DD spells or maybe you have to be face to face with mob.

I can honestly say, I don't run around in circles, but I don't sit there like a tomato saying "ON ME, ON ME". I cast Root, move back a step, try some argo reducing spells, I will kick in my emergency spells, Try to get the lay of the land, if the mob has run to me and tank doesnt notice, I will run to the tank and put it between me and him. I may root the mob hitting the tank, so it doesn't get the chance to change its mind before a big heal.

Stuff like that.
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