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HOW TO BE FAMOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Follow

#1 Nov 26 2005 at 12:25 PM Rating: Default
How To Be Famous On Everquest II!!!

Part 1:
All right, you're off to a good start so far. You've picked a race and an Archetype. Now you're stuck doing some newbie quests. The important thing to remember is that you're going to be a FAMOUS ADVENTURER. If everyone around you doesn't know it yet, you should probably start letting them know. I've found the best way to do this is to speak of yourself in the third person. It helps if you remind people of how great you are, too. But try to be subtle about it - No point in being obnoxious. Something like, "Keradokos, the Great and Famous Adventurer, would appreciate it if you lesser mortals would get out of His way."

Notice how I capitalize "His"? Attention to detail, there. That's what REALLY sets apart a Famous Adventurer. Well, that and being, you know, actually famous.

Next, remember that any group you join becomes YOUR group. Everyone else in the group is your sidekick. Sometimes they're there merely for comedic relief, but sometimes they're there to fall madly in love with you. Well, I mean OBVIOUSLY they're going to fall madly in love with you - But sometimes they'll just be there for comedic relief. Some other times they'll have to die in glorious combat so that you can avenge their death. A real classy move for Famous Adventurers is to blame yourself for their death:

"Oh, beloved Sorphira; had only my blade struck more swiftly, I could have saved thee!"

Man. I can just feel the tears welling up in my eyes at the thought of moments like that. Those are the times that it's really handy to have a Bard or two in your party, so they can compose heroic ballads of your love and the Epic Battle their death led you to fight. If you're a Bard, it's perfectly acceptable to compose your own ballad of your awesomeness. You can even teach the other party members to sing the chorus parts!

Of course, if dead party members come back to try and get to their spirit shard, chase them away, because nothing ruins a truly great death scene like the dearly departed showing up and not being, well, departed.

One thing you'll have to overcome almost immediatly is everyone around you being jealous. Oh, they won't admit it. They'll blame their anger with you on such obvious lies as your stealing all the party loot, your drawing too many mobs, or even getting the entire party killed (When the stupid Priest had the lag!) I know, these things seem completely ludicrous, but it happens, I assure you. I've found the best way to disarm situations like that is to pretend not to speak their language If they try and say you've been carrying on a conversation for quite some time now, tell them you were lying. And then don't say anything else. Childish perhaps - But like it says in the Good Book: "The path of a Famous Adventurer is beset on all sides by ...erm... jerks."

..........................Or....something like that.....

Part 1 Credits:
Thanks to:
Keradokos (ME!!!)
Ssenessorass (He helped in the wording)
Sorphira (Oh, you great girl. How could I leave you out?)
Rhia (My brother, he helped with the things that made you laugh)

Edited, Sat Nov 26 12:46:51 2005 by Keradokos
#2 Nov 26 2005 at 12:31 PM Rating: Default
By the way! Sorphira is a great girl on EQII. BUT SHE'S MINE!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRR...Accually. She ain't. But she WILL BE!!!
#3 Nov 26 2005 at 1:49 PM Rating: Good
159 posts
Part 2 : The Path to Glory is to come im pretty sure, it is the part that comes next in the text you've copied from the prima guide, page 63.

Using someone else's words and copying it to make it sound your own without any mention of the original author is not only REALLY lame, but also a violation of the copyrights and can even get you to be sued (if people are motivated enough).

You really should think twice before taking credit for someone else's work. Because when you don't, you lose all means of credibility.
#4 Nov 26 2005 at 3:08 PM Rating: Good
Guess your next post could be entitled "How to CRASH & BURN on a popular message board"... or maybe just "I'm sorry I tried to appear as something I'm not" of course that would imply that you actually know how to write... as opposed to just plagerize...
#5 Nov 27 2005 at 8:13 PM Rating: Decent
1,494 posts
Plagiarism is bad, mmmkay?
#6 Nov 28 2005 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
1,885 posts
Is it though?

Take the case of this website and it's meager information for all things.

The only way to get info updated is to submit it or post it. Since I'm not an expert in every quest or item, I frequently turn to other reputable web sites, copy the information, and paste it here.

The result is a better Alla site with more information. In the end that means people will come here.

That is about the extend it would be acceptable, since the information is not copywrited and is a result of inputs from players.
#7 Nov 28 2005 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
By the way! Sorphira is a great girl on EQII. BUT SHE'S MINE!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRR...Accually. She ain't. But she WILL BE!!!

With your luck its more then likly a guy playing a girl! Mahahahahaha!
#8 Nov 28 2005 at 1:04 PM Rating: Good
159 posts
There is a huge difference between information and art.

While information can be entertaining, its primary goal IS to be spread, therefore the person generating the info will not really care if someone else helps spreading the whole thing. That is why we have a thing called media.

Art, however, is meant to entertain. The artist uses his/her imagination to create, in his/her own perception, something that is UNIQUE and beautiful (but subjective). That is why we have a thing called copyrights.

Anyway, the major problem here is that not only did the OP did not made any mention of the original author of his copied text, but he also has the balls to take credit for it, as well as giving credit to some random people for the artwork of someone else. What the OP did is unnaceptable and is as punishable by law as someone burning dvd's and selling them.

After all, would it be acceptable if I would take credit for Mona Lisa's paint ? Or for the song 'California Dreaming' ? Not really. While the author of the text copied here may not be as 'popular' as these 2 examples, he is totally entitled to his rights, that are having his creation protected in a published work.
#9 Nov 28 2005 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
1,494 posts
Plagiarism is bad, mmmkay?

Is it though?

Take the case of this website and it's meager information for all things.

The only way to get info updated is to submit it or post it. Since I'm not an expert in every quest or item, I frequently turn to other reputable web sites, copy the information, and paste it here.

The result is a better Alla site with more information. In the end that means people will come here.

That is about the extend it would be acceptable, since the information is not copywrited and is a result of inputs from players.

Even in the case of sites like this, a straight copy-and-paste is really a bad idea, since if one site can prove that their competition simply copied them, they can force them to remove it (and yes, it is copyrighted - virtually all published works are copyrighted by default, whether there's a statement of copyright or not). It's far, far better to rewrite it, paraphrase it, and put it into your own words, than to just copy over something someone else wrote.

You say that you feel that copying from other sites makes Allakhazam a better site, and increases readership. But did you consider the case where someone finds Allakhazam's writeup for a quest, and says, "Hey, this is a ripoff... this is OGaming's writeup on this quest. I'm never visiting this crappy site again."

If you care about the Allakhazam site, write your own guides to the quests you do, instead of just trying to plug holes with other people's work.

Edited, Mon Nov 28 14:46:02 2005 by Nekojin
#10 Nov 28 2005 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
1,885 posts
I understand, Nekojin, it is a touchy subject that digs into our morality and honor.

Not that I claim to be smart on legal stuff, but it seems that most of the information that gets posted on Ogaming is player submitted. If new information gets to the main page, you can scroll down a few lines and see the player-submitted input that Ogaming cut and paste.

Is that a copyright? Not sure, but it doesn't seem so since it was a player that submitted the info.

Note: I read the Ogaming Terms of Use, and it says, "'s content is property of Ogaming."

And I am faced yet again with a moral I let the sparce information here at this site continue, only to hear, "Hey, this site has nothing, what a crappy place! I'm going somewhere else!"

Or do I let copy/paste information flurish only to hear, "Hey, this is a ripoff... this is OGaming's writeup on this quest. I'm never visiting this crappy site again."

I could always re-visit each quest I've ever done, noting NPC's, jotting down locations, and sitting and logging spawn timers. I could probably get 1 or 2 done per day. Heritage Quests would take a bit longer.

Given the course of a year, I could pass the one-quarter-of-all-quests mark.

I could wait until others write their own guides, but here we are already a year into the game. How long is the wait? How long must we wait?

I fear that we will wait so long for the information to arrive, that the game will be so far along, and other sites so entrenched with solid databases, that there will be no reason for anyone to come here or stay here.

It sucks to be in a lose-lose situation.

We are fighting the WoW machine, watching all the effort go where the money is...and it only makes sense.

Instead of debating why Alla updates are slow, maybe we should all provide information to this site. Guides, write-ups, new items, updates, the list goes on. As ThatGuyRamdom noted, it can't be done by just one person.
#11 Nov 29 2005 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
1,494 posts
As an as-yet-unpublished writer, I make it a point to stay informed on copyright-related issues. As you pointed out, OGaming claims ownership of all documents on their site - they can't do anything else and stay in business, or they'd have people who wrote up quest summaries trying to hit them up for royalties.

There is an alternative to going back and doing all the quests again, though. Data - hard facts - aren't what gets copyrighted. It's the way it's presented, the way it's written - that's what gets the copyright.

If you want to help Allakhazam, the easiest safe way is to do exactly what you've been doing - only instead of just copying and pasting the writeups from other sites, take a few minutes to rewrite it. Put a little more detail into it. Make it personal - make it your writeup. Add in details that the original writeup left out, or give additional details that make it easier to understand.

I know for a fact that I've seen quite a few OGaming writeups that were minimalistic in the extreme, and someone who wasn't familiar with the zones that were being discussed wouldn't understand what to do by the information given. You can flesh these sorts of writeups very easily - instead of just coordinates, give a relative location ("Southeast of Archer's Woods," or, "South of the farm, over a hill," for example).

It's really not that tough to avoid copyright issues, but that's something that sites like this have to do. While the odds of Allakhazam being sued by OGaming might be slim, do you really want to force Alla to be taking those chances?
#12 Nov 29 2005 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
Earlier in this thread somebody mentioned take the blame for the partys death to be more famous.I haven't played EQ2 yet but im gunna join.I have experienced partys in WoW and FFXI and the worst thing u can do is take blame for a partys death.It will spread around u will get less party invites ppl might boot u from a group and they insult u.It actually makes u famous in a bad way.
#13 Nov 30 2005 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
1,885 posts
Earlier in this thread somebody mentioned take the blame for the partys death to be more famous.I haven't played EQ2 yet but im gunna join.I have experienced partys in WoW and FFXI and the worst thing u can do is take blame for a partys death.It will spread around u will get less party invites ppl might boot u from a group and they insult u.It actually makes u famous in a bad way.

The good news is that an adventurer can't be "ganked" by someone else. The only way to die at another players hand is for them to agree to a consentual duel.

Bragging rights go with the victory, but someone that would spam in /shout or /ooc about the victory might not get any more duels...probably get on everyone's /ignore list.
#14 Dec 06 2005 at 1:29 PM Rating: Default
Personally I don't care if he plagerized it. I think it is funny and as a human being, who is not a complete ******** I can just laugh at his post and leave it alone. What is with all you jackasses who have to jump all over this guy. Remember 90% of what you think was told to you by someone else, hence no thought is origional for the most part.
#15 Dec 06 2005 at 2:16 PM Rating: Excellent
159 posts
Plagerizing is against the law. Period. And taking openly credit for someone else's work is against the law as well as being lame. Period. And coming to a board to flame people that do write as a living and do care about copyrights, while openly encouraging people to plagerize at will, is not against the law, but to see that actually someone has that way of thinking, is just really sad. Oh ! and i am just saying this as a human being that is not totally a ******** too.
#16 Dec 22 2005 at 9:32 PM Rating: Decent
I just got the everquest 2 strategy guide today and I just realized this came directly from it O.o.
#17 Dec 29 2005 at 1:05 PM Rating: Default
Personally I don't care if he plagerized it. I think it is funny and as a human being, who is not a complete ******** I can just laugh at his post and leave it alone. What is with all you jackasses who have to jump all over this guy. Remember 90% of what you think was told to you by someone else, hence no thought is origional for the most part.

Wow your post ..............ummmmmm sucks, and we don't really care what you think?

And remember 90% of what you say is well worth nothing :)

Have a nice day!
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