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I have a few questions before I join EQ2.Follow

#1 Nov 14 2005 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
- Environments. I've seen the screenshots, watched the videos, and played the trial.. but I still can't decide whether or not I like the environments. I'm coming from FFXI (amazing scenery in my opinion, although somewhat repetitive) but from most screenies, everything is somewhat flat. Is this really the case, or are there places that I'll visit that'll literally make my jaw drop (kinda like Bibiki Bay on FFXI)?

- Joining too late? Is it a bad time for me to start an account? A friend and I started new ones on FFXI pretty recently but we were so far behind everyone else, with the ruined economy and everything, that the experience was very, very unenjoyable.

- Grinding. FFXI is a pure grind fest. And it just so happens that grinding is my absolute least favorite thing to do. It's like I'm working and not having any fun. What kind of experience will I have in the later levels?

- Bosses. The boss fights in FFXI were amazing. Just wondering if they're of the same caliber in EQ2.

- Variety. There was very, very little variety in FFXI. From clothing, to mobs, everything looked identical. How is the character customization in EQ2? Mobs?

- Community. So far everyone seems pretty nice here on the boards.. and FFXI has one of THE best communities around (some guy actually gave me 100k gil to start out with). As long as it's better than WoW..

That's basically it. I don't mind grouping, and actually prefer it to soloing.. so I'm not worried about that aspect (as long as it doesnt take hours to pt). And my hardware is plenty capable of running this game (7800gt CO edition, 1 gig RAM, Athlon64 3700 San Diego core) so no worries there.

Any help would be great! Thanks.

Edited, Mon Nov 14 13:20:35 2005 by Eiehden
#2 Nov 14 2005 at 3:30 PM Rating: Good
Great version of this (now) classic question!

I just wanna tackle your first point here:

- Environments. I've seen the screenshots, watched the videos, and played the trial.. but I still can't decide whether or not I like the environments. I'm coming from FFXI (amazing scenery in my opinion, although somewhat repetitive) but from most screenies, everything is somewhat flat. Is this really the case, or are there places that I'll visit that'll literally make my jaw drop (kinda like Bibiki Bay on FFXI)?

IMHO, the locations found within EQ2 are some of the most beautiful textures and artwork I have ever seen in a game world. Moreover, I can't imagine it getting any better although I know it will!

A couple examples; last week, a lvl 51 guildie took two of us on an escorted trip to see the sights in the first expansion, an area known as the Desert of Ro. I was blown away not only by the latest mob models - many of the critters new and unique to that zone, but also by the level of detail and the variety in the background scenery. For the most part, we traveled across a desert landscape, so the land underfoot was mostly light brown sand, but everywhere you looked, there were bits of desert shrubbery and instead of a flat featureless plain, there were dunes everywhere in an endless variety of sizes and shapes.

In addition, dozens of tiny, (and some not so tiny), dust devils cover the landscape. These little animations give you the impression of swirls of wind that pick up sand and whip it around into tiny tornados. I am told that some of these are even large and powerful enough to lift your character up off of the ground and deposit you back down with a thump, (and some falling damage).

I remember that as we crested one particular rise our guide said in /gsay, "Good, he's still here". As I came to a stop at the top of the dune, I was able to look down and to my left into a large bowl and near the bottom was a named mob - Terrorantula - the largest spider I have EVER seen!

So much of the terrain in this game leads you up one hill and down the next that you can sometimes begin to take for granted that you are moving through a tri-axis enviornment.

My other example is from this last weekend. I was killing some time cleaning old quests out of my journal and found myself at the docks in Thundering Steppes. I decided to take a quick trip to check out "Zek - the Orcish Wastelands". Zek is a T4 zone that I had never been to since "The Enchanted Lands", (another T4 zone) is so beautiful and so large that you could easily progress from T4 to T5 without ever needing to visit anywhere else. Unfortunately, all T4 guild writs are for mobs in Zek so I will need to hunt there too.

Anyway, to make a short story long, I clicked on the bell to Zek and off I went. I arrived in one of the most forbidding locations I have ever seen in a game world. Just past the docks, the zone begins in a tiny fortress that is perpetually under attack from the Deathfist Clan of Orcs. Their siege engines stand just outside the walls and it appears as though the battle could be lost at any moment. The land outside the fort is desolate, the rocks and dirt appear hot & dusty, the land parched. Even the air seems to shimmer in the heat. Or maybe it was just my imagination... anyway, it is not a nice place to be, so I turned tail and headed back to civilazition. I will return, (I have to kill some catapulter crewmen), but next time, I'll bring a few friends!

Will you enjoy the scenery in the game? I'd say that with the level of detail in the world it is more than likely.
#3 Nov 14 2005 at 3:39 PM Rating: Good
As a perosn that played ffxi for quite a while (75 blm 40 whm) I think i can answer your questions/

Environments - It depends which zone you are in. Some are dull, and some are quite amazing. In all honest, I prefered ffxi environments over eq2. Not to mention that FFXI has way better music for their zones compared to eq2.
Part of it might be because I have my graphics set to fairly low.. So as I see you have a very good computer you can defiently put graphics a lot higher then i can.

Joining to late -- Nope, you wouldnt be joining too late at all. I know how messed up ffxi economy has become (I still have friends that play ffxi and they tell me about it).. Eq2 isnt like that at all.
Since quests in EQ2 are way easier and more rewarding then ffxi you can get some pretty good starting gear as well as coin just from quests.
The economy on the broker is kind of bouncy.. One day you can find amazing deals on items, the next they have shot threw the roof... But it isn't near as bad as ffxi. And since most items are player made -- you can usually find a crafter to make whatever you need for a fair price.

--Grinding there is certainly a lot more options for exp gain then there is in ffxi. In ffxi pretty well everyone goes the same route;.. You must go to place X during levels y-z.. etc
Whereas in eq2 you defiently have more options to go... Not to mention that you can have a group size of whateer you like (1-6 players) and still get effective exp.
There will defiently be some grinding once you get higher.. But its not all that bad because there are so many different types of mobs to take on.
I know a lot of people like to get in 6 player groups and fight 3 up heroics.. but that isnt my cup of tea..
Instead im in a static group of bruiser(tank) swashbuckler (melee dps), mystic (shaman healer), and a coercer(enchanter -- crowd control). What we usually fight is groups of 2 up heroics. With out enchanter we only ever have to fight one mob at a time... BUt if we are fighting 5 heroics that have down arrows we just rather do AOES and kill them. We sometimes do 3up heroics but our enchanter gets a little bored since he loves to keep mobs mezzed.. so we usually stick to groups of 2 up heroics.

Bosses - I agree, the boss fights in FFXI were pretty amazing. Although the epic fights in eq2 are also extremely fun.
Overall i think I prefered the boss fights in FFXI... but eq2 boss fights defiently arnt far behind.

Variety - There is quite a bit of variety in EQ2. Although just like most MMOs... there is a certain armor set which is considered "really good" so a lot of people do kind of look the same (with the armor).. Although there defiently is a lot of other options for gear compared to ffxi
There defiently is a lot more variety in mobs in eq2 then ffxi... Unlike ffxi where you only fought crawlers in crawlers nest unless you wanted to die, in each zone you can fight pretty well anything for good exp(well except for solo mobs if in a group)
There is defiently a lot of character customization... but the amount you can change stuff(like length of nose) no one would ever notice.
But you can change color of hair, skin, beards, hair style, tattos.. etc.
I mean I saw a black character the other day with blonde hair... lol.

Community -- Like you said ffxi probably does have one of the best communities... But eq2 community is really good to.
One thing about our community is it is extremely trusting.

I never think twice abotu handing out rares to crafters for them to make legendary equipment... and people never thought twice about giving me their rares either.
I have never been scammed once in this game.
FFXI defiently had way more scammers.. but i think that is partly because there is many more players. Since the community size is a lot smaller in eq2 you get to actually know a lot more poeple. And your name gets around fairly quick if you are a good player --- or bad. I have also had players who have given me money, items, and advice when I first started.

Oh, and don't worry.. It is WAYYYY better then WoW's 'community' (if you can even call it that). When you ask for help in ooc people don't shout " (or ogaming in our case) YOU N00b".. People actually help out.

Anyways hope this helped you out a bit... And if you decide to get the game, you can look me up in butcherblock if you would like any help..
(Oh yeah thats another great feature -- you can talk to people on other servers in the game!)

#4 Nov 14 2005 at 4:32 PM Rating: Excellent
14,454 posts
In addition, dozens of tiny, (and some not so tiny), dust devils cover the landscape. These little animations give you the impression of swirls of wind that pick up sand and whip it around into tiny tornados. I am told that some of these are even large and powerful enough to lift your character up off of the ground and deposit you back down with a thump, (and some falling damage).

This happened to my husband just the other night when I first stepped foot in Desert of Ro. We were roaming the desert so I could take a look at what there was to offer when my husband, mount and all, was caught from behind by a dust storm. I was far enough away I didnt get picked up but I watched him twirl in the air and land a bit back from where I stood. it was the coolest thing I saw and wanted to chase after the storm so I could try it too. Smiley: laugh

As for the OP, I never played FFXI so I can not compare it with it, but I have played Eq, EQ2, and WoW. I'll use my experience with them to help answer what I can in a general fashion.

Enviorments: Each game will always have its own enviorment. Except for the older games, one is never better than the other, just different. WoW looks cartoony compared to other games, but it is beautiful on its own. EQ2 I find to look much more realistic. Some of the zones are hard to describe unless you've been there, to give it it's due. Lavastorm comes to mind. I guess the enviorment will take your fancy depending on how much you wish to insert "yourself" into it. If your character is just a character, you might not appreciate the enviorment as much as if you were a person who kind of looks at your character as a small extension of you. When you are fighting in a realistic enviorment, it makes the gameplay more "real".

One thing to consider: EQ2 was made as art in progress, gearing up for the computers of tomorrow. You can NOT play it at the highest quality. I tend to play on balance. While I miss out on some of the details the enviorment is still georgous. You can opt to have shadows on or off. When I take videos I put them on for better effects. They're amazing to see, but not worth the lag it creates when you're fighting in a group.

Joining too late? I think you would be joining at the perfect time. Sony has had the time to see what works, what doesnt, fix things, add more to make playing fun. I first played when EQ2 was released. After 20 lvls I hated it and left. I only recently came back and have enjoyed the game content so much more after the fixes they have added. Its a whole new game now and IMO better. There are tons of people revisiting the game each day, and more like yourself, starting to hear good things about it, who join. You will be one of many who start the game so don't worry about being too late.

Grinding: There is, as with every other game out there, some aspects of grinding. That is how you level your character. But EQ2 has added more quests than before, making the gameplay more fun, the learning of the zones more easy, and the rewards more rewarding. I still have some issues with some of the quests. My one greif is that many do not tell you, or hint, to where you should go. And some of the zones you may need to go to can be dangerous. I was fortunate I had my husband to help guide me, or guild members who answered any questions I had.

Bosses: Cant help you there much. I cant compare FFXI raids and bosses to EQ2

Variety: Its getting better, but I would still like to see a little bit more variety when it comes to the style of armor per character. Mob variety is great, I've seen more different mobs than I have before in any game I've played. Player variety is great too. There is more than enough different styles, coloring, height differences to make your character unique. It's very rare I come across anyone who looks like me. In fact I think Ive only seen it once and we both complimented each other on our great taste Smiley: laugh

Community: Ok this is a sticky subject for me. Im a community snob. I come from EQ and I am used to certain unspoken courtesy rules that were followed there. I noticed a severe lack of itin WoW which peeved me to no end. EQ2 is MUCH better but I am noticing the lack of courtesy to dribble in. Examples would including throwing an invite to someone without first sending them a tell. Same with duels or guild invites. I hate that and most EQers I know do too.

The community is good. You have 2 seperate types of people: the players from old school EQ who are fairly courteous and willing to help, and the newer gamers who havent yet learned the rules of politeness. The former far outweigh the latter. I've very rarely been told off like I was in WoW if I asked a question in out of character chat. Most often I would have several people help me out. Guilds help as well, to form bonds of friendship and comradity. There is barely any "leet" speak, something I am very grateful for.

I dunno if this helps but good luck to you and I hope you make the best decision for you.
#5 Nov 14 2005 at 5:30 PM Rating: Good
32 posts
Let loose the mega-posts!

Great info all. Rate ups!
#6 Nov 15 2005 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks a lot guys. I went ahead and bought it last night, you were all incredibly helpful! =)
#7 Nov 15 2005 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
What's wrong with mega-posts?

I am only going to speak to the environment. Oh, and welcome aboard. I am sure you will enjoy it. I have two Shuttle-systems that I play side-by-side and 2-box. On the older system I have an ATI 980 All-in-wonder and on the newer one I have an Albirton (sp?). I paid twice as much for the ATI card as I did the other card. I think it was worth every penny.

I play the Shuttle with the graphics turned up. I use the Thor UI and don't turn the graphics up all the way. I turn it up about a third of the way. I am constanly amazed at the grass and flowers swaying in the breezes. The terrain is so diverse from zone to zone. With the two systems side-by-side I am constantly seeing the beauty, or should I say the art of the graphic designers.

Wow! Is probablly the closest to describing it. I rarely have seen any screen shots that come close to what I see on my monitor. Unfortunately taking screen shots is not something I have mastered. When I do take them on my main Shuttle I gt dark images with lots of horizontal lines. I tried a couple of suggested fixes but nothing has worked yet.
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