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LU13, Combat Revamp, and ZenFollow

#1 Oct 11 2005 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,885 posts
So now that we've been working a while with the changes, we have had a chance to observe and determine what the impact has been. Some changes have been good, some bad, some stealth.

For a Conjurer, I've obtained stronger pets and pet buffs, and my primary root now has a 50 second duration, enabling me to recast a slain pet before the mob gets on me.

But have lost a majority of DoT's that were replaced by low-yield (200-400 damage) DD's. I seem to be doing about the same amount of damage as before, just in DD fashion instead of DoT. This effectively has turned me into a weak Wizard with a pet.
I really enjoyed having the difference in our classes with the different casting styles, but now that has gone away.

What have you noticed about your class or ability to play (or not play)?
#2 Oct 11 2005 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
991 posts
I can't speak for the higher end guardians, as I am only level 31, but for me I have noticed that I can dish out a lot more damage (Offensive Stance), take a lot more hits (Defensive Stance) and solo much more effectively than I could prior to LU13. This coming from the same person who, on the first day, hated the changes and almost stopped playing. I am very satisfied with the way SOE has not only balanced the classes, but has given purpose to each one.

The new players have the luxury of being exactly that: new. They have not raised a character from the beginning, only to have the changes take hold and the task of relearning your class come into play. 6 months from now, when another combat change happens, they are going to be the ones squabbling and whining and threatening to quit because "OMG my class was nerfed" and we will be the ones going " with it"

#3 Oct 11 2005 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
991 posts
Edit: Damn Hamster!!!

Edited, Wed Oct 12 10:22:02 2005 by Mearyk
#4 Oct 11 2005 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
991 posts
Edit: Cause that was excessive.

Edited, Wed Oct 12 10:21:30 2005 by Mearyk
#5 Oct 11 2005 at 5:01 PM Rating: Good
On my dirge, I can use more buffs, but they are weaker, almost all are missing stats. I can do a massive debuff to my primary damage type, but so many of my abilities are usless in a quick killing group. Lanets are weaker, kinda a weird how my old low level version did a lot more damage then my higher level version, and the 20 seconds is too long for most fights.

Debuffs are much better now, and in long fights they can help, but fights are usually to short to make a difference. The only one I use is the one that is part of my snare to increase the damage of my 2 big attacks.

I dont like how my boons lost their defense increases, but my parry buff replaces that atleast for melees, tough luck casters and healers.

Overall my damage has increased, but my life taps were weakened, and lost my melee power drains. Making our spells one second cast helps a lot, and making our aoe worth casting was needed. Overall the damage increases are right, but I am not sure they are enough. It seems my conj was a much larger safty/damage aspect, and my pred at 16 already seems really high in damage compared to my dirge. But I really need to get them higher to better compare how they play.
#6 Oct 11 2005 at 9:55 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
My mystic hasnt really changed too much in defence or DPS as far as I can tell, Seems they gave me alot more powerfull heals but decreased a few of my existing wards and gave me a few more.
Infact It may be my imagination but I now seem to get a spell upgrade every 3 or 4 levels especially on heals. I really cant see the point spending that much money upgrading all my newm spells to adept 1 when they are quickly replaced.

I may have just crash landed on the planet Stupid and ate too many Stupid Berries but thats how it seems to me.
#7 Oct 11 2005 at 10:04 PM Rating: Good
I am very happy with the changes and have been from moment one.

My frame of reference includes a 36 warden, a 27 ranger and a 21 fury. All three do at least as well as they did pre LU13 in both solo and small group mode. I haven't been in any full groups since the CU but I can't imagine that that will be a problem for me either.

Speaking specifically, The ranger seems to dish out an even higher level of DPS now while taking less damage. Typically, I put him to work on yellow and white targets, (and a lot of blues), and he has become a solo killing machine! I was concerned at first that without the ability he might be more "risky", but he takes so much less damage now that it has proven to not be an issue.

The warden seems almost unchanged in terms of skill set and technique. The heals are structured a little differently but they do the same job or better. There is a definite improvement in offensive capability, so soloing and duoing are even sweeter than they were before. Typically, I go after white to yellow targets with the warden since I can self heal and groups of blues are also entertaining!

I have heard some high level wardens complain about the changes in our ability to heal "burst damage" but it has not yet become an issue for me.

To date, I have played the least amount of time with my fury. He is only lvl 21 (or maybe 22), so I see from him the fewest changes of the three. What I have been seeing is that while still a healer, he also has fantastic offensive skills and if he continues to develop, may well become my favorite toon to play.
#8 Oct 11 2005 at 10:23 PM Rating: Default
I play a 31 paladin and a 21 necromancer. From what i have seen they have deefed up my pally far to much IMHO. we were one of the best solo classes before and now its impossible for us to die in eny kinda fight less then a yellow hero or a red solo. i take orange solos easyer then befroer now and white heros are doable now. i dont like the revamps because i thin kthe paladin has been beefed to much. i liked playing one of the harder classes but now its kinda easy. so i made a necro i made him after revamp so cant say how it affected but i know that i get knocked around like a red haired step-child in melee and besh them orange mobs ove the head with kiting.
#9 Oct 11 2005 at 10:23 PM Rating: Decent
I am so far elated by the changes. My illusionist went from mana battery to petmage/weak wizard/mana battery/debuffer. I have a great pet that stifles, dots, roots, stuns, scales to my level, and benefits from my mental mtitgation debuffs. Plus, i have a great proc buff that i can put on my pet which makes it do decent dmg. My nukes are not very strong, but become respectable when i dot with nightmare and spasm, which reduce mental mitigation in addition to doing dmg. The dots are pretty good, my root saves my life, Mez has shorter duration but short recast, and lasts for the duration if it lands. I can stun a whole group, mez one, root another, mez a third, letting me control an encounter as long as I'm fast.

Fights are tougher, but when you finally solo that (green) heroic, it feels Goooood! I've never been able to solo so well. I got a debuff, i don't have to cast breeze every 15 seconds, And i feel much more helpful in a group setting. Suddenly, I feel sought after. It feels good join a pickup group and have people compliment me on my work. On a good day, i can turn a 5 mob fight into a one at a time slaughter, keeping the rest on ice and buffing the party's mana and attack speed. And folks love my personae. In a FG group, my pet was doing so much work, I could have just /sit and we would have been fine.

I couldn't be happier. I think out of all the classes, we made out the best. As far as my zerker and bard go, they're only L13 each, so i can't talk much about how they changed, since I'm so low lvl. But the stances seem like a good idea, and My L13 Warrior kicks a lot of tail, i plan to duel people with him for food items. Bard doesn't seem much different, just more attacks on the same timer, and no root :(
#10 Oct 12 2005 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
801 posts
In all honesty, I think the changes have made me weaker. That's not 100% bad because it makes the game more interesting,

I can solo as effectvely as I did before, which is important to me because I spend 80% of my adventure time soloing. Except against undead or where I can use the awesome new master strikes, fights take longer than before but use less power.

I'm weaker in that:

1. My radiant heals are weaker - I have to spam them with directs to keep up when I'm the only healer in a group doing even con fights. Bad pulls or adds are more fatal.
2. I can't stack radiant heals any more, other than 1 individual and 1 group.
3. I get aggro from radiant heals. I know that was a bug that went unfixed for 10 months, but technically it makes me weaker.
4. My mitigation went down
5. My avoidance went down
6. My block percentage went down
7. Due to 4, 5 and 6, I get more interrupts when I'm being hit.
8. Due to 4, 5 and 6, I lose health faster. I don't have the extra hit points tanks have to make up for the extra hits that do more damage per hit. I think Templars have the lowest hit points of all priests. In this respect I'm more like an EQ1 cleric with the meaningless plate mail armor. Not that bad but that's not a direction I want to go in.
9. My nukes are weaker except against undead or using master smites.

I'm stronger in:

1. Melee damage output. Especially with the nice new pristine imbued ebon battle hammer I made myself. My smacking is almost as powerful as my regular nuking.

All in all, I would say Templars were nerfed. It's worst with groups because I can't keep a full group healed by myself when we're fighting challenging mobs for good experience; and I have no desirable utility to offer a group. Groups need 2 healers now if they want good experience and loot. When Druids can add good damage and roots and Shamans can offer good debuffs and DoTs (?) why would a group want a Templar who only offers silightly better healing (maybe) and some weak crowd control? A Druid and a Shaman are the ideal healing pair now. Their having healing more in line with mine is totally fine with me, but give me more group utility so I can compete.
#11 Oct 12 2005 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
159 posts
Ohhhhhh i so feel for you !!!

I too have a templar, level 52 now, and along with monks I think we have been hit hard with the nerf bat. Not all is awful, but here are some changes that i noticed so far :

-I can solo better than before. Templar soloing ? I never thought i would get to solo that much. I must admit that my potency at soloing got higher. The reason I think is that direct heals heal for more, which is great in the first place, but is really not enough compared to all they took away from me (us).

-Mitigation and avoidance went WAY down. I had tanked Cithan for FBSS once in a party that didnt turned out so well at level 50. You can forget incredible overjoy feelings like that from now on. Not that I think that templars should tank, but that one time it was a blast for me, now all encounters are alike to me.

-Direct heals ARE more efficient ; as long as I keep my spells and equipment really up to date (everyone playing more than one character and noticing a bit knows that templars spells are among the most expensive ones on the broker, if not the most expensive ones.) However, i lost most of my group buffs. I only have 2 anymore, and i must admit i always thought it was strange to see a wizard buff more than me. It's even more true now. The group buffs they left are stronger, though. And they turned the other ones into 36 secs AoE buffs.

-Sadly, grouping became very dull to me. Reading through the posts i can see that everyone have a better time soloing, i dont know if the main goal of SOE is to make this game a solo one, but let me at least explain myself. If I am the only healer in group, I have all the problems the templar above me said, and also, with tanks getting hit more often, with vitaes that are now good for nothing or very close to be in heroic encounters, with tanks that have like 14% avoidance, once again if im alone out there to keep someone healthy, then its really all i get to do. They turned an intersting class into a 4 buttons character in heroics encounters that are worth it (not talking about greens here). I barely get to use my debuff line anymore, which makes me a one way character. If another healer is in the group then its not so bad, if not encounters for me are vitae-heal-heal-heal-vitae-heal-heal-(nuke to advance the HO, which quickly becomes the summum of all my night) etc.

-This applies to every class : they really should have told us what spells exactly we were going to lose prior to respec. I wouldnt have messed up so much picking spells thinking that i had better versions still in my book.

All in all, expansion to me was not so good as long as the changes go. I never was a solo fan, and now i end up soloing because it became more fun to me, which makes no sense at all (to me anyway). I understand they wanted to grey everyone out making everyone even more balanced than before (if ever possible), but if class specializations is all about becoming a heal-heal-heal-vitae-heal-heal-heal-vitae-heal-heal-manastone-heal-run out of power thing, im not buying it.
#12 Oct 12 2005 at 8:44 PM Rating: Decent
Have to agree with the other templars. When soloing I do fine but I no longer have the heals to keep up with a group at an even con.

Mainly that is because they no longer stack. My fricken tank tried yelling at me today because he died twice in 2 hrs. Both were bad pulls with adds. All I can say about that is dont yell at the guy keeping you alive. Of course that was the end of that group. Told everyone I was leaving and offered to port them home.
#13 Oct 13 2005 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
801 posts
Someone on another board had some thoughts on Templar inadequacy. With the combat update, spells no longer increase in potency as you level. The low levels of a tier before the fourth, for example 41, 42, 43 or 51, 52, 53 are "hell levels" for Templars because we get our upgrades to healing spells around then and our Master II pick at 44. Until we do our spells are not equal to the task at the level we should be fighting.

Since I'm at 41 right now, it could be what I'm experiencing. If this is the situation, I think SOE needs to do some adjustment with spell levels to better distribute upgrades.
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