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What happened to our community?Follow

#1 Sep 23 2005 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
991 posts
Where is everyone? We haven't had a really good thread, from any of us, for a while now. Let's get this forum pumping again!

This is my call to action. (Sorry Tut, but ya didn't trademark it)
#2 Sep 23 2005 at 11:27 AM Rating: Good
As for me, my schedule, workload and also the general dynamic at work changed recently and I can no longer spend much time in the forums during the day.

Once I get home from work, I usually have some dinner, relax for a bit and then log in so I haven't spent a lot of evening time posting either.

That being said, I have also noticed that a bunch of the regulars have been "missing in action" lately...
#3 Sep 23 2005 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
991 posts
OBD Spoke the Truth:

That being said, I have also noticed that a bunch of the regulars have been "missing in action" lately...

I am in total agreement with this statement. I am also ashamed to admit, I am one of those MIA. In my defense, I have not seen much that evokes a response in me, which brings me full circle to the reasons for this thread. When all the threads are just "where can I..., how do I..." questions, it's hard to answer after someone has already done so.

And, I hate to admit this, but I think it is Alla, too. This has been said many times, but this site has not seen much work put into it and I fear people are jumping ship to OGaming.

Little off topic, but OGaming is not all it is cracked up to be either. It has a lot of quest info, but for the most part, a lot of it is broken, just like here and their item database is nothing to write home about. What makes their info different is that more people are posting corrections. That's what we need to do here. That goes along with Tut's Call to Action.
#4 Sep 23 2005 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
1,885 posts
My alibi is that I recently moved to a new house and it took the cable guy 10 days to get here. Not that it's a long drive, but that was the first available appointment.

But I'm back, and I don't usually post unless it's to answer a question or make a Call to Action. I'm not really a post-starter. :)
#5 Sep 24 2005 at 12:38 AM Rating: Good
315 posts
I wouldn't exactly call myself a "regular", but I also have been struggling with time in RL with work and home stuff...

Don't worry, I still luv y'all, just love my kids and hubby more Smiley: wink2
#6 Sep 24 2005 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
I haven't had a lot of time either. I also have a lot more stress on my plate lately. My 23 yr old son has moved into my 1 bedroom apartment with me. His job was downsized and things have just falen apart for him. I am paying for him to go to school full time so he can get a better job that maybe they won't want in Mexico. Dreamer! To add to the disaster his unemployment compensation has been MIA for 4 weeks because of an audit. They decided that since he was going to school they should question the validity of his compensation.

Now the real kicker...his dad has a 4-bedroom house and earns over 100 thousand a year. Do you think he could help out? No! So I am supporting him on a $30,000 income in a teeny place. He has gotten a part-time job though. Just not check yet. We are fighting the unemployment deal. We are also working on getting him some finacial aid for school.

All this has just kep be from posting and even playing. Keep me in your thought friends. I am too old for all this stress.

I guess I should be thankful that I even have a home and a job with all that we have seen in the south.

#7 Sep 25 2005 at 12:46 AM Rating: Good
Zoobecca said:
To add to the disaster his unemployment compensation has been MIA for 4 weeks because of an audit. They decided that since he was going to school they should question the validity of his compensation.

Don't know how it works where you are, but in Calif. if you are going to school, it's adios unemployment! They figure you have to be available for work in order to collect for not having a job.

Seems to me that if you are trying to re-train so you can get a job, you should get a get out of jail free card... shouldn't count the same as taking college courses or something...

Anyway, sorry to hear you're having troubles... good luck Zoo...
#8 Sep 25 2005 at 9:41 PM Rating: Good
I'm afraid that it may just be a reflection of things not going that well for EQ2 in general. Some very bad decisions made early on made a lot of people jump ship in that very crucial first 3 months. Now, a lot of those problems have been fixed, and are being worked on, but those players are not going to come back, as they have more than likely become entrenched in whatever game they left for. I knew there was trouble when I saw that the new ads for EQ2 say things such as "Now devoted to faster advancement", "Now with solo quests!", etc. It is normally a bad sign when an MMO begins to publicly respond to critisism.

For the most part, besides the "where is...", or "how do I do..." threads, the only other ones I see are "Is this game fixed now?", "Is there still a decent crowd on your server?", and other grim conversations.

I think things are starting to turn around a bit for EQ2. It seems some servers have become much more populated then others, so I think it is just a matter of moving to the right one to ensure that you are in a populated area.

Also, it seems that there is usually an "in" forum for each game. For WoW and FFXI, Alla is the forum to be at. For DAoC, for example, Alla is not.
#9 Sep 26 2005 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
Where is everyone? We haven't had a really good thread, from any of us, for a while now. Let's get this forum pumping again!

This is my call to action. (Sorry Tut, but ya didn't trademark it)

Mmmm could be that this site has very little usefull info for the game? Really there are alot of other sites that make this place look like a gang hideout :P

I know I will get flamed for this but look at the EQ side lots of info, look at this side....... nothing ot next to it anyhow.

2nd the only real traffic on this site is is in the asylum where u have half the people licking the other halfs butts to get rate ups. Just my 2cents. And to prove a point watch how the rate me down for steping on there toes, it just proves my point.

If you want this site to move up then get rid of this elitism that less then 2% of board enjoys and let the regular joe so to speak, have a say in the board and not get rated down for being a noob or a newbe and asking about a simple thing in the game.

I have played EQ from day 1 of EQ1 to the last day it will be on the web, I have played Roleplaying games longer then most of you have be on this planet, what I don't need is this site for EQ2 there are other places where my posts and help are welcome.

I love this site for EQ1 but loath it for EQ2. I say if they want the site to become something then take out the trash and move it up a notch.
#10 Sep 26 2005 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
991 posts
I know I will get flamed for this but look at the EQ side lots of info, look at this side....... nothing ot next to it anyhow

I don't think you are going to get flamed for this one because it is 100% true. EQ2 has not seen the same attention as EQ1 on this site, nor will it ever, I presume. There are definitely better places for information. I just like posting on this one. This is the site I have grown to know and love. IMO, I think a lot of the posters on other sites are new to the game itself and heard about OGaming first.

2nd the only real traffic on this site is is in the asylum where u have half the people licking the other halfs butts to get rate ups. Just my 2cents. And to prove a point watch how the rate me down for steping on there toes, it just proves my point.

You have to take the Asylum for what it is. If you really break down some of the threads in there, most of the people are very intelligent and quite capable of forming intellectual arguments. But after about two or three posts, it turns into a flame war. Also, these people have been around for a very long time. They have the right to be elite.
#11 Sep 26 2005 at 10:27 AM Rating: Good
You have to take the Asylum for what it is. If you really break down some of the threads in there, most of the people are very intelligent and quite capable of forming intellectual arguments. But after about two or three posts, it turns into a flame war. Also, these people have been around for a very long time. They have the right to be elite.

True you do have to take it as it is for that part, but the point is way ask for info on EQ2 when the whole point on this site is that 1 area? Look at new posts today 2 or 3 for all the areas except for Asylum which had around 3o or 40 new posts?

as for Intellectual arguments there are none only stupid people argue, as for Intellectual debates and there are few if any debates going on in the Asylum ( yes I agree some start out good but they ALWAYS end up in a flame war) and sorry if it step on your toes there, I know you are one of the few who think they are better then the rest.

But back to the point look at your new post, all in an area that has nothing to do with EQ or gaming and everything to do with things that other then maybe 20 people mean nothing to the rest of us. So the rest of us go else where to get info for the game. So if you want the site to do better then you need people who want to help the board not people who think they just need to argue.

I know you will not see this point of view and its just a matter of a few more posts and the flames will start. I love this board, but I never did get envolved with the few who thought they knew it all just used the board and posted when I could help, but mostly gained much from the people who wanted to help. I still help where I can and when I can, and I know there are good people on this board

but just like in RL I don't like people who think they are better then everyone and would not follow them, the same fits here. So I help in places that my help is wanted and in game also as I know others do also.

So if you want the board to be a hit don't treat people like they are below you, we all stand at the same place at the same time.

And last part of your post, I disagree with you 100% on that all you have is a few people who pushed your rating up. And in a system where only the people who are in Elite status can vote to make one elite then that system is bad. Case in point why SoE took away the rating system from there boards.

I want the board to be great but at this point it looks like it will never reach where the EQ side is. And that truly is sad.

#12 Sep 26 2005 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
991 posts
I think you have this part of the boards confused with the Asylum. Hardly, if ever, do posts such as yours result in a flame. There is no reason it should. Message boards are solely in existence for peoples' opinions. Yours is yours and mine is mine. Neither is more right than the other. The whole point of this thread was because we haven't had any really good info in here lately. I want this forum to become better than the others. I have been trying to think of really good threads to get everyone going. Unfortunately, I think most people are here to help others by answering their questions, rather than posting a new thread, myself included sometimes.

P.S. Rate ups on both of your posts!
#13 Sep 26 2005 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
801 posts
But back to the point look at your new post, all in an area that has nothing to do with EQ or gaming and everything to do with things that other then maybe 20 people mean nothing to the rest of us. So the rest of us go else where to get info for the game. So if you want the site to do better then you need people who want to help the board not people who think they just need to argue.

I think the Asylum is a mega-general board that runs across all the game sites here at Alla. I've actually never looked at it until now, and I didn't bother reading anything there because of what you say about it and the post topics - all off topic re:EQ2. I can't stand flame wars and avoid them at all costs.

Here in EQ2 General and the real EQ2 specific boards, I think you'll find that questions get helpful and thoughtful replies, even when they're flame bait.

Regarding problems for EQ2 in general, I agree it seems many people left early on due to the many roadblocks to fun and advancement that were put in place for certain people. I think SOE has done a good job of addressing those problems and has the best MMO on the market right now. One of the other popular topics here is "I'm tired of WoW/FFXI/Etc." and looking at EQ2. Most of those posters seem to be picking up the game. Population on my server has always been good, and has been growing lately, especially with the expansion coming out.
#14 Sep 26 2005 at 3:27 PM Rating: Default
I think the Asylum is a mega-general board that runs across all the game sites here at Alla. I've actually never looked at it until now, and I didn't bother reading anything there because of what you say about it and the post topics - all off topic re:EQ2. I can't stand flame wars and avoid them at all costs.

That it maybe I am not sure on if it is or not. And I agree with u 100% on the flaming, after all we post here to get replies to issuse we have in the game.

As always I want this site to grow to at least match the EQ side. after all waht is eq or eq2 with Allakhazam :)
#15 Sep 27 2005 at 9:46 PM Rating: Good
Also, these people have been around for a very long time. They have the right to be elite.

It's not that they have been around for a long time, it's simply because they have a lot of posts. I've been a member of this site for almost 5 years now and although I actively read and have participated in the various forums (I was one of the first posters for EQ2 and Planetside forums and tried to get them going) I try to refrain from posting unless I feel that it contributes in some way. I recognize many other posters on these forums who follow the same philosphy. When I see someone who has over 5000+ posts, the first thought that comes to mind (wether true or not) is that he or she has probably wasted a lot of space bringing their count up with one word or one sentence posts like: "Yup, I agree, Bump, Sticky, LOL, etc."

I look forward to opportunities to help other posters or to add something to a discussion or observation, but it has been difficult of late to find something that I feel any post I make would be worthwhile. Many of the posts are repeats of earlier ones, a topic that I am not overly familiar with, already answered by another poster like OldBlueDragon (who is very quick I might add Smiley: wink2) or what I wanted to say has already been said.

I have been wondering for months now, about the population of players in Everquest 2. Does anyone know of any hard numbers of recurring subscriptions and new subscriptions for the game? My in game observations are limited to a single server and by many factors that may not reflect the reality of the game as a whole. So it may very well be that EQ2 is gaining or losing players and I wouldn't know.


  • From my gameplay experience, there seems to be less players as a whole. This is a subjective view based upon the number of players I see, in the zones that I frequent, at the times that I play.

  • Live Update 13 (LU13) was a killer for many people. This is observable both in the number of posts across several internet forums and messages in game. On a more personal level, I have received a letter, in game, from a guildmate who said he was deleting his character (verified) and not playing anymore (not verified). Several other guildmates have yet to log on again, since shortly after LU13 and I can only assume that it is due to unsatisfactory experiences with many or some of the changes that the update brought, since they have not communicated with me directly.

  • The hardware requirments defray many prospective players.

  • New players continue to subscribe, at what rate, and wether or not it is comparable to the numbers who fail to renew their subscriptions, is unknown, but at least once during each play session I meet a player who claims to be a new player.

  • Several of my real life friends who play other MMORPGs have expressed an interest in playing EQ2. They cite reasons such as wanting to play with real life friends, better looking graphics, more options and customization, and being bored with their current MMORPG. The only thing stopping some of them from playing right now, is the hardware requirments. One friend can play WOW fine on his laptop, but would be lucky if it ran EQ2 (we haven't tried it yet).


    At this point in time it appears that the number of new subscribers is closely balanced by the number of subscriptions that are not renewed, although I would hazard that overall, EQ2 appears to be slightly losing more players than they gain.

    Some near future factors that will contribute to an overall loss is the release of Dungeons and Dragons Online and Vanguard.

    Some near future factors that will help bring new subscribers, is the holiday season and an opportunity for many would be players to recieve new hardware or computers or younger players to receive the game as a gift from a family member.

    The outlook is good for gamers though, as technology improves and competition encourages each developer to work harder for your subscription. In the end, the MMORPG market may more closely reflect that of cable television, where 5% viewership is considered a phenomenal success and the customer has a large selection to choose from that more closely reflects his or her tastes.
    #16 Sep 28 2005 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
    Yeah, the heavy requirements probably have a lot to do with it. You can play WoW on a toaster connected to a TV.

    I noticed declining numbers, but now the numbers seem to be growing a little. @ instances of Antonica on Mistmoore, which i haven't seen in months. More of my guildmates on then usual. general chatter from the folks who stayed that it's fun.

    And yet, you have to wonder where the game would be if SOE hadn't screwed up so bad at launch. Not being able to sell while offline? bad. Along with many other bad ideas that it took till now to fix. And mobs still attack from inside walls, and vendors still have nearly identical inventories, and we still don't have batch combines in tradeskilling. On top of all that, no beastlord.

    Alla remains a fun site to post in, but disappointing in content. Couldn't find ANY info about Splitpaw. Had to go to Ogaming. Caster's realm, tentonhammer, the Vault, are all good sites, too. Here, we're very dependant on people contributing info. no contributions, no info. What do we do?

    And when was the last time you saw Allakhazam post, since the "what do you want from this site" post? He's probably busy playing WoW.
    #17 Sep 29 2005 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
    801 posts
    And yet, you have to wonder where the game would be if SOE hadn't screwed up so bad at launch.

    I was just thinking how much better things might be if SOE had waited until now to release the game instead of trying to beat the Juggernaut that was WoW. This is a good game, way better now than ever - but there are so many WoW fanbois screaming the tired old anti-SOE/EQ cliches that EQ2's image is tarnished.

    If they released now, they would be riding a wave of all the prople who are getting tired of WoW, they'd have as close to a rock solid game as an MMO can be, and there are no other major new fantasy MMO's on the horizon for at least a year.
    #18 Sep 29 2005 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
    Im pretty sure I read everything that was posted here and there was one other point I would like to bring up. Unlike alot of other sites this site seems to have very little complaining on it. The forums on most sites I have seen is just pages of complaints about this and that. Most of what is here is someone asks a question. After someone answers or maybe a couple people going into a little detail most people here dont just chime in a ditto to get their count up. I think that has a lot to do with why you do not see that many posts but the people are still here.
    #19 Sep 30 2005 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
    801 posts
    /agree with above.

    There's also not a lot of frivolous posting that you can see people complaining about in the WoW forum here. If you look at the threads there, you see it's the same dozen or so people posting a lot of yadda yadda yadda. Much more socializing going on there.

    We have the same number of regular posters here, we could make this board look very active if we wanted to take the time to spam like they do.
    #20 Sep 30 2005 at 2:06 PM Rating: Good
    949 posts
    i find myself not coming to alla much any more... Too much out dating information or misinformation. I find myself going to other sites. And honestly... its too much work to get the information to alla to update it. He doesnt give **** for incentive to do so.

    Been fairly involved with my guild on my server and having fun with it. You will see my peak at the forums but not talking much.
    #21 Oct 03 2005 at 1:07 AM Rating: Decent
    51 posts
    I used to reply to hardware related queries for help.
    I took a two week vacation to the Black Sea and otherwise have been {looking for/actually found x2}job hunting, and thus not checking the boards. I'd also flat-lined and re-loaded my OS on this PC to resolve an issue connecting my mini-DV camera.

    I'll try to check in a little more often.

    - GS
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