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" New Changes " SOE's Loss EQ2!Follow

#27 Sep 19 2005 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
Anyone notice this little line in DjFatKats tirade..

'My SK used to solo mobs
4 lvls above my lvl. and now i can just get away with mob 3 lvls under me?'

Cry me a river!

If you were soloing mobs 4 lvls higher then your toon let alone 3, then count yourself luck becuase no toon was ment to be able to handle mobs of that lvl. One maybe two levels higher sure, but not 3, 4 or more solo.

The new system is far more realistic and fun to play, I can better judge what I can and can't do after with a little relearning and experimenting.

Sounds to me like your one of those types that can't handle change and go crying to mommy when you can't get your way. Dude get a life and learn to adapt. EQ2 is no different then any other MMO, it will change on a regular basis and you have to change with it. If you dont like it leave! EQ2 is not going to loose many subscribers if any at all becuase of the changes. And your leaving is not going to be noticed.

I was apprehensive of the changes at first, but with an open mind and the ability to change I have found the changes for the most part to be well thought out, executed and more enjoyable for the solo player and group player alike.

So if there is a legitimate beef, then please post it for the devs consideration, otherwise STFU!

#28 Sep 19 2005 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
I play a 34 troubador, good friend plays a now 35 bezerker.

Although i don't like a couple changes (my bow CA's require me to stand still - no more backing up while pulling), and my Sinister Strikes are now flank attacks, overall, I like the changes.

The con range was expanded so we can fight more levels of mobs, and tough mobs are made truely tough.

If a mob is 3+ levels above you, you have little chance of soloing it. But as a duo, we were downing lvl 35-37 mobs easy (when we were both 33/34).

The combat revamp was needed on many levels, and people need to relearn their classes and relearn how to play in certain zones. (heck most of Nek / TS was grey before, now its green and I got to be careful again. Not a good/bad thing, just a change to adjust to)

No class, sub-class got away unscathed, no class/subclass got 'nerfed' more than anyone else, no one got made uber.

and on the note re: soloing writs...

You just dinged 35. Umm... duh. If you were paying attention at lvl 15 and 25... the lvl x0-x4 writs are solo mobs, the lvl x5-x9 writs are heroic mobs. It has been that way with the writs lvls 10-19 and 20-29. Thats why you cant solo them anymore --- you arent supposed to...

take the time to play with your revamped skills / spells - see what they do and alter your playstyle.

Soloing is just as easy as it was before. And as it was before, it does not provide you with the best xp or loot. It's the same in every game out there.
#29 Sep 19 2005 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
So if there is a legitimate beef, then please post it for the devs consideration, otherwise STFU!

Very nice attitude. Is is no wonder that the servers are empty.

I have adjusted to the changes and can solo what I want. Some have not been that lucky. For new people starting and those under level 40, the changes make the game more difficult. Couple that with the lack of people to group with in the early areas of the game and that is not a good mix for growth.

If you care about the future of the game, I would suggest using a little empathy in responce to those that voice criticisms/complaints. You might win them back instead of scaring the ones on the fence away.
#30 Sep 19 2005 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
I couldn't have said it better wien.
#31 Sep 19 2005 at 7:17 PM Rating: Good
5,311 posts
The solo jaunt, (to EL), worked out even better. I found my warden even better equipped to deal with solo mobs up to and including orange.
So druids are overpowered in this version of EQ too, eh?
#32 Sep 19 2005 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
Just wanted to add my two cents. Remember that grouped mobs aren't always for groups only. Read the con information. Many group mobs are labeled solo encounters and thus each mob in the group is weaker. So, you can pull a group of four blues and still effectively solo them if they con as solo mobs. I was getting awesome experience with the bonus xp plus rested xp. I gained 2 levels in 8 hours soloing grouped blue mobs. Went from 37 to 39.3.

The combat revamp isn't all doom and gloom. At first, I was discouraged but I relearned my fury real fast and now i'm loving the changes. WHITE ARMOR IS IMPORTANT and at least ADEPT 1 spells if you can afford them and find them. White armor changes everything, increases mitigation, health pool, and power pool.

#33 Sep 19 2005 at 9:16 PM Rating: Decent
For the loonies on here that seem to think that everything SOE leaves on the carpet smells like roses, let me give you the run down of what the mystic got handed:

Ward line: halfed, but now counted post mitigation (nerfed on most classes as well), recast timers: single - same, group - same

DD lines: all similar lines conflict instead of running on separate timers (this was done to all casters for some reason)

Avatar lines (bear forms): no longer costs a concentration, but is now just a good str/minor hp buff. The 5% to 10% occuring scaled by level proc, gone.

Melee dps: much lower, not higher. SOE directly lied about this.

Eidolic Ward (emergency 0 power cost ward): still mistargets frequently, as it has since day one, it's icon has been changed to not differentiate it from the other lines, AND it is effected by the refresh timers from the rest of the ward lines. This renders it mostly useless.

Standard slow lines: still laughable

Direct heals: one line is almost doubled, but the refresh is longer than before, and is rumored to generate more hate. We can't test that part yet because on top of all that...


Mystics are now the lamest tank ever. We were never designed to be tanks in the first place.

Here's two senarios that I have been part of:

Both cases: multiple mob, individual and heroic con encounters.

Non tank group: Scout sneaks up to mobs and attacks. All mobs in encounter come screaming to the mystic. Actions mystic has taken to generate hate: 0. Not a single cast.

Tank group: Tank goes up and aggros mobs with a taunt. Mobs aggro on tank properly. When the first mob dies, the remaining ones come screaming at the mystic. We tested this with no casts done by the mystic in the encounter at all, it happened every time.

One week after the big "revamp", still not fixed.

This has been reported all over the place, including SOEs site. It has happened to me enough that I have removed myself from groups because of it. Before one of you ****** "I have a 50 and it didn't hurt me" types chime in that the tank was goofing up, the tank sits right behind me, I checked.

Now let's talk about soloing, that seems to be adjusted properly. It's doable. An even con, single mob, individual, no arrow either way (convoluted con system anyone?), is truly an even fight, as it should have been from day one! Changing it after 10 months live, pure idiocy. They should have just scaled things properly in the expansions that followed.

What this crippling effect on the pre-40 players will cause will be similar to what PoP did to EQ. It will create a huge rift between the players that were at or near max level before it went into effect, and the players that were 10 or more levels below max when it went in. It will now take much longer for people to get to 50 than it did for the people who got there before the patch.

I could still gripe that the 3 mob individual encounter 5 levels lower is STILL more xp than that even con individual mob, but what's the point. That might be the only thing the people not level 50 when this hit have going for them at the moment. If you didn't know about this, check it out before they take that away too.

It's interesting that the people that played the game how SOE pretended that they wanted people to play it, by not grinding and leveling mostly via questing, are the ones that have been hit hardest.

Personally, with my main being a mystic, I'm not seeing an upside to this anywhere.

I had a monk on EQ when the nerf bat hit that class years ago, and this makes that look like minor reduction.

I suspect that the devs at SOE don't play their games. How this made it out of test, I have no clue.

We've seen SOE do this before, remember Star Wars Galaxies? Remember that "new" combat system? Remeber reports that 80% of the players quit? Remember SOE's arrogant reaction to the player base? You would think that SOE wouldn't make the same mistake twice.

Wouldn't you?

in any other industry they call this "bait and switch"

#34 Sep 19 2005 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
Wow, I should have said speaking from my perspective in my post. Star Wars Galaxies was a fubar beyond fubar. I don't know if you can compare the two.

Well, obviously you don't like the changes and YOU KNOW WHY right down to the minor calculations. Well, if it is that bad for your class, that's not good and I hope sony fixes it for you.

That being said, if every mystic is not complaining or at least a majority of them (I don't know if they are or aren't, i'm just saying) then it could be just your play style.

Yes, I agree with you on SWG, that game sucks and Sony stubbornly refused to admit it because too many Star Wars fanboys, that are paying for 3 accounts, love the game.

#35 Sep 19 2005 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
160 posts
Ok, I have to agree they messed this completely up. They took some spells and skills completely away, sometimes they gave you new ones.

On the Isle of refuge there is no job/race that can solo normal bosses anymore. I know I use to be able to solo most of them with any job/race.

BUT my Templar appeared for the most part to be unchanged or a little stronger. Inspite of of the spell/skill changes.
#36 Sep 19 2005 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
kcaee wrote:
then it could be just your play style

Look here

Do you enjoy calling people inept for some reason?
#37 Sep 20 2005 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
I didn't call you inept, so what are you talking about? Read the entire sentence that you quoted. Read the entire post for that matter. I said if it is indeed that screwed up, that I hope they fix it for you. But, if you haven't taken the time to relearn you character, which is the case with many of the whiners, then I don't feel sorry for you.

I've been reading the official EQ2 boards and i've been seeing buttloads of complaining from people about their classes. A lot of the complaining is initial knee jerk reaction. Most of the people that take the time to relearn their characters are finding out that it is indeed their playstyle, period.

There have been many posts where people come on the boards complaining, then go back to the game, buy all white gear, upgrade a few spells, empty out their spell slots, read through their knowledge book, reload up their spell slots, start on green mobs, and relearn their character working their way up to higher and more powerful mobs until they find their limit and figure out their class again. Then they come back to the boards and post that they figured it out and they now like the changes.

The boss on noob island was never meant to be soloed by any class. It was always meant to be a group mob. Now, group mobs are for groups, solo mobs are for solo which is the way it was intended. Heroic mobs are for groups. If you could solo a heroic mob or a group mob or an orange mob then you were most likely an overpowered class.

My play style before the changes was to only take solo mobs, yellow or lower. I can still do that, for the most part. So, not much has changed.

So, I did not judge you because I was one of the skeptics about my own class but I gave it a try and relearned my character.

If classes are broken, they will be fixed I guarantee you that. I found it interesting that one of the developers posted on the official EQ2 boards and said that a lot of the developers are players as well. He said that they play tested with soloers and groupers in mind and that the developers have empathy with the players because they don't want their own classes nerfed. I wish I could remember where that post was because i'd link to it. I thought that was interesting because everybody tends to think that the developers are the players arch enemies when a seeming class nerf comes about. The developers are players also, with all sorts of play styles.

Good luck with your mystic.
#38 Sep 20 2005 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
801 posts
Kitka wrote:
Here's two senarios that I have been part of:

Are you casting a ward before the pull? When your ward is triggered you get aggro now. I can't cast reactives before a fight or I risk getting aggro, I need to wait until the MT has meleed and taunted for a while.

After figuring out what had changed, which in my case was not much, my solo experience is pretty much the same.
#39 Sep 20 2005 at 8:33 PM Rating: Decent
DjFatKat wrote:

My guess is, some Pot smoker that has all the SOE best gear on the
Test servers or Beta servers.. Yeah. that would be easy.
GMs on EQ1 had the " EQ GM Gear " . Lets make it HARD!

Now I agree with MOST of what you said. But what exactly does this have to do with the combat changes?

First, EQ1 GMs could not bring their guides on over to EQII.

Second, have you ever actually LOOKED at the gm gear? Trust me, it would not cut it in EQ1 if they had to actually fight anything, never mind EQII! Trust me.

And, not to criticize, but if you got to level 35 in 2 months, then its probably a good thing that they made it harder for you. That way, you might actually be tempted to leave the keyboard for an hour ot two a day. You know, to actually DO something. There IS life beyond the doorway. Maybe friends, a girl, a job to pay for your EQ addiction... :)
#40 Sep 20 2005 at 10:16 PM Rating: Decent
Update: partialy repaired 9/20, aggro is now only automatic if using the runic line of buff or warding pre fight.

So, now mystics have an entire line of buff that can only be used in solo situations.

#41 Sep 21 2005 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
991 posts
One of us is not reading that right.

It says "pre-fight". To me, this means that, if you are in a group, you want to use these buffs while the fight is going on and then the aggro won't be automatic.

Am I right in my thinking?
#42 Sep 21 2005 at 6:31 PM Rating: Decent
A lot of mystics, myself included, would coordinate with the tank or puller that they wouldn't pull until the second after the rune landed. The single target rune could last up to 36 seconds. The one I had could absorb up to just short of 800 points of damage in that time.

What this accomplished was the ward eating the first blast of damage taken from the encounter, without the mystic getting extra hate from casting it during combat. It used to work pretty well too. Exploit? I didn't think so. In a tough encounter, the ward was used up in first round of combat, then the next ward and patch healing what the ward didn't catch would begin.

If a mystic did this now, the hate generated by the mystic would be calculated by the amount of damage the ward absorbed. What would happen is, the ward lands, the tank/puller pulls, the mobs hit that person, the aggro gets calculated, and the mobs come running to the mystic.

When the mystic is using the runic line of buffs (on until cancelled), there is always a small ward on the party. This is still enough to yank the aggro to the mystic almost every time in a non tank group, and about half of the time with a taunt pull. I've been experimenting with ways to offset this, but none have been very consistent yet.

I can work around it, but it definitly has an effect as to the level of the mob that the group can pull and defeat. If this is what SOE intended, then they should have removed the rune effect from all the buffs. The closest thing I can think of to compare it to would be a cleric in EQ getting aggro from casting Temperance on a group member 30 minutes before the fight.

Now I have to let the mob beat down the MA for a bit before using any heals or runes. Mystics, even with a larger direct heal, are a third class reactionary healer. The class just insn't set up very well for it. Mystics work better at trying to prevent damage. Templars are better at conventional healing. That's just how the classes were designed.

The broken aggro system made the mystic a liability to a group. The partially fixed one makes mystics better than having no healer at all, but you'd almost be wise to kick one from the group to get a templar if you could only have one or the other. The person playing the templar would have to completely suck to not be an improvement.

Edited, Wed Sep 21 19:44:10 2005 by Kitca
#43 Sep 21 2005 at 7:41 PM Rating: Default
Now i dont play a mystic or even know eny but i play a pally. i was playing last night and i grouped with a mystic (me,mystic and necro) i have to say i love mystics more then eny of the druid classes(close to templar) as the MT in the group i had no prob keeping agro. i dont remember if he used that line of ward/group buff, but i have set up macros for every action i do in combat to make things easyer. my group pull macro goes like this.... /gsay INC %t please kill it.
/useability .....(long ranged spell)
/useability .....(pally ward spell)
At lvl 30 my adept 1 ward spell only takes 400 damage and kinda sucks like that but its allows me to not take eny damage for a little bit. with the mystic in the group he would ward me as soon as my ward was gone. even when we got addes i was never healed once. he duident have to with all the wards.
If your having problems with agro jumping to you for eny reason its the tanks fault. i try never to lose agro but it sonme times happens. but with all the abilitys i have to reg it i dont ever have to worry.
The problem is not with the spells its with the players. if it ant working then try it another way. not to slam you as you seem like a nice person thats just fustrated. matybe you need to group with a real tank for once (a pally of course =^P)

p.s. i forgot ability names.
#44 Sep 23 2005 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
My friend plays a mystic, similar complaints. One strategy he found was to try to take advantage of the aggro. Play with 2 scouts, and they can backstab the mobs while mystic wards himself. Usually, scouts peel the mobs off from sheer DPS, and the mobs die quick. This works best with 2 healers, or a Pally to taunt and heal mystic as well.

Or Duo mystic/assasian, take single mobs and tear them up. Another thing, group with mages. Have them root a mob coming at mystic, so tank has time to generate hate. If you group with a Illusionist, no prob, he'll mezz/root/stun all the adds on the mystic, and you can crush them at your leisure. But in general, Mystic took the nerf bat where the sun don't shine. Give them better heals.

And as for the OP, wow, what whining! Like anyone who can solo must have Uber gear? I can solo in my citizenship ring and class robes. You just have to play it safe. No, you can't solo heroics anymore unless you have super uber gear, mad skillz and some luck. Even then, it's risky. I took a few heroics with my caster. Green, single arrow up, 1 mob. The game is a little different, try and get used to it. Honestly, SKs look better then ever. A good friend of mine got his Sk up to 25 and abandoned it because it felt weak, and not very fun, compared to his EQ1 SK. That was before the changes.

On the bright side, it's ever been easier to get a group. And things sem much easier in a group. By combining abilities, mobs that would hand my head to me solo, we cut through 5 at a time. Use the LFG tool, make new friends, and do some 3 or 4 class heroics, before you cry that the game sucks and you're going to play WoW.

And finally, GMs smoke crack, not pot. halflings, druids and Rangers smoke pot. GMs smoke crack, and healers do lines to keep their heals up. Everybody knows that. Me, I smoke Jumjum
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