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" New Changes " SOE's Loss EQ2!Follow

#1 Sep 14 2005 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent

I played EQ1 for over 2 years. I hated the Server merge. I hated them people and many others.
I came from Quellious. One day i woke up and logged on my war. He was still a low lvl and wanted to Grind up.
So i started to run my way to the next zone to find my self getting killed by a train that someone zoned.
That day is when i gave up. My brother has played eq2 from day 1. And i asked him if they train, KS,
and other questions. We had a talk about the difference and he said he was going to start a guild.
So that day i left EQ1 for EQ2.

-im trying to talk about why i left EQ1 and how i used to love EQ2 before changes-

The day i got on EQ2 i was in awws. I got on the guild. Got off the island and grinded my way up.
The people was a lot better. No Trains and KSers and ninja looters. Most of all our guild was growing.
I was a recruiting fool. Got to lvl 15 guild. #16 Most people And #34 on wealthiest on server. I was Proud.
Worked for great gear. Loved my Shadow knight. And i missed my beast from EQ1, but i got over it.
This was all over less then 2 months. from scrap.
And to think. I HATED to quest on EQ1. Until EQ2.

Then the new Expansion is coming out. Oh yeah.! but is this a good thing?
So we sit back and wait. I have a SK less then 2 months old just hit 35.
have 16k on guild points. Did a lot of heritages, and Writs. But then this
" New Expansion is about to hit in 2 days. " and then people start to talk..
they say " New changes " i was sorta wondering about this. So i started to
look. Couldn't find much but " SKs get better harm touch " .. Oh is that all?
Cool. nothing big. Until the down time of not 5 hours. but 7 hours.
I gave up. went to bed. Couldn't wait to get on to play.

I get on like everyday telling guild hello. Excited about the new changes and
went to solo EL like i do everyday. But that's for writs i think. But since i just
hit 35 the day before, Lets take it to Rivervale. I soloed there few times.
Solo the dogs at zone con Orange and i get away with killing them with 20% life.
So i head on over, Check out my new stuff and before i start i notice my AC.
Or AKA Migration very low now.. Uh, weird. Then i see my Dodge aka Avoidance..
Used to be 39.8% but uh. now its 24%..
Then i headed my way to the first Dog i seen in RV. but i couldn't pull?
My spell that will cast from a distance wouldn't work. So im yelling " WTF ".
Then i found a spell that would. Then i started to kill and noticed that same mob
that's lvl 36, i used to solo at 34 was kicking my but! i had half life and he had 80% life. Whats going on??

Then i thought maybe im just crazy. So i buffed up. Started drink, Food.
Someone " /ooc oh this sucks.. a blue con just killed me " im thinking " What a noob " .. so i was like weird..
so i walked over to a mob that cons blue and started to fight. With doing the same thing i found my self at
50% life and was a hard fight. Then more people is yelling in ooc talking about how this sucks.
and im just turning red and pissed.. My brother is pissed. people all over and there's that one fool saying
" Oh this aint nothing. i love the changes. Iv been here for year and this is the best thing. stop whining.
" and dont that **** me off. Sure your ranger got better. Or your Rouge. but uh, My SK used to solo mobs
4 lvls above my lvl. and now i can just get away with mob 3 lvls under me?

SOE Took the SOLO out of its vocabulary and is FORCEING us to sit on the Docks LFG so
we can go kill Even lvl mobs for XP. You can take that and put it up your.... with all that non sense.

Soloing as a Necro compaired to EQ1 is a difference. Pet fights as tank.
No running around with Aggro. But hey, the pet is better. So it works.
But what about us Tanks trying to solo? Nope. Not anymore. That all changed
No more Pets fighting.. its all " Group " now. Have to group to stay alive.

Sure SOE, you have your lvl 50s soloing 5 lvls under them.
They ok i guess. They been through the bad changes but it did go back
to good from what i hear. BUT WHY WOULD YOU MAKE A CHANGE THIS HORIFIC!?
Who in the hell would say " Yeah, lets make the tanks die faster so the clerics will have
to heal 50% more so the game will be much fun. So no more soloing,
Because that aint fun. That's too easy. ."

My guess is, some Pot smoker that has all the SOE best gear on the
Test servers or Beta servers.. Yeah. that would be easy.
GMs on EQ1 had the " EQ GM Gear " . Lets make it HARD!

I ask you all.. That DONT like the changes LET SOE know.
I loved the game until the changes. now how am i going to solo writs now?
Its not like I'm GOD and everyone follows me on my boring solo able writs.
Oops. not soloing them anymore. Because SOE thought that was stupid.

Sure. Tweak out one class spells. Make Healer have more Power to heal.
Make blah blah hit harder.. but make the Main Tank with Less Migration?
Make them with less Avoidance? Make this class with less Blah blah??
Whos Main tank now? Will the wizzy die 5x faster now? Will the Healer
Run out or Power faster saveing the wizzy and Main tank now?

Not understanding. No more SOLO ABLE. Unless your killing Greens and Grays.
How much fun will that be?

Tell SOE how you feel. People will be leaving. Worst mistake ever SOE did
for EQ2.
Flood them with how you HATE the changes.
Do what needs to be done. Make it what needs to be changed.
If you dont step up, SOE will just think the Game testers knows
what they're doing and WE will just LOVE what we PAY hard MONEY for!!!!!

And for the people that reads this and think the changes is great!
Good for you.. now go play your ubber toon and let us hate the new
changes. Go die with a even con mob.

The other 90% people that play EQ2 and PAYS money dont like it..
Lets get this started.
Unless you know another email.. Post here please!
#2 Sep 14 2005 at 8:29 AM Rating: Decent
Gosh....I hope you feel a lot better now!
#3 Sep 14 2005 at 10:20 AM Rating: Good
I was having no trouble last night working in a duo, pulling and dispatching orange con mobs, (lvl 26), in T-Steppes with a brand new lvl 20 fury.

Toughest fight all night was against a white con heroic skellie that spawned while we were mining a rainbow. But a heroic fight should be hard on a duo, so no worries there!

The key to surviving the changes is re-learning your character in terms of what your strengths and weakness' are now. The way you played before the revamp may be a little different or a lot different from the way you will need to play now, but it will be different.

Post re-vamp, I am already seeing common mobs as being more of a challange but personally, I don't have a problem with that.

Frankly, I am playing this game to be challenged, not so that I can grind my way to 60 over the weekend and proclaim "I win EQ2, I am the l33t hax0r".

To the OP - I'm sorry you're having such a hard time adapting. Maybe you need to re-think your approach to the class you play.

Rivervale is really not the same level zone as Enchanted Lands. The harvest resources are T5 and the mobs start at around lvl 35 but they are tough 35's. Maybe you could get used to the revamp a little easier by returning to EL and working the turtles or wasps till you get your rhythm back.
#4 Sep 14 2005 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
You are going to have to learn to play again... in some areas, including solo... deal.
#5 Sep 14 2005 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
Haven't had the chance to experience a combat after the changes as yet (new computer, had to reinstall everything, and it was a long patch today), but I did have the chance to start and see what's changed. I retook all the abilities, but the best one is no longer offered (the spell for paladins that does damage and heals for a maximum of 51, can't recall the name), several spells are gone.

Now I do have master II spells, but the improvement of those is little.

And the worst part of it all, mitigation is down with over 10%?? Avoidance is down a lot more.

I'll get hit more and harder from lvl 31 mobs, I'm quite eager to try this out tomorrow, but it is going to be harder, unless the mobs have been altered too, but then why the change at all?

Blessed weapon and Glorious weapon no longer stack, which is a true shame. I don't use Knight's stance, so now I got three
points of concentration open. Which just sounds crazy imo.

The good news is that after I got my computer up and running (which took way too long, lousy internet connection), the graphic improvement is quite nice. It's quite the experience now :)

#6 Sep 14 2005 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
I couldn't wait to get home last night and check out the new expansion. Reloaded all those characteristics and headed out to Stormhold. I really really hate the place. I died three times in a row with mobs that were stuck in a wall. How come they can see me but I can't see them?

I got discouraged and vowed not to go back to Stormhold (again) until my Bard is lvl 29 and my Mage is 28. I headed into Thundering Steppes. Woah! The farmers at the entrance are now green instead of grey. Cool! I get to whack my way through the zone again. I don't mind that. What I did mind was that those special songs and spells, skeleton and gnoll, no longer work. Neither my Bard or my Mage could do any damage with those spells/songs. I am hoping that it was just a glitch and when I log in later everything will be fine. If not then I have really had my ability to do damage on gnolls, skellies, and giants reduced to 0.

To add to that offense, my biggest hitting Mage spell is now red to me. I could use and they took it away? What's up with that?

Did anyone else have the same problems? I know that every big expansion has always brought on a period of adjustment. But if my most damageing song/spells are gone things will be extremely difficult. Is it time for me to learn how to play all over again? It will be difficult at level 28 & 29 but pitty those in their 40's.
#7 Sep 14 2005 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
Well just putting in my 2c. After I logged on and reloaded all my abilities. Spent a half hour figuring out what did what now that it all changed and redoing my hot bar 3 times I headed out to Zek. I am a 31 templar and so far I can solo up to 1 lvl above me but keep in mind all the orcs at the gates there are also single arrow down. It takes alot longer to kill most stuff now specially if there is more then one thing to kill. But as for healing I am much more mana efficient now so it helps i can keep myself alive. And my orc mastery smite does some nasty damage.
#8 Sep 15 2005 at 2:28 AM Rating: Decent
286 posts
I just wish with the major changes to combat such as this that they would allow more then one respec. I hate respeccing just to find out it's not working out for me and I should have picked one of the other options :P

I was trying to build my Conjurer back to being a solo machine but I think I have made one bad choice that has now delegated me to be a nowhere kind of char, can't solo as well as I should be able to and don't have the groovy things that groups want either :(

24 Dark Elf Conjurer of Highkeep server.

Edited, Thu Sep 15 03:36:12 2005 by Malaikatmaut
#9 Sep 15 2005 at 7:59 AM Rating: Default
Well just putting in my 2c. After I logged on and reloaded all my abilities. Spent a half hour figuring out what did what now that it all changed and redoing my hot bar 3 times I headed out to Zek. I am a 31 templar and so far I can solo up to 1 lvl above me but keep in mind all the orcs at the gates there are also single arrow down. It takes alot longer to kill most stuff now specially if there is more then one thing to kill. But as for healing I am much more mana efficient now so it helps i can keep myself alive. And my orc mastery smite does some nasty damage

I thought the same till I really locked at what I can and can not do with my SK now. After reworking and changing how I was soloing before I think I have it sorta back to where it was.

I can take up to 3 one arrow down mobs in solo mod and can kill them all in less then a min, taking on a reg no arrows blue takes less time to kill the it did before patch but I take more damage then I used to.

I have not soloed a white or yellow mob yet but will try that tonight. I think I can win but will be very low on power and HP at the end I am sure.

I am not planing on soloing or at least trying to solo and 1 or 2 arrow up mobs solo. Me thinks that my **** would be handed back to me :P

I think that SoE will continue to do little fix's to this patch to make it better. After all some of it is great, some is ok and some of it just sucks to be you kinda stuff per class. But no one can say it was not needed

Just my 2 cents

#10 Sep 15 2005 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
991 posts
To the OP - I would usually respond to this post as such:

"Tough luck. Deal with it. Learn to play your class again. Yad duh da Yad duh da."

However, I am, for the most part, in complete agreement with you. Tanks got used in this update. I am pretty much useless right now as I stand on the middle ground of level 30. I will give you an example of my first run through with the update.

I was strolling through Antonica at lvl 29 near the Oracle Tower, mining away. I was running my usual route when I harvest there: Griff to Oracle Tower, scrounge around, run to Winstalker Village and then hit the scarecrow fields and back. For quite a few levels now, I have not worried about aggro. On my way to WV, I saw that I was getting hit by a granitescale basilisk. HUH?! I turned towards my assailant to find that he was green! Sweet! I am going to like this change! I dispatched him with no effort at all and I enjoyed the increased casting time on my new spells. Seeing as how I was right by the Ruins of Caltorsis and knowing lvl 21 was not gray anymore, I checked to see if the Advisor was up. Low and behold, he was. Chest drop for sure, right? WRONG!! I proceeded to get torn asunder by a level 21 mob. And for those not quick on the uptake, that is 8 levels below me. So I ran away, rebuffed, and tried again. Not much better. This time, I actually died. I chalked it up to the fact that they revamped the nameds. Good for them! They should be a lot harder.

Well, later the night I went into TS. I knew the Dead River Basin was no longer going to be a safe haven. I ran down the river as I usually do and stopped near two grouped lvl 21's. They were camping the drowned troopers and were scared of the now Heroic lvl 25 Skeletal Protectors. So, I took one on to see if I could kill him. No problem. I dispatched him and his add without breaking a sweat. The change only affected the named heroics, I thought. With this in mind, and feeling like a good samaritan, I went after a lvl 23 Heroic ++ Drowned Lieutenant. 30 seconds later, I had turned tail and ran, though I did come back with Skeletal Rage and a hex doll and beat him pretty well. This is the part of the update that I don't like.

IMHO, they changed too many of the mobs to be grouped mobs. I think this is what the OP meant. I don't have a problem with the fact that a group tagged mob can kill me. I do have a problem when every single griffon in the griffon fields is now a group mob and most of the Skellies in the Basin are too. That takes away from solo play. If you look hard enough, though, you will be able to find your regular mobs tucked behind that scary group mob.

All in all, I like the changes. I like the dueling and I like the fact that my skills do some major damage now. SOE did a good job, even though they did mess up my class a tad bit.

Have fun everyone!
#11 Sep 15 2005 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
So they changed the solo mobs to group mobs again?

That's just changing back to what it was originally, and that was one of the reasons I left the game in the first place. Most of Thundering Steppes could only be accessed or fought in with a group and most quests would involve these mobs.

Aah well, I'll see tonight.
#12 Sep 15 2005 at 11:28 AM Rating: Good
A couple things that you now need to consider now are a: whether or not the mob has changed from solo to heroic. and b; whether the mob now has up or down arrows. These modify or fine tune the level of the mob involved.

I would bet that your advisor trashed you last night either because he has become a heroic mob in a field of solo mobs or because he now has 1 or more up arrows. Or maybe a combination of the two!

As far as my own meger experience, I spent evening #2 duoing and soloing. The duoing was about the same as the night before - very successful with a bit more challenge and a greater sense of danger/excitement.

The solo jaunt, (to EL), worked out even better. I found my warden even better equipped to deal with solo mobs up to and including orange.

Will I be taking on group/heroic mobs alone with the warden? Not likely... but then they trashed me before the update so there is no news there!

BTW - we are all getting bonus XP for the first week and it is insane! My lvl 20 fury has gone from 2% to 47% into the level in the last 2 sessions. (And they have been short sessions!)
#13 Sep 15 2005 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
1,885 posts
I was trying to build my Conjurer back to being a solo machine but I think I have made one bad choice that has now delegated me to be a nowhere kind of char, can't solo as well as I should be able to and don't have the groovy things that groups want either :(

What was the ability you picked?

Haven't had a chance to get on, just moved to a new house and cable doesn't get installed until the 18th. So I comb the boards and get book-smart until I can log on and meet an orc that will say, "Hold him down, I want to pwn his hands!"

I'm very aware of the spell changes that came to my class, and anticipate lots of tests to see how my new spells work...or dont.

To those that used to be able to solo ^^ mobs 2-4 levels above you, and now you can't...

...welcome to my world. I guess we're all even now.

Personally, I'm glad things are getting a bit harder. Nothing more boring than cruising to the top of a game and realizing there was no challange.
#14 Sep 15 2005 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
991 posts
OBD wrote:
I would bet that your advisor trashed you last night either because he has become a heroic mob in a field of solo mobs or because he now has 1 or more up arrows. Or maybe a combination of the two!

Actually, Advisor Pandrus has alway been a ++Heroic Named with no adds. The main reason I got thrashed was because he is a spell caster. I need to work on my resistances. He wasn't hitting me any harder than he did when I was lvl 24. He was just hitting more frequently. I also noticed that the Heroic mobs have a lot more Power too.

The more I think about it and the more I read all of the comments, the more I like this game. It was becoming REALLY easy to level. Now, it will be much more challenging. I will get the hang of it. Everyone just has to realize, as it has been stated before, that your play style and the mobs you are going to be able to handle, are much, much different now.
#15 Sep 15 2005 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
It will indeed be hard at first to be aware of the new distinction in heroic mobs. If they have arrows up, do not attack, not even with more than 5 levels difference. I fought a lvl 24 heroic, three arrows up and survived, no power left and health was very low too.

Then I tried out three heroic no arrows lvl 28 (pirates in Thundering Steppes), I took out the first one rather easily and the second one went down smoothly. I was at good health and just below the half of my power bar, so I figured I was good to finish the fight. But then a lvl 26 heroic giant joined the fight and I died. Before the patch, that giant would have been grey, now it was green and attacked me.

That is the part I hate about the patch, now creatures that are 9 levels lower than me are still green and some are even extremely tough to beat. I can work around the heroic mobs with three arrows up (although it's clear that there are quite a lot of them and there are plenty of quests that need them, like at the start of EQ II), but why on earth is it necessary to make mobs aggro or remain green for so long?

And the mitigation changes are not good, I lost 13% mitigation, and I also lost a lot attack power too. My Holy Shock used to do about 200 damage at first blow, now it is reduced to about 100, sure I do more damage to grey mobs but most have been made green again, so that's not really helpful. Avoidance is down by 25% btw, no idea why.

The changes made to the game after the first couple of months were needed, the game was very hard and not solo friendly. Perhaps it was all made a bit too easy, compared to some games it might be, but I'm keeping my judgement on these changes.
#16 Sep 15 2005 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
991 posts
Not to Smiley: deadhorse

but, why can't the mobs scale accordingly, as in EQ1. There was a set equation on when the mobs would grey out. 10 levels, IMO, is too much of a difference, especially when a level 21 may be able to hand you your butt at level 30.

Smiley: twocents
#17 Sep 15 2005 at 6:48 PM Rating: Good
710 posts
I've noticed that different classes got hit in different ways.

For example. Paladins now have the lowest HP range of all the tanks, had the recharge timers on their buffs lengthened, had the healing power reduced, and lost the group shield bash stun (this is based on my level 31 Paladin).

That's ALOT of changes to get used to at one time.

On the other hand, my monk's HP actually went up, his DPS went up (as with other tanks), his avoidance seemed to have gone up. His powers were reduced as well in many cases, but overall most of the moves seemed in a more positive light.

So in trying to clear Harclaves on normal (which is supposed to be a solo zone) my pally took twice as long (and died) where my Monk took about as long as before (maybe a tad more due to the lower power pool).

Now people all along had made comments that paladins were too powerful - and the changes just smacked me in the face.

My one thought though, has been these changes are so drastic to my paladin. I felt like someone who just bought an account with a 31 paladin and never played them before and now tried to play. I just don't know how long it will take me to get used to the new changes, and if in the end I'll be happy with them
#18 Sep 15 2005 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
Same as many ahve said. Relearning is necessary. You can still fight yellow mobs and win its just that you have to do it differently. I was a bit shocked when I logged my lvl 45 SK and ran into trouble and there were a lot of changes to deal with so I went and played a level 12 Warrior instead and it was tough, but after a while of trying different things it got easier, and easier.

I admit the game is a little tougher than it was before but its not as tough as solo on EQ1 or some other games like FFXI (read impossible past lvl 40 on there). But its not a walk in the park either. If you wanna solo everything into the ground and have every mob fall at your feet go play WoW and get bored fast.
#19 Sep 15 2005 at 11:15 PM Rating: Decent
I didn't see any threads relating to conjurors. So far, I hate the changes. All my spells but one have changed to dots so on a solo encounter, one round (since they don't stack)then my one damage spell and I'm out of ammo. My healing spell for my pet is now almost useless, so he can't even keep me alive.

Which means I now am forced to group, and the only reason I loved this game was because I could solo if I wanted to (which was most of the time).

And with only one round of ammo I don't know why anyone would want to group with me.

Any other conjurors having any luck?
#20 Sep 16 2005 at 2:37 AM Rating: Decent
286 posts
tutanbriarpaw wrote:
I was trying to build my Conjurer back to being a solo machine but I think I have made one bad choice that has now delegated me to be a nowhere kind of char, can't solo as well as I should be able to and don't have the groovy things that groups want either :(

What was the ability you picked?

Haven't had a chance to get on, just moved to a new house and cable doesn't get installed until the 18th. So I comb the boards and get book-smart until I can log on and meet an orc that will say, "Hold him down, I want to pwn his hands!"

I'm very aware of the spell changes that came to my class, and anticipate lots of tests to see how my new spells work...or dont.

To those that used to be able to solo ^^ mobs 2-4 levels above you, and now you can't...

...welcome to my world. I guess we're all even now.

Personally, I'm glad things are getting a bit harder. Nothing more boring than cruising to the top of a game and realizing there was no challange.

Relates to the post above actually. As conjurer you get to upgrade a spell to master 2 lvl and I picked the pet heal.. only to find out afterwards that is practically useless now even at that lvl. So I should have chosen the pet buff or just upgraded a dot.

So in short, I have a master 2 spell that I won't be using and provides no benefit to a group at all. Just wish I could reverse that crummy decision I made and get one more chance to pick something else.
#21 Sep 16 2005 at 5:53 AM Rating: Good
I havent tried much more then my dirge, and overall it is good. They weakened our running buff, and for some reason my invis was gone last night. My life taps are also about half as good, and my power drains were removed except for my range attack one.

Buffs are a bit stronger, but all of them require concentration, so I have more choices to make on which ones to use, but atleast they are all one conc. Debuffs are great now, no conc required I can use more then one if I watch my power. I even use my snare and stun now. The snare gives a nice DR debuff and stun actually gives me enought time to use a side attack. Ludias are great now, and my aoe attack does more then 30 damage. Even my regular auto attack damage is between 2-3 times more.

Overall all I got an improvement.

As far as soloing, I have gone up to white no arrow and had no problem, though I havent tried any 3 up arrow blues. Single ups blues are nothing.
#22 Sep 16 2005 at 9:05 AM Rating: Decent
991 posts
Day two of playing under the new system has brought some revelations that I think might be helpful to those of you having difficulties.

1. Since the game now defaults to frames around the enemies names, it is very hard to distinguish between an ^mob, an ^^mob and an ^^^mob. This, at least, is where I was having the most trouble. If the frame around the name looked exactly the same as a frame around another name, I assumed they were the same level. Do yourself a favor and go to the in-game options. Under User Interface and I think Target Encounter, change the option from Simple (Frames) to Detailed (Arrows). You will see Norrath in a completely new light.

2. Read the entire update before venturing out into the wild. Zones are now more hostile than they used to be. Mobs do not gray out until they are 10 levels below you, which brings a lot of those mobs you thought you had left behind, back into play. Use more caution when traversing a zone.

3. Though you have less mitigation and avoidance, it is important to realize that you are more effective. Things actually work as they were intended now. If you are fighting a green mob, you will destroy it. If you are fighting a blue mob, you will have a little tougher time, but you should still win. If you are fighting a white or above mob, well, you better know how to fight! SOE made a comment that the Con system would have more weight. When it says "Yawn--should win without much effort", you will. If it says to get a group because the mob is a lot tougher than it looks, then stop being macho and get a damn group!

These are the things I have realized while exploring Norrath the past few days. I hope they helped. They did exactly what they said they were going to do, and I salute them. It will definitely make the game more enjoyable if we all just take time to understand the new world we have entered.
#23 Sep 16 2005 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
1,885 posts
I didn't see any threads relating to conjurors.

Look under the Mage Discussions tab on the left, or go to this web site for more detailed and informed discussions.
#24 Sep 16 2005 at 3:20 PM Rating: Good
261 posts

I was thinking about comming back to try the expansion, but after reading all of this, I dont think I will any time soon. I respect the allakhazam readers a lot more than the yes-men on the offical forums.

Hopefully at some point EQ2 will settle down with all of these changes, and work on moving foreward. I dont understand how the combat system is still being hammered out after almost a year of live release.

I dont know if they're trying to get back some of their audience that left to other games (/hide), or if they've decided now to be the exact opposite and appeal to the remainder of the market.


- Guilds no longer rely on patrons, so all members can contribute!
- Is your wood elf ready to tie the knot, or are you just tired of your surname? Now you can change your last name!
- Aquatic creatures have been banished from the land!
- Group experience debt has been removed!
- Encounter locking restrictions have been relaxed.
- You can now resurrect players that are outside of your group!
- Roleplayers rejoice! You can now use a ` or ' in your last name!
- Sort your Knowledge book by name, level, or category!
- Challenge other players with the new dueling system!

This all should have been done before Nov 2004, IMHO.

Anyway, good luck eq2 guys.

Edited, Fri Sep 16 16:32:25 2005 by BlondebeardThePirate
#25 Sep 16 2005 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
I have been reading the Offical site as well and there are about 75% no men to this cahnge right now with the normal 25% that are always yes man still saying yes. There would be 100% saying yes but the people that normally don't talk are speaking up to this change. Its not great .. I understand where they are trying to take it but they need to back it off quite a bit. I am fine making a Heroic monster tougher to beat but there are other changes i am not too happy with. I am playing still the same cause i am new to the game so the changes don't affect me much cause its not relearning a new game but I feel for the poeple that have spent money and time into the game that they new and now are playing basically a brand new game when it comes to the combat system and when a monster is too weak compared to you.
#26 Sep 18 2005 at 7:48 PM Rating: Decent
1,885 posts
I dont understand how the combat system is still being hammered out after almost a year of live release.

That's not so strange. EQ1 has been getting changes throughout it's entire 5-year life.
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