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Farewell Everquest, I'm gonna miss ya.Follow

#1 Aug 22 2005 at 5:13 AM Rating: Default
Bit of background....

I have been playing SOE's (previously Verant Interactive)games for around 5 years now. I started eq pre-Kunark and left just before Dragon's of Norrath and soon after GoD (Gates of Discord) expansions to come to EQ2. What I found I liked, but there were a few issues.

The main benefits I found were...

1. Good intro tutorial.
2. Amaaaayzing terrain and character graphics.
3. Large selection of spells and classes.

These, after a few months, revealed themselves to me in their true colours.

1a. Almost no emphasis on quests after the intro tutorial, instead on grinding.
2a. Dull, lifeless terrain with no thought put into it (tell me the commonlands are nice to look at and i'll laugh in your face).
3a. 4 classes

What I loved about the original Everquest, the diversity, the complexity, the freedom to do what you want with what skills you have, the obvious tender loving care that had gone into creating the game, the humour ("Teaching snakes to kick."), ALL of it had been leeched out in favour of egalitarian blandness. Where once, there were different items that did different things, now there were sets of items that you could get per level. Items per slot did all the same things, they did nothing different. Head items were ALWAYS +int +wis. Nobody levels in any way different to any others.

I ask, what was so bad about fear kiting that it was destroyed? Likewise, quad kiting, charm kiting, aggro kiting, bard dot kiting. There was nobody who was 'damaged' by these... sure, some people didnt like them because they were 'unfair' but there are always whingers. When I quad-kited with my druid, i was proud, yes PROUD because I was using all my abilities in the best way, as opposed to a far less imaginative route.

EQ2 destroyed everything in the EQ franchise that was dear to me. All those quirky little in-jokes that only people who played eq would know. I never once even heard about a virtual wedding taking place in the world of EQ2, yet I even SAW many of them happen in the original EQ.

It used to be fun. It used to be a hobby. It used to care about the game itself and not just for how many new people it can get to pay the bill. If you think I'm wrong, just look at "Trial of the Isle" and the recent Station Exchange. Sony have lost track of the original dream, perhaps this happened years ago... Personally I believe it happened when Gates of Discord came out. It has been changed into a commercial, bland entity.

I have tried to have fun. I have tried, since release, to enjoy Everquest II. I have failed. I used to think about EQ all the time, think about what I would be doing that evening, what amazing new thing I would discover and whether or not I would be able to get the BFG. Logging onto EQ2 was a chore for me.

The only, and yes i do mean ONLY thing that I enjoyed about EQ2 was doing big damage with my berserker. Now they have taken that from me and I can see no reason why I should keep playing.

I never thought I would do it, but I have moved to WoW. It is with great sadness that I write this, my lament to love's labours lost. That was what eq was, a labour of love. EQ2 is, and always was, a business opportunity.


Trahelion Skyeflyte, 63 Half-Elf Ranger of Morell-Thule. Proud member of Wandering Warlords.

Magefyre, 61 Erudite Magician of Morell-Thule. Proud Lone-Ranger and ************

Muluven Canabellum, 54 Wood-Elf Druid of Morell Thule. Proud founding member of Wandering Warlords.

Bruce Almightye, 39 Gnome Berserker of Befallen. Top Dawg of Legends.

Beatrice Russo, 27 Half-Elf Brigand of Befallen. Initiate of Bloodthirsty.

Tutenkhamen Ra, 25 Iksar Inquisitor of Befallen. Lone-Wolf.

I bid you adieu.
#2 Aug 22 2005 at 7:17 AM Rating: Good
1,246 posts
Almost no emphasis on quests after the Tutorial Smiley: eek

It seems you were playing a different game from me, I've been playing EverQUEST II, and yes I played the original for 4 years also, and that was truly a neverending grind.

Oh well, each to their own.
#3 Aug 22 2005 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
991 posts
1a. Almost no emphasis on quests after the intro tutorial, instead on grinding.
2a. Dull, lifeless terrain with no thought put into it (tell me the commonlands are nice to look at and i'll laugh in your face).

1a. You are absolutely, 150%, without a doubt, undeniably, inexplicably...WRONG!!!! There are now nearly 2500 quests to do. No emphasis on quests? You are out of your damn mind.

2a. Dull, lifeless, terrain in...the Commonlands? Of course there is. That is the whole point. It is the evil land. Good for SOE for getting it right.

I applaud your accomplishments in EQ. You, sir, need to look further into it's sequel before blasting it.
#4 Aug 22 2005 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
I've played the original EQ for two years, absolutely loved the game. Tried EQ II for a couple of months at the beginning, didn't like it and went for WoW too.

I'm back at EQ II now though, it's quite possible that you will too after a while, or EQ. WoW is fun to play, but also easy. A bit too easy at times.

But to stick to the point, EQ II has improved a lot, even more than WoW it concentrates on quests (with a quest log that can hold 75 quests, can it be more obvious?), the sense of accomplishment is great (dwarven workboots are mine, I worked my 'ss off for it), there are few bugs in the game (so far as I played it ofcourse, I'm only lvl 28 at the moment).

The terrain is debatable, I haven't seen that many different terrains as in for instance EQ (but that game has a truly sensational freedom for a character, with so many different places and scenes to go to, which is my main and so far only problem with EQ II, much too restricted at this time), but what I've seen so far I liked.

Anyway Monyetman, enjoy whatever game you want to play, we'll be waiting here for you if you ever decide to come back!
#5 Aug 22 2005 at 10:08 PM Rating: Decent
281 posts
First, I don't understand how the trial of the isle is a bad thing....

Second, since someone always pops out with it,

Can I have your stuff :p
#6 Aug 23 2005 at 6:30 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
I play EQ1 and EQ2. Lately I have bounced back to EQ1 for a bit while I await my crafting vitality to recharge. I agree with the original poster regarding the adventure grind. I am stuck @ level 30 pally with no desire to work on improving him.

I love the crafting aspect of eq2! I am a level 41 carpenter and look forward to the grind and enjoy making furniture. It sells well and you can log in and craft for small periods of time.

Can't really say anything about the lack of quests. That boggles me because I am constantly doing quests (back when I adventured with my pally). Now I just do Crafting writs.

I also agree with the blandness of EQ2 at least for now. It does seem a bit generic and watered down. But I am sure eq1 was not nearly as diverse as it is now (after 11 expansions!!!). The 1st expansion for eq2 is looking great and hopefully will open up a lot of new opportunities.
#7 Aug 23 2005 at 8:17 AM Rating: Default
Trahelion Skyeflyte, 63 Half-Elf Ranger of Morell-Thule. Proud member of Wandering Warlords.

Magefyre, 61 Erudite Magician of Morell-Thule. Proud Lone-Ranger and ************

Muluven Canabellum, 54 Wood-Elf Druid of Morell Thule. Proud founding member of Wandering Warlords.

Bruce Almightye, 39 Gnome Berserker of Befallen. Top Dawg of Legends.

Beatrice Russo, 27 Half-Elf Brigand of Befallen. Initiate of Bloodthirsty.

Tutenkhamen Ra, 25 Iksar Inquisitor of Befallen. Lone-Wolf.

5 years in thats all the higher you got? No quests in EQ2? I guess if all you did was play the island then maybe you would think that, but thats like writing a book report after reading the front cover of the book only.

Oh well just put up your /LFG flag and got sit in PoK for 4 hours and do yourself a favor just don't talk about things you don't know about.
#8 Aug 23 2005 at 9:54 PM Rating: Decent
159 posts
Why ? Why flaming the original poster that is totally entitled to his own opinion ? And what is worse is that he is 150% RIGHT !!! THERE ARE tons of quests, but after the quests on the isle and the first ones you get when you arrive in town, there is NO emphasis on quests. There is no more emphasis on quests than there is on Tradeskilling or raiding. It's just another aspect of the game, a huge one indeed, but just like its totally possible to feel like youve accomplished something grinding to 50 while being a level 3 artisan but completing 900 quests, it is possible to be 50 and have around 30 quests done and still get that feeling. The original poster never said there was no quests to be done, he only said there was no emphasis on them. Wether you do them or not is totally free to you, and while it is true that some cool gear and stuff can be earned by doing them, it is totally possible to go out and only grind mobs. There used to be a little bit more of emphasis because of the access quests, but now that theyve changed it a bit it doesnt feel like questing is without a doubt necessary to the game. YOU WILL miss on some stuff, but then again, there is so very few quests that actually have an impact on other beings than your own toon (except quests that affect guild status) that saying that the emphasis is on quests is false. In fact i think the emphasis of the game depends on what you are doing with it and is personal to each of us. While grouping and meeting new ppl everyday is my own emphasis, i know a few ppl that prefer to solo and that are not so social. I dont give them crap because their view of the game doesnt fit mine.
#9 Aug 23 2005 at 10:22 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
I agree with the blandness bit. EQ definately had something about it that EQ2 doesnt, but i cant quite put my finger on it. Maybe it was all the imperfections like KSing, Medding, Twinking, and having to flee for your life cos someone has just shouted "Train to zone!!!! move it or loose it!!". Hell i used to wake up screaming "SG by Docks".
Get a Imbued wand with a clicky proc if ya want to do a bit of kiting. Soloing with my mystic the other day and got down to 10% power with mob at 30% health and thought Ooops!! Anyway tryed a bit of old school EQ kiting running incircles, nuking with the wand and about 2 mins later it was toast. Even had a small audience and a pat on the back saying "Didnt think you were going to make that Bro" hehe.\
Yeh maybe it was all the things that used to drive you insane at the time werent really that bad after all and prolly even made the game that much better
Jus my 10 cents
#10 Aug 24 2005 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
281 posts
Jus my 10 cents

See how bad the gas has affected the economy....adding 2 cents is a thing of the past now....:p

Btw coming from Final Fantasy XI, I can't say as to how much better or worse this one is over EQ 1. But I can say if people are wanting it to be the same game....just like any game you will be disappointed.
#11 Aug 24 2005 at 9:46 AM Rating: Good
1,885 posts
THERE ARE tons of quests, but after the quests on the isle and the first ones you get when you arrive in town, there is NO emphasis on quests. There is no more emphasis on quests than there is on Tradeskilling or raiding. It's just another aspect of the game, a huge one indeed,

"No emphasis on quests...a huge [aspsect]" Contradiction?

So if I understand you right, there are quests, but they have little impact on the outcome of the game?

I think that is the design of the game, sort of an open-end world where you can go in almost any direction you want. And there is something for everyone. If you want to grind, you can do that. If you want to quest, you can do that. If you want to tradeskill, etc.

Heritage Quests are a huge part of the game. If you've ever been to Nek Castle and tried to work that complex quest, you know what it takes.

And access to CoD for Octogorgon involves 6 or more pre-quests just to get to it. That's seems like a big emphasis to me.

So far nothing in this game has been handed to me. I've had to work, and many times die to get to where I am. As I look back at all I did, I am glad at the long hours it took, the seemingly endless camps for a rare spawn, the mobs that didn't go quietly.

Sure, there's things that can be improved, and I see improvements every day. Certainly this game is not perfect, but a scan at the computer store shelves doesn't bring up any game that is perfect. Maybe some day we'll have Nirvana, for now we have Everquest 2, and it's doing fine.

#12 Aug 24 2005 at 10:10 AM Rating: Default
Why ? Why flaming the original poster that is totally entitled to his own opinion ? And what is worse is that he is 150% RIGHT !!!

If he posts on the board with his "OPINION" then others have the right to say something too? As for him being a expert of eather game (EQ1 or 2 ) he is neather. There for anything he says is just his "OPINION" and not the last word.

As for this not being EQ1 ummmm no its not and never was sold to us as the old EQ so why would anyone with half a brain think that it should be or even compair it to the other game?

I say go play EQ, sorry you didn't like EQ2 and have a nice day. Thanks for giving it a try, but don't whine about it not being EQ1 its been done before.

#13 Aug 24 2005 at 8:56 PM Rating: Default
rate up tutan and broan!!!!! Ihave many little peeves with the game but i see alot of them cleening up. i used to say that sony has lost sight of the real gaol of the game... and thats to make a good MMORPG and not to just make a croud pleazer(sp) it feels alot like they don t care about us players in eq2 as they did in eq1..... people hated ksing trains and kitting(if you couldent kite) but you lived with it and loved the game for it. i remember pre-luclen when people petitioned verent to rename unrest central station...... its things like that, that make me smile and giggle. eq2 so far has none of this.... i dont know hard assness... i mean when you die you just lose a "spirit" shard and that i think is way to muhc of a minior thing. i liked having to run back to a zone filled with ultra meen agro happy mobs while i was naked.... it made me sweat and cures and shout but it was fun. i just hope that eq2 brings, some of thei exitment(sp) back to the table with this new expansion.

meh my 50,000pp
#14 Aug 25 2005 at 3:21 AM Rating: Decent
I loved the loading bar for eq 1 when you would log in and load up on your chosen server... the lil messages were always funny.. getting ready to spin you around rapidly.....

SOE has a bad habbit of killing good franchises... to bad they have a monopoly on the genre....
#15 Aug 25 2005 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
It's funny reading this post, I'm coming from WoW to EQ2 after playing WoW since BETA!

I enjoy WoW, it's a fun game that I'm going to continue playing when my team gets together - but I gotta tell you, the grass ain't so green over there bud either bud. Many things you pointed out in your post is true of WoW too.

I don't expect anything better than WoW by playing EQ2. I'm playing it just cause I refuse to take yet another char through the same content to the same poorly designed endgame Blizzard has made for us. I'd much rather go see Sony's broken endgame. :) (Least it'll be different, eh?).

EQ2 got issues? WoW has it's own and the next series of games will surely have theirs. Let's just hope they steal enough from each other over time to produce that MMORPG we're all looking for.

#16 Aug 25 2005 at 7:52 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Yeh, forgot about those lil messages. Some of them split my sides cos you werent expecting it at the time. Sorta had to think wether the devs had had a few too many doobies the night before and just done it for the hell of it hehe...."Sorry Boss, but it seemed a really good idea at the time!" hehe
#17 Aug 26 2005 at 8:55 AM Rating: Good
Interesting points. I played EQ1 for 5 yrs, beta on EQ2 and went to WOW few months ago (mainly cos all my friends quit eq2 for it).I've for to early 40s paladin on WOW. I only have limited amounts of time to play these days so flexiblity is important.

My thoughts: I liked EQ2 a lot the feel and look is great but i feel they rushed it out because of WOW. they made some of the old eq1 mistakes making the game too hard and not balancing solo vs group play enough but this may have been addressed since i played.

What I prefer in WOW:

the quests are are better designed - they take you from place to place as you level, but dont 'lead you by the nose'. the rewards and story are often fun and appropriate for level. After the early level in EQ2 i found the quests were less immersive and didnt hold together so well story wise.

Flair! wow has a great sense of fun especially with gnome and goblin stuff and often raises a smile, there was far less humour in eq2 - it was too serious. I agree it often felt bland.

For my style of play i like the fact that (so far) in WOW i can play for what ever time i have spare whether its 5 mins of 5hrs you can achieve something. That was impossible in eq1 but better in eq2.

The early game in eq2 was great but i think the large zones was a mistake. Antonica was huge and dull after the numerous small newbie areas. Black burrow was underwealming after the massive eq1 lair. I like the number of zones in wow (and eq1) all with their own flavour and look. There was too much running through huge city areas to get to quest givers.

EQ2 has its strengths though, wow is easy and i doubt id want to level up another character. EQ2 graphics are much better but they need more creativity in using it. WOW is cartoony but they have some great style and little touches that raise a smile.
EQ2 music is great - love the commonlands theme especially.

I think I'll go back to eq2 eventually, once they have refined it. first ill try out WOW's end game.
#18 Aug 30 2005 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
You seem to disagree with me on the 'little emphasis on quests'. There are quests. They are not, however, the main source of xp.

When was the last time since AQs at 20 that you said 'LFG [insert quest name here]' on a regular basis?

In EQ2 post 20, its LFG [insert place name or mob type name here]

in WoW, its LFG [insert quest name here]

In EQ2 you go to places to grind on mobs, it may just be that you have quests to kill them.

In WoW you go to places to do quests, it may just be that you grind a bit as well while doing the quest. As such, it's not grinding.

In EQ2 you're always watching your xp bar and wondering when its going to go up.

In WoW you're so immersed in a mystery-story quest or cool dungeon that you look at your xp bar and all of a sudden its like 'OMG where did all that xp come from?'.

Was doing a mid-level dungeon the other day, looked at my xp bar.

Me : omg just looked at my xp bar lol
Groupmate2 : woah
Groupmate2 : man i've almost leveled

The fun part in EQ2 is getting a cool new spell
The fun part in WoW is PLAYING THE GAME.

Those of you who havent played for 5+ years and call me a n00b, stfu. I have now looked at both EQ2 and WoW to some depth (halfway through the level-progression for WoW, right to endgame in EQ2) and I have decided that WoW is better.

Broan : the reason i didnt get higher level is because i was away at boarding school, 15,000 miles away from home, without an ftp internet connection, FOR TWO YEARS. I went to this school before EQ2 came out, I only got to come home on holidays. As you can imagine, after 4 months away from EQ2 i was dying to get on. This summer, that feeling died. I got back from school for the final time (just finished full-time education, going to uni soon). Played EQ2 for a few days, got depressed, bought WoW, felt happy again.

Also, if you suggest that I only have half a brain, perhaps you should learn how to spell 'compare' beforehand. I am not whining about it not being EQ1. I am saying that none of the good aspects of EQ1, such as diversity and humour, have carried over. When going to play a SEQUEL to a game (Everquest TWO), you expect the developers to have learned both from their mistakes AND their successes.

Hellspawnd : I think that the Trial of the Isle is telling of SOE's desire to snare more and more people, as opposed to improving the play experience for current gamers. Why, I ask, did they not instead devote the time to fixing the many many bugs in game that are a constant frustration to their class? As I only played berserker past 30, the only one I can think of is the Fury line. A self-buff that SAYS it lasts for 15 minutes, yet only last about 15 procs. That kind of thing, an aesthetic glitch that is a complete pain in the ***** In the time it took them to do the whole Trial of the Isle thing, they could have fixed EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE and god knows they know about them. All they have to do is replace the word 'minutes' with 'procs'.

These are my opinions, as one of the poster said. I'm not saying your stupid to play eq2. Im not saying its a bad game. I'm saying why I don't like it. This is my tribute to the amazingness of EQ1 and the shortfall of EQ2 to give ME an entertaining play experience.

If you reply with a substansial amount of text, for god's sake use paragraphing. Makes it sooooo much easier to read.

Edited, Tue Aug 30 10:44:21 2005 by Monyetman
#19 Aug 30 2005 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
In EQ2 post 20, its LFG [insert place name or mob type name here]

in WoW, its LFG [insert quest name here]

I must admit that there is a larger grind in EQ II, but the LFG's I've seen have always been for quests, not mob type or mob name. Only if a quest involves a specific mob like Bloodtalon or such, that's something else.

As for WoW, most people don't bother LFG'ing, much faster to just do the quest on your own. Seriously, the only LFG'ing for that game are some elite quests (not even all of them) and some instances. That is it, all the other quests are no problem to do on your own, at times it is even faster to do it on your own.

Hellspawnd : I think that the Trial of the Isle is telling of SOE's desire to snare more and more people, as opposed to improving the play experience for current gamers. Why, I ask, did they not instead devote the time to fixing the many many bugs in game that are a constant frustration to their class? As I only played berserker past 30, the only one I can think of is the Fury line. A self-buff that SAYS it lasts for 15 minutes, yet only last about 15 procs. That kind of thing, an aesthetic glitch that is a complete pain in the ***** In the time it took them to do the whole Trial of the Isle thing, they could have fixed EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE and god knows they know about them. All they have to do is replace the word 'minutes' with 'procs'.

No offense, but the main reason I actually quit WoW was, apart from it being too easy, the fact that the game is nothing but bugged. I just hope that Blizzard gets to fixing them soon, those were extremely annoying, I haven't seen a comparable bug in EQ II with my 28 paladin as yet. I hate dying because the game isn't working properly, and that happening at a regular basis is too annoying for me.

Could be that other classes have bugs though, I've only played Paladin so far.

Ah well, Dungeons&Dragons Online is out soon :)
#20 Aug 30 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
801 posts
Hellspawnd : I think that the Trial of the Isle is telling of SOE's desire to snare more and more people, as opposed to improving the play experience for current gamers. Why, I ask, did they not instead devote the time to fixing the many many bugs in game that are a constant frustration to their class? As I only played berserker past 30, the only one I can think of is the Fury line. A self-buff that SAYS it lasts for 15 minutes, yet only last about 15 procs. That kind of thing, an aesthetic glitch that is a complete pain in the ***** In the time it took them to do the whole Trial of the Isle thing, they could have fixed EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE and god knows they know about them. All they have to do is replace the word 'minutes' with 'procs'.

You realize the Trial of the Isle/Isle of Refuge was part of the game from Beta. All they did was separate it as a demo. It probably took all of an hour.

You realize also that they've been working for the last few months on a major combat revamp and overhaul that will fix bugs, broken classes and improve gameplay (their stated intent, I guess we'll see.)

Also, they've made many changes and additions to the game since it came out. I can't think of any that I would say are for the worse.

As for WoW, I've played it a lot. My main is level 37 and I have many alts. Yes, the experience flies, especially at early levels, but that's true of any MMO at early levels. I don't know if you've done a lot of quests in EQ2, but I'm never without quests to do in my current zones and I get a lot of experience and loot from them.

Your experience may be different, but Ive found no one groups unless it's to get a monster they can't kill alone or to do an instance. I've grouped with people many times who have no concept of group etiqette or team playing. Just the other day I was with a guy who just ran off wherever he wanted, let me die (I was on my priest) and didn't wait for me to get back, so I was left in the middle of many MoB's and I died again. This kind of thing has happened to me a lot. You'll find the majority of WoW players heve never played an MMO before, and they treat it as a single player game and you as they would an NPC henchman.

WoW is fun for a while, but come back in a month or two when the sheen has worn off, and you realize that way too many of the quests are all Kill X of Y or get X items off mob Y. And all the outdoor zones are either a forest with huge trees or a desert - give or take a few mountains. And after level 15 or so, it's pretty much all the same. And if you're on a PvP server, I hope you like getting ganked. A lot.

IMHO, that grass isn't any greener. Of course it's just a matter of taste and if you really like it better - have fun. I just don't like to see unfair statements get by without a challenge.
#21 Aug 30 2005 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
*Shrug* Why do so many people feel the need to announce when they're leaving a game? Let SOE know your issues/desires when you leave, they can actually do something about it.
#22 Sep 19 2005 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
1a. Almost no emphasis on quests after the intro tutorial, instead on grinding.

Obviously, you never "Hailed" anyone who was beckoning you over... and never hit "J" to see the 50 then 75 max quest journal.

If you didn't notice the XP gain from finishing a quest, you must have lost track of it in all the xp you got from killing the creatures in the first place. (Though be prepared to be slathered with XP in WoW. I got 1000xp (out of 10k needed to level) for hailing a guy in the same city. No wonder people level to 60 in 15days.

Sorry - you are so beyond wrong its sad.

2a. Dull, lifeless terrain with no thought put into it (tell me the commonlands are nice to look at and i'll laugh in your face).

With the flora on, yeap, it's nice to look at. Its a savanna, borderline desert grasslands. It is what it is supposed to look like.

Go to WoW and you will see the same thing... endless rolling terrain with the same predominant color. Green in the Tauren/human area, red in the orc/troll, white in the dorf/gnome, grey/blue in the undead.

3a. 4 classes

yeah, right, k. whatever sorry wrong again. My troubador brings a lot to a group that is distinctly different than my friends brigand. Having a fury in the group doesnt mean the templar is useless.

ALL of it had been leeched out in favour of egalitarian blandness

They finally woke up and realized locked encounters (ouside of raids) and group xp debt sharing were bad bad bad ideas.

Other than that, I can do a LOT more now with my troubador than I could with my 67 (100aa) bard (I quit a lil while after OoW). My 67 Bard sang the same 4-5 songs since lvl 55 (a loooooong time). Chant kiting is mind numbingly boring. Swarm kiting, after you learned it, ditto. Fear kiting, useless for xp. Each of which used a grand total of maybe 2 of my characters skills. Druid quad kiting required 1 and a half. Snaring and an aoe nuke... not a challenge in the least.

It is much more of a challenge to fight 1 to 4 mobs in eq2 than the 15-20 I would monopolize when swarm kiting.

EQ2 destroyed everything in the EQ franchise that was dear to me. All those quirky little in-jokes that only people who played eq would know.

/shrug I see them all the time, just because they aren't scrolling across your loading.... screen doesnt mean they arent there...

It's just that you have to interact with the NPC's and read / listen to the quest givers.

Have you gone to Temple street and done the quests for the bickering gnome/ratonga merchants? How about the "Nektulos Bird Watching" book completion quest? I wasn't ready for the first completed story... and I had to finish the book to see the others... laughed every time, and laugh when I read it again from my library.

The only, and yes i do mean ONLY thing that I enjoyed about EQ2 was doing big damage with my berserker.

to that I have to say... wow... I am sorry for you. Even before the combat revamp beserkers didnt do all that much damage. My troubador was always out damageing my friends (higher level) zeker, and I am the least dps oriented scout...

EQ2 is, and always was, a business opportunity

obviously this is another 'sour grapes' rant. Its a hard breakup so you feel the need to dis EQ2 to make yourself feel better.

Sorry to burst your bubble... yer wrong on all counts, except the last one.

FYI--- any game you pay money for is a business opportunity...

if you cannot enjoy a game for what it is... then you have every right to stop playing it.

Edited, Mon Sep 19 17:16:17 2005 by Meneldur
#23 Sep 19 2005 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
This Thread cracks me up.

"EQ2 is, and always was, a business opportunity." - Monyetman

Uhhh, yeah. So is WoW, AC, FFXI, SWG, AO, UO, and any other subscription based MMORPG you can think of. Developers and CSR's need to eat too.

If you really want to play a game that is a "labor of love" go out and play some MUD's. Yes, there are still quite a few of those around with stable player bases and great content.

"SOE has a bad habbit of killing good franchises... to bad they have a monopoly on the genre.... " - celticprince

Right. Blizzard certainly doesn't have any impact on the marketplace with 4 million subscribers. Or SquareEnix with their half million or so... MMORPG's are all ruled by SOE.

Hate SOE all you want. But you are giving them WAY too much credit there.
#24 Sep 20 2005 at 1:42 PM Rating: Default
Meneldur, I salute you. You are the first person to give a reasonably intelligent criticism of the opinions I voiced in the OP and the followup.

You did not, however, get everything right. I'm not going to try to challenge what you said about the game, as your mind (as is mine) is obviously decided. What you did get wrong was my view of it.

First and foremost, I am not dissing it nor am I dissing anybody who chooses to play it. I am lamenting what seems, to me, the change of the game.

This was not a sour grapes rant (though I admit it may have seemed that way at times). This was my way of signifying a change, of giving my departure from EverQuest after 6 years higher status than switching from (for example) Tekken 4 to Soul Calibur 2 as your choice of console beat-em-up game to play.

"Sorry to burst your bubble - yer wrong on all counts."

Do you honestly think that you saying what you said makes me completely change my mind? That I might have a revelation? "Oh yes. He's right. Everything I said was complete ******** and now I can enjoy eq2 again." I have no bubble to be burst.

Your post started well and got quite good as it went down, but became seriously disappointing at the end. I did not insult anybody with the OP, nor do I expect to be insulted. I did not suggest anybody was child-like or stupid, likewise I do not expect to be patronised.

Oh yeah, one last thing. If you out-dpsd your berserker friend before the re-vamp, he was afk :P

berserkers is teh |_||3/-\|-| - 168dps at level 39, BO SELECTA
#25 Sep 20 2005 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
I hope you enjoy your game. I have been to WoW and for me eq2 was far better. But that is what I enjoy I came from FFXI before that etc etc..

I can't say that I share your thoughts on just about all of your points. You picked a plate wearing tank and it shocks you that they took "some" of the dps away and geared them more back to being a main tank. If you are mting and using your buffs right you still do nice damage but you also take damage well you shouldn't be able to out damage a scout or mage or even the brawler class.

Now I will give you the point that the CL is ugly as sin. I hated that place but have you ever been through everfrost or the ice castles in perma.. lavastorm. EL rivevale (zek is ugly) and now the DOF which is breath taking..

When it comes to support for this game it is far above any game I have ever seen. 13 free huge updates each and everyone adding more and more content.. 1 expansion 2 adventure packs ( splitpaw was great bloodlines cool but since it doesn't scale limited in use)

A crafting system that has to be one the best I have ever seen in a game to date.

EQ2 is not however anything like eq1. I know two people that are level 50 and all the way to lvl 45 ish.. did nothing but quests of all types and helped others with quest.. next to some soloing never grouped and made it that far.. but you don't have to go that route you could duo trio.. or full group your way there

EQ2 was set up for all levels of gamers.. leaning more towards the casual gamer then its hardcore brother eq..

reguardless good luck..
#26 Oct 04 2005 at 1:18 AM Rating: Decent
Monyetman wrote:

In EQ2 post 20, its LFG [insert place name or mob type name here]
in WoW, its LFG [insert quest name here]

In EQ2 you go to places to grind on mobs, it may just be that you have quests to kill them.
In WoW you go to places to do quests, it may just be that you grind a bit as well while doing the quest. As such, it's not grinding.

In EQ2 you're always watching your xp bar and wondering when its going to go up.
In WoW you're so immersed in a mystery-story quest or cool dungeon that you look at your xp bar and all of a sudden its like 'OMG where did all that xp come from?'.

The fun part in EQ2 is getting a cool new spell
The fun part in WoW is PLAYING THE GAME.

OK, but here's the thing - the XP comes so fast in WoW that you reach the level cap in a few months, and then all that cool questing is replaced by endless raids, for the sole purpose of getting a chance to roll on a piece of epic loot. Over and over and over, literally hundreds of times. Because you need a complete set of gear to be able to grind through the next tier to get *that* set, and so on. All the worst "features" of the EQ1 end game recycled, with less variety and challenge.

Haven't played EQ2 since shortly after launch, so I don't really know what its like now, but my greatest concern was just what you've described above - that past the starting areas, it was going to be all about the "grinding". Whether that's true or not, don't think you're escaping to greener pastures in WoW. Almost everyone is lvl 60 now, and there's no "LFG" except for those dreary instance runs, zerg to the boss, roll for the loot, rinse and repeat. Unless you like the PvP, and I sure don't, there's really nothing else to do.

I'm also an old-time EQ1 player, looking for the promised land - another game that could keep me immersed and excited for four or five years. Trust me, friend, WoW ain't it.
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