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Inflation...... ares prices real?Follow

#1 Jul 18 2005 at 4:23 PM Rating: Default
I just recently harvested a rough jasper from a wind swept rock in TS for the ghoulbane quest. when i went back to my room and put the item up for sale on the brocker i checked the price for the item. The lowest price was 45gp..... this may not seem likie much.... but for a 27 pally with 41gp in bank its kinda.... messed up. for the teir 3 rare thats just unreal. i play on the faydark server and i was wondering. are prices on rares this high? and if so why the hek as the economy gone down the drain?

P.S. i have realy bed grammer and spelling please try to understand.
#2 Jul 18 2005 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
801 posts
Prices on rares are through the roof. I don't understand it, but I can offer some possible explanations.

Tier 5 stuff is ridiculous because everyone at level 50 in raiding guilds feels they have to have the best stuff in the game and are willing to pay exhorbitant prices for it. (Never mind that when the expansion comes out in September Ebon will be so 5 minutes ago)

At the lower tiers, there are a lot of new players coming back from WoW lately, and a lot of new Froggie alts, so demand for items at lower levels is up.

Keep in mind that you DON'T need this stuff. The rare crafted items ARE NOT 50 times better than the regular, as their broker pricing would lead you to believe.

From what I've seen, everything other than rare items are very fairly priced.
#3 Jul 18 2005 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
prices are a bit nuts sometimes! i'm glad that you at least check for the prices before you put your items up. its clear that some people don't even do that.

sometimes i see normal tier 3 provision harvest items up for like 2s, and on the same page, the same item will be 1g.......wth?!?!?! do people even check these prices! and maybe sometimes people think that items sell by the stack?? people are so greedy, i only put items up for the price that I would pay for myself. some low level 10 adept spells going for 1g+ ?!?! i don't know, but sometimes the broker really makes me laugh.

Edited, Mon Jul 18 18:17:58 2005 by bloodwingss
#4 Jul 18 2005 at 8:19 PM Rating: Default
People will pay what the market will bear, period!

I am a 26th Zerker & 25th Weaponsmith on the BEFALLEN server...

I just recently started an alt (Ogre Crusader --- planning on betrayal).
From the moment he left the Island I had Pristine Iron Armor (All seven peices + the Leggings & Chestplate Imbued) and a Pristine Imbued Iron Greatsword waiting for him.

I of course made 2 of each item (in case I blew a combine - I didn't). I went to place these spare items on the broker and saw that on the broker these items (the imbued) were selling for 6.5-10gp each...
I know this sounds high but the imbuing potions are running at least 1gp each... that adds up fast.
As soon as I hit list item for the breastplate there was a /tell asking me if I had more. As I always sell at the market price -10% I get my stuff sold quiclky.
I sold the rest of the gear to the same person (he came to my inn room to avoid the broker fees).

WHen I asked him about him buying these items (he was a lvl 46 Illusionist) he told me he was starting a High Elf Shadowknight (Go figure... we were both betraying /shrug)...

Anyways, my new tank can easily eat just about anything in his way thats +2 levels...
It's gonna be fun.
#5 Jul 19 2005 at 5:24 AM Rating: Decent
The pricing of rare harvests has gotten totally out of control on Toxx. I'm sure it is due at least in part to so many wealthy 50s rolling up new alts to play around with at the low end of the game.

Raw T3 rares now go for higher prices then finished rare goods did a couple months ago.

In addition, the price of food and drink has gotten completely out of hand. Lvl 30 - 3 hour food is averaging 30 - 40 sp per piece and 1 hour T3 drink like coffee or tea averages around 25 - 35 sp each. Long duration drink is currently up over 50 sp each.

It's getting so you can't afford to eat and drink anymore! And buying a rare to upgrade a critical spell... well that is a luxury, my friend!
#6 Jul 19 2005 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
102 posts
Well I can tell you now if provisioners are not doing the harvesting themselfs that prices will go up like that cause raw mats are stupidly expensive. I mean I can make one white peach tea and if I buy from the broker they "cost" me about 80sp each just to make them.

Well a week ago it now cost over a gold to make them if you buy the raws from the broker. if I have to pay that much just to make it your cost is going way up too so that I can still make a profit worth my time.

I harvest or others do for me so my prices are far below that of others.. so much so I almost have to fight with someone daily about the amount of food and drink I have up at such "low" prices. I consider my prices rather high right now and they are still nearly half the markets. I sell them so fast I can't make them quick enough I think people are stock piling them in fear of higher prices.. but then again im not buy my mats and if someone is they can't sell at my prices cause it cost them more to buy the mats then I am selling for.
#7 Jul 19 2005 at 6:24 AM Rating: Good
553 posts
I kinda like it though, we folks need to enjoy the prices till they come back down. I've made more in a week than I did all of beta. I don't even have to craft the bloody things! You can make 10gp a day just harvesting! It's insane! It won't last!
#8 Jul 19 2005 at 6:27 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
It's really simple.

More Money = inflationary prices. As people level up they find out that money comes easier. I have a 29 pally that just completed a quest in Enchanted Lands that gave me an item that I could sell to a vendor for 2 gold and also paid out 86 server. Quest took me 10 minutes to finish.

My pally is also a level 33 carpenter and routinely sells items he has crafted and makes up to 10 gold in a night.

When I buy food - I look for the longest duration and highest level. It doesn't bother me to spend a few gold for a stack of food/drink. It does suck to waste 5-10 gold on food but I don't have time to level an alt provisioner up to level 40 so therefore I can ***** too much.

Provisioners make mad money. Period. If you want mad money, roll a provisioner. Every toon needs to eat/drink and need to resupply every week or so. The items my carpenter makes don't rot and take up space. I am not complaining, just making a point.
#9 Jul 19 2005 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
102 posts
^^ don't bet on that. And only in higher tiers does money come quick. I make between 10 and 30 gold a night if I work my butt off. I have armorsmith friends that can make 10pp in a week on rare armor sales alone.

Profit margins for provi is low so you have to produce a lot. YOu have to hope someone isn't botting in your tier or you show up with your goods and 8 pages of dirt cheap merch.. so all you can do is hold till it all sells out. YOu have to harvest if you want to make any good money buying ur raws isn't like the other crafts.. at t5 freaking fulgate under 3sp almost everynight. I would have to pay 30x that to buy my stuff. Not to mention everyone has a freaking provi it has more then double of any other crafter game wide..
#10 Jul 19 2005 at 10:38 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
True. Perhaps I was mistaken. I guess I was basing my opinion on the fact that buying food/drink is a tremendous money sink, and maybe not as profitable for the provisioner as I thought.

Plus a lot of the armor out there that drops in chests is just slightly less then those created with rares. Therefore I am bewildered that people pay 10 plat for armor that is just slightly better then stuff that drops (for free) off of herioc mobs.
#11 Jul 19 2005 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
801 posts
There's very little good T4 drink up on Nektulos. I just paid a gold each for 3 hour drink, and felt screwed but lucky I found it. That's what all T4 drink is running there - about 33sp for an hour's worth. I spoke too soon, I guess, drink is way overpriced.

One peeve of mine - why do so many Provies price lesser quality ("savory" or regular) items the same as delectable/refreshing?

I'm seriously considering leveling a provisioner just for my own stuff and the guild. I can harvest for her. At least it's easier than weaponsmithing... more recipes to pristine for bonus exp.
#12 Jul 19 2005 at 11:43 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
I play on Nek also and I confirm the above pricing on food and drink. Tier 4 is easily going for 75 silver to 1 gold per item. That's what I based my "mad Money" theory on....

Funny how prices very from server to server....
#13 Jul 19 2005 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
51 posts
Yeah I'm working on lvling a provisioner. He's lvl 12 almost 13. It's amazing how prices have changed since launch. On my Conjuror I was lucky if I sold maple for 1 copper. Now I'm lucky if I can find it for less then 1 silver. Tuber strands as well. I was doing good selling them for more then 10 copper now they sell for 1 silver or more. Usually more. I'm on AB. A full server. With as many players as we have there I'm surprised prices are so high. I would think that with so many people harvesting stuff prices would be pretty low. But it's not that way. And also now that most people are past lvl 20 there's no one that harvests in T1 areas. So prices for those things are even higher then other Tiers. I think it will balance out in the future. Hopefully the adding of mobs dropping coin won't have the effect of raising prices but lowering them.
#14 Jul 19 2005 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
Don't get me wrong you can make money at it. I have made a lot of money off my provi. Not 10pp horses money be enough to afford me rare armor and weapons and nice things for my house. Not enough to be filthy rich but enough that I'm not poor. Prolly middle class.

Many other crafts make more money then provis do now and the market can be pretty tense. Those T4 prices are about what our t5 prices are on oasis. I need to check the t4 market to see if I should make something there.

#15 Jul 19 2005 at 3:43 PM Rating: Default
i think its kinda funny how this turned into a rant about provs. to trell the truth im using store bought meat and srping water. and i do fine with it. i know my rec wil lbe much better with others but.... face it the prices things are at right now its cheeper to go out and adventure then it is to buy player made and materials for crafting. i allso know that sometimes you need better food for raids and such.... that when i have my guild prov give me some stuff...... thats why you needa guild just give the job to some one else and let them take care of it. im allready working on being guild armor but i dont mind as it will give me a chance to help guild more.... so people just ***** buying player made stuff and harvest and sell. since i see now that prices wont come down fora while.
#16 Jul 19 2005 at 5:37 PM Rating: Decent
sometimes i really enjoy idiots who overprice things, because then its very easy to undercut them and make tons of cash.

my stuff always sells very fast because i consider the level of an item, then put up fair prices. these greedy people who want 5 gold for level 10 adepts are crazy and jerky.

when selling items, i don't sell it for the price that i want to earn, i sell it for the price that i would pay myself. and since i don't have much cash, those prices are usually pretty low ;)
#17 Jul 20 2005 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
991 posts
The economy on EQ2 is the same as the economy in RL. If people are going to pay X amount of dollars for a certain item, then it is going to sell for exactly that. It's like collectibles. A baseball card, for instance, could be "worth" $1,000. However, and this is rather obvious, if everyone is only willing to pay $500, then that is what the card is really worth (<~~~notice no quotations). The exact opposite is true, also. If someone wants something bad enough, they won't care what the price tag says.
#18 Jul 20 2005 at 6:51 PM Rating: Decent
who's paying 5 gold for level 10 adepts?

crazy people that's who! lol.
#19 Jul 26 2005 at 9:35 PM Rating: Good
151 posts
Basic Economics

Economics is simply, the study of scarce resources that have alternative uses. In a free market economy (no price controls), supply and demand determine price equilibrium. If a rare item is worth 10gp to someone who wants to make armor or weapons with it, they are competing against other people willing to either pay more to make the same armor or will use the rare item for an "alternative use" that justifies what they are willing to pay.

Greed has nothing to do with pricing. If pricing were based on greed, then items would be sold at 9,999,999... platinum. But, in a free market economy, no one will pay 9,999,999... if the same item is available at a lesser price (say, 10sp).

A nice feature with regards to the broker, when players look up items, the list is sorted by most expensive, first. Players with money they don't care about, may buy the first item listed "at the highest price" rather than go bargain hunting, because when money is no object, their time is more valuable than spending 30 seconds finding the least expensive item. So, in this case, the scarce resource is the player's time; they are spending more to preserve time (or rather, they are avoiding the hassle of finding a lower cost item).

On the other hand, in a market with price controls, supply does not increase with demand, creating a shortage. In fact, supply often decreases when price controls are implemented, providing less incentive for a business or entrepreneur to obtain and sell the product.


Next time you see a high priced item, either negotiate the price, or don't buy it. If the seller never sells the item at the high price, they will eventually stop selling it, or will lower the price.
#20 Jul 27 2005 at 1:32 AM Rating: Decent

Greed has nothing to do with pricing. If pricing were based on greed, then items would be sold at 9,999,999... platinum. But, in a free market economy, no one will pay 9,999,999... if the same item is available at a lesser price (say, 10sp).

selling a level 10 adept for 5 gold seems greedy to me. just because rich people can pay these large amounts of money without worry, doesn't mean you should rip off everyone else, especially poor people like me ;)

you're right about the way economy works, but you have to admit that some people are greedy.

Edited, Wed Jul 27 02:39:39 2005 by bloodwingss
#21 Jul 27 2005 at 3:59 AM Rating: Decent

I totally agree with you. That's why I always sell my stuff way under the going rate, just to **** the high sellers off and to sell fast. This economic science of the "what people are willing to pay" crowd is just more of the greed in disguise. It applies to everything across the board, especially in an MMORPG. Just because somebody is willing to pay a price for something, doesn't mean you have to sell it at that price. That's a greed fallacy of the highest order, and with everybody thinking that way it becomes a self fullfilling reality with prices across the board skyrocketing due to the greed in human nature.

#22 Jul 27 2005 at 4:07 AM Rating: Decent
Consider that at least some of the people who scoop up your low price bargains could be your over-priced competition who then turn your goods over for the same price as their own.

You could well be helping the people you want to **** off to make even more profit! Just a thought...
#23 Jul 27 2005 at 7:34 AM Rating: Decent
There's also the fact that the reason you can't afford the high prices is because you are undercutting others with what you sell and hence not ammassing as much cash as others.
#24 Jul 27 2005 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
991 posts on accurate. I try to price my items by tier and by what others are pricing them at for this exact reason. That being said, I am not going to sell an item that I know to be rare much lower to match or undercut someone else. For instance, I recently looted a T3 adept 1 spell. 10g too much? I don't believe so. Yet someone else is selling this at 2g. So...what do I do. Put mine up for 10g. I do not believe this is greed. With the number of classes out there, especially at T3, what is the probability that you will loot this for yourself? Not very high, I can assure you. I believe 10g is reasonable. How does everyone else feel? What are the prices on your servers? I play on Lucan DLere.
#25 Jul 27 2005 at 3:23 PM Rating: Default
hehehe i wouldent know i play on faydark and their are allmost no pally adepts for sale at my lvl... im lvl 28 and i just when looking for 2 days for adepts and found 3........ i have only found 2 for my self and all my other skills are app2 or app4 as its all i can find..... the adepts i do see some times go for 6g but i think its to high so i wait or find a difrent spell. as far as rares go..... i sell for under the price so i can getem off me quick.
#26 Jul 27 2005 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
Consider that at least some of the people who scoop up your low price bargains could be your over-priced competition who then turn your goods over for the same price as their own.

You could well be helping the people you want to **** off to make even more profit! Just a thought...

quite true, but i think there are more regular buyers than market players. i always get scared that people will buy my stuff and resell it, but i guess you can't let that stop you from trying to help other people.

There's also the fact that the reason you can't afford the high prices is because you are undercutting others with what you sell and hence not ammassing as much cash as others.

that's true too, but sometimes buying stuff doesn't make a huge difference anyway. after i go to the broker and spend 50g on lots of stuff, i really don't see much improvement in my character, but then again, the highest level i've been is only level 35.

but when you browse the market, you can still tell whether something is reasonably priced. like i said before, how many level 10's have 5g for an adept, or 1g for tier 2 regular harvest items. i'm not saying these prices are common, but i do see them happen sometimes, and it confuses me. my items don't even sell very fast at low prices, i wish i could overprice my stuff too.

i'm also talking about people who sell items that are way overpriced when there are like 10 other items that are exactly same already for sale. its like people don't even bother to check to see that the item they are selling for 5g is already on the market 10 times at 10s.
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