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#1 Jun 21 2005 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
I think it is extremely rude to invite someone to join a group without first talking to them. And to add to the insult when I decline they just ask again. If you can't give me a tell, type in say, or in OOC and ask if I am interested than you are certainly not worthy of my grouping with you. I had one little dwarf who after being rejected two times began to jump up and down to get my attention. What is this?

Is it just laziness? I know I am not the only person who really hates this. I refuse to join any groups that don't talk to me first. If I have ******* about this before I appologize. I just feel that it she be re-hashed and maybe somewhere along the line someone will get the picture.
#2 Jun 21 2005 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
My impression is these invites come from youngies. Typing probably isn't one of their fortes Smiley: smile

I always decline them too, the people I want to group with enjoy communicating in the game.
#3 Jun 21 2005 at 6:51 PM Rating: Decent
276 posts
I decline and then send them a tell to ask what for and hope they learn to communicate their desires to others before they get much older. I mean, even in real life you'll need to say something to people you want to hang with and not just hope they'll hang out with you just because you're there.
#4 Jun 21 2005 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
Heh I just decline constantly and ignore them... eventually they'll get tired and run off.
#5 Jun 21 2005 at 9:56 PM Rating: Decent
Trouble is, how can I possibly know if I even want to group with you if you don't talk to me and instead just toss out a blind invite.

I have no way of knowing what mobs you and the group are after or what quests you are all on unless you tell me...

Maybe you are all terrific players and I am missing out on a great group but I can see no point in buying a pig in a poke!

Drive-by invite to group? Include me out!
#6 Jun 22 2005 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
1,885 posts
I feel that if you put up your LFG tag, you don't really care what you are looking for, just a group...any group. You will tend to get invited to groups of your level range anyway, so the exp will be worthwhile. If one does not want a group, don't put up the /lfg tag.

I hope one does not expect too much formalities. If you are /lfg, you have effectively said, "I'm announcing to the server I'm LFG, come get me." I have been invited to groups that were 2-4 zones away. If they can wait the 15+ minutes it may take to get there (like the run to Nek Castle), then all is well.

If one is looking for a particular zone, mob, etc, then a /ooc will help. I have found that many folks who call /ooc are not on the LFG list. That tells me two things: 1) They want a particular zone or mob, which is fine, or 2) They are too lazy to type /lfg.

I agree, it is rude to blindly invite someone without talking to them first.

I have worked writs in Everfrost and seen many others killing the same mobs I am (wolves and explorers). Even though they are not LFG, I will send them a friendly tell asking them what they are hunting. If it turns out we are hunting the same thing, I suggest we join so we don't have to compete for the mob spawns.

I usually works out that we join up and rock through the writs extremely fast. In fact I have met up with a 43 Conjurer also working the same area, and we always happen to be on at the same time.

This has evolved into us automatically looking for each other when in that zone, and a virtual friendship beginning. :)

Pleasent attitudes always prevail.

One last, and unfortunately sour note. Selective Healers.

Too many times I've invited a healer that was LFG only to get interrogated:
- Full group? If not, forget it.
- Main Tank? If not, forget it.
- Zone I want but didn't /ooc? Forget it.

I don't always have the benefit of having a full group when forming on the fly. Sometimes we don't even get a full group. The healers were "tired" of getting bad groups, so have become selective. If I encounter such a person, I'll stop asking and look elsewhere.

I am happy to say though, I have found many others that are glad to join. Expecially at the higher level zones where it is harder and more dangerous, the healers are happy to get a protective group that can keep agro.
#7 Jun 24 2005 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
I could understand the dialogue less invite if I were LFG but that's not what happens. ArGH!!
#8 Jun 25 2005 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
I feel that if you put up your LFG tag, you don't really care what you are looking for, just a group...any group. You will tend to get invited to groups of your level range anyway, so the exp will be worthwhile. If one does not want a group, don't put up the /lfg tag.

Thats a pretty broad assumption. Many who put up an LFG tag do have certain limits to what they are looking for. This can be especially true for EQ1 veterans, who are used to the LFG window that game had that you could add comments about what you were looking for. EQ2 really needs to add this feature.

Drive by invites? I can't stand them, especially when I am not LFG. Happens at least twice a game session, though more commonly in the lower level areas. Its especially irritating if the person inviting isnt even close to my level. My 24 SK received an invite from a lvl 10 the other day. What was really irritating was when (assuming the lvl 10 was a noob and just didnt know we couldn't group) was that this toon (at least according to them) was an alt whose main was level 31. hmmmm...
#9 Jun 26 2005 at 11:12 AM Rating: Default
Regarding the selective healers.

Many are gun shy without a main tank for good reasons.

Healers need a good tank to hold aggro.Example:Monks can't taunt.

Also,a healer can't heal eveyone in the group during combat,their power would be exhausted very fast.

Asking if group is full.They ask this because they know well the fact that while a tank is needed to hold aggro,DPS classes are needed to kill the mob and buff the group etc.

Don't be so harsh on the healers.

36 Ranger
25 Templar
#10 Jun 27 2005 at 1:06 AM Rating: Decent
1,885 posts
Regarding the selective healers.

Many are gun shy without a main tank for good reasons.

Healers need a good tank to hold aggro.Example:Monks can't taunt.

Also,a healer can't heal eveyone in the group during combat,their power would be exhausted very fast.

Asking if group is full.They ask this because they know well the fact that while a tank is needed to hold aggro,DPS classes are needed to kill the mob and buff the group etc.

Don't be so harsh on the healers.

Healers are players just like everyone else. They do not get special consideration because of their job. Monks can't taunt? Don't need to with their high DPS and hate-increasing abilities. How many times has a Ranger stole agro for high DPS? Yea, if they are good, they won't get agro...I've heard all the stories.

Yes, yes, healers are an important part of a group. But that is no excuse for using that to their advantage.

You won't hear a Conjurer interogate the group leader before joining. And these days we don't even need a full group, do we?
#11 Jun 27 2005 at 2:17 AM Rating: Decent
276 posts
Those healers are just trying to make lives easier for them and harder for others :)

Me personnally, if I'm playing a healer, I wouldn't go in a high interigation process when joining a party. I know from playing FFXI that sometimes you'll need to wait to have a full party going if you want to accomplish something. I'm glad this game allows completion of certain things w/o a full party with all key players (tank, DDs, healer). So if I'm in a party with just me and a scout, well, that fine too, I can heal myself. Just as long as the scout knows not to pull something if I have very little mana.
#12 Jun 27 2005 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
Actually yes, there's no reason why a conjurer shouldn't ask questions about the group before joining.

And I've had others besides healers ask.

2 people make serious commitments when they join a group, the tank and the healer. If one of them leaves, the group is less effective, sometimes to the point of breaking up. So why isn't it ok to ask questions before making that commitment?

I think its scarier that people simply accept group invites without even finding out what is being hunted or who is in the group.

Having LFG up is not an opening to anyone to send an invite.

Its indicating that "hey I'd like to find a group". That doesn't mean any group anywhere will do.

You may still have some criteria for what you re looking for. Or not. How hard is it to send a tell and ask?

Is it really that tough to say "hey would you like to group? We're killing x"
#13 Jun 27 2005 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
Now I havent played in a while but so I'm not sure about this but cant you put up you LFG flag and in the search window to find a group put in a comment on what kind of group you are looking for.

Your flag would still be displayed then and you would get random invites from on the run people yet it would not be the type of group you are looking for.

Correct me if I am mistaken on this.
#14 Jun 27 2005 at 11:54 PM Rating: Decent
gossamer wondered:
Is it really that tough to say "hey would you like to group? We're killing x"

No, it isn't that tough at all. And in fact, an exchange of simple tells should be viewed as the default bare-minimum pre-requisite for any group invite since this is a game that is based on social interaction.

If a stranger walked up to you at a street corner and held up a sign that said "DATE" on it, would you be willing to climb into their car and head off for dinner and a movie? I think not!

And to Zldyknight who stated:
Those healers are just trying to make lives easier for them and harder for others

Please explain why I should go out of my way to make someone's life easier when they can't be bothered to even type out 5 or 10 words to tell me why they need my services!
#15 Jun 28 2005 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
276 posts
I agree with you that people need to say why they want to invite you to a group, but that doesn't necessarily mean a huge interrigation process which puts the person inviting on the edge and thinking that the healer's a bit on the not so friendly side, and wondering if inviting this person would be a fun experience or not. I personally don't like partying with people who whine too much about nothing and dictate to me what spell order I should use for what occasion. I mean, I'll take suggestions on how to better myself when I play, but I don't like getting belittled through the process.

So to cap it off, when inviting people I usually ask if they're killing the same thing I am (are we on the same quest, what other similar quests we have?) Usually I do go for healers first and usually do tell them that I'm still trying to form a party and what their opinions are. Once formed I'd rather like to see people say "ok, that didn't work, let's try it some other way" than "<insert various combinations of curse words here>!?!?!!!1111 this sucks!!! I'm leaving!!!" if we get into a bad situation. I like my 3 strikes motto, if the group doesn't click the 3rd try (wipe) it's more than likely not gonna work.

Since my kids (2 and 3yo) are in constant agro range, I don't get to party much and preffer not to. I don't believe it's right to have the group waiting for me to take care of personal real life problems that may pop up out of the blue. So my LFG flag won't be up for the most part and I'm usually not going to be trying to put hours into getting the perfect party together. If I need to party to kill something I wait for people to do a /ooc description of what their party's intentions and ask if I could join. I tell the leader my situation with the kids and hope the party goes for the best.

Again, the key to group invites is communication, something I learned well while playing FFXI. If you're playing from a non-English place and found yourself on the English speaking servers, a message that says "I don't understand" is alright, atleast it's trying to communicate. Leaders have to communicate their intentions and maybe some instructions on how to pull something off (this is how it's gonna go down type of deal). Praises for good deeds are good, deminuative (sp?) hateful demoralizing comments are bad. We all want a good fun experience while partying. I'd rather see somebody pull off a Leroy Jenkins and laugh my a$$ off than feel worthless.
#16 Jun 28 2005 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
Its not an interrogative process.
But you described it exactly right. Most people go for a healer first.

So put yourself in their shoes for a sec. You are a healer, you put up the LFG flag, and some guy sends you an invite, or even says "hey want to group".

You join the group, and its just him and you, and they say "oh I needed a healer, then we'll find more".

Now you wait for 15 minutes while he puts the group together.

Personally, this drives me nuts. If, on the other hand, he had sent a tell ahead of time and said "hey I see you are LFG, I'm trying to put a group together, and I think if you and I group up it will only take a few minutes to find more". Well, now the choice is mine, before I make any sort of commitment.

If I want a fully formed group I can say no thanks and move on, if I am ok with putting a group together I say "yes" and everyone is happy because I walked into the situation with knowledge.

Its much harder once you join up, it feels really rude to accept the invite and then click Leave Group.

Does that make sense? That's why healers ask questions beforehand, we want to know what we are getting into. Usually my questions consist of "how many folks in the group" and "what are you planning to kill"

The one thing I don't want to hear usually is "oh we're not sure what we're going to kill, we'll decide after we form up". An indecisive group usually results in 20 minutes of discussion. I want to play, not discuss.
#17 Jun 28 2005 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
In just about any mmo i've ever played there is a learned elitism among healers. Since they are pretty much a required part of a group and can find parties rather easily, they are usually inclined to run the group and leave at the first sign things aren't going exactly the way they want. As with anything there are exceptions to the rule, but when inviting a healer it's generally a good idea to assume they think the group revolves around them, not the other way around. If this is the case, you're prepared for it. And if you happen across a healer who actually enjoys working WITH the group instead of making the group work for them, it's a pleasant surprise from what you expected. This aside, blind invites can be pretty annoying no matter what class you are, but a message as bare as "would you like to join our group?" is usually good enough for me.
#18 Jun 28 2005 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
Longrifle the ignorant wrote:
Monks can't taunt.

Have you ever played a monk? We don't have taunts like the other classes its true, but we do have taunts, in fact all of our taunts do something else beneficial as well as Hate. Taunting Slap adds more hate then the guardian/zerker AND provides a chance to interupt. Hand Clap has the same hate as an equal level of the Guardian/zerker's AoE taunt and also provides a chance to interupt.

Do some research before you make assumptions about other classes.

Edited, Tue Jun 28 15:14:23 2005 by TheDakster
#19 Jun 28 2005 at 9:47 PM Rating: Default
Oh,my my,looks like I struck a nerve.

I stand by my statement.Monks can't taunt.

Any class can get aggro,generate hate.

I did my research in the field grouped with a monk many times and always ended up the same.

Dead group and a shard run.
#20 Jun 29 2005 at 12:23 AM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
A few things here.

1. Asking if someone wants to group is common courtesy. If the person can't even ask you if you want to group how is communication going to be amoung the group?

2. I understand why healers are selective but healers also need to realize they are the one and only class that is absolutly essential to a group. Being a necessity, healers are usually the first ones invited to a group. Whats the point of getting a group together if you can't find a healer? Not to mention the fact that alot of people won't join a group if their is no healer. If you don't want the responsabilities of healing the group why did you roll a healing class?

3. Monks can NOT taunt. A taunt is designed for one purpose and one purpose only, to increase hate. Everything you do increases hate. Whether it be a buff, heal, nuke, swing or anything else. The only exception to this are spells/skills desighned to lower hate. While monks do get skills that will increase their hate a considerable amount, it is not the sole purpose of the skill. Those are agro generating skills/spells which are technically differant than a taunt.
#21REDACTED, Posted: Jun 29 2005 at 8:12 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) No they can't taunt. They DON"T get the skill. All they can do is build hatle by doing damage or something else that the mob would get pissed off about. Sorta like if I slaped the crap out of you, I think that it would kinda make you mad. A taunt would be like me calling you a noob for not knowing the monk class.
#22 Jun 29 2005 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
Now I havent played in a while but so I'm not sure about this but cant you put up you LFG flag and in the search window to find a group put in a comment on what kind of group you are looking for.

Your flag would still be displayed then and you would get random invites from on the run people yet it would not be the type of group you are looking for.

Correct me if I am mistaken on this.

I am afraid you are mistaken. EQ1 had such a system, but EQ2 does not. At least if EQ2 does have it, I have yet to e able to find it.
#23 Jun 30 2005 at 1:22 AM Rating: Decent
553 posts
Hmm seems like this thread has gone from 'Are drive-by group invites rude? Stop it' to 'Darn you fussy healers'.

In defense of healers [if you like the following, you should know that I play a healer, Caitiri. If you hate the following, I play ONLY an enchanter, Asphe. Thank you in advance for your self-imposed suspension of disbelief]

---------- Really long post. Go home now. ----------


Are there enough healers?

Document Type: General Survey

Author: Special Council Assisting Reduced Deaths, Department for Inquest Enquiries and Norrathian Organization for Newly Undead, Departed or Entombed.

Primary Audience: Fighter classes

Copyright Holder: The Overlord

Renown Guild Healer Availability Survey Results

Executive Summary

Negative reaction to low healer availability is increasing. As groups approach their preferred experience gain deadlines, a significant portion - over 36% - of groups simply break up due to the lack of sufficient healing capacity. Another 38% say they are actively seeking alternatives to full healers and doing without shamans, druids or clerics and relying on self-healing paladins and shadow knights. Desperate groups have even resorted to low healing tanks that attempt to avoid damage in the first place.

These are the results of the latest survey over a few dozen groups found in the Commonlands and Antonica regions, including adjoining dungeons.

Reactions from those polled indicate outrage and resentment over the perceived lack of healers. Particular ire is directed over groups with multiple healers. Dwarf Oneton Suup remarked that groups with multiple healers meant fewer active groups. "That's da way they likes it too! Bloody, greedy farmers are bribing the med slingers! There's bloody nothing left for us! Hoi chanter! Keep that mob mezzed whilst I talks to this nice lady!"

As a result, more and more groups are more willing to try alternatives. The classes most often cited by group leaders are paladins and shadow knights, due to the self-healing nature of the classes. Principal disadvantages include both the inability to revive the inevitable dead party members and the elevated level of testosterone induced behavior consistent with fighter classes.

As with the earlier survey, the high response rate from chat channels is a clear indication that Basic Low Availability of Healers is the prime issue in any prospective group leader's priorities.

Fully half of the survey respondents indicated that the frustration, foul-ups and frequency of deaths associated with BLAH would almost certainly delay their leveling. Ratonga Dumache Fur bemoaned the lengthy periods between the coveted dings. "I swears to give up cheese ifs I gets a healer nows!"

In an ominous portent of things to come: 38 percent of level 17 and below adventurers are seriously switching to rival Qeynos as a direct result of their displeasure over BLAH. This is a slight increase over the 36 percent of adventurers to this same question in the first poll last December.

Overall, the findings from this survey closely track with the responses from the survey six months ago. This is strong indication that adventurers are not just reacting out of emotion but will make decisions for pragmatic reasons such as time and definable entertainment needs. Rather, there is a clear trend that the anger and resentment towards what adventurers perceive as Freeport's worst BLAH rating over Qeynos.

Survey Highlights

Disclaimer: This is a self-selecting, totally biased survey undertaken to make fun of you and other adventurer’s behavior and their comments. The findings are not absolute and no one can predict with any certainty how any of us will act in the future. In short, you can't sue me. That said, the results of this latest survey track very closely with the results of December's survey carried out in Qeynos. The grass is NOT greener on the other side.

The Findings:

* Only 12 percent of adventurers say their groups have the necessary healing capacity to travel to more dangerous zones, compared with 41 percent of the respondents that say they lack the necessary healers to even survive where they are.
* Just over one-third or the respondents -- 36 percent -- say they have yet to determine whether or not they will remain or ditch their groups while the remaining 11 percent indicated they are still studying the matter and trying to find a healer sometime real soon.
* Approximately 37 percent of groups said they will not travel to other higher tier zones; while another 38 percent said they are seriously contemplating healer alternatives like multiple self-healing tanks.
* Nearly 80 percent of respondents said they had a negative view of BLAH. Only 1% had a positive reaction. The remaining 19 percent classified themselves as “unsure” and said they were reserving decision.
* 1% of all respondents are healers with a further 19% having a limited capability to self-heal.
* Only 22 percent of respondents said they had a healer experience in the past week. 45 percent said they had grouped with a healer in the past month and 24 percent had never seen a healer.
* The biggest areas of dissatisfaction identified by groups is concerning the tendency of healers to leave low performing groups.
* Some 12 percent of groups that have a healer or are in the midst of negotiating with a healer said their experience was a positive one; when spoken to with the healer not present, the percentage dropped to 1% another 32 percent gave a “fair” rating to the negotiating process.
* However, 51 percent of groups said their experience negotiating with healers was negative.
* Mean Time Between Dings continue to lengthen: only 13 percent of adventurers said they dinged every week, compared to 30 percent that dinged every fortnight. But a majority 57 percent of adventurers say they dinged only every four-to-six weeks.
* The level dings for non-healer classes are lagging even more: only 15 percent of non-healers ding every two weeks and only 23 percent of adventurers ding every month. By contrast, 50 percent of healers wait four-to-six minutes to find groups and 49 percent wait that long to transfer to a better group.
* Perhaps the most surprising and dismaying statistic is that nearly one year after Everquest 2 has gone live, 93 percent of adventurers do now know the difference between a shaman, druid or cleric.
* And in another indictment of healer behavior patterns: nearly half of the survey respondents - 49 percent described their healers as under equipped or using Apprentice I level spells while demanding first choice on all looted items. Only 16 percent said they were prepared for this kind of negotiation process.
* But of the remaining 37 percent of adventurers that have succeeded in recruiting a healer, an overwhelming 90 percent say their dingage will increase and 76 percent said their dings would increase anywhere from 20 percent to treble what they are experiencing previously.
* Over two-thirds of groups who have completed or begun the healer recruitment process reported that they did not experience any pressure from healers or healer brokers when voiced hesitancy about giving preferential healer treatment. Some six percent said they had been threatened with a boycott if they did not give in and 26 percent said healers have alluded to the possibility of a 'late' heal. However, it should be noted that a disturbingly disproportionate number of groups - including large guilds - had been threatened with the threat of 'late' heals unless they provided better healer incentives.

Conclusions and Recommendations

In summary, you need healers but WE don't need you!
#24 Jun 30 2005 at 2:21 PM Rating: Default
Tomii the jackass wrote:
No they can't taunt. They DON"T get the skill. All they can do is build hatle by doing damage or something else that the mob would get pissed off about.

ALL FIGHTERS GET TAUNT, ITS A ******* FACT!! Show me a fighter type that does not have taunt and I'll give you a million dollers, go on, do it. You can't cause THERE ARE NONE!

If you want to be ******* technical NO classes get "taunt" after the first one at level 5, Warriors get "Anger", crusaders get "Inflame" and Brawlers get "Taunting Slap", ALL of the classes get the ability at THE SAME LEVEL and they all add almost the same hate, so it should be ******* obvious that Taunting Slap is meant to be the taunt type ability for monks, and if you can't see that then you truely are a complete jackass.

P.S. **** you.

Edited, Thu Jun 30 15:24:59 2005 by TheDakster
Fixed and and sorry frenchman, was very pissed at being flamed for being right and somehow accidently got the wrong poster

Edited, Thu Jun 30 15:56:45 2005 by TheDakster
#25 Jun 30 2005 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
TheDakster wrote:
dfrnchman the jackass wrote:
No they can't taunt. They DON"T get the skill. All they can do is build hatle by doing damage or something else that the mob would get pissed off about.

ALL FIGHTERS GET TAUNT, ITS A ******* FACT!! Show me a fighter type that does not have taunt and I'll give you a million dollers, go on, do it. You can't cause THERE ARE NONE!

If you want to be ******* technical NO classes get "taunt" after the first one at level 5, Warriors get "Anger", crusaders get "Inflame" and Brawlers get "Taunting Slap", ALL of the classes get the ability at THE SAME LEVEL and they all add almost the same hate, so it should be ******* obvious that Taunting Slap is meant to be the taunt type ability for monks, and if you can't see that then you truely are a complete jackass.

P.S. **** you.

Edited, Thu Jun 30 15:24:32 2005 by TheDakster

If you are going to be an ***, at least quote the right person before you flame them. You even had a chance to fix it when you edited. *rolls eyes*

BTW, I agree with you, but man that was ridiculous.
#26 Jun 30 2005 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
one more thing, Longrifle wrote:

I did my research in the field grouped with a monk many times and always ended up the same.

Dead group and a shard run.

That means that the monk you grouped with did not know what he was doing and/or the others in your group diddn't. a monk played well can hold hate as well or better then guardian/zerkers or paladin/shadowkights.

Don't confuse a bad player with a bad class.

Edited, Thu Jun 30 16:04:53 2005 by TheDakster
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