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So is Splitpaw Saga worth it?Follow

#1 Jun 10 2005 at 12:23 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Just wondering if I could get some general feedback on this? I never touched the first adventure pack. I have heard this new one is good for higher levels, however is it just another tedious access quest requireing a full group just to get in, and how much solo content is involved? I think $8 is overpriced, however if I thought this would add some decent solo content Id be willing to pay it. However I don't have any desire to pay $8 for something I can't use unless I do a tedious group quest. On my server getting a group is torture, I am currently 49 and killing blue mobs in everfrost is getting really old. Of course as the wonderful conjuror class killing heroic mobs is pretty much out of the question.

So is this expansion good for soloing, or is it just a couple of new high level zones with a ton of ^^ mobs?
#2 Jun 10 2005 at 2:39 AM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
The pre-release part which is available now if you have Station Access or pre-order is pretty straight-forward.

You go to the transporter in TS and get sent to an instanced zone scaled to your level.

They said it was for solo or small groups but I sure can't solo it, there were way too many casters for me.

I killed 4 mobs and zoned out.
#3 Jun 10 2005 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
I don't know about anyone else but as a 23 Templer I had no problem soloing the preorder part of Splitpaw Saga. I thought is was fun was wishing I could keep going and didn't have to stop.
And if your haveing problems soloing it today's patch says

"Some gnolls have had their difficulty adjusted to make them an appropriate challenge for solo adventurers."

So maybe that will help some people out. I thought it was fun even dinged from 23-24 got 6g some spells on just the pre-order I think its worth the 8 bucks.

65th Cleric of the Nameless (Retired pre oow)
24th Templer of Permafrost
Jedi Padawan of the Eclipse (Retired)
#4 Jun 10 2005 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
710 posts
Wednesday it was horrible - I zoned in with my 24 pally, did fine till I came to a group of gnolls that consisted of a caster and his pet, two healers and a scout. I died 4 times and was never able to kill a single one. All that and there was no loot to be seen.

Apparently that was all fixed today, I went in with the same pally, solo'd the whole thing (though did have some close calls), got about 50 silver in vendor trash (which also doubles as common tradeskill items), and three chest drops which will probably get me a good amout of gold (one of them is a tradeskill book for making adepts - how nice for that to drop for my alchemist Smiley: smile)
#5 Jun 10 2005 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
Didn't they say that Splitpaw Saga would scale to one's group level, like Lost Dungeons from EQ1? Or did they change that? If this is actually the case, it'd be much more worth the money than if it was just for a certain level range.
#6 Jun 10 2005 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
Didn't they say that Splitpaw Saga would scale to one's group level, like Lost Dungeons from EQ1? Or did they change that?

Yes they did and no they haven't. I haven't been inside yet myself, (saving that for this weekend), but everyone I have spoken to says the mobs are scaled so that they are mostly white and blue con to the average group level. And as an added bonus, you can also choose between solo/small group and full group versions of the instance.
#7 Jun 10 2005 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
1,885 posts
Haven't gotten the pre-order yet, but will.

Where is the teleporter in TS?
#8 Jun 10 2005 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
801 posts
Do Station Access subscribers get this for free like last time? Can we use the pre-order instance?
#9 Jun 10 2005 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
With Station Access, you get all the Adventure Packs automatically.

The transporter is in the vicinity of Tower 2.
#10 Jun 11 2005 at 7:37 AM Rating: Decent
The transporter is in the vicinity of Tower 2.

Well one of them was there last night and it was still there tonight, (Friday). I heard there are 4 all together and also that they move around.

Of course my information is little more than hear-say since the AP has only been up and running for about three days and nothing is really known for sure...
#11 Jun 11 2005 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
79 posts
I tried this out last night with my Pally and it wasn't bad. No chest loot but lots of body drops. Everything con'd yellow or white (with a few blue singles) to me and I had a few close calls due to carelessness. I think the full expansion will be a nice addition to the game.

Fronglo, here is a word of warning. My guildy took his 28 Conjuror and got killed after 2 fights. I give him a lot of credit, as he plays a Conjurer very well and has an Adept3 pet. While it seems to be soloable to a tank class fairly easily, there were too many group mobs conning white or yellow with many, many casters to make this Pet class friendly. This was after the adjustments and patch, so more woes for the pet class casters yet again. The zone also seems to have the pet pathing problems that seem to exist in close quarter zones.

He then tried it with a partner (28 Zerker) and cruised through it no problem. Also no chest drops, but lots of body drops.

So, unless you have an agro control friend with you, it might be a tough time going. I'd say give it a shot. It's only 7 bucks and the full expansion probably has potential.
#12 Jun 12 2005 at 3:06 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Well I bought this, and frankly I am not too happy with it. PRetty much as many said the soloability of it is pretty poor for a caster. What is SOE thinking making solo encounters of 5 mobs with mixed in healers, casters, etc?? This is $8 I would like to have back. They might as well have made them heroic encounters as far as I am concerned. The game has plenty of high level GROUP mobs to fight, but for lvl 45+ there is very few decent places to solo in this game that is supposed to be SOLOABLE.

#13 Jun 12 2005 at 7:17 AM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
I think what they actually said was solo or small group. Which is how it is, I think. Some classes can solo it and some need a partner.

Also this is only a pre-release taster, nowhere near the whole Adventure Pack.
#14 Jun 12 2005 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
Fronglo revealed:
Well I bought this, and frankly I am not too happy with it.

I'm sorry you feel that way, but I can't say I'm surprised! Your comments here on this forum tend to lean toward the negative so it should come as no shock for us to hear that this module doesn't meet your expectations.

At this point, I can't even imagine what it would take for this game to make you happy. Maybe that's just not do-able!

I play a 25 ranger and a 26 warden and both are doing well in the new adventure pack. I am looking forward to June 28th when we can all really start to poke around down there!

Maybe my expectations are just lower than yours... or maybe I am more easily impressed, but every time I log on to EQ2, I feel a renewed sense of wonder at the vast and complex world SOE has built solely for all of us to play in.

Sure there are wrinkles in the fabric from time to time, but on balance, I can't imagine any place I'd rather be than Norrath. And at the same time I get the impression that you would rather be almost anywhere else!
#15 Jun 13 2005 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
1,885 posts
I've been working the pre-zone several times, with some observations:

First time I tried it I died 3 times. Once had an add that proved too much. After 3 mobs, I Inviso'd and explored. The boxes can be moved around to form a stack where you jump from one to the next, until you can get onto the high rock. The chest on the high rock requires a key from the boss (not named) mob.

All the groups are Blue/White/Yellow. Man, I hate those Gnoll casters! wait...I'm a caster... :)

I went back to the broker and upgraded some armor, maybe a spell or two. Some of my armor was Green/Grey, so I upgraded to Orange stuff. My robe is still Green, as I can't afford the bigger gear yet. All my spells are Adept 1, pet is Adept 3. INT is self-buffed to 171. All mitigations are 1200+.

I went back in, went slower, watched adds. I didn't use root as it draws agro, just pet-attacked each mob in turn until it turns away onto the pet. I'd stay on the last mob facing me and burn it down with single DoT's. If a mob turned on me, I'd pet-attack that one and do the same.

I'd refresh the DS when the timer let me, only had to use Essense Shift a few times.

Once down to 2-3 mobs left, I'd unleash the AE DoT' which time they would all turn on me. I'd jump into melee with the pet, hope for an Infernous Seed proc, stacking as many DoT's as possible.

Only a few fights I had to turn and run, using my imbued wand and pet to kite.

Pathing seemed much improved, but hit a snag a few times. There seems to be places on the rock "ramps" that my pet or the mob would quickly "jitter" back and forth, not attacking anything. A simple pet-back-off/pet-attack cleared that.

Loot and exp was good. I was getting 8-10% exp, and each of the drops sell for 20s. Netted 10g after a few runs. One of the Adept drops sells for 2g, probably more at the broker.

When I grouped with a 41 Guardian, I was getting significantly less exp. But since we were able to run through the zone much faster, over time it balanced out.

Still can't figure out what the barrel and the plank of wood is for...didn't use them or need them.

I'm not fond of dungeons but do like the level-scaling function. These will become "Baal_Run_01" territory for me to make quick exp and loot when in a time crunch. I still plan on exploring the rest of the zones since I recently got access to Everfrost and Lavastorm. 10 minutes in EF and my blasted quest log is full again! :(

And I've been hydrating in preparation for Desert of Flames. :)
#16 Jun 13 2005 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
159 posts
First of all i think that adventure module has more potential than the first one IMO. I duoed it twice yesterday with my GF (shes a 48 wizzie and im a 45 templar) and we both ended up with better loot than we did in 5 long journeys with full groups in PF. Adept drops are frequent and there has been some gloves that dropped that are not too bad either. Lots of the gnolls have body loot on them that seem to be useful for crafting. Also, but i couldnt tell for the lowest level instances, some of the chests that dropped contained money and it has been very frequent to see a <you get your share of 1 gold 5 silver> message. Not too bad, considering that all the mobs are considered as solo. Even the xp was not too bad, i did about 9% in those 2 cleanups, the mobs were dropping quick and we had not much trouble with them at any point. 9% in a little more than one hour, its not bad and its a good change from PF, CT or SE. Now tonite i think we are going to try it as a full group of guildies and watch if its worth it.

To the poster just above, you need the barrell to blow up a wall. The wall is in a corridor west of the not functionning terraporter. It is a cracked wall. You need to bring the barrell right next to the wall and then right click on it ; youll have a <detonate> option. Behind the wall is a dead person...or unconscious...either way, we still havent found what is the purpose of that. There were also spiders that popped and dropped a chest that contained...loot and money ! :). Unfortunately there didnt seem to have much more of anything else there...until the day i figure out what that dead person is for ;)

Im sorry for the original poster of this thread if he feels like hes been robbed off 8$. In 2 attemps there i had much fun and its really just the start of it. Maybe i have been luckier than you ; i still think that this module has a lot of potential. Maybe you should give it another try...try bringing a friend with you, if i did it with a 48 wizzie, then pretty much any duo can do well there.
#17 Jun 14 2005 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
1,885 posts
you need the barrell to blow up a wall.

Woot, thanks!

I found the cracked wall, but it was not clickable...until now... :)
#18 Jun 14 2005 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
I can't wait to tell my guildies about the cracked wall. We noticed it but couldn't figure a way through it. That is until to you, the enlightened one enlightened us. Woot!
#19 Jun 15 2005 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
Anyone know if the crafting drops are worth hanging on to? Or just selling them worth it?
#20 Jun 15 2005 at 5:10 PM Rating: Decent
From what I've heard they are replacements for common foraged items like roots and non-rare metals etc. So you have to decide if you'd rather craft with them or turn them into quick cash!

I did hear that they are factored in and will boost the merchant value of the items you craft with them so if you intend to vendor the final items anyway, there's no net loss there... But if I'm gonna sell the final combines to another player, I can't see using them in place of things I scrounged up for free!
#21 Jun 16 2005 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
Fronglo, just FYI, you didn't lose your $8 by preordering it. Your card does not get charged anything until the day the AP goes live (somewhere around the 28th, I think). You should have received an email from them that walks you through how to cancel the subscription before the AP goes live. If you are that unhappy with it I recommend that you follow those steps.

I feel the AP has a lot of potential and I'm always glad to see what happened to EQ1 places that I have fond memories of =).
#22 Jun 21 2005 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
You can cancel your preorder if you like. Goto your account and check out your charges.. there is a button that says cancel... so that you won't be charged..

I like many had a bit of frustration on my first attempts but for the love of god.. stop and try and figure it out before you say.. oh my lord it sucks.. I am a 37 bruiser and my first 6 attempts in had me running out. Did that suck.. yep.. did I think man they made this to hard.. yep.. did I quit.. hell no.. I went in.. i paid attention to all the different mobs.. which casters nuked the harest.. which ones healed.. who was melee.. now for the most part I don't have to run I kill off the nastier ones first then move to the others one by one picking the next most dangerous target..

On occasion I will get hit with some back to back 500+ nukes and have to take to runnign away.. but I always kill one or two before I run.. that way when I come back after resting up they are that much easier..

I took my 24 necro in there as well.. and used the pet to bounce aggro and it worked out well.. I have cleared it with both chars and have to say the money made was worht the trouble..
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