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Is this game that bad and getting that much worseFollow

#1 May 24 2005 at 11:47 PM Rating: Decent
IS this game that bad and only getting worse?
I am wondering if its worth a try. Got WoW and getting a little bored. Got a level 60 hunter and its just not as good as EQ1. I played EQ1 for 5 years and I think its the best game ever. I just wanted to come here because i need advice. I have some options...
1.) Wait for abttlegorunds on WoW
2.) go back to EQ1
3.) get Matrix online
4.) Get guild wars
5.) get EQ2

those ar eorder as what I think I will do.
I had 10 really close friends on EQ1 and they all went to EQ2. 5 quit went to WoW and says WoW is 10x better. 2 went back to EQ1. 1 quit and is not playing anythuing. and 2 are sticking becuase they cannot afford to get WoW and such.

i heard EQ2 is just aweful... its such a grind its so boring at mid levels and high-levels heard theres not even anything good at high levels. And whats really making me think I hsould not give EQ2 a chance is that there allowing people to sell gold and characters and items there making that legal lol. I heard the only thing EQ2 has going is grpahics and that EQ1>EQ2 in every way but graphics.

Another thing.. I would have gotten EQ2 over WoW from the start if they did not get rid of the beastlord class. Why o Why did they do that? so stupid. IF there was a beastlord I would have goteen EQ2 the day it came out. Maybe I hsould go back to EQ1.

Edited, Wed May 25 00:58:02 2005 by burnlord
#2 May 25 2005 at 1:52 AM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
If you're looking for people to just agree with you, sorry but you've come to the wrong place Smiley: smile

There are quite a few threads along these lines in this forum, maybe you could just scroll down a bit or do a search.

Honestly you've come here with such negative thoughts about EQ2 right from the start, and it's last on your list. Would be way too much of an uphill battle to convince you otherwise.

As for me, I played EQ1 for 4 years and having a ball in EQ2 but not going to turn myself inside out convincing someone who's already made up their mind, sorry.
#3 May 25 2005 at 5:12 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Yep, it sounds like you've made up your mind about EQ2 already.

But, you can download the Trial of the Isle and get a small feel for the game. Playing it is the only way you're going to know for sure.
#4 May 25 2005 at 6:03 AM Rating: Decent
976 posts
It all depends on the attitude you go in with, I think. I tried it at launch and ended up quitting for WoW for about 3 months. WoW is a great game, but Honor Crap-system ruined it for me, since I was on an RP server and now it's hardly more than a PvP server... but whatever. So I came back to EQ2 and this time I'm enjoying it (and SOE hasn't messed up my billing again, numerous people have had problems with that...or at least they did a few months ago, so far so good this time *shrug* )

They've fixed a lot of things, but it's definately not as...vibrant as WoW. It's more serious, but you don't have to grind if you don't want to, just quest. I've gotten my wizard to 23 by questing, and it hasn't been hard. I think the main thing is don't go to that game with the expectations of leveling anywhere near as fast as you did in WoW.

Also, more fixes and /dueling for PvP is on the way. Yes, Sony is letting people buy gold and characters, but these are limited to special servers that are marked (or will be, they aren't in yet) and you won't have to have anything to do with those servers if you don't want to. An expansion pack has also been announced.

#5 May 25 2005 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
102 posts
You should really check things out for yourself before making up your mind on a game. As it stands you already dislike the game and have not even played it.

I love this game.. and I even played WoW first.. it just wasn't what I wanted.. I have also played FFXI.. DAoC and many other games as of recent and none of them had what EQ2 does.

I have played the game for a few months and for the most part soloed or duoed my way to 30. Quests are great and give you a break and a chance at really nice loot.. so that you don't have to pay out the rear to have nice things...

I won't go into anymore detial as it doens't really seem you want people to tell you how great the game is.. seems more like fishing for more reasons not to play it.
#6 May 25 2005 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
Well you did not give me one good reason why I hsould get it. I think I am going to go back to EQ1 I picked up EQ2 demo. If I play that can I continue my toon if I decide to get the game?
Also... Is 30-50 that bad its one big grind. I was just wondering if its as good as EQ1.

And why no beastlord? Seems the only pet class is the necromancer. And speaking of classes I heard there is not much difference as people would like. If I decide to play htis game I will probably go Monk.
#7 May 25 2005 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
I actually play both EQ1 and EQ2. They are just so different from each other. I see EQ1 and the game to grind for the xp and I love that. I see EQ2 and nothing but mysteries to be solved. My quest book is constantly filled.

I do agree with what others had allready said though. You made up your mind even before you posted. So live with your decision and don't turn into one of those peeps who bashes a game they have never tried or given it half a chance.

/decend soap box
#8 May 25 2005 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
As I have told a few people that I know that came from eq1. You are talking about two different games. eq has been out what.. 7 years.. been expanded 5 or more times.. it is a raid based game. it has evolved into that.. and most that play it are there to raid and do high end content.

eq2 is less then a year old so of course there will be somewhat lack of content( which I don't see but not my place to tell others) not to mention they keep adding more and more content to the game. Raiding is only a part of eq2 to where it is most of eq1.. you have questing and crafting you have grouping and solo and all of this rolled up in one game.

I just recently hit 30 and in the grand scale have not been to half the places I could I have tons of things I have not even seen. I also still have the adventure pack to work on.. and quests to do.. and harvesting to do... and leveling both my adventure and crafting chars..

As for classes.. the pet casters are necros and conjours.. other classes can get pets but are not effective.. from my understanding( don't qoute me) beastlord was created for people to solo with.. cause the other chars in eq1 where not that great at it.. Every class in eq2 can solo so there is no point for one class to do it.. as for the differences there are more then people will admit.. some classes are very close but they are of the same subclass.. example you want to be a monk.. I am a bruiser.. those are the brawler subclasses... You have targetable heals.. mine are self only.. you have more and better group buffs i have self and ok group buffs.. you are more defensive then I am.. I get more offensive abilities. You last a bit longer in a fight and I kill a bit quicker.. in the end we even out but each of us have our roles in groups..

here is moorguard from eqII explaining the same thing might be helpful

"Of SOE games in the foreseeable future, EverQuest will remain the most focused on raiding. Its advancement path is a rather direct one: improve your character by gaining levels and loot. This has been extremely successful, and is a model many other games have emulated.

Our goal with EverQuest II was never to replace EQ as the game providing that experience. Instead, our mission is to offer multiple ways to advance: grouping, soloing, crafting, growing your guild, decorating your house, etc. Yes, raiding is one of those options, though our resources are not focused on making that the only path available to our players.

Since launch we have introduced quite a few new raids. The most recent ones have tended to be the most interesting and popular, as we have made them both more entertaining and unique. You will see us continue to add more such encounters regularly."
#9 May 25 2005 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
976 posts
I don't really think it's our responsibility to give you a reason to play or not play, especially since you seem to have your mind in some frame that already says "EQ2 sucks why should I waste my time..."

If you really want to know, go download Trial on the Isle, play it for the free 7 days, if you like what you see go buy the game. It's not for everyone, I'm enjoying my time with it. Just because there isn't a BeastLord class doesn't mean there aren't other fun classes (I LOVE wizard, I enjoy it as much as I did playing Hunter in WoW and in some ways it's similar) you can try.

This is the thing, if I go to the FFXI forums and read up on WoW I'll get this preconceived notion that WoW must be a terrible awful game, because the majority of FFXI "fanbois" that post in those kind of threads (and have also never played the game) will spew forth all sorts of bad things. I actually believed it for a while until I played WoW and said "hey, this game is pretty neat afterall..." so why don't you take the same sort of "game bashing" into consideration with what you know about EQ2. Chances are the people that were flaming it and telling you "it sucked" had *probably* not ever really played the game, and were just getting into the "fanboi" wars.
#10 May 25 2005 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
That is the thing a lot of the people who told me not to get it have played both WoW and EQ2 and say WoW>EQ2 in every way but grahics. And all these people played EQ1 and said EQ1 is better than EQ2.
IF I play the trial and decide to get the game can I then continue that characters?
#11 May 25 2005 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, you can keep the character from the trial. Also, you can get to level 6 and get a feel for quests and tradeskilling all while on the island. The trial of the isle is what made up my mind to buy the game. Give it a try, nothing to lose.

#12 May 25 2005 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
im not sure about that.. but I will tell you the isle has a level cap of 6.. so even if you had to restart it takes a day to get back.. but from the info i here you get to keep that char..
#13 May 25 2005 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
976 posts
Like I said the game is not for everyone. It's not nearly as fast paced as WoW and some people like faster games, so they may not have enjoyed EQ2, but to say that one is better than the other isn't true. I've played both, both are enjoyable, depending on your gaming style. If your getting bored with WoW then maybe that game is paced too fast and EQ2 would be more your style, but you can't really know until you try. :)
#14 May 25 2005 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
801 posts
I've played EQ1 (for 1 year), WoW since launch and EQ2 since launch, and while I like WoW and EQ1, EQ2 is my favorite, by a small margin.

WoW is fun but it's a little too easy, and frankly I find it to be more of a grind. They disguise it well with the speed of leveling, the soloability and all the quests but it's pretty much the same thing from the beginning to the end, at least as far as I've gotten. I also think there is a fundamental flaw in an MMO where it's faster to level by soloing than by grouping. By no means do I think you should be forced to group, but there should be some incentive to do so, even for low end content. I hear many high end players are complaining that unless you play 8 hours a day, 7 days a week you're going to be gimped, which is not in line with the casual nature of the rest of the game.

EQ2 improves on EQ1's rigidity. There is more than one way to advance and more than one thing to do. You can solo, group, raid, tradeskill, furnish your apartment, exlplore, level your guild, gain status, seek lore and heritage and they're all viable means to have a good time. If you're a min/maxer who's only goal in an MMO is to get to the highest level ASAP, EQ2 will be the least appealing game of the three mainly because combat is, honestly, so predictable. And if that's all you want to do, kill stuff for exp and loot, I can see you getting bored. However, if you can derive any satisfaction from doing any of the other things I mentioned EQ2 will be the most appealing of the three.

For example, I went to the Commonlands over the weekend to do the Greater Lightstone Heritage Quest. The quest was way below my level and everything was very gray to me. But in the process I was able to learn the Orc language, get Orc Mastery, explore a new area and new creatures where nothing aggroed on me, kill enough orcs to get a hunter title, get smack talk from Freeport guards, meet some nice new people for the final fight and get a ton of personal and guild status for comleting the quest, and a nice item. I got next to no experience, but I had fun. Then I went back to Antonica and Thundering Steppes and did some quests I missed (Oh, how I wish I could beat up that spoiled brat in Windstalker Villiage...), and the new quest series. Next I'm going back to Stormhold and Fallen Gate to catalog their creatures. If you can't see why anyone would want to do that, then you won't like EQ2.
#15 May 25 2005 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
I think I am going to give it a try.
I like being a DPS class.
Is Bruiser the most DPS class in the game right now?
I also want to be a class that is good at soloing and wanted for high level content. I htink I am going to go Bruiser or Druid.
#16 May 25 2005 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
258 posts
Dps in EQ2 are mostly wizards type and scout types, but class dosent work like EQ1, so monk and bruiser in this game are tanks, they just use different tactic to get their role done. Its the same for healer, defiler, inquisitor, templar, druid, mystic etc, they can all be main healer but they work it differently. It makes for alot of tactics, certain healer types works best with bruiser, while other works best on guardian etc.

As for being a big grind, yes, Everquest 2 is very long to level thats true if thats what you mean by grind. But, what makes it ok for me is that there is interesting content for all levels. Epic battles, raids etd can happen at level 10, 20 etc.
The 'consider' system works with solo targets, group targets ( heroic ) and raid targets ( heroic x2,3 etc.)

Yesterday i saw some named vulrich in the commonland, it was a raid target of level 20, i could have summoned a bunch of my friend and try to take it out and who knows what would have happen !!

Also there is the crafting system, its hard long and tedious, but always keep in mind that you dont need to just aim for 50, if you keep your artisan level in pair with your adventure level youll really be able to make interesting items that your character can use ( and other char too since they kept the shared bank system in eq2). And you can make alot of things, with rare recipes, and common recipes.

And the thing that EQ2 kept from EQ1, you really do get that sense of accomplishement, you get to be proub of your character because you arent just a random 60 bystander in a crowded game where you just need to breath 5 time to reach the sdame level or expertise than anyone else.

Been playing since release and my higher character is only 22 but i always have 10 differnet thing i muist do in my head so the fun never stops.
#17 May 26 2005 at 5:09 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
burnlord, I think if you go into EQ2 with the EQ1 mindset of "best class for endgame" and high-end raids, you really won't like this game. Granted, I know nothing of the endgame since my highest character is only level 26. But there are a lot of people like me playing this game. We're not in a hurry to get to level 50 and the end, we are exploring, questing, crafting and just enjoying the ride. (We also have a lot of alts, but that's another story).

Go into EQ2 with the mindset that this a totally new game, and you may just enjoy it.
#18 May 26 2005 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
102 posts
even as a tank brusiers do outstanding damage.. but don't bank on that cause damage and tanking ability are being revamped on test and im sure we are going to catch a nerf to our damage.

But as of right now I can lay the smack down with the best of them and tank pretty good too..
#19 May 26 2005 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
1,885 posts
I see EQ2 and nothing but mysteries to be solved.

Best description I've heard so far. :)

According to this, you can keep your character you made. But keep in mind it takes only 1 night of gaming to quickly finish the IoR. So if your first character is gone and you want to play EQ2, just start a full subscription and re-create him/her/it.

You'll end up with pretty much all the same starting gear, loot, and money.

Good luck!
#20 May 26 2005 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
If you want to level up quickly, the first 13 levels or so are cake. You can spend 6 hours and, if you use maps and quest guides, hit 11th or 12th level without any major issues. Leveling is easy with the mid to low twenties, and so far seems to be the same for the mid to low thirties. The trick is not to bite off more than you can chew. Personally, I'd say that Warden is the best for soloing, and almost always wanted in a group for healing and buffs, while the direct damage spells are great for soloing. The advantage is that you can create several different types and run with them; that's the only way you'll know. And I miss the Beastlord, and was mighty ticked when I found out I couldn't have my pet, but you get over it pretty quickly. Crafting helps throw some variety into the mix, and as was stated earlier, if you keep your levels close, you can make your own equipment (and turn some decent coin at the same time).

Shiirr Khan (Evolution)
34 Warden, 29 Jeweler
#21 May 27 2005 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
499 posts
I keep hearing you say that EQ2 is a grind, but you love EQ1. I played WOW and, yes EQ2 is more of a grind than that game. It's nothing like lvl 50-60 EQ1 though. EQ1 had some of the longest grinds I have ever gone thru. I actually think that EQ2 could use MORE of a grind and less xp per kill. If you are looking for more of a challenge than WOW, EQ2 can certainly provide that. The end game still needs some work, but the new raid instance for the froggie quest is amazing.
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