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ffxi or eq2, and why?Follow

#1 May 10 2005 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent

I am currently playing ffxi, and I am considering about moving to either eq2 or wow. I need some incentive! why do you play what you play? If it helps I will get a little more specific on what I would like. In ffxi i play a warrior (59) who totes dual weilding axes. The job is purely offensive. I also play a tank as a ninja (lvl 46). If you dont know ninjas are the damageless tank, we have shadows and with perfected timing we keep them up while erasing previous ones for timers and if done right we can go unhit for levels at a time :D So is there any jobs in this game like this? Preferably I would like to do something a little 'stealthy' as ninjas in ffxi had shurikens for throwing and were originally meant to be debuffers with ninja tools.
In ffxi we relied on groups of 6 for our xp. Is it the same setup for eq2?

Part of the reason im getting fed up with ffxi is that every job has its set certain items that EVERYONE in the game goes after, usually one or two good choices per slot of equipment. There really is not that much character development. I have heard that eq has an endless list of equipment and no two characters are ever alike. Is this true? :)

Thanks in advance!
#2 May 10 2005 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
ok this is freaky.. friend of mine and I where just sitting here talking about ffxi and why we left for eq2. I played a blm/whm by the way.

And I left for the same reasons you want to leave. The economy was horrible. You pretty much hard to farm if you wanted to buy anything cause it cost so much gil. We also left cause everything was just laid out. At this level you xp here.. and get these items.. once you hit this level you move to this zone nad xp there and you want these items. it was horrible. I can't think of a single reason i would ever go back

EQ2 is based off of 6 person groups as well. But the beauty in that is you can solo.. you can duo or trio or have 4 people it really doesn't matter cause you can find places to xp with any size group. As for gear as time goes on the choice are just growing. I was next to two other bruisers lastnight and expect for a few pieces of armor quest stuff we all had different weapons and rings and neck pieces.. We all looked different as well...

As for your ninja they only thing to compare that too in eq2 is wards.. SK's have self wards but for the most part wards come from other classes like priests. Shamen defilers to be more specific. If I had to pick a class of the warrior ninja I would say berserker cause they are a good tank and deal out some nice damage as well. but there could be many other classes you would enjoy..

that should get you going.. post any other questioins or concerns you ahve and I will answer away..
#3 May 10 2005 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
ok here is some more info

Races.. in ffxi you pretty much stuck to a certin race if yo want to be looked at as a good player... you can't just be what you want.. as a galka blm you will get shunned. in eq2 by end game start stats mean nothing.... so you can pick the race you enjoy..

tavel: my lord I hated travel in ffxi.. had to run everywhere... and the chickens where a one way trip. then you had to bind somewhere and if you where luck you could port to the bind spot.. if you bound else wehre you had to run... in eq2 you have the griffon towers.. and then horses.. and sow and totems with sow and the bells and boats... it is far better..

Rez: in ffxi you needed a 30 something whm to rez... if you didn't you went back to your bind.. if you forgot to bind close you could have a huge run back.. if the mage dies you would sit there and yell for a rez cause they didn't want to run back.. in eq2.. even if you die you rez in the zone you died in.. so no long runs.. priests can rez anyone and you can even battle rez while in the middle of a fight.. priests can give rez features to others so if they die you can rez them..

i have more i will post later..

#4 May 10 2005 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
In EQ2 there is no damageless tank. The closest you could come are monks/bruisers, which base a lot of their tanking abilities on avoidance, but they still take plenty of damage as main tank. (They also do more damage than other tanks, and are not so good as raid tanks, from what I've read here.) All tanks, by the way, are based off of the fighter archetype.

Now, scouts (except bards) are meant to be sneaky, high damage classes. While they can take some damage themselves, they aren't meant to be tanks (though with a decent healer a scout tank can work OK in regular groups). All scouts have sneak, which allows them to safely travel to many places where others might get attacked.
Scout classes: Predators use many attacks which require them to be in stealth mode for the attack to work.
Rogues use attacks which require them to be behind the enemy, or flanking the enemy (positional attacks).
Bards, while they have some OK attacks, are primarily meant for buffs (and some debuffs).
#5 May 10 2005 at 5:56 PM Rating: Decent
ok, your kinda right about the one thing that no one looks the same and everything wich i think is a +. as far as the class you want to be goes, if u want to tank and be dodgy then go with monk.(if ur bad go bruser) they are good single target damage and closest thing to a ninja on ffxi that i can think of.(cant blink tank tho) =). but if u wanna be stealthy damage dealer then (if ur good) you should be a swashbuckler, they are stealthy subclases of rouges and do really nice melee damage. if ur bad on the other hand you should prolly be assassin, there sneaky and the good version of them is ranger so i think they would be usin ranged wepons abit. I have played both ffxi and everquest2 about the same, i think everquest is better becuase, i just like more options in the end and i like that everyone is quite different(unless you make a guy with a friend and they look exactly the same) solo is a lot easyer i remember trying to level up my blm at the beging and then that crappy excuse for a bard. if you go to you can get a summery of each class, not always on target but it pretty much lays it out. before i go ill just say it makes the game so much more fun if u learn to use HOs (heroic opurtunitys) at the beging when your still in that level 1-10 zone when its best to solo. good luck.
#6 May 11 2005 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent

thanks for the responses.

A few more questions:

I have a whm friend (60) in ffxi that will probably be porting over with me. Is the game pretty much the same for mages? or will he have more options other than casting . CURE CURE CURE HASTE, rinse, repeat.

Is the money/auction house system the similar to ffxi? and is the game as 'money' oreintated as it is in ffxi? In ffxi I have managed to amass quite a fortune in items, due to luck and the insane inflation in the game.

Ive also heard that eq2 will allow and host gillselling.

I have read about the assassin job, and to be honest it sounds great. If anyone from ffxi has experience w/ this job I would like to know, ive combed some of the forums for assassin and have not really found much. I do NOT want to play a job like thief in eq2 as I hated being totally gimp until my sata timers were up, and then again pretty much replaceable post 60 by any heavy hitting melee.

Also, how is the crafting compared to ffxi? I did goldsmithing on ffxi and I am quite drawn to it. It was ridiculously expensive and incredibly complex. I need something like a solid crafting system to keep me interested as well!

How is farming? Is it something that must be done in this game? or are items moreso gained by doing quests?

I have combed forums and have not found them to answer any of my answers directly. I am asking on here because you guys can tell me YOUR personal experience on some of these questions =)

Thanks again for your time!

#7 May 11 2005 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
first question: The term mages is going to mean something different in eq2. A mage is a spell caster.. very light armor.. some with great utility spells.. some with pets some that are glass cannons. It is what a black mage would be on ffxi.. white mage and even red mage on ffxi would port more to the priest arch time in eq2. You have three main classes and two subclasses per class for priests. Clerics Druids and shamen are the main classes then each has a good and bad subclass( for the most part. The beauty of this is a group with two mages can have two very different healers in it doing very different jobs.. one may be healing and debuffing... one may be using wards( kind of like a castable blink) and nuking.. there are many roles a healer can fit.. they are not what you seen in ffxi.. trust I have been a healer in both games..

Auction is a bit different. You have a house vault which you can sell things out of. You have two slots but you can put boxes and bags in there to up your spaces. You have to log in once every 24 hours to keep the items in your vault selling. You can also go into merchant mode while you are inside your house. This allows you to sell items out of the slots on your char. All funds is given directly to you. As for money it depends. If you care to work for it you can make a fortune.. Just may take a bit of time and some work.

They will be creating servers called station exchange. This is where you will be able to buy cash items and what not for real life money. You have to be on one of these servers to use this feature.

I don't know enough about scouts to give you that info.. someone else I hope will fill that in.

Crafting.. lol I don't even know how to approach the wording for this. Crafting in eq2 is almost like it is its own game. You have quests and writs and socities. it is pretty much its own game inside the game of eq2. Once you hit level 7 and become a citizen you can do nothing but craft for the rest of your gaming days and never gain another point of xp for your adventure side. I my self craft almost all the time. My provisoner ( cook in ffxi) is 12 levels higher then my main chars level. Crafting level is given the same access as adventure chars are. so if you have a level 40 armorsmith and a lvl 7 healer you can get into lavastorm just like a lvl 40 healer can.. it is rather great. Not to mention sony is putting in some work to keep crafting alive.. if you love to craft you will love this to death..

as for farming.. it is far better then ffxi for the most part. I farm in solo instances.. what that means is I am the only one there.. so I get all of the loot.. I don't have to fight off someone else to get the first hit in. There are somethings that need camping but it is more for quests.. some named mobs might get killed as they pop but I see very little sitting around.. mostly because loot is on a random table and if you kill something you might get nadda or you might get a master drop.. its the luck of the drawl..

hope that helps..
#8 May 11 2005 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks again for the hasty reply =)

Your help has been wonderful, but I have one more question!

In ffxi you are allowed to have every job available to you but running to your moogle house and simply clicking 'change job'. When I started ffxi it was my first mmorpg, I was very influenced by leveling to level 30+ and then deciding what job was right for me. Do you have a similar option in eq2 or are you stuck?

Thanks again!
#9 May 11 2005 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
I must say that the class system in ffxi was unique.. I know lots of folks that liked that... but no. in eq2 you first pick a arch type.. then a class then a sub class.. once the choices are made that is your path..
#10 May 11 2005 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
Once you choose your class and crafting professions in EQ2, you're stuck with them forever. However for the first 9 levels in crafting you are an Artisan and can make a bit of everything to find out what you enjoy the most. Smiley: smile
#11 May 11 2005 at 10:02 PM Rating: Decent
Ive also heard that eq2 will allow and host gillselling.

I have read about the assassin job, and to be honest it sounds great. If anyone from ffxi has experience w/ this job I would like to know, ive combed some of the forums for assassin and have not really found much. I do NOT want to play a job like thief in eq2 as I hated being totally gimp until my sata timers were up, and then again pretty much replaceable post 60 by any heavy hitting melee.

EQ2 is about to add a server (just one!) that will allow/host money selling (only it's not gil, it's platinum/gold). Any other servers you try this on, you won't be going through Sony, and if they catch you you get banned. They decided they wanted a piece of the cash for themselves, rather than just letting outside companies get away with breaking the EULA.

If you want to know more specific info on classes and you can't find it here, go to the Sony official forums. Lots of class-specific posts. One remark on assassin: I don't play one myself, but I do play a swashbuckler. Assassins hit harder than swashies, but have longer reuse timers on their best skills. I don't know how long they have to wait between skills, but you might want to check that out.
#12 May 12 2005 at 4:16 AM Rating: Decent
I have read about the assassin job, and to be honest it sounds great. If anyone from ffxi has experience w/ this job I would like to know, ive combed some of the forums for assassin and have not really found much. I do NOT want to play a job like thief in eq2 as I hated being totally gimp until my sata timers were up, and then again pretty much replaceable post 60 by any heavy hitting melee.

I may be able to help there... my friend plays ffxi and has a level 63 or so THF and I play eq2.

Ok first... forget about SATA. That only-one-decent-attack-per-fight nonsense is gone. As an assassin you get a line of specific attacks that you can only do when stealthed and have quite a big recast timer called "XXXXX Blade". You normally open up the fight with that (as you will have cast stealth in the gap between pulls) and it will do damage along the line of SATA. Then you have loads of other attacks that do similar large damage, such as Vladiminn's Focused Volley (if you go for that trait choice - read about traits to find out more). Basically assassins have loads of damage skills that do lots of different things, some just pure dps, some slow (i think), some snare, some silence etc. Each of the different line of attacks are on different timers, and there are easily enough different lines to keep you casting constantly the entire fight.

To top it all of for scouts dps, there are poisons. Poisons (as you probably know) are potions you use to give yourself an offensive damage proc. The beauty of poisons is that they have a chance to proc on every hit, not just every skill, but every hit. So for example, if you use a Vladiminn's Focused Volley (100-200 dmg per shot and 3 shots - its a bow skill) and you have a 100 dmg poison proc with an extra 30 damage-over-time (which starts immediately, giving you 130 dmg per shot) you do a whopping great (taking averages) 150*3+130*3 = 450+390 = 840 dmg in one skill (once again SATAVB damage).

As my sig says, i play a brigand, not an assassin, but since you want to know about assassins i thought i'd go that route.

Add to that the evac skills (teleporting you and entire group to a safe point in the zone), group SoW (aka. pathfinding), disarming chests and group stealth, assassins in eq2 are really far more well-rounded and flexible than THFs are in ffxi. A group will always have need for an extra scout, regardless of class.

About replacability by a hard-hitting meleer... In eq2 it is the skill hits, not the melee hits that really do the damage. You can play without using ur skills, but you will do about 1/4 of the damage you could do using them. Scouts and Mages will (or should) be far far more dps than tank classes, and no class is 'worthless'. They all have their own invaluable uses. Assassins, along with rangers, wizzes and warlocks are probably the 'purest' dps classes in the game.

oh yeah, and there are HOs (skillchains) too, but most people dont seem too fussed about those, because - unlike in ffxi - you don't really need skillchains to do massive damage attacks. They are, however, fun, and make the time fly much faster :P

In summary, the biggest difference between Assassins and THFs is that Assassins do big damage all the time and dont have to rely on a single skill repop (SATA). I agree, that was gimped. Was boring just to watch my friend play it.

hope this helps

Edited, Thu May 12 05:23:02 2005 by Monyetman

Edited, Thu May 12 05:24:19 2005 by Monyetman
#13 May 12 2005 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks again for the replies.

Few more questions.

It seems as though the level cap is at 50. Is that right? Seems kind of low and it the game has not been out terribly long and there seems to be quite a few people at 50 already.

Does the game offer much at endgame?

Does SOE usually raise the limit cap?

FFXI had a level cap of 75, and it would take quite a LONG *** time to get there. Same way in eq2?

Thanks again!
#14 May 12 2005 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
current cap is 50.. there are a good bit of folks there. but the mass of folks are still way below that. EQ2 was built with a possilbe max level of 200. Which means they can scale the game all the way up to that level. I doubt it will happen but it can.

The first expansion has already been anounced for sept of this year. The level cap is being raised to 60 on the expansion. YOu can pretty much guess that they will raise the cap by ten over the next few years. and ffxi started with a lower cap and they raised it over time.. pretty much the same with eq2.. My guess is that they will expand the game a good 5 times or so... making the max level of the game 100.

as for content they have added tons of new raid content.. not to mention expansion packs which there has already been one and the 2nd is announced. I'm betting we will get two to three of those per year..
#15 May 12 2005 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
1,885 posts
Since I didn't notice it covered, Skills:

Each spell and skill you get (and you get them automatically when you level) start at the lowest ability. You can craft, find, or purchase upgrades to make the spell/skill more powerful.

Eventually you will get a higher level spell/skill that will replace a lower level, and it too will need to be upgraded. I.e. a level 10 Ice Blast (Apprentice I) will be replaced by a level 20 Ice Blast (Apprentice I).

The levels are such:
Apprentice I through IV: I (One) is the weakest, IV is the strongest. These can be player crafted.
Adept I through III: I is usually found in loot, II is a quest or racial trait pick, III is player crafted (and most expensive as it requires expensive components)
Master: These are quest drops, VERY rare.

So you will start with App I in all your skills. You can buy App II's from city merchants, but they are not significant upgrades and a waste of money. If you have an Apprentice I spell/skill find a Adept I upgrade, you can immediatelly "Scribe" it and learn it on the spot, as long as you already know that spell/skill.

You can craft your own upgrades if you pick the appropriate Artisan class. As a beginning character in the tutorial, Isle of Refuge, I crafted my main nuke spell to App III.

Good Luck!Master

Edited, Thu May 12 20:03:42 2005 by tutanbriarpaw
#16 May 13 2005 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
the people that are already 50 (for the most part) are the super adicts that get on for days at a time(i have to admit i did play for 2 days once)and only stick to one toon, work that toon way up then twink a noob and work like hell on that one. if you live like a normal game player(about 4 hours a day) this could take quite a while, but if ur more like the more competative everquest player(23 1/2 hours a day)then with the right knowldge of where to go youll b there in no time.
#17 May 13 2005 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
I have heard with the right know how and gear and people it can be done in a month. 45 days max.. that is pretty quick to max a char out.. but for me im goig on 3 1/2 months and im level 27.. now I do have a high level provisoner but still I think I will hit 50 at just about the time the expansion comes out and raises the cap..
#18 Jun 04 2005 at 9:09 PM Rating: Decent
Im just starting on EQ2 right now but im a veteran FFXI i had a 75WAR/NIN or WAR/THF, WAR/SAM also a 65RNG/NIN and by the time i got my ranger to 65 i realized the game sucked and was hella repetitive and once you got to max Lv. there was no real reason to play anymore unless you were in a HNM ls which i was and i killed all of the HNM's in the game so i felt it was time to leave. Just from reading the instruction booklet im totally psyched over this game and the endless possibilities of characters and it looks like no two characters really will be the same. While in FFXI every single 75 whatever pretty much looked exactly the same because there was only so much 'uber' end game gear a person could wear and everyone wanted to be a clone of the next person. So i'd say that in my experience with FFXI its definitly worth dumping for a more advanced game like this. /cheer
#19 Jul 13 2005 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
Another class to look into (If you're going scout type) is the Rogue classes. The difference between a Rogue and a Predator(Assassin's) is that a Rogue has lower recast timers and they don't have to be stealthed to perform alot of moves. They also get abilities that stealth your entire group.It adds to the group flavor.They also have abilities that taunt which is helpful. I had a 32 Swashbuckler (Qeynos advanced job) and loved it. Just something to look into.
#20 Oct 03 2005 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
I rather nosely snuck into this forum, i play FFXI, and whilst your all bigging up EQ2 (it does sound like an amazing game). It sounds to easy. I heard someone saying how SATA 'only one good attack per fight' or something. And i thought to myself, thats the point... If SATA was consistent, it would greatly devalue the other DD classes such as Darknight, Monk, and so on. Totally unballancing the game.

Crafting also sounds fun in EQ2... But i heard someone say something about Sony doing something to bring back the spark into crafting... The only reason you'd do that is if Crafting is too easy, again.

Again i heard someone saying something about being able to solo... SE specifically said FFXI was a team based game, as in there's only two or three jobs that can solo. the rest you have to work as a team, and if you work as team correctively, its a fun and enjoyable expierience, even if it goes wrong its super fun. You accidently pull more then one mob, or the WHM dies, and things get hectic. Its when stuff like this happens your chat log fills up with 'that was fun' and 'wow that was exciting'.

Now i'm not coming on to diss EQ2. Infact my brother has it, and i enjoy playing it occasionally. But thats the thing, I enjoy playing it occasionally,. I could never be as emersed as i am in FFXI, were the economy is ridiculously inflated because of illegal gil selling, and the NM's (Notorious Monstors) are over camped by those same gil sellers.

I enjoy it because when i get on, i know i have a group of 20 plus people that will help me camp and claim that NM, for that overpriced item.

Not to mention Static groups that are the most fun, you level with them, and towards the 40's you quiet literally become a band of brothers, were you'd give your member your last gil so he can buy a scroll that'd help you level up in the long run.

Its moments like these when you smile, hell its not even about the leveling in FFXI, its about expieriancing things with a group of members, and sharing your thoughts, and for those who missed it reliving that moment when 250+ Yagudo (Beastmen that attack anything) pummelled you into the ground because a Yagudo Bard debuffed your life saving sneak, and your not angry, your laughing wildly with other members of your ls, because you and they know, they're next. and the train of mobs is just ridiculously big.

Its the little adventures in ffxi that paint the bigger picture, leveling up really isn't the be all and end all of the game, infact, you will get bored if you came onto this mmorpg, soley with the fact that you want to be the best, and want to get there now.

Because at the end of the day its a VERY difficult game, compared to other mmo's if you really did want to be the best, it'd take over 2rl year of xping, and other money making things to pay for the gear to level up in. Not to mention all the relic upgrades needed.

as for crafting... I hate it. its a chore to me, i only do it because i know in the long run its going to make me money.

But overall FFXI is a fun emersive teambased game.

as for items. New items get added everyweek... plus the new expansionpack (in time for the XBOX360 release) is going to bring loads more new items.

I'm sorry for butting in like that guys. I saw people saying how FFXI isn't a fun game to play whilst on my brothers computer, and got a little annoyed that no one was saying FFXI's goodpoints.
#21 Oct 04 2005 at 11:42 AM Rating: Default
I'm sorry for butting in like that guys. I saw people saying how FFXI isn't a fun game to play whilst on my brothers computer, and got a little annoyed that no one was saying FFXI's goodpoints

Well and only 3 months to late to really make it in hehehehe

Don't think anyone was slamming FFXI , but asking why they should join EQ2 over FFXI, just FYI there
#22 Oct 05 2005 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
See. Posts like yours i dont get.
What makes a game difficult?

Grinding them same mobs, hours after hours after hours after hours, doesnt make a game hard. It makes it boring and tedious.
I remember when I put in 40 hours in 3 days just grinding the hell out of my BLM. I died twice in that 40 hours.. And all groups were pickup.
Was it hard? Hell no. I only died twice. And only a couple close calls.
Was it boring and tedious? Yes.

A huge level grind != hard game.
FFXI has NMs and HNMs. Which can be hard.
But so are eq2 4xepic mobs. Ive died plenty of times trying to fight those.

AS for crafting. It is actually about the same skill level as ffxi.
FFXI all you have to do is put a few ingredients in a window. And click create. Wait until its done, and do it again. Although you do have to know how good of items you can create... and you also have to research the different things you can make since it isnt all provided in a list.
Eq2 has a list of items that you can select... but each craft is like an "encounter". You have to FIGHT the durability and progress bars to get that prestine item.

Also, I dont consider having to spend 100k a level in crafting "hard". All it is is tedious grinding mobs getting loot to sell so you can buy items.
You do the same thing in EQ2 pretty well. Except you grind harvesting nodes. Or buy them off the market.

" If SATA was consistent, it would greatly devalue the other DD classes such as Darknight, Monk, and so on. Totally unballancing the game.

Why is that? Each class gets their own things that makes them special (well atleast most do). WIth my swashbuckler i have atleast a dozen abilities i use EACH FIGHT. This helps keep me entertained. Instead of just clicking attack and sitting back spamming TP macros constantly.. Then once every 30 seconds doing 1 ability.... And if your "lucky" maybe you get to cast utusami (sp?) and go pull.
No thanks, i prefer to use my dozen abilities on my swashbuckler.

Onto your next point.. Solo.

WHY should i HAVE To be in a group to solo?
IF i only have an hour to play I should be able to accomplish something.
Only thing you can accomplish in an hour in FFXI is possibly selling some stuff, farm mobs for a little bit, or a limited amount of other things.
Atleast in eq2 if i only have an hour, i know i can still get 20% exp to the next level.

Im not saying solo is the only way. I love to group also. But Im sure you have experienced the times where you have been lfg for 5 hours just to loog out in frustration.
WHen im lfg in eq2 i can still be soloing mobs for my own exp.

I do agree how ffxi might be a bit more immersive.. Since you are required to group to do about anything. But it can also bring on a ton of frustration.
I remember times when i was LFG for DAYS and not get an invite.
Sure I was farming mobs. But I wanted to level.

Now dont get me wrong, Im not bashing FFXI. I loved the game (for the most part) while I played it. BUt then I switched to eq2. And never thought about looking back.
Only thing i liked a bit better in ffxi was the community... BUt thats about it.

#23 Oct 16 2005 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts
I agree on that last post there. I've played FFXI and got to lvl 50blm and some other sub jobs, but when i got up there, it was harder and harder to find a party to lvl up any further or to do other quests, everyone wanted you to pay them for help. The community was fun, I loved the different things they had to offer when holidays came around, the fun quests and items to get, but that's about it. Fighting the same mob over and over again got old. especialy when you got the the point when you wanted to lvl up a diff job, you had to go back and do it all over again :|... My sister told me about eq2 to i'm doing the trial thing and maybe go out and buy the game to give it a try.

I've also played DAoC. It was fun, but that's about it. not that fun. That one got boring to quick... But lets see what happens with this one.. :)
#24 Mar 21 2006 at 1:05 AM Rating: Default
75 rdm
75 blm
75 whm
72 war
70 nin
68 smn
68 mnk
rest 50+
99+3 woodworking 60 smithing 60 alchemy 60 goldsmithing
All AF2 for 75 and AF for others also beat the game. Also had 350 million in hand and way more then that in armor. (fanatic i know)

Ok i played FFXI for about 2 1/2 years until someone named xtek hacked my account. I was not able to get account back either seeing everything was changed. I though about suicide seeing i spent 24/7 practically on this game almost failing school.
But then i found EQ2. I started playing EQ2 and it was pretty kewl there were badass graphics and didnt take near the time to level as FFXI. As seeing since i played FFXI i found EQ2 very easy and helped me progress into the palaldin i am now. Money is easy and soloing is possible and parties are all over all the time and there is no one place to level. Also again the graphics are great and the fighitng system is almost like real life unlike FFXI. FFXi is overrated now that i look at it and WoW is a waste of time.

Now EQ2 has started these updates they are really nuking the game but i beleive that will all change soon with all the complaints. This is another thing i like about the game is the day to day updates guarnteeing the best play.
#25 Mar 21 2006 at 2:19 PM Rating: Good
1,885 posts
Undisputer, you replied to a thread from 5 months ago. Holy necro-post!
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