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To the quitters because of exchange serversFollow

#1 Apr 27 2005 at 9:26 PM Rating: Default
258 posts
Really, i dont care whoever leaves the game and sincerely i would rather not hearing you shouting it to the world.

That said i got a question for you.

If SOE makes a German server and you dont want to play on it... will you quit the game ?

If SOE makes a PvP religion server and you dont want to play on it ... will you quit ?

If SOE makes a server where mobs dosent gives exp but /dancing with beautiful young women/men does and you dont like that style of play... will you quit ?

Or maybe youll just decide to stay on a regular server, and if you feel like it ignore that these other server exist.

So if you dont like the exchange server like me, why dont you shut it, and stay on your respective server and never talk about it anymore. And if it is to stop people doing it on my server all the better, go SOE, i think its a great decision.

P.S. Now heres something for you lets say there is 500k subscription, thats roughly 90 millions a year revenue + around 50 million for the game bought at store, now add to this a couple million more from package and all.

Tell me why would they let a 200 million dollar business go away from them ?

Ok lets say you find magical flower and decide to cultivate them to make money of them. And each flower you sell around 20$. Now thats not bad if you can manage to sell around ... lets say 1 000 a year. All of a sudden you realize that they have seeds with diamonds in it ! and all the seeds going in the air across the fence in your neighbor background could get you around 50k more per year. Would you let the seeds go to your neighbor or just install some net around your fence ?

Edited, Wed Apr 27 22:29:09 2005 by PrometeusVaer
#2 Apr 27 2005 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
Regardless of whether we agree with people or not, this is a message board that has always welcomed all views and debates about games.

To tell people to stop posting just because you don't agree with their point of view makes no sense at all. Open and polite debate is healthy - a sign of true democracy at work.

So come one, come all, be civil, but post whatever gaming point of view you like.

I'll be handing out Smiley: cookie later.
#3 Apr 27 2005 at 11:26 PM Rating: Decent
7,861 posts
You do realize that *most* people are leaving simply because it's a 180 degree turn from SOE previous stance on this type of behavior. It's a principle thing. In fact, your arguments don't make a whole lot of sense. In the beginning, there were no guarantees that Station Exchange wouldn't eventually hit all servers. They have since made the promise that it won't, but certainly you can understand why people might have been upset at the inception of this.
People don't like to be meddled with. We tell them what to do, what to think, don't run, don't walk. We're in their homes and in their heads and we haven't the right. We're meddlesome. ~River Tam

#4 Apr 28 2005 at 5:26 AM Rating: Default
258 posts
I think must people went into a panic, before hearing anything on the subject, and you can still hear the residue of it on many tread.
As for being democratic... huh ? what was your point again ? i stated my opinion, and tried to put a post that took the whole image in so a bit less people go into a panic when they read post of people who trys to scare them.

There will be exchange servers thats true, but it will be on certain servers ONLY as its been stated since day one and it will not affect peoples who do not want to play with does rule.
it isnt a 180 degree turn since regular server keeps the same rules.
And by the way poll about this have been going on for about 3 years on EQ1 so its nothing really new, they did their job to test the reaction of player, tho i must say i dont remember if they did it on EQ2 like they stated they did.
#5 Apr 28 2005 at 7:06 AM Rating: Decent
281 posts
The part that I don't understand if you don't care about the subject, then why did you make this post?

Is it to actually get their views? If so you could have went to one of their posts on the matter.

Is it to start a flame war? It seems more possible at the moment, maybe you need to clarify your thoughts. It just seems you are baiting people to get their reaction.

As far as it goes, SOE has always been against plat sellers, to make servers full of em is a 180 from them.
#6 Apr 28 2005 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
The EQ2 survey is supposed to be around the end of this week. Some time last year they surveyed EQ1 and a third of the players were in favour of buying in game items for real cash.
#7 Apr 28 2005 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
what you don't see are several things..

*some people simply do not like the "180 degree" turnaround of SOE's view..

*some people don't like the fact that this is a business model that sees fit to profit from what some of us consider cheating*

*some people realize that Station Exchange is more than just a server.. if has the potential to totally change the gaming business model as we know it.

Imagine a world where, in addition to subscription fees, upgrades to your car in a racing game all cost real money. A world where ammo for your gun.. and the guns themselves in FPS cost real money. The next obviously logical step in the evolution of Station Exchange is "buy only" content.. where the best items can only be bought. Will it happen with Station Exchange.. probably not. Will it happen in future games if Station Exchange succeeds... probably so.

....and we're not willing to support SOE financially and turn a "blind eye" to things that we consider truly.. "wrong".

the flaw in your arguement PrometeusVaer is that German servers, PVP religion servers, and "/dancing" servers do not have the potential to totally redefine the future business model of gaming as we know it. Station Exchange has this power.. This is not a question of "How you want to play" it's a question of "How they make you pay".

Edited, Thu Apr 28 08:40:16 2005 by Iaini

Edited, Thu Apr 28 08:41:46 2005 by Iaini
#8 Apr 28 2005 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I can understand the reasons people have for quiting. I don't think it is so much they are worried this exchange will come to there server, but they are just concerned what type of company SOE is becoming. I personally was disgusted by the photo of Sir Lucan holding a Pizza hut pizza advertising the /pizza command. I don't like the idea of Station Exchange 1 bit either. However I am not to the point of quiting, but once again I fully understand peoples reasons.

It just seems like SOE is turning more and more into a bunch of suits sitting around a big table thinking of every possible thing to do in order to gain a extra cent. They do not care 1 bit about what the people paying there salary does, this is even true when they constantly nerf the game IMO.
#9 Apr 28 2005 at 1:48 PM Rating: Default
They do not care 1 bit about what the people paying there salary does, this is even true when they constantly nerf the game IMO.

You don't pay their salaries. You provide the money to the company who pay their salaries. Why is this an important distinction? Because the people that actually do pay their salaries, want them to think of new and innovative ways to make money.

The game doesn't compete in sales or in subscribers to other games out there. Therefore they have to find other ways to make money.

They looked around and finally realized that there are people making, literally, millions of dollars from their game. They decided to cash in on the deal.

Business wise, a sound thing to do.

Morally it may be reprehensible.

It has huge repercussions to future games, if it succeeds (and it will).

If you think SOE is in this to make a nice game for you to play, you need to wake up. They are in this to make money, any way that we as the player base will tolerate.

This is a business for them, not a hobby. Get over it. If you don't like it the only options you have are to whine, yell, scream about it on message boards, and to vote with your dollars. That's it. Its just how life is. They are running a business, the only way they will change their direction is if it is more profitable to do so than to not do so.

Can it be any more obvious? Don't any of you work for a large company?
#10 Apr 28 2005 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
Actually I think the issue is more complex than simply a business decision to increase the bottom line.

They've tried for years to stamp out account/item buying. It obviously can't be stopped legally and banning accounts is not stopping it either.

So they spend 40% of customer service time on issues around this and , at the same time, get caned by the community for bad customer service.

So what are their options? Either more of the same i.e. continue fighting a losing battle or a radically different approach.

Of course the financial side comes into the equation, but it's not the whole story.

They would've fully expected the response they've received but they do have the results of last year's survey in EQ1 when one third voted they wanted to buy in game items for cash.

So we've reached a major fork in the gaming road, and eventually this will spread to other games. A very sad, but inevitable day.

If you decide to quit your favourite game just realise that this is the beginning of a major shake-up even though it rubs many people the wrong way.
#11 Apr 28 2005 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
If you are against the plat selling servers, the best way to voice that opinion is to simply press the button to unsubscribe. period.

I have enjoyed eq/eq2 for years. Gotten my moneys worth along the way (played in the top zones, gotten some high end gear. I'm not in favor of creating servers for sellers to farm, BUT...
as the above post stated: They are not in business to poll their customer base about their philosophy. They are creating these games to MAKE MONEY. Enough of the player base, wants plat selling servers, so guess what? They are creating plat servers. Laying down in front of the tank wont change things. Everyone deserves to be heard, and if your opinion is you'd rather quit than stay on with SoE (even if your on a non-plat selling server) then that choice is what is best for you. Lets all just get back to killing grass snakes :)
#12 Apr 28 2005 at 10:22 PM Rating: Decent
258 posts
One thing everyone you need to realize is, all games are developped in a single goal. Making money. Now as Bluie said if they cant stop it legally they might as well try to keep the money inside their own fences.

The thing is, i dont mind if your not fine with these new servers, i would never play on them myself, but its not a reason to whine about it on every single darn tread that as absolutly nothing to do with that subject. The people reading those boards everyday like me still like to get info on other subject.

I mean cmon, if they dont try to stop it you whine if they try to corner the problem since they cant stop it legally you whine...

I think they are looking at solutions while most of us are certainly only focusing on the problem. If you have other solutions, feel free to offer them on their website. You might shout out loud that they dont read them and they dont care, but i have a scoop for you. Like in most companies ( and dont misunderstand me i am not telling they are pure of all intentions and no corruptions runs in the place ) they read it and they take notes.

no they wont answer your tread and send you a letter whith a check of a million if you tell them a nice idea thats true, it dosent mean they wont use it.

I know most people in here dosent go around preaching of the eviolness of SOE on every tread around, but you know like me some of them do ... even tho they already canceled, and this morning i got enough of it. Never had the intention of starting a flame war, just tried redirectering the subject to a tread about it. I wouldnt be a good flamer with my impressive 40 posts in like 1 year or 2 of being an allakhazam posters and 5 or 6 of being a readers :)

Edit: Oh yes one mroe thing, its not changing anything into the industry, its already happening. The only new thing now is SoE decided to be one of the people benefitting the 200million market coming from their own product. Will other company do the same ? certainly, is it already happening in other game also ? certainly. I dont see anything new being introduced. I am actually beleiving the market will diminish in EQ2 since it will be restricted now so SOE can actually get the most of it on their new servers.

Oh and duchess, no one will pay real money for car upgrades or fps munitions that argument is making even less sense then my dancing servers even tho i figured you prolly just tried imaging your point with an exagerated exemple like i did. :)

Edited, Thu Apr 28 23:31:45 2005 by PrometeusVaer
#13 Apr 29 2005 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
59 posts
My preference is that they not do it. However if they decided to do it on another server and leave mine alone, I don't care. I don't really think it wil laffect my play any different than the people who already do this for my server. I guess time will tell if I'm naive or not. :)
#14 Apr 29 2005 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
I think SoE is only doing the right thing.
I wont be playing on SE servers for sure.

And when it comes to you who /quit I can only point and shake my head. You are STUPID.
What diffrence do you really think it makes that you quit the game you love? Non I tell you, noone care.
And quitting just to make a stand cause you 'think' it might effect future gaming is stupid. If it actually will effect future gaming or not it wont be because you did /quit or not.

You are only punishing your self by quitting a game you love.

Argue all you want. One star my post. Hate me. Flame me. Do what you want, it still wont alter the fact that you only punished yourself when you /quit.
#15 Apr 29 2005 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
My preference is that they not do it. However if they decided to do it on another server and leave mine alone, I don't care. I don't really think it wil laffect my play any different than the people who already do this for my server. I guess time will tell if I'm naive or not. :)

Pretty much how I feel. Do the plat farmers impact me now, when its illegal? Not really. I couldn't give a darn if you have full [fill in uber armor name and weapons] because you bought a bunch of plat and can therefore do some things I can't do. I don't care that I am smarter than many players about accumulating funds and am able to buy pretty decent (though not uber) armor, weapons, spells, and yes, a horse for my character.

It doesn't impact my playing style 1 bit whether you have better or worse equipment etc than I do. If I choose to group with you, it is highly unlikely that your equipment will affect how we interact, what we kill, or anything else.

So what difference would it make to me that you have 50pp in the bank, and I have 3? Or that you have never gotten together more than 20gp? Who cares?

The plat farmers only affect you if you let them affect you, IMHO.

I think SOE is doing what makes sense from a business perspective. I think its a horrible precedence for online gaming, and can easily envision a time when I will go back to single player games. When real life cash investment determines advancement etc (someday, down the road, when you will be able to literally buy better stuff and buy your levels, or whatever they come up with) it will mean that many of us will no longer play online. The roughly, what, $15? a month its costing me now is about all I'm willing to invest. Any more than that and I will happily go back to single player RPGs.

Quest for Glory anyone? :D
#16 Apr 29 2005 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
I have only one thing to say about exchange servers. If you think that they will not affect you, you are wrong. The only way they wont affect everyone is if they fail or only very marginaly succeed. If half the servers end up going exchange, then guess what? Those servers will be making so much more money for SOE that they will ignore all the non exchange servers. If only a few servers go exchange it will probably be ok for the rest, as SOE will still want that money too.
#17 Apr 29 2005 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
I don't think people realize how much this will effect the non exchange servers.

The items and characters that are going to be sold in the exchange server are the same as the items and characters being used in non - exchange servers. So to think they won't keep this in mind when coming up with expansions and updates, you'd have to be crazy. How much it will effect the non exchange servers is up to SoL, but it definatly will to some point.
#18 Apr 29 2005 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
The items and characters that are going to be sold in the exchange server are the same as the items and characters being used in non - exchange servers. So to think they won't keep this in mind when coming up with expansions and updates

no offense, but what the??? At least finish your point, I seriously have no clue what you are inferring here. HOW exactly do you think this will affect future expansions, simply because exchange servers can buy and sell the plat/characters created/farmed on that server? I don't undestand what you are getting at. Lets just say...SoE does not create these 2 servers. You think these farmers will just say to themselves "well, shoot billyjack, looks like we have to move to a different game, we can't sell our crapola here anymore."

They will be buying, and selling, regardless.

#19 Apr 29 2005 at 7:19 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
Well I think his point is that if EQ 2's player base splits into two communities (exhange and non-exchange) SoE will have the challenge o developing expansions that satisfy both group which costs time and money and very often compromises. Let's face it, if exchange servers are popular and the servers bring in the bucks their priorities will obviously shift toward pleasing the exchange audience and satsify the bottom line. I don't think his idea is so radical and in fact, it makes sense since obviously SoE is going to invest a considerable amount of time in energy into making sure this works.
#20 Apr 29 2005 at 8:38 PM Rating: Decent
People who don't think this will affect them on the normal servers are in denial. It already has because people like me are not playing there any longer. There already have been several guilds destroyed by this and the service has not even gone live yet.

If we have to tell you why what SOE is doing is wrong then you will never understand. This is not a simple change to a class or nerf to an ability. This directly challenges the core belief systems of many people like myself.

Lets look at baseball for example. If you were to ask around you would find a large segment of baseball fans who would regard the Designated hitter in the American League as cheating. Its not against the rules, but its against what their ethics,Sense of fair play, respect for the spirit of competion say what baseball should be.

Thats where those like myself who have quit are comming from. You are entitled to think that just because SOE changed the rules to make it so its not cheating that its not cheating, but to us it has been and always will be cheating.

By legitimizing cheating SOE is taking the "game" out of the game for us. We would rather go back to a MUD or pen and paper game than pay money to any company that would endorse such actions.

So because my ethos and world view differ from yours. You will never be able to understand why those of us view what SOE is doing wrong,(unless you have a Real life change in your ethos/worldview) Just as I will never be able to understand why anyone could even think or begin to argue that what SOE is doing is right.

Those types of things don't change easily and certainly a video game is not going to do it.
#21 Apr 29 2005 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
258 posts
One important things you need to think about on these 2 possible different community. Right now you see them filled with 5000 people per server that all spends 50 to 100$ a week in equipment.

Thats not what is going to happen, some people will go on these server in case one day they decide to use the system, others will randomly end there without really knowing or understanding the difference, i am telling you its not that many people ready to burn their money like this. Just check the Legend servers on EQ1, never really worked. And they didnt developped EQ2 after on these base thinking if everyone pays 50$ a month to play they would make more money.

Because they know they wouldnt get as much money since many people wouldnt play. Less playing = less revenue from publicity, harder to raise fund to develop sequels, expansion etc.

And once again dont forget somethign even if they cancel the whole exchange server thing, its still happening anyway.
#22 May 03 2005 at 12:58 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
To be quite honest to the original poster I would say he does not know what he is talking about.

There are many valid points to a system that is in effect the choice of the gamer not to play on a server they don't want to. That however is not the issue here. The issue is that like the polls for this exchange system basically coming after they have already slated it to go live.

The fact that they leave the option open for "CURRENT" servers to be converted and making the users (Like myself) who feel this is just wrong go to other servers. I dont care if it is free to do so. Highkeep is my server of choice. Why should I move?

Depending on the popularity of this in the future, it may very well prove to still cause problems with farmers on non-exchange servers.

EXAMPLE: since most likely they will not be able to migrate a toon from exchange servers it does not stop them from creating unlimited numbers of bots for farming, (or rl players for farming)go to a light populated non-exchange server, farm rares, resources and drops, then freely migrate to their exchange server of choice empty their mule, delete, rinse and repeat. Will even increase in some cases since they are legitimizing a practice that is now against the EULA.

PrometeusVaer's theory basically is correct only if the above cannot happen. The fact remains it very well can.

Even now I have had to face making a character, going to the IOR and stand there trying to attempt to get a mob from 6 toons all with names like xxy xxyy xyxx etc. But couldnt cause they targeted everything in site and just nuked away, but never moved. This went on for quite a long time so I camped and went back hours later. It is a problem now, it will just get worse when it is legitimized.

On a personal note. Being from a "generation" so to speak who played during the very beginning of Online gaming there are still some of us who believe in certain unwritten codes of ethics as far as gaming is concerned. This may sound corny but it is fact.
If you pay real cash for characters, ingame currency, specialty items to further your character, prestige, standing etc, makes you a loser. Play the game as it was meant to be played. I hardly thing in the beginning this is how the games where designed to be played. What is the point? It cheapens us all. IMHO


Edited, Tue May 3 02:00:58 2005 by eclypsethreedemons
#23 May 03 2005 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
Just as I will never be able to understand why anyone could even think or begin to argue that what SOE is doing is right.

I'm not saying I think they are right, I'm saying I dont care. Very big difference.

Someone in a previous post, said that if I don't think it has already affected my gameplay, I'm in denial, due to the fact they have quit. I'm not trying to be rude, but I haven't even noticed your departure, as many haven't. It's a fact, many people won't play this game from its inception, to its demise. I'm sorry you feel the way you do, but I'm not a fool, but it truly doesn't affect me period.
#24 May 03 2005 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
258 posts
ONe things that bothers me, and many people will remember it. In the first week of the game there was all that drama around party's of 5 wizard + 1 inquisitor on each server having like 10 times as much kill as anyone else.

People asked, shouted, cried, whined after SoE to find a way to stop them. I am pretty sure its one of the thing they are trying to do to stop them. They couldnt legally stop them without using alot of their ressources so they instead try to get them all together so they affect less people.
Sure they have had to think of others idea and they probably got together and chose one of the idea to try first, they made a plan. Its just normal they choosed something that might benefit them. Even tho what i hear is they will provide a safe environment for player to trade so they just get a % of what the people trade. they arent taking the whole 200 millions to themselves so i dont think they only based their choice on the money they would make.

I give them the benefit of the doubt, if it turns out its an evil conspiration to rule us all then ill just stop playing, i am pretty sure they are trying something based on consumer complaints.

Anyway most people are just too quick to critisized without offering any other solutions, unfocus from the problem and think on solutions.
#25 May 03 2005 at 5:56 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
People have always complained about CS from SoE, and they've told us that 40% of all customer queries are something to do with people buying/selling accounts or ingame items.

Now they've stated that after the Exchange servers go live, their treatment of people on regular servers who have problems caused by buying/selling will be *brutal*. And that's exactly the word they used.

So I'm prepared to wait and see how this pans out. If it means we end up with better CS, then that can only be a good thing. And if it means the groups of bot farmers get banned or deported to the Exchange server, that's good too.
#26 May 04 2005 at 1:44 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Don't get me wrong if this is just the only way SOE can deal with this issue and it works then its ok with me, I dont agree with it, and Im voting no to it in any poll. My feeling on the players who take part in this program will stay the same.

For those of you who state you dont care, non of this effects me, etc. That is not the point of some of our complaints. Some of us have been effected. I am sure there will be thoughs who may very well go through this game, and maybe even never see any of what we are talking about. The fact that you have even posted in this thread shows some effect. You were compelled to make a statement on matters you say dont effect you. If you dont care or are not effected why bother?

To me no matter what SOE's motives are with Exchange Servers I still find it down right offensive to online gaming and this genre of games. Whats next they will provide all exploits for a fee, and why they are at it why not provide bots (For a fee of course) and instructions on how to further ruin this game all under the guise that they are trying to provide some sort of service. This is a disservice to us if you ask me.

I only hope that with the added revenue they hope to make they fix the existing bugs etc, cause I think the money and time they are wasting with this would better be served working with nVIDIA trying to get this pig run better on my $400 video card "the way its meant to be played"? somehow this is starting to sound how we customers are to them.
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