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Cancelled: This is what you have to do to get me back.Follow

#1 Apr 24 2005 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
I posted the following on the EQ2 main forums. Since they are the reincarnation of fascist hitler, they will probably delete the thread so I will post it here:
1) Scrap station exchange.
2) Change course of the company radically back to making good quality games instead of trying to squeeze every cent you can out of customers.
3) Get some company reps who have respect for the community.
4) Stop lying to the players.
5) Drop your "Im a third world, censorign dictator" impression on the forums and take the heat that you generate; stop locking every negative post and moving it to the "glass house" and stop banning people for "negative comments about SOE".
6) Establish a policy to fight cheaters instead of trying to cash in on them.
7) Fire Smedley for making so many stupid decisions in this game.

If not, Ill simply never patronize your products again. Its as simple as that. Its not a threat, its not bluster; its done. My account was paid up til September but you get no more money from me. Your money grubbing slime ball tactics ranging from dumbing down the game to /pizza to station exchange are too much. There are companies out there that would like to be patronized by people that will be loyal fans. I will go to one of them. You dont have a monopoly anymore and you are in danger of being extinct.

You might not care; in fact by looking at your past track record and widely held reputation for being a complete jerk to your customers, its pretty likely you dont care. But I said it anyway. You have lost a formerly rabid fan, a guild leader who promoted your game and did his best to help others. You have killed the fun in this game for me.

-- Rels / Kesro

P.S. No you cant have my stuff.
#2 Apr 24 2005 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
64 posts
I had to cancel my eq2 account also. Just didn't like the way the game was headed with that station exchange thing.
Don't get me wrong, I loved the game, even with all the nerfs and balance changes. Just didn't like the idea of my subscription fees being used to develop Station Exchange. Bought the collector's edition, bought the bloodlines adventure pack (preorder), bought station access, and even bought some of those crappy premium services. If one cent of that cash that I paid to them went to Exchange dev, that was way too much.

I hope their little experiment dies on the vine, then I'd probably return. Until then I won't support them.

Btw, if you're going to cancel, do it thought the webpage. That way you get the survey that lets you state the reasons for your cancellation.

Good game, huge potential, but in the end not worth the drama. Same level of fun can be found in WoW or back in FFXi.
#3 Apr 24 2005 at 5:03 PM Rating: Good
Wow! You guys never ceasse to amaze me! I responded to Iaini when she posted that she was quiting and my response has not changed. When I was deployed overseas, I had no family to look forward to back in the United States, one of the things that helped me keep my focus and make it through each day of (my own virtual) hell, was the thought of playing EQ2 when I got back. During my free time I researched components for the computer I would have to build to play it and now, months later, I have built my dream computer and am playing my dream game. What I went through will never be worth anything I may later earn or receive in life, but what is done is done. I have been playing EQ2 for several months though and though there have been some slight dissapointments and some disagreements with things like the Station Exchange, I don't think anything can change my love for this game. In a way, it is my therapy, my escape for a few hours at the end of a very long day. Logging on, meeting friends, and adventuring, while the stresses and worries of real life fade into the background, is something I look forward to every day and helps make the drudgery a little more bearable.

When I meet another character in game, I have no way of telling if he or she earned their gear or bought it through IGN or some other company. It rarely even crosses my mind, it doesn't affect my gameplay expereince at all. Though I would never participate or condone buying game items with real money, it doesn't bother me, because unless someone walks up to me and says "Hi, I just bought my cool gear through the Station Exchange," I would never know it. Such an occurence would never happen though, because I would never play on a Station Exchange server.

Having a disagreemint in opinion is fine, but to leave the best (in my mind) MMORPG on the market, because of it, is foolish in my opinion. I love EQ2 and until a SOE technician presses the power button on the servers for one last time, I am here to stay. Good luck though, in whatver game you choose to start over in.
#4 Apr 24 2005 at 5:41 PM Rating: Good
1,246 posts
I hate PvP and through 4 years of EQ1 I never had to play that way because SoE didn't force me to.

It seems Station Exchange will also be something players will have to opt into.

To throw away a game you love before you even see how the implementation works out is insane.
#5 Apr 24 2005 at 5:46 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Bluie wrote:
I hate PvP and through 4 years of EQ1 I never had to play that way because SoE didn't force me to.

It seems Station Exchange will also be something players will have to opt into.

To throw away a game you love before you even see how the implementation works out is insane.

Smiley: clap

I'm sticking around too. Untill I see it come to the regular servers and it messes up my game. And even if it does come to the regular servers, who's to say it will ruin my game? People are buying and selling equipment and money in the game right now, with out without SOE condoning or condemning.
#6 Apr 24 2005 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
The problem I see with quitting in anger over these types of things is really bad.

I habitually quit FFXI for varying reasons. Most of them in my own head. (drop rates, inflation, etc.) But I never really stopped making new chars. I found that once I got to EQ2, I was doing the same thing. >< I have since fixed this problem.

I guess if something like this angers you enough to quit, it may be best to look outside MMOs for entertainment. Cause these games change in ways like this all the time. Look at the XI forums for a minute and you'll see a huge list of people ******** about this or that. Most of it is after a change happens, and they don't like it. I can understand not being happy with a change, but why do so many get so upset and feel the need to 'be heard'. Hell, Im not even sure what Im talking about anymore, but anyway the companies that make these games do what they want, and we decide to keep playing or not. Simple as that I guess, bye and good luck with whatever you end up doing.
#7 Apr 24 2005 at 11:05 PM Rating: Good
710 posts
I equate this whole situation to be similar to the legalization of marijuana

So many people do it anyways that legalizing it wouldn't make a difference. The people who wanted to do it will still do it anyways. It won't change my life in the bit for the most part.

It would, however, free up police who are busy stopping the people from smoking weed to do other things like pull those morons who tick me off over Smiley: yippee

Before you cancel your account.. really think about it, its already happening - go to 1/2 the EQ2 websites and there will be a link to some place selling it. Obviously if there is THAT much advertising, Enough people must be interested in doing it.

So if its already happening - what will change in your game?

I look at it that SOE will hopefully have more resources free to develop better more in-depth expansions and to help people with real problems.

Hopefully we won't have to deal with situations like this anymore.

One other thought to keep in the back of your mind. SOE is a company, first and foremost. So is Blizzard and so is Square Enix. If SOE does well enough with this that in that Blizzard and Square need to find a way to be competitive, they may do the same thing.

But whatever your decision, happy travels.
#8 Apr 25 2005 at 6:41 AM Rating: Decent
Kallirye said, (in part),
...I responded to Iaini when she posted that she was quiting and my response has not changed. When I was deployed overseas, I had no family to look forward to back in the United States, one of the things that helped me keep my focus and make it through each day of (my own virtual) hell, was the thought of playing EQ2 when I got back.

Sorry to de-rail this thread but I hate to let a moment like this pass by with the thought unspoken...

Thank you, Kallirye, for your service to our country. It is due in no small part to the sacrifice of men and women like you that we are all afforded the opportunity to live in this great country. We owe each and every one of you a debt we can never repay. Thank you.

And now, back to your regularly scheduled thread...
#9 Apr 25 2005 at 8:07 AM Rating: Decent
I understand what you're all saying, I also was of the opinion of "wait and see.." until I started thinking about it.

Station Exchange sets a precedent.. even if it's not on your server, it begins a journey down a path that, though technically will be sanctioned by the EULA SOE will re-write, is one that I fundamentally disagree with..

it's only a stones throw away, to, in the future, create really good gear and items that can *only* be bought... and financially speaking it's in SOE's best interest to do this *IF* Station Exchange is as wildly successful that they believe it will be..

they have also stated that it will not come to exsting servers.. but SE is a testing point, if this addition to their business model is successful why create non-SE servers? and SOE has stated that if the population of existing servers drops to a certain point they would be consolidated, however we have no idea what that point is..

so far it's been very vague.. and after reading the answers to questions Alla sent, it's clear that there are some potential problems that haven't been contemplated, such as what's to stop people from farming the live servers and transferring to an alt? Sure farming is against the TOS but if done properly (without bots) it's very difficult to detect if you spread out your targets and hit them over a progressive span of time...

now the one up-swing I see is that SE will do a bit of damage to IGE (though not initially, it will only happen over a good bit of time) because it's likely SOE will regulate the price of items and characters whereas IGE does not..

so SOE will have more buyers since they pay less, but IGE will have more sellers... once the buyers dry up IGE will feel some hurt.. however..

...and this is the reason I quit EQ2.. it's the direction that this creates: the precedent, and not just for EQ2 but for all future games. I hear what you're saying, that it's very hard to tell if someone bought gold / items / characters or earned it.. I understand that and you are right about that but my feeling is this:

to me, this is the equivalent of playing a pencil and paper RPG, going to the GM(SOE) and saying "hey I want a level 50 character.. here's 150$." and the GM replies "Sure, but I get say...30% of your sale." If the GM allows such transfers then it is legally acceptable, but just because it's legal doesn't make it right.

(yes I'm a VERY old-school RPGgamer.. I played D&D long before it was "Advanced" back when Elf was a class..)

I feel, that by staying with EQ2.. weather station exchange is successful or not.. says that I support this as a potential direction for future MMO's and games... and that I support the logical progression that this direction implies... but I don't.

I feel, that station exchange even if it's not on my server, potentially injects too much "real world" into the future of MMO's and games. A world that says... "Those with real money prosper, those without don't." For the record I make very good money a year.. I could afford nearly anything on station exchange with ease.. so I'm not a "have not" who's upset about it... I truly disagree with it as a statement in the future of gaming.

lots of subjective terms.. "I feel" draws an image of a lot of passion, and there is.. I must admit it.. but to use the term again, I feel that I did the best thing I could for *my* peace of mind.. and my feelings as far as gaming and what it means to me... something I've been doing a LONG time. What this means to other people is for them to decide...

I still remember the day I picked up Pong... and I recall playing the very first flight simulator on the market, there's something to me that is the "spirit" of games that I feel (there's that subjective term again) Station Exchange tarnishes beyond belief.

and I can't support SOE as long as Station Exchange is a reality.. if only to send a clear message to other developers that they risk business by adopting such a financial program.
#10 Apr 25 2005 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
Before you cancel your account.. really think about it, its already happening - go to 1/2 the EQ2 websites and there will be a link to some place selling it. Obviously if there is THAT much advertising, Enough people must be interested in doing it.

So if its already happening - what will change in your game?

I look at it that SOE will hopefully have more resources free to develop better more in-depth expansions and to help people with real problems

The main problem is the apparent hypocrisy of SOE, for years they did a lot to block money and item sellers, banning people for it. Now they suddenly state that they not only allow it, but they will control it.

Look at what happened in EQ I, the economy on several servers there was dreadful, like what happens in FF XI too I believe. An immense inflation leading to extremely absurd situations of simple things costing an arm and a leg so to speak.

It will increase farming on those servers, this is inevitable.

I feel, that station exchange even if it's not on my server, potentially injects too much "real world" into the future of MMO's and games. A world that says... "Those with real money prosper, those without don't."

Can't add anything more to this.

#11 Apr 25 2005 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
215 posts
If not, Ill simply never patronize your products again. Its as simple as that. Its not a threat, its not bluster; its done. My account was paid up til September but you get no more money from me.
I don't think they'll even hear you until September then; you're still a subscription until that time.

You've yet to see exactly what will change within the game. No botters have elbowed you away from some content you want/need to see. Nobody is gone making things like strong boxes for $1 apiece.

The company I see is actually taking care of 2,3,5,6,7 on your list. They do need to quit with the stupid corporate idiocy that results in lies like the Froglok debacle, I'll agree.

I don't get it at all. So many hysterical cancellations like this. Maybe this is the straw breaking the camel's back, and if that's the case I could agree with you; but why anybody would quit over the exchange only baffles me.

I quit too. I said loudly and often "I want more than four characters!". I never subscribed, just bought EQ2 and played the free month. And I couldn't play it because it was just a tad too hard, a bit dull and difficult to make money, and I couldn't even try things out because my character slots were so tiny. And now they've fixed most of that and I'm back.

So my rambling point here is don't quit until the game actually gets affected and ruined for you. Especially you OP, as you're not going to be truly cancelled and can't send much of a statement.
#12 Apr 25 2005 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
I don't get it at all. So many hysterical cancellations like this. Maybe this is the straw breaking the camel's back, and if that's the case I could agree with you; but why anybody would quit over the exchange only baffles me

Some people choose to not be associated with this. I haven't quit yet. I still have a lot of fun in EQ and EQ2. Because of the All Access Pass including SWG, I bought that game too, even though I rarely play it. However, if this propages thru EQ2, I will cancel my all access. If it spreads to EQ, then I will leave the game entirely. I choose not to be associated with a game that sells items for RL money. I will go to WoW instead. Not because I think it's a better game (I never played it, so I don't know what to think) but because I would rather be associated with someone who doesn't condone this type of activity. If Blizzard ever implemented it, I'd leave there too. I'd go to another game. I'd even go back to regular RPGs instead. It's the principle of the thing.

/sarcasm on.
OK, this is a really sarcastic thought. But Quark did this to get the community all riled up, and then will back away, but give us an increase in monthly fees instead, and everyone will be greatful.
/sarcasm off.
#13 Apr 25 2005 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
801 posts
Look at the XI forums for a minute and you'll see a huge list of people ******** about this or that.

Heck, look at the forums for any game. There are always people complaining and quitting - even in the almigty WoW. (I am so glad my main in that game is on a PVE server and I don't have to worry about the "Honor System" gank-fest :P )
#14 Apr 25 2005 at 5:05 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
Gonna stick my neck out and make a prediction.

Exchange will be a success for SoE and will gradually spread to other online games including WoW.

In a few years it will be accepted that there are Exchange servers in the same way that we now accept PvP and Roleplay servers.

I don't like it, but I believe it's inevitable. So as long as I don't have to play on those servers, I'm sticking with EQ2.
#15 Apr 26 2005 at 4:10 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
I quit EQ2 months ago and switched to WoW.

All I can say is that I'm so, so happy there!

I feel so bad for all of you. I don't see how anyone could love eq2... man I hated it and hated that I couldn't get WoW (it was sold out for ages) - and wished I'd never paid for six months of eq2. It's still there, about to expire - I haven't even run the patches.

SoE is a bad company. Smedley - hell, his name says it all - he's a Smedley - like the villain's dog in the Wacky Races cartoon.

Well, if you like eq2... hey, whatever turns you on. I hate disco and hip hop and rap, too - and millions of people love that. So... all the negative things people said about WoW here - none of them are true. At least for me. If you don't like eq2 and have been tempted to come over to WoW - do it. You'll love it. It's a ton of fun. That was what was missing for me in the new Norrath ... there was simply no fun. GL all!
#16 Apr 26 2005 at 7:25 AM Rating: Default
Heck the game is so slanted towards the crafters now, for a stated reason I understand but I don't agree with...Sony is TRYING to make things interdependent and allow the crafters to drive the economy, knowing that the adventurers will follow, but GM's will come down on adventurers using a high level toon to grey out a zone, and yet it is accepted to see level 40 artisians, with adventuring skills under 10 out in the field collecting, protected by the same exploit. Interdependence HAS to run both ways, starving the adventurer, making every piece attunable, no drop no trade, to prevent me from handing down items, and then allowing the artisans to utilize OBVIOUS exploits sort of high lights the SOE BS level and the usual corporate ***** that Smed has vomited forth since, he was declared a 'gamer' and NEW EQ SOE savior....*cough*cough*

The game is grahpically driven and INSANELY easy to bot or macro.
Something HAS to give..I bring in rares that are tied in a GIANT SPIRALING EVER DOWNWARD market, that has artificial supply input limits without the similar limits on the crafting economy. The rare drops have depreciated almost 40% due to generic competition, there is NO WAY to differentiate anything on the market, only be slightly cheaper than the next guy selling the EXACT same item, but the cost on the crafted items produced from these SAME drops has ESCALATED without recourse. Crafters are for whatever reasons, not passing on the market depreciations and the adventurers have NO OTHER RECOURSE. Sell the item in question to a vendor for peanuts or sell to a crafter for what the market will bear, while on the flip side THERE ARE NO ALTERNATIVES for food, abilities and spells, either deal with the ever shrinking re-sale margin while getting downsized on input via the natural process or do without until level 30 ? Items should be re-attunable, for a cost; suffer minor decay beyond the silly 10% for dying, but be repairable alterable, etc by said crafters. If sony can't make the equipment desireable by any means beyond force its a short term, dirty bandaid, more likely to spread rot than fix anything. Why can't a player armorer or weapon smith use a forge in TS and repair my stuff ? Why does EVERY PLAYER CRAFTED ITEM look the SAME ? Why can't I get street clothes with style for roleplay ? When will a footlocker ACTUALLY let you store somthing in it, or a chair be set in. Why don't they have guild logos, crests and such...

oh well I guess I too play too much pen and paper RPG, the sugary eye candy choices SONY made baffle me...No server side message filtering, the UI is decades behind where EQ's was, using the SAME FRAMEWORK !!! The in game map system is criminal, err NO pencils in future NORRATH ?? We can scribe spells but can't x marks the spot on our map ?? The macro system is, granted purposefully limited to prevent somthing bad , I am not sure what, but HECK THE SAME macro will execute differently at any given moment. Commands are executed in some arbitrary order that does not relate to the order in which they are issued, making group communication rather iffy. The overall message classing and routing system is awful. If you get the current plague, based on SOE msgs, you CAST IT ON YOURSELF, even if you are a warrior :) I can barely track my own maintained spells in any meaningful way as I AM THE TARGET FOR EVERYTHING. The in game ICONS appear to have been taken from public domain and have almost NO RELATIONSHIP to the spell in question, a reallly bad situation if the text messages get err, lost in the suffle or don't actually even refer to the event in question. The mob locking code while well intentioned, if POORLY conceived is causing all kinds of issues, resulting in invincible mobs, or no exp encounters. I can't even begin to rationalize the logic behind a grey mob, conned as you will easily vanquish it, being heroic and kicking the snot out of you, or going the distance for NO possible reward. Can we Con mobs on their strength compared to whom ever is conning. Can we get some SOCIAL AI to go with the HIVE MIND group cop-out mobs....There is no 'I' to go with the 'A', they don't run, use their powers in any meaningful manner, or generally interact with anything in any way except to charge and die. Languages for races with no social structure...nice, I wish I had not learned to speak was better listening to gibberish vs the LAME vocals they have....I'll bite your nose off, or the ever-popular YIP YIP YIP....what about social faction..the entire centaur race is 1 step from KOS to everyone, with all the trappings of a society but no interaction or substance...maybe all this is future planned but it IS or WAS current game content in EQ and SWG, and was left behind in place of an overload of eyecandy that adds nothing but lag to a hugly laggy game already. SoE can't even provide up to date game manuals...even the 2nd release...a month after the game was public is full of holes, contradictions and just plain missing info. The ingame support is AWFUL, ONE OPEN TICKET PER ACCOUNT ?!?! I had a critical crash that cost me items...I could not get the time of day without a ticket, but I had an open ticket with a dev for a server crash choice ? well lets say I deleted the repeatable zone crash issue in order to report the immediate issue, and the dev working on the issue dropped it, stating when a new ticket was sub'd he would follow up...well I can still crash ANY underground zone at ANY time, but I will be darned if I will suffer to explain that to support... a minor issue but just another slap from sony to the PAYING BETA staff we EQ2 players are....

BTW did the dev guy actually say thier software would NOT permit server wide item or mob reclassifications ?? LOL Following the zone wide mob and item nerfs that they somehow made their impossible software do...

oh well, i am playing on a 12 month game card my GF, WHO BTW HATES EQ got me for christmas. Non-refundable, non-transferable, and after she went the extra mile, I'll be darned if I will just leave it to SOE :(

I'd play EQ but the migrations have made high end raidng next to impossible due to lack of people, and EQ2 just doesn't provide that kind of Massive gaming experience. Is there a ZONE or INSTANCE that will EVEN SUPPORT 100 toons total, much less the scale of elemental raids. Even the small scale stuff is overt hack hack hack, the cookie cutter quest system ensures that everyone is on a similar path wearing out the grass to the same places....Why not some random quest generations, and instance based mobs that adjust to the group in question...Gotta love the huge difference between the evil and good archtypes...a mystic and a defiler, the same with different names for items and spells but other than that is a duplicate. There is little or NO ROOM for gameplay styles, generally ONE WAY and ONLY ONE WAY....

and LAST, WTF is sony thinking is the support chat room ? ONE ROOM and as soon as 40 people show up they moderate everyone and put the limit cap on the room. That will always help matters.....gag and silence your customers during any issue, gee I don't feel disenfranchised, or NOT a part of the so-called community.. I understand chat room monitoring, but IRC is what 30 years old and really solid, use a language script and spam bot to keep control in other rooms and let the people spread and talk. We all know the GM's in chat room are not devs, or likely even players but monitors, so drop the support room facade and just let everyone amuse themselves during downtime etc....

/rant, end verbal spewage..i feel better, and a karma ho I don't be...
#17 Apr 26 2005 at 8:05 AM Rating: Decent
281 posts
I'm more of the boat that as long as it doesn't affect my gameplay, then I'll stay. I've had a lot of fun with my char. and my guild.

The downside is when that was announced, I took a leave from EQ2 as it pushed me far enough that I honestly don't feel like logging in and playing very much.

The stupid part is, I think the poster on up the thread is right, it will probably become the next thing for all MMO's to have along with their pvp servers.

Sorry for those of you that quit over this. I feel for you and hope you find something as good or better to enjoy as I get the feeling this Ebay server crap is here to stay on EQ2 for sure.

#18 Apr 26 2005 at 5:31 PM Rating: Good
710 posts
You know, I was reading Penny Arcade! and they made an interesting point I never thought of.

Magic the Gathering (a collectable/tradeable card game, similar to Pokemon or Yu-gi-oh) in many ways is similar to this situation.

In that game, there are easy to get cards, hard to get cards, and REALLY hard to get cards. Most of the harder to get cards tend to be better than the easy cards (not always, but in many cases).

This results in that bad players with lots of money can usually beat good players with little money simply because they can't afford to buy as many of the good cards as the bad players.

Of course Good Players with lots of money will beat Bad players with lots of money, and in situations where the amount of money you have doesn't make a difference (in some tournaments they just give you randome assortments of cards) - the bad player usually loses.

I played magic for 10 years so far, so it has always been something that was accepted as going to happen. Perhaps that's why I'm not against the changes that SOE is making.

I brought this point up because Magic is still "gaming". Its a different format, true. But its still a game, its a fantasy game at that, so people who like Magic, may very well be interested in EQ2. Some of those people are ones who have lots of money and just want to have the best, hardest to find stuff.

So, to say you do not want gaming to take the direction of players buying their way to the top has already happened in another format of the gaming community. Before Yantis and eBay ever even came into the picture.

#19 Apr 27 2005 at 2:17 PM Rating: Good
51 posts
/wave to those departing

Sad to see you all go over this. It seems kind of a silly thing to leave over though. Yes I've been against buying selling toons and what not, however I'm not going to quit over it. Even if they bring it to my server I'll still play. I play the game to have fun and play with my friends. There is still the possibility that they arena't going to even implement it. However if you want to quit because of it, that's up to you and I respect your decision and views on it btw. I enjoy the game because of the ability to meet new people and laugh and joke with them. Regardless of if they bought their toon or lvled their toon they are still people that want to play the game and enjoy the game(otherwise they wouldn't be playing it).

Hopefully you all will find a game you like and they won't start allowing characters and stuff to be sold and bought.
#20 May 02 2005 at 11:00 PM Rating: Good
68 posts
As much as I don't like the idea of the Station Exchange, and the idea of using real money to buy bits of things that don't exist...
As soon as SOE makes it possible to use my plat to buy real-life items, I'll be all over it.
#21 May 03 2005 at 11:19 PM Rating: Decent
196 posts
I left EQ2 awhile back (I think 3 months ago), but this support towards companies like IGE sickens me.
I'm pretty much in-between MMOs atm, and been shopping around. Anyone remember the OLD EQ days? I'm talking EQ classic/Kunark/Velious? Pretty much before SoE took it over. That very team (Brad McQuaid and Co.) are at it again.

These guys are against IGE, and hate, and I mean HATE them with a passion. Read up on it. Anyone intriged by his firm stance may find this is the game for them (although not out yet).

Point to this post is to give the disheartened hope... that there is others out there who hate IGE, and hate how they ruin the game. It's just so happens to be Brad McQuaid, the maker of EQ when it was good...


Edited, Wed May 4 00:21:50 2005 by Dynheart
#22 May 04 2005 at 12:54 AM Rating: Good
68 posts
Nice! I didn't know they were also the guys behind early EQ....
I was heading toward Vanguard anyway, not because of station exchange or anything, just out of curiosity and the ongoing desire to break away from SOE
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