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S.O.E Is Implementing "Buy Items and Coin" ServersFollow

#1 Apr 20 2005 at 1:09 AM Rating: Good
S.O.E Is Implementing "Buy Items and Coin" Servers!!!

NOT GOOD!! Check it out and Post!!!
#2 Apr 20 2005 at 2:48 AM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
As long as they restrict it to the special servers I don't really care. And all the people who think it's cool can transfer there.

But I totally despise plat selling and buying, just undermines the whole concept of an escapist online world.

Would like to see them crack down on people doing it on the regular servers also.
#3 Apr 20 2005 at 3:06 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
I agree. As long as they keep it off my server I don't really care.
If they ever try and bring to the mainstream servers, I'll never play another SOE game again.
#4 Apr 20 2005 at 5:07 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Yep, as long as they keep it on those new servers, I'll be ok. (We are broken records Smiley: grin ) I don't know if I'll quit right away if it comes to the regular servers, though. All the Ebaying on EQ1 didn't drive me away. But I'll be watching the effect on these servers, and I won't be happy about it.
#5 Apr 20 2005 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
supposedly they're going to do a poll about if you would play on a *share* enabled server.. going to have to click the "NO" option when that comes up...

on the surface this is a way of making certain if someone sells items they get what they bought.. I've heard many a story about someone spending good money for items and getting fleeced.. my arguement is.. it's their own fault for being the sucker born that particular minute.

secondarily, this is SOE's opportunity to get revenue out of the secondary item market.. It's big business, and SOE is a business.

so instead of striking a deal with third party companies, or making attempts to ban people who trade in this manner, they're seeking to control it and profit from it too.. it's sorta like if the Fed. Govt. were to not only legalize pot, but also grow and sell it... in theory it would put a serious dent in the secondary item market, afterall why go to "them" when you have a "trusted" source like SOE.

personally speaking, I won't play on a share enabled server.. it's going to promote farming at an untold level, and the calibur of players is going to drop like a stone as people buy level 50 characters and have no clue how to play them...

edit: since SOE doesn't always read all the fan boards I posted my thoughts on this on the main forum in the one started by Moorguard. I *sincerely* hope they will consider the players instead of considering the money from *this* type of sales model...

Edited, Wed Apr 20 10:29:35 2005 by Iaini
#6 Apr 20 2005 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
If this ever becomes widespread wouldn't it eliminate the chance of buying any good items with in game money? I find this whole thing strange. Why would anybody sell a good item for platinum when they can get real money for the same item? This is really screwed up. I just migrated from WOW to this game and hearing something like this is discouraging. I would go back to WOW if I could get the stupid thing to patch, but I am enjoying EQ 2 for the time being. But, I can guarantee if this is implemented across all servers, forget it. Time to find an alternative.
#7 Apr 20 2005 at 9:27 AM Rating: Default
I really dont care either way and think that there are alot of people whinning about this. I came from Lineage2 where buying adena was common and everyone knew that there were people that did it, but that did not mean that those people quit the game or went on the forums and complained none stop.

This game is made for people of different types, not just made to suit your needs or how YOU think a game should be controled or ran. If you dont like it then just stop playing it is a very easy thing to do. Go to My Account and click delete. But please, get over it if it is going to happen then it is going to happen. You cant just walk into SOE AND SAY, "This cant happen. I wont allow it." All your doing is saying the same thing over and over. I have heard many people talk about being opened minded and yet when SOE decides they want to do something new, every starts biotching and whinning about how lame it is and how wrong it is. Well guess what? SOE owns EQ2 and as quick as you people quit others will join so just sthu and get on with your gaming and life.

Just because it happens does not mean you have to do it. You can still buy your items from people and earn your gold the right way if you so chose. Its not like SOE is saying "if you dont do this , I will ban your account"

Just my thoughts.
#8 Apr 20 2005 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
258 posts
I think its a good thing they test it at least. Anyway it wont be on all servers. SOE might as well make money with it instead of other companies. It wont change anything to us really since its already happening.
#9 Apr 20 2005 at 9:31 AM Rating: Default
Very good point. So whats the big deal? if it is already happening then why cry when SOE might want to make it legal?

People amuse me.
#10 Apr 20 2005 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
Well, i'm not complaining just stating the obvious. With this idea, all high end items will be ONLY AVAILABLE by either getting lucky on drops or buying for cash. Nobody will be able to go to the local broker and buy good items for plat anymore. Plat will become useless. It is inevitable. A person gets a good drop, already has one, it becomes second nature to sell it for cash. Currently it may be done by a minority of players, by making it mainstream it will be done by the majority of players. It's just the nature of greed. Even the parents of 12 year olds will want in on this action. If their kid gets an epic drop, hell he should sell it for cash instead of plat. It's obvious.
#11 Apr 20 2005 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
And, just for emphasis, it will only be a problem if it is implemented across all servers. If it is kept on specific servers, I couldn't care less.
#12 Apr 20 2005 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
1,885 posts
What better way to get rid of the competition (plat-sellers) than to become one and force them out of business?

Of course this is just a way for SOE to get their hands on part of the "$200 million a year" industry. They are also justifying it by saying that "40% of customer service is devoted to this kind of problem", and by embracing it, they assume they will save that 40% in customer service hours. Not true, as those problems will be replaced by others.

- Is it fair for someone to buy an uber-level and go straight to the raid content?
Not really, but who determined that the raid content is the "ultimate" goal in EQ2?

- Is it fair that you worked so hard to get to where you are, and in walks uber_ebay_01, still with the plastic wrap?
Not really, but remember they have no clue what content there is from level 1 to 50. You do, and that what makes you who you are.

I never agreed with the plat-sellers and hoped they would not do business. Yet to those that buy the uber-gear, I do not feel anger, just pity.
This game is not designed to have an ultimate end. It is designed to explore, quest, interact, solve, etc. Buying gear will rob someone of the experience of questing and fighting for it. So that gear will become disposable, cheap, worthless.

If someone joins my group with uber gear, I don't really care. The true test will be if they know how to use it, and if they know how to play. If they are a knucklehead, they will get a few polite /tells. If they persist, they will get booted. A noob that shows up on his first day with uber gear will be pretty easy to spot.

Keep in mind that we all participate in a form of SE ourselves. We buy gear from the broker which is buying from other players. Even though it is all virtual items with virtual coin, the premise is the same. You spend time and effort to get virtual cash. Don't you also spend time and effort to get real cash? You place value on both, you a frugal with both, you care about both.

I also know full well that EQ2 is a GAME and everything can go away without impacting your life. Easy for you to give up the game by giving all you have to a stranger. Not so with your real cash. I don't think any of us would do the same with our real life possesions. (Unless you are, then send me an email :) )

If EQ2 was a game that had an "end", and someone's goal was to go beat the last boss to get the "You Win" screen, they could and would do that. Then they will blink in surprise trying to think of what there is to do next. And there will be nothing for them to do except what we all have done...

That is, start from the beginning, explore, quest, craft, fight, die, win. That is what makes the game worth playing.

But if they only care about the end-game, then that is all they will want. There life in the game will short lived, as they will run out of things to do.

The only long-term life will be on PvP servers. Don't we all just love a 13-year old kid, with a freshly bought uber_50_Zerker_01, corpse camping? Yea, go have fun with that.

I joined EQ2 not for the end-game, but for everything in-between. And after several years of playing, I will fondly remember many adventures, many friends, many places, all from the beginning.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
- - Robert Frost
#13 Apr 20 2005 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
118 posts
If people remember, on EQ1 there was a pretty large "aftermarket" for buying money, characters, items and such. What we ended up with was any decent items costing hundreds of thousands of platinum, lvl 65 characters who knew less about the game than a lvl 10, and it ruined the game. I think it is a good idea that SOE is going to try it first on special servers, but I beleive it would ruin the game if it went live on all servers. Money would become completely worthless, because all the high level players would do nothing but farm and sell, items would become outrageously expensive, if you can find them at all, and all the "end game" players will be n00bs who bought a character because they were too lazy to take one from the beginning. Very bad idea IMO, but Im not gonna quit if it happens, its just gonna suck....bad.
#14 Apr 20 2005 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
178 posts
Tsk tsk tsk... what a shame. I guess it really doesn't matter per se as long as I am not forced to group w/ morons who bought their lvl 50s and can't use em, but ya know... BLEH!

IMHO, getting there is the fun! How can someone appreciate a character if they didn't work for it? I just don't get some people.

Oh wellllll Smiley: oyvey...

Duchess Iaini wrote:

secondarily, this is SOE's opportunity to get revenue out of the secondary item market.. It's big business, and SOE is a business.

This is true.

I'm just gonna keep happily grinding xp along w/ my happy a$$ Smiley: lol
#15 Apr 20 2005 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
I've just quit FFXI and 2 days ago I picked up EQ2 again. I bought it when it came out but didn't have any time for it at all because I was playing FF full time. After reading this bulletin about implementing RMT I was really discouraged at first. It seems really hypocritical that there's this huge clampdown on RMT from the developers, but it's something worthwhile and to be embraced when they're the ones making something from it.
My own personal opinion on RMT is that it's just stupid. This is an online game. You're paying real life money to buy something that isn't even real. I'm not particularly big on the idea of paying to play each month though I can understand that they're constantly developing and running servers and doing maintenance etc. But I don't see the point in spending like $500 on 5,000,000 gil which I can get in game (although it would take me forever).
For them to actually implement this into the game itself seems like a bad move to me personally. It makes people think it's ok to buy gil and inflation will skyrocket again. However the more I think about it, it might actually be a good idea to bring in specific servers for this kind of thing. I know there are people out there who don't have time to farm 5m gil and it would make it better for us hardcore gamers to move all those people who want to RMT to a specific server. I don't think things on FFXI would be as much as they are if people weren't buying so much gil, those of us who farm or craft really can't compete. However I am also aware that just because they're going to make new servers for RMT it doesn't mean RMT will stop on the other servers. The most worrying idea is that it's changing the perception of RMT. Now RMT is going to be looked at as an acceptable thing and that might have more important repercussions on the online gaming community that anything else...
#16 Apr 20 2005 at 10:35 AM Rating: Default
MY Post on the eq2 forumns


What will happen:

1. Seperate "Exchange" servers are made.

2. People voluntarally migrate to these servers who want this.

3. The people who did buy items and coin online feel they can't afford to hang with the "Rich" or "Spoiled" people or just they want to still maintain that "I EARNED THIS" status stay on these servers. OR they just don't wanna move!! (be it guild friends etc)

4. They continue to buy coin and items online while staying on their NON "Exchange" Server.

5. Farmers and Patinum Botters still stay active on these servers because there is still a demand and market.

6. The "Rules" of Botters and Macroers being forbidden on these servers is not enforced because it is overlooked by S.O.E while their heads are to far up there asses. All their attention is on supporting these "Exchange" servers. And making MORE AND MORE Items TO SALE!!!.

7. The Economy IS DESTROYED on the "Normal" servers.

(honestly someone i wouldn't wanna game with)

9. NO MORE good gaming left for the honest hard working guy

10. People see future S.O.E games on the shelf and LAUGH!!
#17 Apr 20 2005 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
178 posts
Say it isn't I'm gonna be really steamed if this is true. Sony, sony, sony! What are you thinking???
#18 Apr 20 2005 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
Sony, sony, sony! What are you thinking???

Sony: "Hang on a second, there's a market for RMT in online games. Surveys have shown that there's a $200 million market for this kind of transactions. That isn't pocket change. I want a piece of that. money money money!"

Infact I didn't need to make that up I could just quote that letter from John Smedley... "We've done a fair amount of homework on this subject, and we believe this is a $200 million dollar market worldwide, and there are a huge number of our players taking part in the buying and selling of virtual goods."

In conclusion what are Sony thinking? They're thinking they've just hit the jackpot.
#19 Apr 20 2005 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
1,494 posts
This problem arises from the fact that people want instant gratification to achieve a false sense of security and accomplishment.

I like this quote.

"Success is a stale finale. The struggle is the success."
#20 Apr 20 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
801 posts
6. The "Rules" of Botters and Macroers being forbidden on these servers is not enforced ...blah ...blah...

Come on, this is a huge leap. They just banned 700 botter/farmer accounts. Obviously they know how to do it already. There is a SLIM chance that what you say here will happen, but I wouldn't bet on it.

Since the rest of your meltdown scenario is contingent on #6 happening, and even then is far from a foregone conclusion, I think you're a just playing chicken little.
#21 Apr 20 2005 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
258 posts
5. Farmers and Patinum Botters still stay active on these servers because there is still a demand and market.

6. The "Rules" of Botters and Macroers being forbidden on these servers is not enforced because it is overlooked by S.O.E while their heads are to far up there asses. All their attention is on supporting these "Exchange" servers. And making MORE AND MORE Items TO SALE!!!.

Well actually, if they dont stop these people on non-exchange server, it becomes competition for the exchange server and they wont do enough money to support the staff thats going to work on these server, or at least they will still lose alot of money that they could make by enforcing the law on the non-exchange server.

And you need to understand that a big part of the community dosent have the money to start buying items and plat, these people will want to play on non-exchange server. there will always be non-exchange server i am sure of that.
#22 Apr 20 2005 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
79 posts
Over dinner last night, I was talking about this new development with my wife. Normally, she just nods her head, smiles and could care less about EQ2. But this was the reaction I got :

" Really? Are you serious? You can actually make money playing that game of yours?
That sounds like an excellent part time job for you, being as your are on the computer 3 nights a week anyway. Get crackin."

I about crapped a monkey. Like I want to work on my free time.
#23 Apr 20 2005 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
They are just trying to legitimize and maybe? minimize what happened in FFXI. If you ask anyone what happened there, it was botting > buying > inflattion. That game is now nearly impossible to play without buying at some point to sustain yourself because of the built-in elitism of the player base.

SoE is trying to nip it in the bud and let the fools who like to waste money go where everyone does it, and minimize the way average players tend to be affected by this.
#24 Apr 20 2005 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
well the plan is to implement it first on new servers and see how it goes over before deciding to toss it out to all servers..

at least that's what was written.. if the secondary market is as huge as Smed says, there's an above average chance that it will succeed..


#25 Apr 20 2005 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
The thing I really hate about it is the elitism it will foster.

Imagine when there's a large population of 50's and the only real difference is gear. How horrible will it be for the genuine gamers who either can't afford or don't want to spend RL cash for game items.

Actually now that I think about it, I'm sure my guild will write a new by-law into their charter. But it will remain to be seen how much the high end game is ruined by full-time farmers. I can imagine many leaving the game if this gets too bad.

Overall I just feel bitterly disappointed. Online gaming has always been my escape from RL stresses and woes. Over the years I've enjoyed watching and playing in the EQ1 and 2 economies. But to bring RL cash into the equation will change the whole scenario.

It will also become an extremely divisive issue in the EQ2 community which tends to contain many older gamers.

If it ends up going across all servers I think a lot of people will be looking for another game.
#26 Apr 20 2005 at 8:32 PM Rating: Default
IM from ALLA's FF11 side all i got to say is please dont bring it to FF 11~~~~

This has been our talk about it on our side of the house-
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