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Best class to Solo with?Follow

#1 Apr 05 2005 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent
I am a vet from both FFXI and WoW, and want to turn to a game that wont die out quickly, and have many many years of gameplay. I also want to solo a good 75%+ of the game, what would be the best class for that, specifically a melee type class. Any suggestions on race?

Edited, Tue Apr 5 21:11:46 2005 by Korenaga
#2 Apr 05 2005 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I would have to say a paladin, shadow knight, or guardian. I see them soloing group mobs (referred to as ^^ mobs in eq2) 1 and 2 at a time. I am a conjuror and I can't even think about taking a ^^ green mob. In fact I sometimes die to ^^ grey mobs :/

Needless to say it is upsetting to watch a paladin my level solo two ^^ mobs at the same time knowing good and well 1 of them would be too much for me.

#3 Apr 05 2005 at 10:21 PM Rating: Decent
118 posts
Why would you want to solo 75%+ on an MMO? The point is to be multiplayer, as in grouping with other people. That aside, I would go with SK for soloing prolly. They have lifetaps and stuff, so they can recover health, plus harm touch helps if your in a jam.
#4 Apr 06 2005 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent

Judging from my name, I bet you all know where this post is gonna go.

I would say that wanting to solo much of the game isn't all that bad. I like the vitality xp bonus and the xp from quests. I also feel that the 'forced grouping' wasn't all that great an idea.

I would recommend a race with decent stamina, agility, and good solid strength. As for class? I would say something that can either do very high dmg, or self heal. But I am also very low lvl, so I can't really recommend based on exp, only from what I think makes sense. lol

I like the fact that I can either choose to solo (carefully), and if I am feeling social, I can lfg. Not having that choice sucks (FFXI). We all know that if you want to get say 2-3 lvls in a weekend or something; you can just slowly grind it out while lfg, but still faster than FFXI, and do quests. (assuming your class can solo xp mobs).

I guess Im not saying one is better than the other, or solo is better than grouping. Just I really like having the option. Sorry for the legth of the post.

Edit: I need to look when I type, and read before I post. -_-

Edited, Wed Apr 6 02:46:11 2005 by NewGuyxi
#5 Apr 06 2005 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
I have seened warlocks solo yellow ^^ mobs (warlock was lvl 44, mob was 46). Its dangerous though cause if mobs resist root once you are dead.

All classes can solo most greens^^ and some blue^^ at lvl 50 with good gear and good spells.
When it comes to safe soloing for xp:
No1. all fighter subclasses.
No2. Priest/Mage sublclasses.
No3. Scout sublclasses.

All classes can solo pretty equall for xp, but warlock is best (atm, classbalance allways change over time) for taking on tough questmobs that most need groups for.
I would go with warlock (zerker would have been an option for me aswell if server wasnt allready so overcrowded with fighterclasses).
#6 Apr 06 2005 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
of the classes I've played.. I'll give you the run down:

Sorcerer - possible but difficult to solo.. if bind breaks early, you're in BIG trouble against anything yellow con or higher... and even a white con becomes a major issue if your second bind doesn't stick.. I actually deleted this character she solo'd so poorly.

Enchanter (coercer now) - very soloable but requires work to do it, you have LOTS of stuns and mezzes at your disposal.. make good use of them and orange con and down fall like dominoes..... if you don't.. well, respawn points exist for a reason.

Conjuror - bar none the best solo'ing class I've played.. able to knock down as high as orange con mobs and never get touched. Same can be said of double ^^ green "heroic mobs". Manage the hate right... and it's like fighting a gray con it's so easy, over nuke or over heal your pet... taking hate too early and it's dying time.

for the record, this class has issues with groups 3 or higher, the pet can pretty well tank singles.. and even two mobs if you do it right.. but 3 or more is just a little too much.

Cleric (dinged 20th last nite, now Inquisitor) OMG.. amazing.. second only to my conjuror.. and that's only because she actually will get hit.. and get hit a lot, but she can actually *do* something about it. Was taking down red con cackling cadavers in Nektulos forest at 19th level and that's with App I and II level spells.. imagine if I could actually find Adept 1's to replace them.. O_O At 20th level she got the ability to wear heavy armor.. so she has:

self healing, reactive heals are NICE
WELL above average mitigation
decent melee skills
and decent damage spells (not many, but end an HO with them and I get a good 100+ dmg in addition to the spell damage)

Assassin - honestly of all the classes I've played this one is the MOST difficult to solo.. solo'ing white con's can be a VERY tricky matter and if things don't go just right it can actually be a close fight. Yellow and higher consistently trash her.

I'm a major solo'ist.. easily 90% of my gameplay is solo.. the last bit is with very small groups (duo's and trio's typically with people I know IRL)
#7 Apr 06 2005 at 9:39 AM Rating: Decent
Duchess Iaini talks about pre-20 while I talk about all the way to mostly 20-50.
Also, if I rememeber correct Duchess Iaini played her sorcerer long ago and wizard and warlock was beefed up alot on DPS after that. (Dont know about sorcerer though).
#8 Apr 06 2005 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
I have had good success soloing hybrids. I play a ranger and a warden,(druid), and both are more than capable of taking on mobs in the white to orange range and surviving.

The Warden is able to self-heal, which is a big plus, but the Ranger is able to knock the mob down quickly by pulling with his bow so that by the time it reaches him and melee begins, it's health is down into the yellow or below.

The Warden is a leather armor class, (light armor), but has a decent health pool and can take some damage. The ranger is decked out in chain, (medium armor), and can take much more damage but can't self-heal so flip a coin!

To be honest, I enjoy soloing with both of them and am glad I have them around. As a bonus, they are both very useful in a group so they both get played a lot!
#9 Apr 06 2005 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
Duchess Iaini talks about pre-20 while I talk about all the way to mostly 20-50.
Also, if I rememeber correct Duchess Iaini played her sorcerer long ago and wizard and warlock was beefed up alot on DPS after that. (Dont know about sorcerer though).                                   

true, however level of my characters doesn't change the facts.

if you can stop the mob in it's tracks and blow it away.. you'll be a superior soloist..


if you can either out damage it, or simply out last it.. you'll be a superior soloist.

these apply to any level.

personally I plan on solo'ing my conjuror to 50th as well as my Inquisitor..... from what I've seen of these two classes between 1 - 20, they have the best potential of everything else I've played based on what I look for in a solo'ist.

in theory a wiz or warlock can solo anything, in practice.. the potential for resists makes it risky.. especially once you get above white con where resists are more common. for a conjuror resist don't matter.. you send the pet in after it.. at which point it has to go through the pet.. it's effectively a 2 on one battle no matter what level you area.. care must be taken to not take hate away from the pet, however, baring that.. the class can solo without issues. The fact that they improved wizard / warlock DPS is GOOD because it's something the class sorely needed, however I defy you to find a wizard at any level that can solo an orange con and never get hit, and do so consistently. Conjuror can.

my Conj. hit 26th a long time ago.. before they re-did the damage output of mobs between 15th and 31st level. Prior to that there was the so called "wall" at 20th where the mobs would simply pound you doing excessive damage. I never experienced this "wall".. Conjuror (and I assume Necromancer as well) is simply THAT good. At 26th level solo'ing orange cons is no more difficult than it was at 15th.. properly done, taking down a double ^^ green is no more difficult than killing a gray.

they make solid solist because they don't "solo", technically it's a duo that gives you full XP.


as for my priest.. red cons hit hard regardless of level, so being 19th level and able to take them consistently speaks volumes to me... but priest classes follow a fact about solo'ist.. they can generally outlast their opponent.. add to that inquisitors get heavy armor and they can outlast an opponent AND take a hit.. so yes I speak of only up to 20th level, but the fact that she can solo SO effectively with only app 1 and 2 level spells is VERY telling of the potential this class has..

potential which will only be improved on / unlocked as i level her and add stronger spells. Even with that while in Nek forest I had more than one high level player sit and watch me solo'ing red cons at 19th.. to quote them:


quite likely because I ended every fight with my health in the green and often maxed.. (power was near totally gone.. but that doesn't matter)


that said, at 19th level in TS I was seriously hammering everything along the path from the dock with little effort...

a level 19 warrior right next to me died 3 times...(maybe more but I personally saw three deaths)

is it the difference between classes or players? hard to say... but I know for a fact without the ability to self heal there's no way I could have taken on and won against those mobs in TS at 19th... even with self healing they hit hard and typically interrupted my casting MANY times.. so starting combat with a reactive heal before attacking gave me the window needed to take a few interrupts without any real risk... this is a luxary non-healer classes do not have.

now then, that brings up a point. I never play warriors so I have no idea how or which would be strongest.. (though I would assume a paladin or shadow knight would hold the top spots) However regardless of your class if you want to be a solid soloist.. it will start with good gear....

if you're a warrior, don't skimp on the sword or armor.. you solo through damage output and damage absorption

for a mage, well depends on the mage.. conjuror.. Adept 1 pet and you're all set... most everything else is fluff with a few exceptions (petrify & pet healing spells come to mind, VERY important spells).. other mages will likely need to keep a few more spells at higher levels, since they solo through versitility more than a focused object (like a conj. pet)

I'm noticing with cleric the biggies seem to be healing (a bit of an obvious, but re-affirmation is important) however Inquisitor has some nice nukes too (for a priest.. she nukes harder than my conjuror on an HO and is 6 levels lower) and well-timed reactive heals mean a LOT to this class... as for other priest.. well I've not played them so I can't say what their "signature" healing spells are...

scout.. well they're tough to solo because they can't stop the mob... nor can they quickly enough out damage it nor can they outlast it easily.. however a GOOD bow.. and some back-peddling works wonders.. allowing you to get the mob down to yellow health long before it reaches you.... when solo'ing with my assassin I noticed this was the best way..(ok the safest), second option was to stealth / back attack.. however if this attack didn't do big numbers you are in BIG trouble with nowhere to go.....

Edited, Wed Apr 6 15:49:35 2005 by Iaini
#10 Apr 06 2005 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
801 posts
If you're a Templar who likes to solo, make sure you take the spell Jhanda's Lambent Pulse (?) when it's offered to you. (Not sure if Inquisitors can get it.) It'll make you an undead killing machine. At level 25 it hits them for up to 130 initial damage, an extra 40 or 50 damage vs. undead and then dots them for about 30/tick for 4 ticks.

I have no trouble against solo mobs of any sort up to 2 levels higher than me, and green^^. I can go higher when they're undead as long as they don't have some special ability like a ward. I can take on groups of up to 4 regular greens, though I run out of power before the last one dies and it's a long slow fight meleeing them down, casting a reactive on myself whenever I get enough power.
#11 Apr 06 2005 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
Back when mobs were nastier than they should be at 20 and up, I was able to solo a level 20 (me being at 18... still am -_-;) as a Predator through mass kiting and HO's. I would end the fight with about half life or just a tad into orange.

I don't remember soloing any green con groups with ^^. But I was able to solo green groups of 3~4, granted only one was a caster type.

As a Guardian prior to my Predator, I was able to solo green con ^^ group mobs (before their buff).

I will assume that anything that can snare, have a pet to tank or can heal themselves can be a very efficient soloist.

But I've noticed then, and to a degree now, that any class can solo "well enough" pre 30's. I haven't gotten past the 30 mark so I don't know how tough it gets.


Why would you want to solo 75%+ on an MMO? The point is to be multiplayer, as in grouping with other people.

Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG)

Where in there, does it say "grouping mandatory"? EQ and FFXI have made their games grouping mandatory, but if you've seen/read/heard any advertisements by SOE, EQ2 is meant to be accessible to people who want to group, who don't want to group, who want to play for long periods of time or want to play for short periods of time. Get over the ways of the past. If you want to group, fine. But that doesn't mean everyone else does.

Now, soloing doesn't mean not interacting with other players. I've played with many people and grouped for quests, but level progress for my characters (both in EQ2 and WoW) have been due to soloing most of the time.

Can't wait to get my predator to 20... but I want to see some of these other new changes. Time to dust off my Guardian.
#12 Apr 07 2005 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
I like Monks nice damage and some nice moves to go with it.
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