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#1 Mar 16 2005 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
I tend to solo but I took the plunge the other night and joined a group in BB. It was a VERY experienced group and I had a great time but I felt such a NEWB! They knew everything about group tactics including assisting.
I have a very simple question re assist. If I target someone (eg the MT) and type /assist (or hit an assist macro button), does that take effect immediately when we go into action? Or do I have to target and push it every time we start an encounter? In other words does /assist STAY assisting unless I type /assist again (toggle off)?
#2 Mar 16 2005 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
Make a macro button, target the MT, then hit it every time he engages Smiley: smile
#3 Mar 16 2005 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
801 posts
I've never had to make an assist button, I thought it was automatic. I just target the MT and in melee I attack whatever he has targeted. Any beneficial spells I cast land on him, and any harmful spells land on the mob he has targeted.

What does the /assist command add?
#4 Mar 16 2005 at 5:57 PM Rating: Decent
79 posts
If you make a macro /assist <name> then you get that person's target, which was much used before we got the assist target window, the problem was if the tank changed target you would be split tanking if you didn't press your macro, this dosen't happen if you just target the tank.
#5 Mar 16 2005 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
1,885 posts
Lydiaele is correct, you do not need to /assist, it is automatic.

You can have the MT selected, whatever he attacks, you will also attack.

If you cast a damage spell (seemingly at the MT because you have him selected) it will hit the critter the MT is attacking.

If you select the critter and cast a heal (seemingly healing the critter) you will heal whoever that critter has targeted.

Makes for real easy fighting, just be careful with auto-attack on. If the MT cycles through various "next-targets", you will attack the first one he cycles to, and cause unwanted agro.

Pets follow the same rule, but will not auto-attack the next target. After the first one is dead, they will turn and walk back thinking the battle is over. You must /pet attack again to make them engage.
#6 Mar 16 2005 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
Note: This post applies to all classes except healers. Healers should stay on MT.

I hate the method of targeting through the MT. It works and its simple, its also lazy, and like most things lazy, its not the right way. I will explain why. When youre fighting one MOB, it doesnt really matter, but as soon as you draw a group of MOBs then its a problem. Everyone in the group should always be focused on the same mob as the MT, however sometimes the MT needs to switch to a MOB that is smacking around the healer, or the over zealous scout/mage to taunt the mob off and get it back on him. While this is happening you dont want to switch with the MT, he isnt trying to do a lot of damage, just get agro back, which usually the MT has taunts that can do that. You should still be focusing on the original mob to kill it, and if the MT knows what he is doing, he will come back to the original MOB once he gets aggro back from the MOB with a wondering eye. Now say you are targeting the MT and assisting through him, you are about to unload one of your better attacks, and just before it goes off, the MT switches to another MOB to taunt off the healer, your super_attack01 goes off hitting this other MOB, so now the MT has to taunt the MOB off the healer then off of you, which will be hard because you just laid into the MOB big time with your attack. Well you have armor thats about as tough as a wet paper bag, the MOB beats you like a red headed step child and the healer mana burns to keep you alive. Guess what happens now, the MOB goes back to the healer because all the heals she just sent off to keep you from dying, in the mean time the original MOB is smacking the crap out of the MT and no one is touching it because they all want to assist the lazy way. The healer runs out of power trying to keep himself, you and the MT alive through all of this. which now means that everyone dies, because you couldnt make an assist macro.

Dont get me wrong, this is a way extreme example, but it makes my point, and if you toss in a chanter in there that is mezzing MOBS and you assist through the tank, as he TABS through to the next MOB he wants to kill, you will break every mezz, effectively killing the enchanter in the process (which isnt a bad thing in my opinion, but still).

Make an assist Hotkey, every time the MT moves on to a new MOB just push the key once. this is what I do when I join a group.

"Hello everyone, how are you doing?"
"Who do I Assist?"

then i edit my assist key. the commmand looks like this

/assist meatshield_01

it takes two seconds and you never have to worry about it again until the MT changes.
#7 Mar 17 2005 at 3:45 AM Rating: Decent
Banter is completly correct.

do NOT use autoassist. would you do that in my group I would demand you to make an assist macro and if you didnt make one you you would not group with us again.
Allways wait for MT/MA to announce in group/raid chat: "ASSIST ME ON >> %t <<" This will be announced when she has locked agro and decided on what mob should die first.
When we do groups with one named^^+regular mob^+ mob (or simular) my MT pulls by taunting the ^^ to ensure his agro throughout the fight, then use entrech (or simular) on him, then switch to the mob that will die the fastest and announce to assist her. Thats when you press your assist macro ( /assist cocoa ).
Why she starts with the ^^ is because if that mob agro's on the mage the mage might be dead before she is able to do anything, also the ^^ needs debuffage.

So make sure you ask who MA (main assist) is in your group and tell him/her to let you know when to assist.
#8 Mar 17 2005 at 5:29 AM Rating: Decent
138 posts
I couldn't have said it any better Banter. As someone who has played each of the 4 class types I swear by the /assist macro key. The only character I do not use it with is my healer but even then I still feel it is really important. Using /assist is a way for everyone to help out with agro control. As Banter said, it keeps unwanted people from drawing agro. The best example is when a group gets adds. Say you are fighting a group of 3 mobs and another group of 3 adds on. The MT is going to tab over and AoE taunt that group once or twice. If you dont /assist, the tank switches over and you fire off the big AoE nuke, DoT, attack, or whatever those mobs will be on you very fast because the tank doesn't have a high agro threshold set for them. Usually when that happens, if your a mage type you are dead before I, as a healer, get a chance to target you and cast a heal that has a half second cast time.

The reason my healer doesn't use one is because normally the only offensive spells she casts are debuffs which generate less agro then shooting a mob with an arrow. So if the tank tabs and taunts 1 time I can debuff without making them mad. If I'm second or third healer in a group though I will be using the /assist key before tossing out any DoTs or nukes.
#9 Mar 17 2005 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
I've never had to make an assist button, I thought it was automatic. I just target the MT and in melee I attack whatever he has targeted. Any beneficial spells I cast land on him, and any harmful spells land on the mob he has targeted.

What does the /assist command add?

This works btw. all /assist will do is switch who your good spells will hit if the tank lose's agro to another melee then you heal or ward spells will now hit them, So both work good.

But /assist would be better for the healer.

#10 Mar 17 2005 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
No Broan.

Healers should use the F1-F6 buttons to target groupmembers when they need to heal someone, assisting the mob can be wasted mana, mob might switch target just as your about to heal for instance.
Everyone in the group should have a macro: /assist <tank name>
Healers are the only one allowed to autoassist.

You can all target MT and nuke/heal/debuff etc but one day that lazyness will cost you a wipe, thus not allowed in my groups (when we kill orange and red stuff). Green/blue/white its 'ok' since a wipe from any of thoose means that you should get a new group no matter how they assisted.

Edited, Thu Mar 17 10:44:10 2005 by BumbiRagnar
#11 Mar 17 2005 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I usually just target the main tank and attack. You don't have to type assist because you automatically will cast and melee the tanks target. Any good spells you cast will effect the tank, all damage spells and debuffs will go on the tanks target.

Only time this is a problem is when the tank sometimes changes target for a minute to taunt a mob in anohter enounter or something.

Also for your healers that solo, did you know you don't ahve to target yourself during a encounter to heal. If you have the bad guy targeted any heals or buffs you cast will automatically hit you. Same is true for paladins wanting to cast there ward (rune) type spells during combat. I know alot people know this, but I have seen several people who didn't know.
#12 Mar 17 2005 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
frong, read all posts in thread. :)
The 'only' problem you talk about is a problem that happens alot in some zone's.

A regular casual player group might not have problems with you just targeting the tank and go at it but if you want to be a notch better then the average player then dont do this.

I guess its ok in most groups but in mine it is not.
#13 Mar 17 2005 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
I still say /assist is the best way to do it, like it or not :P
#14 Mar 17 2005 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
Now if I can just figure out how to make a macro in this game. Smiley: blush
#15 Mar 17 2005 at 9:49 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
It's under Socials Yan, same place as the Emotes Smiley: smile
#16 Mar 18 2005 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
138 posts
Making a macro:

Hit the O key on your keyboard and it brings up the socials window. Select the "Macro's" tab. Name the macro and select a symbol (if you choose). There are 3 lines to type your actual action in. For assist the macro would read /assist %t (which will automaticly assist your target) or /assist tankname (where tankname= the name of your MT).

Macro's can be used for incoming messages, and spell casts as well. An example of a healing message macro is this.

Macro name: Healing
Line 1: /g healing %t
Line 2: /useability Sacrificial Aid

An example of an incoming message

Macro name: Inc
Line 1: /g Incoming %t.

%t is a generic code thing that means target. So if you are pulling a skelleton and use /g incoming %t the message will appear as, You say to the group "Incoming A Skelleton". There are a bunch of other commands out there like %t. I've seen lists of them on these message boards. Things like uhm, %g tells what class the mob is i.e. scout, mage, priest etc.
#17 Mar 18 2005 at 10:56 AM Rating: Good
It is nice to see so many people understand why it is mandatory to use /assist.

Every group I am in it seems like I have to explain that if you are not using /assist, you will more then likely be the only reason a group wipes.

After the first argo steal from not using /assist....I will explain to the group it's uses. If the same person still refuses to use /assist, I either remove them or myslef from the group.

To anyone reading this..........if, after reading this thread, you do not immediatly go set up a /assist, or choose not to use it once set are not only playing poorly, but you are an experience debt magnet not worthy of hunting in groups beyond the newbie zones. There is no shame in not knowing, but knowing and not utilizing is (fill in expletive laced tirade here).
#18 Mar 18 2005 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
seeing as how I very very rarely group.. I've never had cause for macros and they're pretty difficult to understand...

however, the explination in this thread helps.... wish I had seen this before last night.. no group wipe, but it was exceedingly difficult for me in a 4 person group in Stormhold... That and the place isn't exactly good for a Conjuror's pets.. since they can and often do disappear into walls making it impossible to cure them or anything... and stormhold has so many obscenely tight spaces, the place may as well be one massive wall-maze. :-\

now, for the record, in 25 levels.. last night was my second time grouping with that character.. so when I say rarely.. I mean rarely.

question about macros:

is it possible to create a macro that will assist a particular person, and send the pet after it...

for example: I know hitting F1 - F6 will target members... can a macro target a particular member by initiating an F1 - F6 command, then /assist them, then send the pet to attack what they are fighting?

I doubt I'll use the macros often.. but it would be nice to have them / understand them should the need arise.

Edited, Fri Mar 18 11:13:49 2005 by Iaini
#19 Mar 18 2005 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good

I know you can set up your assist as

/assist %T
/assist Grognog (insert your MT here)

all you have to do is target the name of your party member with the %T one, or the other to set yourself up to always assist the MT. I am sure there is a command that could lock your pet into the encounter as well, but I have never used a pet I leave that one for the others to answer.

I know it can be done, as I have no problem with my weekly group and it includes a Necro.

Good luck, hope this helps :)

#20 Mar 18 2005 at 11:52 AM Rating: Good
k, think I follow....
stupid macro question number 2..

do I have to always change the macro since one is never with the same group most of the time.

I see lots of (insert main tank name) things.. can one simply do something like:

/assist F1
/assist F2
/assist F3

that way, it doesn't matter who you're grouping with as far as names go.

or is it simpliest to just hit F1 - F6 then have a macro:
/assist <petname> <command for pet>

think it's time to google search this issue.. *looks determined*

edit:: ah-HA!!! success....

Sample Macros (by Okooo of Oggok)
Pulling (with plenty of aggro on yourself)
/gsay I am pulling %T please assist me in killing %O
/useability taunt
/useability shout

Assisting the Main Tank
/target_group_member # (replace # with the number of the group member that’s tanking)
/useability <debuff> (optional, use a favorite all-purpose debuff)

Backstabbing Attack (Mid Battle, starts sneak, turns off attack then cues backstab attack)
/useability sneak
/useability backstab

Healing (can have one for each party member available at the click of a button, in a long duration group I name each button for a group member :)
/target_group_member 1
/useability <Reactive Heal, HoT, Ward>
/useability <click heal>

Self Buffing
/useability <Buff>
/useability <Buff>

/useability <Mez>
/gsay I have (Mezzed) %T, please assist the MT. Ya break it ya bought it :)

Rooting and Running
/toggleautoattack (if you’re meleeing)
/useability <Root>
/gsay %T rooted, RUN!

/useability Evac
/g Uh Oh! Evacing In 5 Seconds… HUDDLE UP ON ME or get left behind!!!

Edited, Fri Mar 18 11:58:20 2005 by Iaini
#21 Mar 18 2005 at 1:54 PM Rating: Good
Excellent post...thank you. I have only been using the "Idiot's Guide to Simple Macros". :-)
#22 Mar 18 2005 at 9:37 PM Rating: Decent
46 posts
I listen to many here who profess that the auto assisting is lazy, and how they won't group with those who use it etc. And while I don't dissagree with your strategies for your purposes, I would like to say why in most pick up groups it works better over all. I know that a group that works together all the time can complete a lot more things as they know more likely what others in there group will do, and hence in these groups your not going to invite that regular guy anyways.

Ok I have played all styles of characters at least into the high 20's low 30's. With coercer, someone mentioned breaking mezes, but I find this ever breaking my mezes non existent(tons of other things yeah(tank ho's argh), why is the tank need to tab through targets, sounds like your justifying his lazyiness in picking targets, yet attacking those that assist on him. If I have things mezed once the first target is down he doesn't have to switch targets if he doesn't want to, what ever is still attacking will be come his next target, or many times if I am bothering to mez there is only one or two other creatures anyways, if theres more its not worth mezing usually, blasting them down works better. Mezed creatures though won't become his target automatically unless he purposefully selects them. I often find that its more of a hassle not having everyone on the same target is way more of a pain for my mezzing than that one blue moon break of a mez if the tank switches through and someone else smacks them.

Ok onto the next part of big hitters, nukers blasting, when I play swashbuckler or warlock, I sure as heck am not casting or doing any big spell unless the target in the window has some noticeable damage already done to it, and if he switches target in the middle of my casting any spell it still hits the original target, not the one he just switched to. So if your not paying attention to the damage hp bars of the tanks target than, you're being lazy to begin with.

Again your whole premise is based on the assumption your with a tank who knows what he is doing and makes sure to only taunt adds and immediately return back to main target, because if he doesn't your way makes a heck of a lot more havok for the group with everyone hitting something different. Than wondering why the tank is pointed to another creature all the sudden and having to hit macro again in mid fight.
#23 Mar 18 2005 at 11:46 PM Rating: Good

There are many who play well enough that your post works fine. Unfortunatly there are still many, many players who do not yet know the basics....and if they use /assist there will be no problems.

As a tank the biggest problem I have found is with blasters. If I have to shift my focus to a different mob, it seems to always happen that they hit it with a major blast...and now argo is a bloody nightmare.

With a well played group this will rarely happen...........but there really is no reason NOT to use /assist. While your way works for good players, /assist works for everyone.

This thread has turned into more a teaching tool then anything, and good habits are for everyone.

You are right though.....if your tank doesnt know what they are doing, it is a lost cause. Then again, when you think about it, if your tank doesnt know what they are doing, nothing is going to keep the group alive anyway.
#24 Mar 19 2005 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
46 posts
I kind of guessed from the voice of some of the posts that you were main tanks even though it wasn't stated.

My main character is a coercer and I have found that the main tank or the second tank if group took one is 90's of the time the person that breaks my mezes. Wizards, rogues etc they hardly ever do. Necromancers probably the 10 percent if they cast an aoe dot early on in battle.

Currently in game tanks are by far the most common played class in my oppinion, and unfortunately about half have no clue, I have been with some great main tanks, and some that were not.

Things that I notice is some just don't take group make up into account, ie there is a mezer in group, if something adds at most they should do is initial taunt and than go back to there prime target, even if its on the healer, don't know how many times I have mezed the add heading to the healer only to watch the tank run over and smack it breaking my mez, and than lots of times not creating enough agro fast enough that it smacks on the healer even longer, if they just left it alone damage to healer nullified. Also why he is doing this the others who don't use auto assist are still back smacking on the original target and if the tank didn't move to much to take the other target they diddn't know so the whole time there now pulling the original target to themselves, and now seems like tank has to save them. Yet if he kept on original target and kept it taunted that wouldn't have happened.

Don't know how many tanks I have ran into that think they have to smack everything, and even if you mention to them to try and stay with one target, its so built up into there save the world mentality that as soon as something breaks to healer or me(argh I didn't need you attempting to save me, you broke my mez and now I am dead). The better main tanks I have seen usually don't move at all (think of it as job of getting everything coming to you, not you going to everything.)

Oh I guess since I kind of lead this into a main tank discussion instead of assisting, don't know how many tanks that just go in and cycle through there (ho, attack, taunt) over and over, first off I hate that, as those couple ho's they have don't do near the damage as group ho's. And the one breaks all my mezes every time they do it. When you say something they get mad at you for telling them what to do. If your a solo tank that pattern works fine, but stop using it in group.

Back to the original question, I don't find autoassisting off of the main tank lazy compared to the /assist macro. My personal experience is that autoassisting works better with crappy tanks that fly around everywhere. If you have a main tank that is really on top of things than the /assist macro works well. And sure I would love to always have that top rate tank in the group, but sometimes that is easier said than done for p/u groups without waiting around for 10years for the perfect group makeup.
#25 Mar 19 2005 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
In EQ1 the rule of thumb for tanks was *change targets as little as possible* and that seems to work best in EQ2 also.

Guardians get AoE attack and AoE taunt so there's really no need to go changing targets and confusing the group, just increases the chance for things to get screwed up. Of course you have to be careful not to break mez but there aren't that many chanters around it seems.

But I would still rather that people in my group make an assist macro because it gives them much more control over what they're hitting than just using auto-attack.
#26 Mar 20 2005 at 6:48 AM Rating: Good
You make a good point Nighthawk. I have to admit, I have never grouped with a chanter (in eg2), and what you say makes good sense. I would call this the exception to the rule. It would definatly take a few pulls for me to adapt to your classes skills.

I think the largest problem you have is the rareity of chanters in eq2. With any other group make-up it is the tanks job to keep argo with every mob, and when that is the case, /assist is definatly the best method.

Thanks for your have made the first chanter I end up grouped with lifes easier.
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