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best tank at 30+?Follow

#1 Mar 13 2005 at 10:42 PM Rating: Decent
38 posts
I've played EQ for 5 years athen went to SWG and the nto FFXI then to EQ2 then to WOW and now looking at EQ2 again.\

my question was since I like playing tank classes and want to be the best tank there is (don't care much about DPS or soloability) which calss is the best?
I was thinking Paladin but after reading some of the post I'm leaning towards Guradian. Help me out here if you've got a character 30+. I'm not interested in whats good at level 20 I want to still be the best tank class when I'm max level.

Fun to play is part of it but I plan on being AFK almost every time I'm not grouped. IMO no point soloing on a MMO.

oh and since I'm starting new any way would I be better off in a heavy or light server?

Aleton - Lavastorm server
#2 Mar 14 2005 at 7:37 AM Rating: Default
im a 23 guardian first time through so i cant tell u about 30+ but i did alot of reading b4 i started

guardian has lower dmg then pally
guardian can use tower shield pally cant
both wear heavy armor
pally can heal
pally can revive
pally can ward
pally gets a horse at 20 gives +10% movement speed
pally does divine dmg so good against undead
guardian has skills to lower enemy dmg output
guardian does shieldbash types of skills to stun and sometimes knock down
both have some dot's and aoe's
both have good party buffs
guardian can use skills like intervene(get between target and mob to take some of the hits) and allay(1 con +20% avoidence for target)

so heres what i came to, i wanted to be a raid type tank didnt care about dmg i picked guardian but pally can be good to with there heals and wards but when you have alot of ppl in a raid the pallys wards and heals sometimes are good sometimes arnt

its realy what u want to be just pick one

#3 Mar 14 2005 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
I played warrior for years in EQ1 and chose Guardian in EQ2. Was hoping it would be easier to hold agro than EQ1, and it sure is, we get a lot of taunting skills.

When comparing Guardians and Pallies, it's also worth noting that Paladins can't use bows or duel wield.
#4 Mar 15 2005 at 6:24 AM Rating: Decent
138 posts
Being a tank is about holding agro. My defiler is only 34 but Berzerkers and Guardians are by far the best at this with absolutely no contest. With a Pally, SK, or Monk type as the main tank my healer gets beat on if we get adds or if it is a large number of mobs pulled. With a bezerker or guardian as the tank I almost never get touched. I'm not saying that all of the other classes are terrible, I'm just saying that Berzerker/Guardian is the best at holding agro.
#5 Mar 15 2005 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
Well first off, Paladins have intervene type spells also.

Second, as a 32 paladin, I have to say that my healers rarely get beat on, but if they heal real early or throw a ward right at the beginning, it might take me a second to pull the mob back off them.

On the other hand, I can throw a ward or heal on them too, to keep them going.

If you don't care about soloing though, I'd go zerker or guardian. Paladins are a nice well rounded class, allowing good soloing ability, but we give up a little tanking in the process.

My friend plays a zerker, and once he grabs aggro from me, there's squat all I can do to get it back. And most of the time I'm the main tank (I'm a few levels higher) and he's not even TRYING to get aggro!

However, if its rangers, other fighter classes, or just me and a healer, I have very little trouble keeping aggro as long as people control themselves (don't blast on incoming, that type of thing). Give me even 10 seconds to establish aggro, and we're good for the rest of the fight.

I honestly have never once grouped with a guardian, so I don't know how they compare.

I really like the ability to solo when I don't feel like grouping, so the paladin absolutely rocks for my playstyle. Doesn't sound like it fits with what you want though, but if you did pick a paladin, I don't think you'd be unhappy. Just that berserker or guardian might be a more solid fit.
#6 Mar 15 2005 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
Just for the record, both Zerkers and Guardians can solo really well. Smiley: smile
#7 Mar 16 2005 at 5:11 AM Rating: Decent
138 posts
Yes, under normal, safe, boring circumstances a Pally or SK will hold agro just fine. During those "oh god" moments where you get a huge pull the only thing I want infront of me is a Berzerker or Guardian. For just pure, group, straight up tanking ability they are the best at it. Fighting an epic encounter? Give me a berzerker or guardian. No offense to Pally and SK, they are great classes in their own right and have some really nice, usefull, fun abilities. Pure tanking though goes to the big 2.
#8 Mar 16 2005 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
Yes, under normal, safe, boring circumstances a Pally or SK will hold agro just fine. During those "oh god" moments where you get a huge pull the only thing I want infront of me is a Berzerker or Guardian. For just pure, group, straight up tanking ability they are the best at it. Fighting an epic encounter? Give me a berzerker or guardian. No offense to Pally and SK, they are great classes in their own right and have some really nice, usefull, fun abilities. Pure tanking though goes to the big 2.

I have no problem getting and keeping agro in any group or raid with my 35 SK, now and then the zerker will pull agro and it will be tuff to get it back but only when I don't taunt all the time. Same in large "group" pulls or epic encounters. I have noticed that a zerker can't take the damage as well and tend to be a drain on the healer.

I stll say keeping agro is more play style then char problem.
#9 Mar 17 2005 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
Im a healer, not a tank, but i know which ones requires the most healings and which ones i in general perfer because of that.

I would say Guardians is my favorite, followed by SKs which is kinda the same. SKs usually have a little more health and a little less AC. Paladins isn't bad either, and berserkers is okay, but i strongly perfer guardians and SKs.
#10 Mar 17 2005 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
I would say Guardians is my favorite, followed by SKs which is kinda the same. SKs usually have a little more health and a little less AC. Paladins isn't bad either, and berserkers is okay, but i strongly perfer guardians and SKs.

Thing to keep in mind here with a MT is Level, gear, more then class. I would take 35 level over anyone lower regard less of class. And if you are picking from 2 of the same level the you look at AC and then HP, more HP is not always better then a higher AC.

#11 Mar 18 2005 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
138 posts
My bruiser can hold agro pretty well also and has very respectable AC compared to equal level tanks. Actually I'm higher by a few hundred AC at times just due to better equipment I imagine. Most people don't even consider a bruiser or monk as a candidate for MT and I admit I was guilty of this before playing one. However, if we are pulling multi mob encounters or have a high probability of getting adds, an equal level, lower AC berzerker is a better choice then my bruiser. Why? Taunting ability. They have the skills to control more mobs effectively where as I do not.

It is very true that play style is the biggest factor. This is true of all classes. But all things being equal, equipment, play style, skill upgrades, level and all of that stuff a berzerker or guardian is the absolute best tanking option out there. They are designed to get hit and hold agro.
#12 Mar 20 2005 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
332 posts
The best pure tank in EQ2 is a guardian. I chose to play a guardian because of this and nothing that I have seen has yet to prove that I was mistaken.

When I join a group with another tank, I always compare my ac/hp to theirs. I have average gear (mostly even/yellow armor and weapons) so I figure my little toon represents the typical EQ2 guardian. I've noticed that my guardian usually has the same ac/hp as a pally/sk two levels higher and up to three levels higher in the case of some zerkers.

In EQ2, level is very important. At the same level, no one can touch a guardian for ac/hp. The differences are similar to EQ1 in terms of pure tanking between guardians (warriors) and knights (pallies/sk), except that EQ2 guardians have way better agro control than they did in EQ1 (where knights owned the agro title).

The best indicator is the opinion of healers. On more than one occasion, healers I've grouped with have asked the pally/sk/zerker to let me tank - even when I was lower level. To us tanks, we may not see a difference, but to preists the difference is crystal clear.

So if you want to be the ultimate tank, select the guardian path. Guardians aren't as boring and one-dimensional as warriors in EQ1, but they do give up some utility (and soloability) to claim the tanking title. Nevertheless, we can solo just fine and there is no shortage of group invites.
Duke Ardnahoy
Noble Lord Protector of the 70th Crusade
Fennin Ro - EQ I

Ardnahoy II
Fearless Guardian of the 40th Tour
Mistmore - EQ II
#13 Mar 22 2005 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
of course playign skill and all that matter most, but all things being equal, zerl guardian are best tanks, i have healer and zerker, so i see frm both positions. of course im biased towards zerkers as best, but thats cuz i am one. but look at all the posts around, saying zerkers occaionally take aggro when they arent even taunting, what does that say, it says we are aggro hogs, exactly what u want for a tank. and my hp/ac always same as guardians, they dont get any special defense that we dont, except in abilities, and we get some that are just as good, blah blah blah
anyway choose class u gonna like(they all fun) end game is gonne be guardian, zerker, btw im only 33 zerker
#14 Mar 22 2005 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
118 posts
I would have to say that I am starting a Zerker myself, because my main is an Assassin, so I like the higher DPS. In my opinion, Guardians are the best tanks, followed by Zerkers, then Pallys/SKs. When I say best tank, it means most defensive abilities, and HP/AC. Keep in mind that a lvl 30 guardian with crap gear isnt going to out-tank a lvl 30 Pally with full Pristine Forged armor. Just choose a class that appeals to you. Very few groups are going to say "I don't want a pally to tank, find a guardian" but if there is both a Pally and a Guardian of the same lvl LFG, Guardian is going to get picked MOST of the time. The reason I'm choosing Zerker is because with the increased damage over Guardians, the little less AC/HP isnt going to make much of a difference because the mobs will die faster, therefore have less time to beat on me.
#15 Mar 27 2005 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
At this time Guardians are by far the best "tank" in the game. They have a high mitigation from the plate armor and tower shields plus with self buffs and other group buffs they've been known to get their avoidance up to 100 percent.
#16 Mar 28 2005 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
I would like to make a small point here about best tanks in a grp situation and a silly reminder about DPS. Pallies/SK are considered by SOE to be the "tank", guardians/zerkers are considered DPS. A good example (and proven hundreds of times) is that the DPS of a Pallie is very low, and a person who knows how to play the Paladain can VERY easily get and keep aggro, no matter WHAT class is tanking. Yes, if there is a guardian/beserker in group standing in FRONT of the mob, there is a chance of aggro being pulled, but NEVER if the DPS class is BEHIND the mob, where the guardian/beserker can do up to 3x as much damage than if they are tanking.

So the question comes down to more if you are in an experienced group, or a group of n00bies, and I don't care how long that n00bie played EQLive/WoW/SWG/ ect. The majority of the reason a Pally heals is to heal SELF, because healing=aggro; all "divine" damage spells increase hate with undead. Fully over one third of all Pally spells increase hate (aggro) with mobs. The majority of the rest of the "tank" class spells are for increased DPS (or DoT's for SK's). But, a paladain woefully lacks in the DPS department. DPS does not equal the hate that a single heal will generate, and a pally that heals self before any other healer does has already than a guardian taunting his a@@ off.

Another thing to note... at level 50 a paladain gets "Zealous Preaching", a spell that increases hate towards the paladain from all enimies in that encounter. Every other class gets a DPS spell/ability. I would like to also note that guardians are the awesome at off tanking mobs, and SK's can do some serious damage when they tank.

This is not to say HP/damage mitigation/avoidence don't make a difference, and always the one with the best MITIGATION of damage tanks in every group I have been in. And this is not to say that the other classes can't tank, as they all can to some degree. But all things being equal, at the end game, paladains are the way to go.
#17 Mar 28 2005 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
Sorry Rowynn that's just not correct, Guardians have lousy DPS, they are purely defensive, have a range of taunts and the highest mitigation of all the tanks. On the contrary to what you say, SoE have always said that Guardians/Zerkers are the primary meatshields.

I'm sure some Pally players would like to comment on the relative DPS Smiley: grin
#18 Mar 29 2005 at 4:38 AM Rating: Decent
138 posts
I'm sorry but a Pally the best option at lvl 50? Now I haven't reached lvl 50 but if they weren't the best at lvl 10, 20, 30, or 40 what at lvl 50 besides 1 taunt skill makes them the best? Do Palladins have higher mitigation/avoidance/hp then guardians and berzerkers? Are you saying that a guardian or a berzerker can't take agro from a palladin? Actually, I'm betting that when my bruiser is 50 I could steal agro in a heartbeat from a palladin if I so choose.

I don't mean to flame you all that bad but you have got to give me a lot more then "I can heal myself and will have a taunt" to convince me that palladins are the best tank at lvl 50.
#19 Mar 30 2005 at 12:12 AM Rating: Decent
57 posts
Rowynn, paladin might be king of agro in WoW or EQ1, but not in EQ2. Do you have any idea how many pure agro generationg skills a guardian and berserker have. Also, when a berserker decided to grab agro, I don't think a paladin has much chance of getting agro back especially when it comes to group mobs. Besides, the zerker don't even have to continuously taunt. However, best tank on raid is still guardian since guardian is the most defensive tank. Paladin can fill in the role but not as good as a guardian.
#20 Apr 08 2005 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
I play a Paladin, currently lvl 23, and I don't know if Paladin is the worse tank class in the game, the best, or somewhere in the middle, simply because I have never played the other tank classes.

I can say that the few times I have grouped with other tanks classes, I have never seen anything that would lead me to believe that they are worse or better. Some players played poorly some did very well, but nothing I saw suggested to me that one class was inferior or superior.

I can say that from play experience, my DPS is low, but my DPA is very high. I have not grouped with a large enough cross section of the Rogues out there, to properly establish a "norm" or baseline, but the Rogues I have grouped with, for whatever various reasons, could not match their cumulative DPS to my DPA over time. Many times against a named mob, they will even get "Immune...Immune...Immune," responses. So far, I am lucky to say, I have never gotten an "Immune" from an enemy. In fact, of all the groups and duos I have been in, the only class (same or near same level) that has been able to consistently out damage me, is the mage classes.

I can say that I have done well overall, holding aggro in groups. The few times I have had problems, was caused more by my poor decisions, than character ability. With all the new spell I have, many doing very well at generating aggro, it is easier than ever.

I can say that almost every single group I have ever been in, I was chosen as the main tank, over other tanks, including Warriors, Guardians, and Monks. The primary reason, was because my mitigation and avoidance, both were the highest. This wasn't because my class is better, but because I had on better armor. If players don't continue to upgrade their armor, it doesn't matter how good the class is in theory.

I am not qualifed to answer your original question, which tank is best at 30, because I am not at level 30 yet, and because I have not played the other tank classes to level 30 either. I think it is fair to say, that most people have not. Perhaps there is someone out there who has and can give us a more objective opinion.

Regardless, I have had a great experience playing a Paladin and the biggest lesson I have learned, is that THE most important factor in determining how good a character is, is how well YOU choose to play them. I personally think you will have fun and do well, with any class you pick. Good luck, and let us know what you decide to go with.

Edited, Fri Apr 8 18:06:46 2005 by Kallirye
#21 Apr 11 2005 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
This is an interesting thread just to throw in my 2 cents I currently play a pally I havent reached 30 yet but im 26 and working on it I have two real life friend that I group with quite often one plays a zerker the other a guardian we are all roughly the same level all having pristine crafted armor I can say hands down that the guardian can take more damage than i can howerver I can out damage him. As for the zerker he can out damage me with ease but i can handle being beat on better than he can. So if your looking for the best tank hmm I would say they rank like this.

Guardian- best defense Tank
Bezerker- Best Offensive Tank
Pally- Right in the middle

They all have unique abilities that make each fun to play Look up the abilities and pick the one you think that will be most fun for you. Hope that helps ya a bit.
#22 Apr 12 2005 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
I havn't seen anyone mention it yet, but I play a pally, (26 atm) and I already have a kickass ability for keeping hate. Redemption, 2 con 25% of the targets hate gets transfered to the pally. Me and 2 friends trio as a pally, warden and warlock. all I have to do is slap a Redemp on the warden and I can hold hate through anything.
#23 Apr 14 2005 at 6:37 AM Rating: Default
Heya, 32 zerker here, just want to post my observations to see if it helps some of ya...

First - HP/AC

In my experience, the only difference between the AC/HP of the classes will be their equip. About 25 mins ago I was grouping with a paladin exactly my level with all the same armor (pristine forged feyiron vanguard) and similar quality of trinkets - neck, ears etc. He had 16 hp more than me, and I had 12 AC more than him and I put that down to pure stat differences on items.

having said that, he was a barbarian and i am a gnome so either my items were slightly better than his (to compensate for the sta bonus as a barbarian) or zerkers are just better.

There is a similar occurence with guardians, the differences, if any, are tiny and normally result from equipment.

Second - Aggro

As a berserker when tanking i have never, i repeat NEVER had any problems whatsoever keeping aggro. Even if i am not tanking, and using no taunting skills or abilities whatsoever I occasionally find myself pulling aggro from the tanker. If, however, I choose to take aggro on an encounter (which rarely happens) there is nothing at all the supposed MT can do about it. Possibly this is due to my...

Third - damage

What can i say, berserkers are definately the highest-damage fighter class (except bruisers, don't know about monks haven't grouped with them much). Again on the excursion I just went on was running my parser. I routinely achieved over 60 dps and that's not just on group mobs. In almost all the fights over a period of two hours i outdamaged both the assassin and the conjuror.

I know everybody seems very angered by the thought of a tank that can do damage, but what would you rather have? A tank that does very little damage, or a tank with the same HP/AC that can keep aggro easily and does more damage than an assassin?

Berserkers sacrifice almost nothing for their damage. Sure, paladins can heal themselves, but who needs that when you have a proper healer in the group? Guardians have more group-protecting abilities, but who needs that when nobody but you gets touched?

All the tanks do things different ways, but IMO berserkers are the best. Granted i'm bias (being a berserker), but in view of their similar (if not identical) hp/ac, the massive aggro-ability and their huge damage I don't think my bias is unfair. I am perfectly happy (as a healer) grouping with any of the other tanking classes, but I feel a little more comfortable with a berserker.

hope this helps someone.

Anyone would do fine as well.

*slaps his 2cp on the counter*

#24 Apr 22 2005 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
There is no best class tank. If the player sucks, the tanking will suck. Now if everything that could possibly alter the outcome of a fight was equal except for the class, thats different. In that case, plate tanks are better with a templar, brawlers are better with a mystic. Wards set your AC to 0 while they are in effect so naturally the avoidance will be more neccesary. Aggro can be easily held by any player worth his salt with at least an adept 1 single taunt and encounter taunt. I am a 42 monk and I rarely lose aggro despite what some people may say. When it comes to the types of encounters, Any fighter below level 50 can tank any encounter equally, be it epic/heroic/solo. All depends on the skills of the players and the quality of their toons equipment/skills. Post 50, if it is epicx2 or lower, still equal. Epicx4 or higher, go with a plate only because avoidance tapers down at that extreme end.
#25 Apr 24 2005 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
im a gurdian but i agree that zerkers are the best if played right.
#26 Jul 09 2005 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
kildarner wrote:
Yes, under normal, safe, boring circumstances a Pally or SK will hold agro just fine. During those "oh god" moments where you get a huge pull the only thing I want infront of me is a Berzerker or Guardian. For just pure, group, straight up tanking ability they are the best at it. Fighting an epic encounter? Give me a berzerker or guardian. No offense to Pally and SK, they are great classes in their own right and have some really nice, usefull, fun abilities. Pure tanking though goes to the big 2.

I think you are limiting yourself to a specific group set up, and frankly I would not want to group with someone who thinks like you do anyway. I have been up against all kind of mobs both in raids and regular, groups or solo and I have never had a problem with controlling the encounter. It depends on who is playing what, but I know how to play my Paladin and I know I can keep or get aggro from anyone. There for example is a nice spell called Rescue that gives you one up on the hate meter over anyone no matter who it is, or what they have done. There are alot of Spell/ Combat Arts like Intervene and the like that give me more hate than I can shake a stick at. It depends on if you know what spells/ combat arts you have and if they are still App2 or Adp4 or Masters. I know you think this class or that class is better, but do not be so narrow-minded and think this is it, life is good I got be a gosh darn Guardian tanking woohoo.. I could careless really about how you feel.. unlike you I can just go solo and level just fine and then I get to keep the loot all to myself. If there is a Guardian or even a Berserker who is higher level than me I will defer to them as mt, but if I am higher I will take control. I keep all my gear in the Orange, and I always try and keep any spell/ combat art at Adept 1 or Adept 3,4 and if I see it I grab a Master which is where I try and make all my wards, heals, and buffs, but not all spells etc are worth upgrading and you have to know how to play or know your play style to figure this out. Anyway I have never lost aggro for more than 5 seconds and that is for alot of the reasons stated above, trigger happy Wizards, Clerics who do those stupid proc heals and other buffs right as I pull or have oulled but not set aggro, or people that stop to gather and grab aggro from a pop, people who wander away or go afk from or in the pull area. As long as people have their wits about them, and the Paladin knows what they are doing I can tank in any situation, or zone. Knowing what you are doing is the key here, not class, or level, or race.. anyone who thinks so should go back to playing Monopoly or something..
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