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EQ Marketing ProblemsFollow

#1 Mar 13 2005 at 10:13 PM Rating: Decent
387 posts
I think I know why EQII did not bring as great a crowd as EQI. I believe that Sony did not market EQII at all. This made it that the majority of the people that knew about EQII were from EQI. About 75% of EQI players didn't like EQ2. About 25% of these players quit both games. This a major faliure on sony's part. They lost EQI players and didn't get as many EQ2 Players. I think that if they were to have comercials for EQII, then people would come that played other MMORPGs, didn't play MMORPGs, or are just started playing online games. IMHO, this would lead to major success.
#2 Mar 13 2005 at 10:27 PM Rating: Good
71 posts
#3 Mar 14 2005 at 2:09 AM Rating: Good
4,445 posts
Alot of people started playing Eq2, but since launch they have just about 100% changed the rules of the game. Alot of peopel quit after the giant nerf patch a few weeks ago. This is the patch that made soloing heroic mobs harder, the patch that made every single worth while item Attuneable, and the patch that made tradeskilling more expensive with less reward. Since that patch I have had no desire to level my now lvl 20 tailor. Fuel cost for tier 3 items went from 7copper to like 50ish copper (which adds up quick) and the value of the finished products is less then what a lvl 10 sage can make selling tier 1 spells. I can make tier 2 backpacks (which is the most valueable item I make ATM) and sell them sometimes at 25 silver. However a lvl 10 sage can sell tier 1 spells for almost 1 gold sometimes.

It just seems like there is more negative from Eq2 patchs then possitive as far as the changes go. When eq1 was the king MMORPG they could get by with doing whatever they wanted, but now they got WOW to deal with, FF11, etc. They are not the only game in town, and frankly I think they need to learn how to treat there paying customers. I read once where WOW had a day or 2 of downtime and gave there players free gametime over it. Id probably have a heart attack of SOE would ever do that.

#4 Mar 14 2005 at 11:43 AM Rating: Good
I read once where WOW had a day or 2 of downtime and gave there players free gametime over it. Id probably have a heart attack of SOE would ever do that.

To be fair, they actually did do this. Some time ago, not long after the game was released, all servers were down for about 30 hours or so, they increased all experience gained during two days quite substantially. I think there was free gametime included, but not sure as I was still playing in my free month.

(edited to add: and I am one of the people who left EQ I to play EQ II and have now quit both, just wanted to browse the forums one more time)

Edited, Mon Mar 14 11:43:54 2005 by Zieveraar
#5 Mar 14 2005 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
387 posts
Personally, I think that EQ players weren't ready for EQII. I say this meaning that they found it too hard. EQII sounds about as hard as EQ in the original to kunark era. I am thinking of trying out EQII. When I do, I will update this thread.
#6 Mar 15 2005 at 5:07 AM Rating: Good
4,445 posts
Eq2 is harder in some ways. I imagine alot of this is just because players can't twink themselves, but also mobs hit ALOT harder then they did in eq1. Lvl 27ish no arrow mobs can actually hit for 200 some damage if Im not mistaken. Tanks and even scouts can mitigate some of this damage, but a caster can not. The level 27ish ^^ mobs can hit upwards of 500 and 600 damage.

While doign the haddens earring quest I was invis exploring a boat trying to get the earring. Well I knew a mob would spawn, but it was supposed to not see invis. Anyways a ^^ blue mob spawned and it took my lvl 32 adept 3 pet down within 10 seconds, then it killed me in about 3 or 4 hits.. And it was BLUE!! In eq1 you didn't see mobs hit this hard till they was well into lvl 50. I know eq2 has a whole different system for gear and such, but still as a caster you drop faster at lvl 30 in eq2 then you ever did in eq1. Even if you had average gear in eq1 you still would live longer. I mean in eq1 you could easily get by doing a LDON group at lvl 35 or less without a healer, yet in eq1 you can't hardly get a group going past lvl 20 without 1 healer, sometimes they even need 2!! This creates a major problem when your trying to throw a group together, cause like eq1 you are always trying to find the healer.

I still enjoy eq2, don't get me wrong. Just saying this seems to be how it is. I imagine by the time I am lvl 40+ a yellow con mob will have the power to drop me in about 2 hits lol.

#7 Mar 15 2005 at 7:18 AM Rating: Good
30 posts
Well, that's really not an example of the game being hard but more of an example of you having a false sense of security because you were invis. My guess is that you ran into a blue con group mob and yes, they mobs will kill a solo player every time at any point in the game. Best just to avoid or get a group.

Personally, I just don't see why people say EQ II is hard. I've been playing the game about three weeks and I have been flying through crafting and leveling. Sure the crafting system is a little hard to grasp at first but that's only a minor frustation once you get started. In fact, I level so fast that I spend a lot of time just exploring and harvesting items just for the heck of it. I hardly even feel the need to try to level as it seems to happen on its own. Maybe its just my style of play but EQ is/was way way harder than EQ II, especially when it comes to solo content and leveling. Believe me, I played a troll back when they had the old xp penalty and every freaking time I turned around I was getting smacked of the head by a guard and being aggroed by yard trash. Don't even get my started on combat. A tough Solo mob in EQ can take forever to kill, its easy to get aggro during that process, and the resist and fizzle rates would totally **** me off. Crafting in old EQ sucks worse than in EQ II. Why? Becaue 99 percent of the items are worthless in EQ. In EQ II the crafting system is built into character development, i.e. you can make your own spells, skills, or food stuffs from the beginning that actually enhance your abilities. Wow, what a novel idea :D. Hell, in EQ II there's even the lovely sprint option to run away. I mean you can't even die in the game unless you get hit by a caster since you can always just run away. How much easier does it get people? Essentially they eliminated the number one cause of death from the game right there. In EQ if you don't have SOW your toast in a solo situation where you have to flee unless you can zone. And has anybody else notice the difference in the aggro range between the two games? The aggro range of a typical mob in EQ 2 is very small so that unless you just stumble onto a mob or are not paying attention, you probably don't have anything to worry about. Last night I was harvesting all over with red con as far as the eye could see and I never once got aggro. Maybe I'm missing something but EQ II the more I play it the more I beginning to see that this game is something of a masterpiece with its depth built over just basically a kick-*** graphics engine. I predict before it is all over that EQ II will dominate WoW and most of the old EQ players will migrate to EQ. Right now EQ II is the best kep secret in all of gaming and hey, I'm happy with that. More content for me. I'm probably gonna log onto my EQ account tonight and try to get some of my buddies to make the switch though. The only reason they haven't is because they are in love with their characters they've built up over the last 4 freaking years. Obcessed I tell ya!
#8 Mar 16 2005 at 3:15 AM Rating: Decent
Amen to that!

So many people seem to have forgot how hard EQ1 was and glorify it and say EQ2 is so much worse.

So many people whining about EQ2 forget that EQ1 is very old game with 8 expansions. Dont compare the games, its not fair!

EQ > EQ2 >>> WoW
but EQ2 is new and have no expansions and I do belive that in 1 or 2 expansions
EQ2 >>>>>>> EQ1 > WoW
will be true. No game has so much potentiall as EQ2 has.
The gfx engine alone is built so it can be upgraded which means even in 2 years people might still not be able to run the game on max settings because they will have added so much nice eyecandy.
Ohh.. SoW is so slow! /cry
Well ffs, game is capped at lvl 200 so if SoW was any faster then it is wtf would the lvl 150 runspeed buff be like? You would run from qeynos to TS in 2 seconds?

I feel its sad people giving up so early in the game, most who give up have not even hit lvl 30. Sad imo, they dont know what they are missing.
Hopefully alot will comeback when a expansion or two is released.
#9 Mar 16 2005 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
I understand praising the game you enjoy playing. I also understand defending it against those that would tarnish its good name. What I want to know is what YOU believe is the reason that EQ2 is currently (well, as of February) number 6 in Market Share. From what I read, it appears that most people that play EQ2 say its the best game ever with the most potential. If this is so, please explain the following.

Please note, I am not attacking anyone or any game. I simply want to know what your feelings are about the current ranking. If EQ2 is really the next level of gaming, why do you believe its number 6 in total number of subscribers. This in no way is a justification or 'proof' that a specific game is better/worse than the rest. I simply want to know what you believe are the cause(s) for this ranking.

Lineage 1 25.6% market share with 2,085,385 subscribers
Lineage 2 25.3% market share with 2,065,187 subscribers
WoW 15.3% market share with 1,250,000 subscribers
FFXI 6.7% market share with 550,000 subscribers
EQ 5.1% market share with 420,000 subscribers
EQ2 3.8% market share with 310,000 subscribers

SOE made an announcement on 3/1 that they have 350,000 players logging in weekly. These figures have not been added to the total list since I do not know how many more/less players the rest of the games have added/lost.

So my question again, what is driving the top games to be number 1? Is it really the marketing? Are MMORPG players simply being told what to play through marketing?

On a side note, I would really love to see numbers on player attrition on these games. It would be interesting to see if most players stop playing after the free month, 2 months, 6 months or year. Also, did in-game patches or updates cause players to join/leave the games?
#10 Mar 16 2005 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
There's a very good reason for not having a huge marketing campaign prior to launching a game like EQ2. Enormous numbers trying to log in on day one adds to the possiblity of server crash, and login congestion.

The numbers between EQ1 and 2 are not all that different; I think SoE would be very happy with the performance of EQ2 so far.

As for WoW, we all accept that it's an easier game to play than EQ2 and many people obviously find it a lot of fun. I'd be willing to bet the players in WoW have a much younger average age than the EQ2 average.

Also you can blow through WoW very quickly. So the question is, will Blizzard be able to maintain its player base with expansions? I'm thinking they'll have a fairly large player turnover and many of those guys will come to EQ2.

EQ2 I predict will continue to grow and go from strength to strength. Wouldn't be surprised to see future larger expansions of EQ2 widely promoted.
#11 Mar 16 2005 at 5:52 PM Rating: Decent
I cannot imagine why anyone would ever say EQ2 is HARDER than EQ1. That's crazy talk in my mind.

EQ1 - hard to solo, you usually need a group, or you have to play one of a few character classes that solo well.

EQ2 - I can solo or duo virtually all content up till now, with only a few times were I needed a group to accomplish a goal. I group more than I need to, but I could solo a lot of the stuff I do in groups.

EQ1 - tradeskills are easier, but you have less control over the end result.

EQ1 - massive amounts of the game are shut down from all but the highest end players. If you can't devote the time to be a heavy raider, you aren't going to see these zones. That's fine, its a philosophy, but as a non-power gamer, I won't see those zones. I'm not willing to put in that level of effort required to get access.

EQ2 - Nothing so far that I can't get access to, with a single group, or less. Basically anyone can get access to anything, so far nothing that requires powergaming.

Maybe in the high 40s there is such content, but I haven't heard of it.

EQ1 - mob cons are deceptive and have little to do with how hard a mob is going to be to kill.

EQ2 - relatively consistent mob cons, thus far mobs are roughly as hard as I expect them to be based on con color and arrows. A few exceptions (usually when a mob is easier than con indicates)

Anyway, I am getting off topic, my point is, I don't see how anyone can say EQ2 is harder than EQ1. Unless you played one of the extreme solo capable classes, like necro, then yes, EQ2 is harder.

#12 Mar 17 2005 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
Well, a couple of thoughts.

Lineage and Lineage II pull most of their subscribers from Korea where many of their players play from internet cafes so its numbers are entirely misleading. Essentially anybody can walk it and create an account. Even if Lineage does have 2 gazillion accounts created which is where they get that figure from what I understand their max simultaneous numbers are not much better than EQ's. Also unlike EQ and Everquest 2 where players must first buy the game and setup an account, the Lineage software is free in Korea and players can pay a fee to play at internet cafes and not for an actual account. The numbers are ridiculously inflated. If Sony counted every box that EQ and EQ 2 solded their numbers would be up in the millions too. Let me put it this way. How many people do you know that actually play Lineage or Lineage II? I can tell you personally that I have not met one single person in my life nor do I know a single person that even owns the game but I know tons of people that play EQ and have multiple accounts and multiple copies of the game. I myself have four EQ accounts and own 3 different copies of EQ inculing expansions but Sony only counts the two accounts I have active right now in its numbers.

Second of all, Everquest 2 does not compete directly with either FFXI or EQ because they are both owned by Sony. When you factor in the fact that FFXI was mainly geared toward the console market and the fact that EQ is going the way of the dinosaur because of its very dated graphics then you will see that Sony really only has one serious competitor in North America and that is WoW.

As far as WoW I doubt if you asked anybody who has honestly sat down and played both games you will find too many that think WoW has greater long term content. Sure WoW is a great game but it is not very challenging and nor does it offer very much visually. The graphics are cute but nothing special. My guess is that a large part of its early success is based upon the Blizzard name from past titles like Diablo, Warcraft and Starcraft and not content. This is a double edged sword of course. A lot of its subscribers are probably new to MMOG's and its just a matter of time before they expand their playing experience to other titles in the genre. Chances are the first game they'll pick up at Wal-Mart or Best Buy will be EQ 2. Once more people have both games I think you'll see where EQ 2's forward thinking in terms of the graphics engine and extended content will begin to pay off in the long term. Right now, WoW has sprinted out of the gate but how will the fair in the long term once more people have upgraded their PC's and have maxed out their third character on WoW? What then? More PVP? What if EQ 2 offers PvP in an expansion then what?
#13 Apr 15 2005 at 3:38 AM Rating: Decent
178 posts
I played EQ for about a grand total of one hour a little over a month ago after having played EQ2 for an equal amount of time, for the first time.

I have to say, based on that small amt of time I spent playing EQ2, I decided that I didnt even want to get into EQ1. I found EQ2 to be much more interesting, fun, and easier to play. Maybe it's cuz I didn't get into the meat of EQ1, but as I said, I at that point had played both versions an equal amt of time.

I'm loving EQ2!

I agree that SOE should put more effort into the marketing of EQ2. It's a great game that deserves to be publicized more widely. I DID see a commercial ad for it while in Best Buy recently, being broadcast on a huge wall of flatscreen tvs, which was encouraging.
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